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Part 2: About the “Freezone” posting that say that L. Ron Hubbard was missing for 10 months

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Dearest Marty, my hero,

Here is more about that article, that is kind of interesting but the odd thing is that none of these “Freezone” folks sat down and compared the photos of the impostor with that of the real Ron or the videos on YouTube with the real Ron and the impostor. Some of them rightfully suspect that a ringer took over and that the ringer was the one who was on the Apollo. Some of them noticed that the person who claimed to be L. Ron Hubbard never held a spontaneous lecture like the real Ron and never wrote a book. The CIA has anything but clean hands but isn’t it really odd that nobody in the “Freezone” suspect the Germans, despite that they know that the Germans invented psychiatry and were after Ron and still are after Scientology because Ron and Scientology didn’t look up to them and approved of their chemical and electrical “treatments”?

Why do I write “Freezone” or “Independents” in quotes? You know it, Marty, because they are not really free from SEGNPMSS case officers just like the rest of the world is not.

“Freezone”: (The outpoints in this are legion, but this question begs to be asked: WHY is this Guardian Order issued, put in writing, by Jane Kember AFTER Wolfe has already been selected to infiltrate IRS, and has already been sent to D.C. for this express purpose? Why? WHY? Is anybody, anywhere, REALLY this stupid? [And does Jane Kember, The Guardian WorldWide, REALLY not know how to spell “counsel?” Please!] We’re also supposed to believe that Jane Kember, Mary Sue’s immediate junior, issued this within three or four days of Mary Sue being on the Apollo during the FBI scare.)

[Here is my explanation to those “Freezone” questions, Marty. The SEGNPMSS planned from the beginning to bust Mary Sue, Jane Kember, Wolfe, and the others. They hired them to enter Scientology  and busted them because the world should never know that they were psych agents and not Scientologists. The intention behind the busting of alleged Scientologists was to blame Ron, the founder and Scientology on what the infiltrators did and do and their reputations were destroyed. Officially, MS, Kember, and Wolfe, and the other infiltrators were Scientologists. The world should never learn that they were none. So, they got busted by their own secret holy p$ych cow: the SEGNPMSS who is also the secret senior of the CIA, any other secret services, and the FBI and other agencies around the world.]

“Freezone”:1974, 27.10. The government’s version is: A few days before November 1, 1974, Don Alverzo, Deputy Information Branch I Director US, telephones Michael Meisner from Los Angeles, California, to say that he is coming to the District of Columbia to place an electronic bugging device in the Chief Counsel’s conference room at the Internal Revenue Service where a major meeting concerning Scientology is going to be held. (Well, this entry certainly rings true. If you were going to bug the IRS’s Chief Counsel’s conference room, wouldn’t you place a long distance telephone call on open lines to announce it in advance? Well, wouldn’t you?)

[These guys are no Scientologists, they did and do anything to frame Ron the founder and Scientology. Their case officer says that it is okay to make such a phone call, so they do it. They don’t think. They are p$ych robots with ear implants who do whatever the case officers wants them to do, no questions ask. The SEGNPMSS was plotting: how can we blame the action of our own agents on Hubbard and Scientology? So, they ordered their dummies to carry out acts of which the SEGNPMSS knew that they would have serious consequences for Scientology.]

“Freezone”:1974, 30.10. The government’s version is: Michael Meisner meets Don Alverzo at the Guardian’s Office located at 2125 S Street, Northwest, in the District of Columbia. Also present at this meeting are Mitchell Hermann and Bruce Ullman (Information Branch II Director DC). Alverzo shows Meisner the bugging device he has brought with him from Los Angeles – a multiple electric outlet containing a transmitting device. In the late afternoon, Meisner and Mitchell Hermann enter the main IRS building located at 1111 Constitution Avenue, Northwest, for the purpose of locating the conference room of the Chief Counsel’s office where the meeting is to be held on November 1, 1974. (Why, sure, they just stroll right into the IRS building and snoop around. You believe it. You do. You are getting sleepy, sle-e-e-epy….)

