
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Lynn Farney

Are attorneys of Miscavology pleading the 5th too?

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Dearest Marty, my one and only, I am thinking of you.

I am aware that you know too that anything that looks business-like in regards of Scientology is also secretly ordered by the men behind Germany. They try to get rid of religion as they don’t want people to have a conscience or worship anyone but medical doctors, psychs, neuro-“scientists” and Germans, particularly Bavarians. And as Scientology has the potential to make people smarter, actually, so smart that they still existing Nazi doctors can’t hide anymore, they decide to have Scientology infiltrated and altered before people are getting smart enough to bust the SEGNPMSS.           

Thinking back to the time around 1995 when I sued Miscavology to obtain nothing but information about your whereabouts from the C of S, David Miscavige was already more than 10 years the top non-Scientologist of the Church of Scientology, Mike Rinder, was the top non-Scientologist of OSA, and your impostor infiltrated your position in the RTC for at least 5 years. What a corruption! I am still upset that nobody answered to my mail asking about your whereabouts and that I had to file a complaint against Scientology. After all, I am a real Scientologist and they are not and never were. And despite filing a lawsuit, I still didn’t get the answer!  

The IAS statutes says that the IAS unites Scientologists. I am a lifetime IAS member, and I bet you too, Marty. However, we were not just not united by these non-Scientologists who invade and destroy our applied religious philosophy, we are actively conspired against by these lawless infiltrators in favor of Germany. Germany controls every ear-implant.     

It is impossible that David Miscavige, Mike Rinder, your impostor, or the C of S lawyers didn’t know of my case (in which Lynn Farney submitted a deliberately unspecific affidavit that likely was drawn up by C of S attorneys) who likely also hired the expensive attorneys in SLC to get rid of my case instead of simply telling me where you are. 

It is unbelievable. We are IAS members and married Scientologists and not allowed to see each other because as I know Germany orders infiltrators of Scientology and C of S attorneys to conspire against us. And the latter are officers of the court for crying out loud.  

I think they withheld important data from you and important data from me and are contributing to your wrongful incarceration and that we can’t see each other. I wonder if the C of S attorneys are pleading the 5th.

It is time to put the guilty persons behind bar and let you, the innocent, go.  

I love you. Be kissed, tenderly and passionately. You rock, Marty!

Forever yours,


P.S. Listening to below song makes me wonder in what a degree DM orders the C of S attorneys and to what a degree they order him and the C of S.  Whatever it is, it is in our and Scientology’s and even the US’s  and the world’s disadvantage, and Germany is behind it.  

David Miscavige throwing C of S attorneys under the bus?

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Dearest Marty, my marvelous Prince, husband, and soulmate?

I am thinking often about how your life is and what happened since we saw each other the last time. I also feel that you talk to me spiritually. I wish I could hear you word for word but what I clearly get is that I live as deep in your heart as I live in yours, and this after all these years. Who says that there are no OTs and miracles?   

As the SEGNPMSS wants me to leave the USA (and doing them a favor is the LAST thing on my mind), and as it is a SEGNPMSS-ruled world, nobody tells anything about your whereabouts and your mail, messages, letters, anything at all, that your representatives are sending me, is not forwarded to me by anyone.

But thanks to the real Ron and original Scientology, I won the ability to know what nobody told me. US intelligence officials work against us real Americans for the SEGNPMSS instead of using our abilities to me the USA safer. We could be priceless assets to the USA as we see things as others don’t.       

Back to David Misavige. Let’s concentrate on him, the “ecclesiastical leader” (cough, cough) how he likes to call himself.