[“Freezone” guys are sleeping too if they don’t believe that infiltrators weren’t controlled by their secret service p$ychs case officers to commit those acts to be BUSTED. That entire “program” had just one purpose: to blow up in the face of Scientology and to be blamed on the founder Ron who likely never heard of Mary Sue and her also criminal juniors because she was married to the impostor and not to him.]

“Freezone”:1974, 1.11. Mitchell Hermann enters the main IRS building in the morning, goes to the fourth-floor conference room where the meeting on Scientology is to be held, and places the bugging device (FM transmitter) in a wall socket. Hermann leaves the building and waits in a car with Don Alverzo and Carla Moxon (Assistant Guardian Communicator DC) and overhears and tapes the entire meeting over the FM radio of the car. Following the meeting, Hermann re-enters the building, removes the bug, and takes various papers, including the agenda for the meeting, which had been left by the participants. In the evening, Hermann meets with Meisner and describes what had taken place. (Because of other “pressing business,” Meisner hadn’t gone with them to the bugging.) (PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN! OR TO THE FACT THAT MITCHELL HERMANN IS ABLE TO GO ANYWHERE HE WANTS TO IN THE IRS BUILDING AND PLANT BUGS WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM! OR TO THE INCORRECTLY-INCLUDED-MOXON! PAY NO ATTENTION!)

[All makes sense, when looked at it with the viewpoint that this operation was created by the case officers of the infiltrators (non-Scientologists pretending they are Scientologists) for no other purpose than to fail. I met such people in Scientology who hated Ron the founder for no reasons. They clapped their hands at events but they had anything but good intention towards Ron because they were too dumb to understand Scientology. Infiltrator Meisner apparently knew that this operation was created to blow up and that is the reason why Meisner didn’t go with Hermann the other infiltrator who probably thought at that time that the bugging matter will be only blamed on Scientology and Ron but not on him.  Once these people hear that their case officer wants them to do something that is at the end blamed on Ron or Scientology, they did and do the despicable acts. Also, the SEGNPMSS prefers stupid people. They manipulate their stupid agents into committing actions that will also cause their agents problems. The SEGNPMSS always wins because they tell their busted (but never busted in matters of SEGNPMSS) people that they will get them out of it and all will be okay, so the stupid agents don’t blow the whistle on them and the vast worldwide and international conspiracy rages on.]

“Freezone”:1974, 11.11. A telex is purportedly sent from AGI DC Michael Meisner to DGI US Duke Snider, via DG US Henning Heldt stating that Gerald Wolfe, the “FSM,” has apparently passed the hiring freeze and that they “will know for sure” whether he has received employment by November 18 at the latest. A notation on the telex indicates that it was received on “11.11.74” at “2000” hours (8:00 p.m.). (How did Wolfe get past a hiring freeze? Inside help? There is no explanation for this. Another oddity: November 18 is the exact date that Wolfe is actually hired – according to the government’s Stipulation of Evidence. But see also the next entry: a telex purportedly stating that Wolfe has “accepted employment” at IRS.)

[Looks to me that IRS officials were also “in” on the SEGNPMSS plan to frame founder Ron and Scientologists on the infiltration and the bugging  and that is why they hired Wolfe, because they KNEW what the infiltrators of Scientology planned, which means that they discussed at the meetings only matters of which they didn’t mind that the orgs can have and that they discussed no truly confidential matters, e.g. that they knew that Ron, the founder was impostored and that Mary Sue was married to the impostor and that both were CIA/SEGNPMSS double agents and that original Scientology is non-profit but that German psychs hi-jacked Scientology with help of other secret services.]