Here is what I think happened:

  1. After infiltrators forced me to leave Los Angeles and the Sea Org in 1984, Germany filed a wrongful lawsuit against you behind my back. They were using psychiatric-conditioned RB for this too. What ever was filed against you before 1986 was filed without knowledge of RB or my sister because they didn’t even know of your existence before 1986. I remember very clearly that my sister entered my room in 1986 and asked me: Who is Marty? RB didn’t knew your name either. I didn’t tell anyone your name because I didn’t want RB to cause you any troubles. Anyway, despite I was in contact with “Scientologists” all the time, no message of you or any attorney on your behalf ever was handed to me. I would have hurried to your defense. There was NEVER a time, when the orgs didn’t knew where to reach me, and we never were on no-speaking terms until I left Germany forever at the end of 1989.    
  2. Instead of helping you after Germany set you up, I came to the conclusion that DM let you down. Blatant violation of our Code of Honor. As David Misavige is no Scientologist (accepted Scientology from Ron’s impostor), it is no surprise. Instead of making it a priority to reach me in Germany to get this wrongful case against you dismissed, he had other fish to fry.     
  3. Germany put Spain up to arrest you on additional false charges after they figured that you plan to come to Germany (without violating any restraining order) to contact me via lawyers. Knowing Germany, I suspect that they issued a restraining order against you. This was also done behind my back because I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO HEAR FROM YOU! A RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST YOU WAS THE LAST I EVER WANTED!!) Germany had Spain arrest you (cowardly SEGNPMSS hides most of the time behind other nations and uses them) so that you can’t see me in Germany. Although that there were communications between the C of S attorneys and the attorneys that you hired, Marty, I believe they did little to nothing to help you. And a lot has to do with David Miscavige who pays the attorneys big sums and could have directed the C of S attorneys to effectively help. Despite that you took the fall in Spain for the C of S (they arrested you on what the orgs allegedly did, despite you had nothing to do with the finances), I believe that DM left your defense completely to yourself. Instead of being defended and set free by the C of S attorneys, I think you had to hire your own attorneys. And not just that, they even conspired behind your back against you and me.
  4. After I got no answers to my letters to various executives in the orgs about your whereabouts, I sued Miscavology for information on you, briefly after I settled in Salt Lake City. This was a clear eye-opener who badly the orgs are infiltrated by non-Scientologists. I was a Scientologist in good standing. I am an IAS member. The IAS promises to unite Scientologists. But not you and me, apparently. I didn’t sue C of S for cash. Not one cent. I don’t need 20.000 watches and designer clothes like DM. All I want is to know what happened to you. Instead of telling me where you are and getting you released from wrongful incarceration, DM, Mike Rinder, and your impostor, Cheray’s or Anne’s husband, now Monique’s husband, hire an expensive law firm to kick my pro-se action out of court with providing the odd “Lynn Farney” affidavit. As judges are having ear-implants too and obey to the SEGNPMSS, my case was and the appeals were dismissed. One corrupt world it is. Anyway, most blame goes to David Miscavige as one word of this baboon, and these SLC attorneys were never hired. He is broadly known for micro-management of “Scientology”. He rather wastes Sea Org money to hire attorneys but telling a Scientologist where her soulmate is. But anyone else involved has the similar dirty hands. I also suspect that the main attorneys of C of S knew of my case and that they knew that German case filed against you impossibly could be true. Yet, they work against us. Here is the “victim” who is searching the “perpetrator” because she loves him and has flashes of memories coming back to her being married to him before her memory was psychiatric removed. What monsters are these people anyhow to stand between us?       
  5. And then, there is the thing with the IRS. His Cobness, and your impostor visiting the IRS and “settle” any C of S dispute and reach the non-profit status. (They “won” it because the SEGNPMSS approved it as the Sea Org reserves are in Europe and not in the USA. Germany does not want to pay taxes to IRS for what they consider Germany’s money, even if it is stolen by Germany from the USA to Europe by transmitting in the ears of the infiltrators of Scientology to wire all the Sea Org reserves to Europe.)
  6. Briefly after it was all over the media, I strongly assume that your attorneys asked C of S attorneys who that man is who uses your name. And that is the real reason why  your impostor, Cheray’s or Anne’s husband, now Monique’s husband, blew. He didn’t want to be deposed why he claims to be you. And like Germany, DM hides behind others, by saying that he had nothing to do with it. I guess she said he thought it was you after you were released from your wrongful incarceration. What a lousy leader of Scientology is that anyway who does not apply the basics of the tonescale. It is so easy with the tonescale to figure that you are not Mosey’s husband. Your personalities couldn’t more different. I am able to see on photos often who is the original and who is the impostor or doppelganger. This is also how I saw that President Obama got only Osama’s doppelganger and not the real terrorists. A real Scientologist can read personalities, but when DM claimed that he thought it is you, then he admits that he is no Scientologist as he has not our abilities.