“Freezone”:1974, 14.11. According to the Stipulation of Evidence, a telex is purportedly sent by DGI US Duke Snider to DGI WW Mo Budlong, “Re: GO 1361 Tar [target] 10,” saying that despite the national hiring freeze defendant Gerald Wolfe has “accepted employment” at the IRS. (This is odd, because the same Stipulation of Evidence says that Gerald Wolfe got hired at IRS on 18 November. One of these “facts,” or both, must be false. The language of the Stipulation is also odd: it says Wolfe “accepted employment,” as though it were offered to him, yet there is purportedly a hiring freeze at IRS. It seems that it would say Wolfe was “accepted for employment.” A further oddity is that a hiring freeze was violated to take Wolfe on – not as some high-powered specialist who would warrant violating the freeze, but as a clerk typist!)

[I am convinced that IRS agents knew of the planned infiltration and bugging and that is why they hired Wolfe despite the hiring freeze, because they too wanted to frame Ron, the founder and Scientology on these criminal acts. I am convinced that the IRS was a co-conspirator in these matters, Marty. SEGNPMSS has to upper hand on anyone who is connected to the ear implant system and that is just about anyone on the planet. They manipulate people into things and this is why that system must be busted. They bring out the worst in people.]

“Freezone”:1974, 15.11. A telex received “15.11.74” (November 15, 1974) at “2000” hours (8:00 P.M.) is purportedly sent from Mo Budlong to Duke Snider, the DGI US, congratulating him on the placement of a covert agent [Gerald Wolfe] at IRS.

[Typically a SEGNPMSS plot to have their own agents leave traces so that those agents in the orgs who falsely claimed to be Scientologists would get busted as Scientologists. I lived in Germany for many years, I know how the SEGNPMSS works.]

“Freezone”:1974, 18.11. Gerald Wolfe gets employed at the IRS as a clerk typist. (For some reason, IRS saw fit to violate its hiring freeze in order to take on…a clerk typist. Go figure. By the way, wonder why all the congratulations were flying back and forth before he actually got hired.)

[Whoever wrote that “Freezone” article/posting did indeed recognize some foul things, however, he didn’t puzzle it completely together. Wolfe got employment because certain IRS agents were in on it to blame the criminal actions of the Scientology infiltrators on Ron, the founder and Scientology. The congratulations were flying back and forth because C of S infiltrators and certain IRS agents were/are run by the same source, the SEGNPMSS (likely with the CIA and the NSA watching and not doing anything against it or probably even supporting those actions), in other words German p$ychs whose purpose was: 1) blame Ron, 2) blame Scientology and if possible, get it outlawed so that there will be no further Scientology movement that is critical of p$ychs.]

“Freezone”:1974, 26.11. CSC files a complaint against Internal Revenue Service, Donald C. Alexander (Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Department of the Treasury of the United States), and William Simon, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, entitled, “Verified Complaint for Injunction Against the Unlawful Withholding of Records and for Order for Production of Records Pursuant to Section 552 of Title 5, United States Code, the Freedom of Information Act.” CSC also files a motion for an order to show cause re: preliminary injunction to enjoin withholding of records and compel production of records, with supporting memorandum of points and authorities, and affidavit of the Reverend James C. Mulligan. (Uh, they just got Gerald Wolfe in place inside IRS to get them everything their hearts desire, and they file a COMPLAINT against the COMMISSIONER of IRS and the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY! Why…oh, never mind.)

[Makes all sense if one understands that C of S infiltrators are run by the SEGNPMSS and that all they do is scheduled to bust into the face of Scientology and to ruin Ron, the founder’s reputation. IRS wrongfully withholding records on Scientology to which the orgs would be legally entitled also belonged to the set up. If the IRS turns records over as required by FOIA, there would not even for infiltrators of the C of S to bug the IRS or steal records. So, the SEGNPMSS radios certain IRS officials to withhold records illegally to provoke unlawful acts by infiltrators to bust them and to blame it wrongfully on Ron, the founder and the religion Scientology.]