  7. Monique’s husband said later that DM begged him to come back and awarded him with a cruise on the Freewinds and free training. I assume that DM denies it. Although that your impostor is a liar, I am convinced that this statement is correct. Think of this, Marty, he begs your impostor to stay in Scientology! This is how much His Cobness plots against Scientology and us. And I am sure that DM left you in the dark that your impostor remained in Scientology without that your representatives could depose him.  
  8. Then there was the rumor put out by the SEGNPMSS that you would be dead, but I would have felt it, if true. I wasted some years communicating with Scientology haters on Usenet, and after some years (!) I received anonymous messages by a person who indicated that he is similarly disgusted by the haters of Scientology as I am. He mailed me one time some information with the mail but it had a postal stamp on it that was not from a city with a Sea Org. I believe the state was Nevada. Of course he could have sent it from LA or the Int Base to some person in Nevada and then to me, but I gave him the benefit of a doubt. It wasn’t Mike Rinder as the writer was kinder. He didn’t have Rinder’s scornful personality. But I always wondered why he didn’t give me his real name. I am a Scientologist, he is one, so what is the deal with the anonymity if there is nothing to hide? Then, one day, Andy (the Canadian who had Thunderstar) told me at the phone: “Gabino cares about you a great deal…”. I found it quite odd that he tells Andy who he is but not me. Now, I was sure that I was dealing not with a private concerned Scientologist but with OSA. I asked my penfriend about your whereabouts. He promised me to check it out but I never got an answer. I have not heard from him in approx. 10 years. One of the last messages that he sent me is that Monique’s husband is indeed an impostor. But short before Rinder blew, I also got a message from my antonymous penfriend who used remailers to write to me. I can’t recall the message word for word at the moment (I still have it somewhere) but it was basically saying that Mike Rinder suffers under the bad postings that Anti-Scientologist make about him. Apparently, my penfriend got a bit more careless to hide that he is OSA.  In other words: Mike Rinder didn’t tell me about you, but wanted me to improve his reputation on the Internet. Yes, it is outrageous from side of Mike Rinder. It was the false message to write to me as I have seen Mike Rinder in videos, while he still was in Scientology and always was of the opinion that he is not a Scientologist and stupid and shouldn’t be on staff at all. And on top of all, Rinder has my name written (via Fritz Kavenaar) without my knowledge and agreement in his idiotic secret service programs, and after he learned that I am anything but charmed by him, use his own programs against me by publishing it on your impostor’s blog. They are agents. I am not. Not just DM needs his behind legally kicked. 
  9. Something else must have happened in 2004, when Monique’s husband blew a second time. I assume that you found out that your impostor stayed in Scientology because DM personally arranged it. You tried to despose him via your own attorneys, and how conveniently, DM and the Miscavologists didn’t produce him as he “blew” again!               
  10. Around this time, C of S publishes a photo of you in a RTC publication in your 40s. I was happy to see this photo but it was also very confusing as it implied that I was wrong and you not wrongfully incarcerated. 
  11. There were some posts on ARS from Chuck Beatty (he blames the real Ron on what his impostor did or didn’t do) saying he has knowledge about you as to what happened to you but nothing that he wrote made me recognize you, Marty. After a few years low-key, Monique’s husband posts on the Scientology hate message board “Ex Scientologist Message” and from his style, I could definitely tell that he was not you.     
  12. Then your impostor did the “Truth Rundown” (some “truth) in the St. Peterburg Times, he had his heydays as an “Independent Scientologist” (year right), then as “no Scientologist” and even making down the founder, then he even flirted with a “course” to leave Scientology, which could be portrayed as “deprogramming”, and finally another 360 grade turn, he is pro Miscavology again. (He even worked with the German government together against SCN. Germany! That set up the legal cases against you and knew better than any country that Monique’s husband is an impostor as it is the country behind sending him into SCN as your impostor in the first place!) While he is filmed speaking pro Miscavology, his eyes wander to two people behind the camera. One doesn’t see the people (typical) who interview him, but the surrounding is a law office, imo. 
  13. During all these years of mudslinging in the public between David Miscavige, Mike Rinder, and your impostor, these three, the “other Troika” kept conspiring all the time about your whereabouts and your wrongful incarceration so that I can’t come to your rescue and you can’t come to mine. And no rescue can come to Scientology, Scientologists or the world.  No Scientologist would do this to another one. But lawless agents do. Keeping my blog down in the search engines is also in the interest of DM, Monique’s husband, and Mike Rinder, and DM is doing just that. 
  14. And now, after the world is convinced that Monique’s husband and Monique got paid big sums by DM, and very suspiciously, not even the former attorneys of Monique’s husband and Monique go forward to sue these two to be paid for one million dollars of legal work, I assume that David Miscavige throws the C of S attorneys under the bus by claiming that he knew nothing and that your impostor was paid by them and OSA staff without his knowledge. Yeah right! Who is he micro manager kidding? It reminds me to what Trump said about his attorney’s payment to S. Daniels. Except that your impostor and his wife for sure got a hell of a lot more cash than she got. With Scientology money, DM pays C of S attorneys regularly fortunes. However, as they are officers of the court, they are not allowed to whitewash DM if he has dirty hands. Will they make the lawful decision or will they go down with him?     

         I have no official knowledge of what happens on your side or within the C of S, Marty. But I have OT intuitions, like you, and I can’t image my life without them. So glad to be a real Scientologists.

Be tender and passionately kisses, Marty. I love you.

Yours forever,


In my 1993 law suit, I didn’t ask C of S for a dime. All I wanted was your contact address to help you, Marty. Didn’t get it despite IAS promise to reunite Scientologists!

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Dearest unforgettable Prince Marty,

How are you on this January day? I have more snow but I am alright.

What really bothers me is that I don’t know how you are, where you are and that we are separated. There was still no mail, message, note, letter, card, anything by you and/or of your behalf for me, but I feel that you have hired a law firm to reach me. Even at the C of S and their attorneys level,  where anybody should help you, the real Scientologist, help and honesty isn’t happening either.

Evidently, they know mine and your whereabouts. They know that I want nothing more but seeing you, and they know that I am your relief witness, and they know where you are being wrongfully held (according to  my advanced abilities).

Imagine the files of these attorneys! In some files, it says that I can’t be found as your witness and that I am presumably dead, in the other files it says that I should be used to handle the enemies of the C of S, in yet other files it says that I sued the C of S once. What a mess! And everything only because they don’t want to be truthful!

You and they know that I never sued the orgs on that Scientology is no religion because as by the real Ron, it is very much so one. I never sued to get money back or damages. I ASKED FOR NO DIME. But after I received no response to my letters to C of S executives about your whereabouts, I sued the infiltrated management of the C of S in 1993 on not telling me where you are.

I am a lifetime IAS member, Marty. I joined in the mid 80s. One big purpose of the IAS is to unify Scientologists.

The IAS is made up of individual Scientologists who desire to change conditions on this planet for the better. Its purpose is: To unite, advance, support and protect the Scientology religion and Scientologists in all parts of the world, so as to achieve the aims of Scientology as originated by L. Ron Hubbard.

It sure didn’t happen as far as we are concerned. That case that I filed 1993 was handled by Snow, Christiansen & Martineau in SLC and on behalf of the C of S it was handled by Lynn Farney. He knows for sure what C of S lawyers were involved. And I can’t imagine that Mosey’s husband, Mike Rinder and DM where not also involved in getting rid of my case without to honoring the purpose of the IAS to unify and protect us. And I can’t imagine that the case was not coordinated also with the usual C of S attorneys!