“Freezone”:1974, 2.12. Government version: Michael Meisner and Mitchell Hermann enter the IRS building and remain inside until sometime after 7:00 p.m. They then enter offices of the Exempt Organization Division on the seventh floor, remove from the building one file relating to Scientology, and take it to the Guardian’s Office and photocopy it. The purpose is “to show Gerald Wolfe that documents can easily be taken from IRS offices.” Meisner then calls Duke Snider in Los Angeles and tells him what he and Hermann have accomplished, what documents have been stolen. He tells Snider that this proves conclusively the ease with which documents can be taken from the IRS. (No exact date for this incident; just “During the first week of December 1974.” The date almost HAS to be 2 December, which is a Monday. It can’t be 1 December, which is a Sunday, and by Wednesday, 4 December, copies of whatever were taken are allegedly already in Los Angeles! If it was so easy for them to get documents, why did they need Wolfe employed there? Also, the entry for 4 December 1974 says Wolfe was with them on this trip; this just names Meisner and Hermann as going.)

[It is a good question: “If it is so easy to steal records from the IRS, why did they need Wolfe’s IRS employment?” The answer is: because the SEGNPMSS didn’t just wanted Ron, the founder and the religion Scientology on being blamed of stealing documents, they also want him and Scientology wrongfully blamed of infiltrating the government. This also should support the lies within the German government that Scientologists infiltrate. They do not but the GERMAN AND THEIR INTERNATIONAL AGENTS that infiltrated and still infiltrate Scientology commit criminal acts as infiltration but these people are German secret service scum and not Scientologists. The government’s entry leaving Wolfe’s name out is another sign of cover up within the government.“]

“Freezone”:1974, 3.12. Government version: Mitchell Hermann returns the file on Scientology – which he and Michael Meisner had stolen the day before – to the IRS files. (Ri-i-i-i-ght. Just strolled in, slipped it back into a filing cabinet, and strolled back out. The Stipulation of Evidence doesn’t say ANYTHING about HOW Hermann did this; uh, he just, uh, DID – that’s all! One small problem, though, is that according to the 4 December 1974 entry, he had to stroll in with a file that was at LEAST TEN INCHES THICK!)

[That supports what I am saying. The SEGNPMSS coordinated all criminal acts and numerous IRS officials were in it and contributed. They close their eyes, when these non-Scientologists and infiltrators of the C of S bugged the conference, copied the files, stole the papers, and returned the files because they wanted enough crimes committed before they blamed Ron, the founder, who might have never heard of a woman with the name Mary Sue or of Jane Kember or the rest of the criminal infiltrator bunch.”]

“Freezone”:1974, 4.12. A telex purportedly is sent on December 4, 1974 at “2200” hours by DGI US Duke Snider to DGI WW Mo Budlong regarding “GO 1361 TAR 10.” The telex informs Mr. Budlong that Snider has received “two shipments from DC…about ten inches” thick containing documents which “Mitchell Hermann, Gerald Wolfe and Michael Meisner” had stolen from the IRS. (The Stipulation of Evidence says only Hermann and Meisner – not Wolfe – had entered the IRS building, and they had only taken “one file” [see entry for 2 December 1974]. That file, then, had to have been AT LEAST TEN INCHES THICK – MAYBE EVEN TWENTY [depending on how you interpret the telex]! This means that on 3 December, Hermann had to just stroll back into the IRS building with a file TEN INCHES THICK, and unobtrusively put it back into the file cabinet from which it had been stolen! Right!)

[Numerous IRS officials were in on it. That’s also why they tried to protect their employee Wolfe by not mentioning him. IRS officials allowed it to happen because their case officers (who are all controlled by the SEGNPMSS) ordered it. They were told to ignore the crimes of SEGNPMSS infiltrators in the orgs until there is enough to blame it on Ron, the founder and his religion. They all knew that Ron, the founder was innocent and Scientology a real religion that forbids criminal behavior of any kind.)

“Freezone”:1974, 12.12. District Judge Kelleher, in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, issues an adverse ruling against CSC’s 26 November 1974 filings, denying release of documents by IRS. (Well, isn’t that special! And WHAT a coincidence!)

[That’s right, no coincident at all! I’ve seen over and over in my own FOIA cases that judges are not impartial but remote controlled run by their case officers who all answer to the SEGNPMSS. The denial of records by the court belonged also to the plan to give their infiltrators in the orgs a justification to commit these crimes that they can be blamed on Ron, the founder and Scientology.]