C of S paid the attorneys thousands of dollars to get rid of my case, money from the SO reserves that should be rather used to build a better world. One word of them, telling me where you are, and I would have withdrawn that case in a heartbeat. I hated to file a case against the C of S because that was once Ron’s org. But I decided to let it play out because figured that one day it will show how badly the orgs are infiltrated by corrupt non-Scientologists doing this to fellow Scientologists despite the IAS says that one of its purposes is to reunite and protect Scientologists. My ONLY demand of the C of S was to know where you are. I asked them of NOTHING else. What a shame for the DM management and the today’s Impostorologists. Makes one really wonder when a church hires lawyers preventing to let their members meet again. And changing the camp doesn’t make these non-Scientologists innocent.

One sentence of them: Barbara, Marty is incarcerated in ______ (place of your incarceration), and I would have withdrawn the case, and they would not had to hire attorneys. It would have cost them NOTHING but the truth. But keeping us apart was (is) worth any price in the world for these infiltrators. Ron would never leave Scientology in the “care” of these kind of unethical and conspiring people. He would turn them over to the authorities.

That is quite something, isn’t it? They don’t want me together with you but want me working for them on programs of which they don’t tell me that they exist and for which they should get my written permission to include my name in them!

I don’t remember the Lynn Farney affidavit anymore word for word (files are in storage) at the moment but it was written in very general terms. He was basically saying that he has knowledge that I am not married to Mark Rathbun. But he concealed that Mosey’s husband is not the original Mark Rathbun in Scientology.  One of the top SEGNPMSS orders is keeping us apart, and just about anyone including judges are controlled by their ear implants, so C of S infiltrators knew that they would win that case. But what a win is that? Keeping two good and real Scientologists apart is not a win for Scientology or anybody who participates in this shameful conspiracy.

DM got a motivator too. If he would have helped you and me instead of promoting the impostor on your post, the RTC Inspector General for Ethics, he wouldn’t have to deal with him today. Just as Ron said, after the overt follows the motivator. Mosey’s husband will also pull things in. He should have known that impostor activities are coming to haunt him.

I don’t know if Lynn Farney met you, Marty. If he (like DM, Mike Rinder, Haydn James and a number of others) did, he knows 100% that he was a doppelganger/impostor and not you. In 1993, Mosey’s husband had overtaken your position in the RTC. So, Farney was certainly addressing him, even if he knew that he wasn’t you and that I wasn’t looking for the doppelganger. Mosey’s husband didn’t write an affidavit. I think he avoided it for a number of reasons but mainly because he knew that he isn’t you. He probably would have written an affidavit if the judge would have insisted. In this affidavit, he would have said that he wasn’t ever married to me (which is true but he would have concealed that he isn’t you and that you)  but we were married by Ron in St. Hill before we were ambushed by the SEGNPMSS and before our minds were emptied by psychs.  Farney’s cover up was enough for the biased judge. This judge really sucked and DM, Mike Rinder, Mosey’s husband, and Lynn Farney counted that overt product on their stats, I am sure.

Mike Rinder might be knee-deep involved in that conspiracy too. He was in charge of OSA in 1993. He could have made the decision to tell me where you are. But he didn’t. He approved to hire attorneys against me.  And something else about him. I think not just DM saw us getting married in the UK but Mike Rinder was there too. We all were teenager but everyone old enough to know what one was doing. I believe he saw the real Ron marrying the two of us but is covering it up with fellow other infiltrators and current impostorologists. And he knows that Jack Vistaril was the Apollo impostor and not the real Ron. And he knows that Mosey’s husband is your impostor and not you, the original Marty in Scientology.

They all coordinated the cover up but now turned against each other, typically for infiltrators. They still are conspiring together against us, Marty. Current infiltrators, former infiltrators, so-called critics, so-called Independents, they hate each others but still cover up the truth about Ron and us because their psych case officer orders that through their ear implants. And then they wonder that I don’t like them and don’t want to be associated with either side!

One thing is really incomprehensible, Marty. These guys know that Jack Visaril was not the real Ron but they accepted his version of Scientology technology and don’t demand original Scientology as from the real Ron. What is behind that? Is their secret service case officer lying to them that real Scientology wasn’t altered on order of the SEGNPMSS? If they are being told this, are they really so stupid to believe it?

One motivator that they are all are getting is that they will stay forever the slaves of the SEGNPMSS. The big wins and the big freedom, true OT abilities, eternal youth and health, never losing a loved one again forever, all that, they will not get. They study the SHSB course and don’t ask where Ron’s gerontology tech is despite it is mentioned. (The course is also altered but they fail to dig deeper.) Idiots.  When they die, nobody will look for them. Tommy Davis said already on TV: it will be never be like that. (Thetans returning for sure to their former loved ones.) They are so clueless. SEGNPMSS might implant them in coyote bodies in their next life time for all I know. If they just would know how stupid they are and what huge mistakes they are making by conspiring against the real Ron and his family: us.

They must have made a postulate that they don’t deserve original Scientology. I have no other explanation for their behavior and activities.

I am leaving you today with one of my favorite music. Great music from Santana.

Miss you a lot, Marty. We will come together because “WE” are David. And THEY are “Goliath”. This conspiracy is huge but they forgot the power of love. Not the fist in the face but the power of love will make things go right. Our love will bring us together and them down. And once we are together, we will publish the TRUTH about ANYTHING.

Love forever



1) All newspaper articles, TV programs, websites, blogs, videos, and forums against L. Ron Hubbard will become not just worthless once it is established that Ron was impostored, but they will become evidence of the very low IQ and/or the corruption of their owners/writers. 2) Your impostor, Mosey’s husband stomped more on my heart than any other person in history of this planet by impostoring you, Marty!

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Dearest Marty, my soulmate,

First of all, Happy Hanukkah for your family and you, my sweet and sexy Jewish Prince. Next year, I want to light the Menorah with you under some kind of Christmas tree or something similar. 😉  RB ever had the money to buy any x-mas tree but she got a wooden pyramid. The candles turned it and the Little Jesus was sitting in a carousel all night till the candles burned down. The pyramid was rather oriental. Not the traditional Christmas, rather a squirreled one. 😉  For me, Christmas was all about magic stories. I never got much presents but wasn’t much into MEST anyway but what I wanted was magical stories. Books with magic, movies that told about love and magic.  And Christmas and Hanukkah means also miracles to me. Real OT actions, wonders, miracles, unexpected or expected marvels.  Reaching out for the mightiest OT and getting an answer. There is where my mind goes…

And we will be united, Marty, because, yes, we can!

Otherwise, I got a lot do again and some travelling to do on Tuesday.

If Mosey’s husband can’t be overwhelmed by anything, then the truth that he isn’t you that he finally should publish shouldn’t be neither overwhelming for him, right?

Marty, remember when I sued the infiltrators in the orgs trying to compel them to let me know your whereabouts because I was thinking (and still think) that you are somewhere wrongfully imprisoned because the Germans framed you while you were on your way to see me? The person who most certainly heard of that case was your impostor Mosey’s husband. Mostly, Lynn Farney was “handling” that case by wasting lots of Sea Org Reserves to get rid of that case. I just filed that law suit because I got no answers by the orgs on my mail as to where you are. I would have withdrawn it in a second if they would have answered. We are IAS members and the purpose of the IAS is among others to unify Scientologists. Whenever I got a letter from that expensive law firm in Utah, it hurt me twice: one, because the infiltrators tried to get rid of the case without giving me an answer, second, they violate the IAS goal, and 3) they wasted all Scientology money  to make me, a Scientologist with good intentions give up on you, a Scientologists with good intentions who might need my help. An answer about where you are is all that I wanted! Mosey’s husband and OSA avoided it all those years.

The person who knew a 100 % of that case and could have  ended it without wasting Scientology cash and hurting my feelings was your impostor Mosey’s husband. He could have told me the truth.