1974, 17.12. Freezone”:Government version: Mitchell Hermann is going on vacation, and Meisner is “taking over supervision” of Gerald Wolfe. Hermann “arranges for Meisner to meet Wolfe” in an Arlington, Virginia, parking lot and bring him over to Hermann’s house on Fessenden Street, Northwest, to coordinate. Meisner “introduces himself (sic – see below) to Wolfe” using his real name; Wolfe reportedly feels more comfortable being called “Kelly.” During the half-hour meeting at Hermann’s house, Meisner and Wolfe discuss Wolfe’s job and background. Wolfe is told that he can call Meisner any time at his office at 2125 S Street, Northwest, or at his home in Arlington. Hermann instructs Wolfe to “continue” (sic) obtaining all documents related to Scientology from the IRS office of Barbara Bird, an attorney in Refund Litigation Service. (There is NO previous indication of Wolfe having taken ANYTHING from Bird’s office. Also, what about Meisner’s 2 December escapade to “show Wolfe” how “easy” it is to take documents from IRS? Now this entry alleges they had never met!)

[As I said, the IRS, other government agencies and courts were in on it and that is why governmental reports are contradictory. They were doing their parts to give those infiltrators in the Scientology orgs a reason to commit criminal acts and to get busted later so that Ron and Scientology can be blamed on them.]

1974, 27.12. “Freezone”: Government version: “A few days prior to December 30, 1974,” Gerald Wolfe allegedly enters the office of Barbara Bird in the main building of the IRS and takes from her files “many documents” related to Scientology. He photocopies them on a machine in the IRS Building, then returns the documents to Ms. Bird’s office. (NOTE: Must be 27 December, as 28 and 29 December are Saturday and Sunday. Now, WHY does this one related incident of something being taken from Bird’s office come AFTER Wolfe being admonished by Mitchell Hermann to “continue” taking documents from her office?)

[Government was in on the entire criminal plot.]

1974, 30.12. A memorandum from Michael Meisner to Cindy Raymond entitled “Raw Data Report Re: IRS-Charlotte Murphy Scientology File.” It summarizes documents purportedly taken by Gerald Wolfe from the offices of Barbara Bird at the IRS. Meisner appends at least ninety-eight pages of documents taken from the IRS.

[The infiltrators of the Scientology orgs make notes and reports of their criminal acts because the entire operation was a SEGNPMSS creation to smear Ron, the founder and Scientology.]

“Freezone”:1975 early Jan. Meade Emory, co-founder of Church of Spiritual Technology, which now owns all of L. Ron Hubbard’s copyrights, and which has the power to seize all rights to all trademarks and Advanced Technology, is appointed by Donald C. Alexander as Assistant to the Commissioner of IRS.

[Scientology under the real Ron was truly non-profit. Upon SEGNPMSS orders, the CIA puts the impostor on the job who (also on SEGNPMSS orders) turns Scientology step by step in a money oriented and altered movement. Tech is stolen and the SEGNPMSS works hard by ordering its infiltrators to turn Scientology in a very expensive movement that looks more like psychology (Oxford Capacity Analysis Personality test, stress test, Big Leage Sales, etc.) that a religion. SEGNPMSS is split right in the middle. One branch want Scientology completely eradicated, the other half thinks that they have better chances to control it by changing it from the inside out and make Europe rich by asking excessive prices and pulling all Scientology reserves out of the USA to Europe. That branch thinks that they can handle their infiltrators step by step to make Scientology embrace psychology and psychiatry. Recent publications of the C of S or so-called Scientologists indeed show that this p$ych plan is progressing. Despite that C of S asks excessive prices for services, DM wastes money for personal luxuries and C of S money is mainly on European bank accounts, the IRS says that C of S is non-profit, which shows bad conscience by the IRS being involved earlier in that set up to criminalize Ron, the founder and the religion Scientology. With Meade Emory, a former very high IRS official on the job for the infiltrated C of S, one branch of SEGNPMSS is sure that the infiltrated C of S can continue asking excessive prices (which slows down expansion and distribution knowledge for a better world as by the real Ron, the founder, imagine just about 25.000 Scientologists on the planet after more than 50 years, Marty!) for altered services and OT levels and that DM who does not bust the infiltration can live like a Saudi Prince while making their Europe and on top of it the master infiltrators Germany with donations for Scientology rich and richer but Scientologists through the fact of stolen technology not smart and smarter.]