I bet he was told immediately by Lynn Farney that this case was filed by me. Mosey’s husband allowed this case go on by impostoring you in the orgs and for sure telling others that he wouldn’t know me. But he forgot to mention that he isn’t you and that YOU know me. This is also why Linda Simmons Height defamed me to the media because the defamation must have come from your impostor: “I don’t know who that crazy woman is… She needs help…” (The same p$ych trash lines that Tory is pushing now.) How dare him to lie to the world that he is you!

His OW’s against me and you are emanated from his personality. He says that he is a OT but he doesn’t get that I can see through him. I never wished him anything bad, Marty. All I ever wanted from him was the truth, which he hides since decades from me and others. He plays the “great humanitarian” on his blog and in media interviews but I never noticed any humanity from him as far as we are concerned. He stomps on my heart and it is chopped liver for him. He married again, he is happy, why are we not allowed to be happily together? Because he doesn’t like it for who knows what rotten reasons!

I won’t allow anyone to muzzle me. Nobody can overwhelm me either. If my blog is downed or burned by the so-called “independents” (yeah right) or their lawless extremist friends, the haters of L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology, I will come back with a new blog or website. I will announce the new link then on alt.religion.scientology or in the groups with your name that I moderate. From there, it is quickly spread elsewhere and you’ll find it again. I saved all my postings of this blog. There is no way that this Mosey’s husband gang or anyone else can muzzle me. They are doing to me what that Fritz-program of Rinder says would be done to Tory. What they are saying is: that when they are doing it to me, it is okay. But Tory Christman as defamer of L. Ron Hubbard must be protected. Fine “Scientologists” Mosey’s husband, Mike Rinder and the rest of their gang are. They can say all they want. Evidence is that they work with the worst defamer and liars on the net. Chuck Beatty, Tory Christman, Martin Ottman, Jesse Prince, and who knows who many of these L. Ron Hubbard haters hide behind socks on his blog, and they all are using him and his blog to break the orgs.

David Miscavige is just one person. Before him, those were Ron’s orgs and who dare your impostor and Mike Rinder trying to break the orgs that we all built. If they want to audit, they can try to find their own PCs as some Freezone auditors do.

Tory Christman continued her smear campaign against me on Heldal Lund’s hate message board. Typically for a p$ychiatric agent, she attacks my state of mind. She says that I should take medicine. What for? To get dumb like her? To muzzle me, to drug me so that I can’t speak out anymore? Tory Christman’s friend Barb Graham aka XenuBarb sure must live in some rat invested household. I saw numerous rat avatar’s on a message board posted by her. She made these photos. These must be the rats in her house. My goodness, she could pass on the Hantavirus!

Anyway, just a person with the attitude that Mike Rinder had while above OSA would consider Tory Christman a big problem for Scientology, because her “expertise” (yeah right) on Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard can be proven as complete nonsense and idiocy by publishing he truth that she and others like her blame L. Ron Hubbard on what the impostor did. As a psychiatric troll, Tory says defames people as mentally ill when they post the truth.

Years ago, I read a newspaper online that Tory Christman connected with a Voodoo “expert”.  Wonder if that will influence the “tech” of the “Independents (yeah right!)” too one day. They are turning more and more into wogs by promoting Ron’s defamers and giving them a platform to promote their hate websites or channels.

I can’t stress often enough HOW WRONG such secret service programs are as that of Fritz of which Mosey’s husband says he got it from David Miscavige but it doesn’t need a rocket scientist to figure that a “program of 2006” that was written short before Mike Rinder blew is that of Mike Rinder. And how unfair it is to smear my name in it. If they would be fair, they would have added that they maybe had the wish I would take on cheap Tory Christman but I never did because find her not worth my time or the bandwidth of a website. Moreover, Tory’s past disgusts me. I also don’t want to read my name in connections with stripper activities and lesbians. By documenting that Mosey’s husband is your impostor and that Jack Vistaril was Ron’s impostor, Tory Christman (and the likes) will go into history as the stupid fool that she always was. IT IS THAT EASY.

No need to show the world in websites that she is white trash. People with class get it anyway.

Marty, in all of my life, I never posted that anybody should be the target of secret service programs! I post since many years that the orgs should document that

A)    You are impostered by Mosey’s husband

B)    Ron was impostored by “Jack Vistaril” and wasn’t the Apollo guy and neither the Vistaril guy.

If the orgs wouldn’t be that infiltrated by non-Scientologists and secret service agents, they would have done that a long time ago.

If they work with you, it will be a piece of cake for them to establish that Mosey’s husband is an impostor. They would get him and his gang that covers for him right out of their hair. Anybody decent who thought that he might be true will see that he is not. His movement will fail and he might even be sentenced to prison.

If the CIA hired him once, doesn’t mean that he is allowed to be above the law. I also ask myself what it is good for to impostor you because he sure doesn’t save your life with impostoring you. He rather endangers it because when all think that you are him, it is easy to kill you innocently behind bars because nobody will come looking for you. The cat is out of the bag anyway. There is nobody in any Scientology forum who hasn’t read at one point in time that he isn’t you. Now it is up to the orgs to prove that he really is an impostor for all those who are too dumb or lazy to compare photos and characters.

And they can do that with a snap of the finger by just asking you for your help. I am sure that Mosey’s husband (and also Mike Rinder) thinks that you will die wrongfully behind bars. That is why he has no scruples impostering you. He thinks it will be never proven that you are not him because you will die any moment innocently behind bars and never will have a chance to come forward. Stopping Mosey’s husband from destroying the orgs is a piece of cake. No black ops necessary. The truth will defeat him and his gang.

Makes one also wonder very much about David Miscavige, right? Does he prefer Mosey’s husband trying to break the orgs by not documenting that Mosey’s husband isn’t you but some kind of secret service agent an impostor? Why? Because DM works for the same kind of secret service? Documenting that Mosey’s husband isn’t you but an impostor is the only way to stop Mosey’s husband from destroying the orgs.

Tory Christman is just one of L. Ron Hubbard’s defamers, there are so many more who blame L. Ron Hubbard on what his impostor, the impostor’s wife Mary Sue, and secret service and psychiatric controlled infiltrators did in the orgs and also on numerous things that they made up.

All defamers and attackers of L. Ron Hubbard (not just defamer and liar Victoria Christman) will be remembered in history as idiots or as totally corrupt by not having seen or ever told that the founder of Scientology was impostored (just as you are being impostored) on psychiatric secret service orders to alter Scientology, to criminalize it, to break it.

All those forums, all posters who have blamed the founder of Scientology on what his impostor did, will look like total idiots. All websites that these people have put up, all articles that were written will look like written by the dumbest people on Earth. It can turn all of the hostile climate against Scientology around in a heartbeat. No reporter, no official, no professional, no judge, no Congress or Parliament official will ever trust these websites or these information provided by these Scientology haters by having done the following: accused L. Ron Hubbard on what the impostor did because they are not the same person.

These Ron and Scientology haters will not come away with it because it isn’t that difficult to SEE that Ron as really impostored by JUST LOOKING AT THE PHOTOS and comparing them. One day they will post: “I can’t believe it – L. Ron Hubbard was impostored!” but they don’t come away with it because not seeing on their own means very low IQs or corruption having known it and never published.

Marty, during the last years I was contacted by a variety of people. Non-Scientologists, Scientologists, people in the “Freezone”, and also Scientologists either not on-line or online on orgs. Could there have been somebody from OSA? Sure, why not? I never said that OSA can’t contact me. When I was harassed with the porn Touretzky invoice/letter and posted about it, the RFW, Joel Phillips contacted me and asked me to mail it to them. I did. What I am trying to say is that one isn’t an “OSA agent” by having communication with folks. However, none of the people I corresponded with ever told me to web stripper and lesbian data on Tory. (If they would have, I would have refused for the known reason because I know a better way to show the world what a corrupt fool Tory and the likes are). This program came from Mike Rinder’s computer. I bet a million dollars on it.

I love you so much, Marty. Those people who think who came come between us are fools. We were born to be together and so it will be. Many kisses my sweetheart.

Yours wife!