“Freezone”: There you have it, boys and girls: all the above occurred within ONE YEAR AND THREE MONTHS after LRH was MISSING FOR TEN MONTHS – allegedly holed up in a flat in Queens with a former male nurse and a former Green Beret, where he allegedly dreamed up the project that ultimately led to the utter destruction of his wife, his reputation, and the GO. Now you can re-read the second paragraph of this message, and scoff all you want. Or don’t even bother – just go on believing the official version. Only don’t pay very close attention to it. And don’t ever get it all plotted in sequence.

[As already established, Ron was impostored. Those who are unable to see it right away that Ron was impostored, should enlarge the photographs of “Ron” and see for themselves that they are at least two different men, just as Mosey’s husband isn’t you, Marty. If they are not able to see persons on different tonescale by applying obnosis and the tonescale, they should take a ruler and start measuring as the CIA did with Saddam Hussein’s many doppelgangers.

Besides different looks of Ron, the founder and the impostor, there are so many outpoints, e.g. the video by the Granada crew on the Apollo was shot two years earlier than the only interview that Ron, the founder gave, according to the C of S. (Basically, the C of S says indirectly that the Apollo guy is an impostor if they claim that the interview with Ron talking to the young stiff UK reporter was the ONLY interview that he ever gave. So, if they know it, why don’t they admit it officially?) See the bad lower teeth of the impostor and two years later, Ron has suddenly nice teeth because that one with the nice teeth is really Ron and the guy with bad teeth is the impostor. There are also on very different tone levels.

Real Ron:

Freaking impostor:

Just because the SEGNPMSS radioed the impostor to start a sentence with the phrase: “This is very interesting”, doesn’t mean that it is the real Ron, the founder. Anybody can do that!]

“Freezone”:1975 early June Pam Kemp, LRH’s old friend from Saint Hill days, arrives at the Apollo for courses. She is shocked to see how much he has aged. “I saw this figure coming on board in a big hat and red-lined Navy Cloak and I thought if I’m not mistaken that’s LRH, although he was very slow and old looking. I went up to him and said, ‘Hi, Ron.’ He looked through me like he didn’t know who I was. I thought maybe he was a little deaf so I went around another way and as he was coming towards me I said, ‘Hi, Ron. How are you?’ He didn’t recognize me, didn’t know who I was. I thought, how weird. Later I discovered he probably didn’t see me properly because he needed glasses, but would never wear them.”

[What’s wrong with Pam Kemp not seeing that the Apollo guy was the impostor? That is why he didn’t recognize people that the real Ron knew! The impostor we was another man! Pam needs to get an IQ, and there might have be something wrong with her eyesight too by not seeing that they were two very different people.]

You know these things better than anyone, Marty, because Mosey’s husband is your doppelganger. No need to lecture you on doppelganger and plots, and this posting is again NO LECTURE FOR YOU, but the truth sometimes just breaks out of me and wants to be written up.

We can clear it all up, Marty, we can establish the truth and if we don’t do it, nobody does it, and Scientology will be never what it was under the real Ron. Ron isn’t back in Scientology either with his new body. We have to do something. If we give up, SEGNPMSS wins and anybody on the planet and the universe loses. We have to document the truth and nothing but the truth and we have to get Ron’s original technology (ALL of it BACK!)

I love you, my darling. And I send you many kisses. And I choose you to be my husband because you so unique bright and special and so OT bright!

Many kisses

Your wife
