
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for September 2017

Forger Paul Horner is dead

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Dearest Marty, my one and only, 

During his life, Scientology-hating Horner did nothing but causing problems and misinforming people. He was a liar through and through. I didn’t wish him to die, but he should have known why some people are saying that “Karma is a bitch”. If he would have understood the SCN OW sequence as a fact and not having tried to destroy and forge about SCN all the time, I bet he still would be alive. He wasn’t even 40. 

The Internet is not the highway of information because there is so much fake information on it. Horner helped to make it worse by misinforming people.   

No signs of foul play?

I see something different, I see: The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go. Should be a warning for anyone who does SEGNPMSS dirty work. Then they get rid of the people and have them overdose or “commit suicide” once they feel they can’t use them anymore. 

And people like him are attacking Scientology and promoting psychiatry and the pharma industry and then they die by taking their “products”. Can anyone of them spell the word idiots?

I ran into Paul Horner on Usenet one day. He did not just forge me and defame my state of mind, he also committed crimes against you, Marty.

Paul Horner aka Fred Durks aka Darude al Ungar (using all kinds of fake posting names). He used to rip off websites of others. Amazon and Microsoft filed complaints against him. Links:

He ripped off the too and webbed the with very altered context, making the religious extremists look very good and registered this rip off website in my and your (Marty Rathbun’s) name. They were on the net for a long time and then he finally took them down or he sold them to somebody else.

There are some people who think that Monique’s husband never commented on me. But they are wrong. He e-mailed Paul Horner on me (not clarifying that he isn’t you) and Paul published his message to rub it in my face. Horner was very interested getting between us, Marty. 

His brother thinks that Paul is now out there somewhere. Yet, Paul attacked Scientology that approaches in scientific away that people don’t cease to exist after physical death.

Sending you tender and passionate kisses, Marty. Keep on surviving. Unless Horner, you are worth the universe!

Yours always,


                                                                                                                                                                   “Good for nothing” soundtrack is good


IMO, everything points to that Otto Warmbier was psychiatric electroshocked – but I also believe that Kim Jong Un was psychiatric-conditioned in Europe

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Dearest Marty, my soulmate and irresistible husband,

The parents of Otto Warmbier spoke to the media now in more details. Here is what I read they said: “Otto had a shaved head, he had a feeding tube coming out of his nose, he was staring blankly into space jerking violently. He was blind, he was deaf. As we looked at him and tried to comfort him, it looked as if somebody had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth.”

It sure looks like torture, psychiatric, and medical torture (electroshocks destroy brain tissue) to me and that all for trying to steal a poster, which promotes (!) the corrupt German-controlled NK regime in the first place. NK would be likely tickled if someone takes their propaganda to display it in the western world, however, NK like all other countries is controlled by psychs behind Germany.   

Marty, the parents really should have ordered a full autopsy. One can only wonder why they didn’t. Below is a news report about what the coroner said.

He found a collection of small scars on his body, but none appear serious enough to indicate he was tortured while he was imprisoned in North Korea. He didn’t see the rearranged bottom teeth.

When I read that, I thought that if the family noticed his teeth to be no more the same, then because e-shocks are known to ruin teeth. The coroner didn’t see his teeth before he went to NK but his family did. 

From the article: “The UC doctors said they found no botulism in Warmbier’s body. But even if the botulism explanation is true, the toxin cannot live in the body for a year. Treating botulism requires an antitoxin, not a sleeping pill. The UC doctors also reported that a computer disc accompanied Warmbier from North Korea and contained a set of medical records, including scans from April and June 2016 that revealed his brain shrinking.”

IMO, Marty, that young man was psychiatric destroyed. This explains also the brain damage and shrinking brain tissue. Shaved head for the ECT electrodes. Blankly staring into space and jerking violently. I think that is typically ECT!

I read articles that say that NK provides not much “psychiatric care”. Yeah right, the entire regime is run by the SEGNPMSS, in other words: German psychs who run also any other nation with ear-implants. It is so bad because of all the secret psychiatric “care”.   

And that brings me right back to Kim Jong Un who suddenly disappears during the school year from his Swiss school  (apparently without Switzerland being alarmed about this!) after North and South Korea shook hands! After numerous people are eliminated, German psychiatric conditioned Kim Jong Un takes over NK. SEGNPMSS plotted to get rid of anyone else in the regime who could come in between their psych-conditioned boy taking over to prevent peace and progress between the countries and the world. 

If North Korea bombs and is bombed, the monster doctors who secretly set all this up will be hiding as they always do. It is not them who are lying bleeding and dying with great pains somewhere. For these monsters, destroying and torturing others is fun. If this world ever wants to see lasting peace, they need to be found and put to justice. This is the only thing that will ever work for lasting peace and people’s rights.    

NK’s anti-Americanism is so German!

I love you, Marty, so much. I know that you have very similar thoughts.  

Yours forever,


   Someone else who was wasted upon secret psych-command.  And they also use secret sounds and implants to make people fat and sick. And the world is clueless about what still existing German Nazi doctors commit. And that is the reason why they continue. The world should think they don’t exist. But figured know what they do and how  they do it. They are not so safe after all because we want them to be brought to justice, all of them.      


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Dearest Marty, my awesome Prince and hero,

I don’t think that inventors who invent for the sake of earning money do always the best job. There is so much stupid stuff on this planet and mainly serves that people step on at night and hurt their toes.

However, inventions out of a real need, are the best. I always wanted to invent a water machine. None that filters or treats recycled water. A machine that invests healthy water from scratch. I researched how this would be possible. 

Never tried it in a lab or at home but the right amount of hydrogen plus oxygen could create water.  I bet you know a lot about it, Marty, how to get really clean water.

This is what I read in how stuff works:

Water is made of two hydrogen atoms attached to an oxygen atom. This seems like pretty basic chemistry, so why don’t we just smash them together and solve the world’s water ills? Theoretically, this is possible, but it would be an extremely dangerous process, too.

To create water, oxygen and hydrogen atoms must be present. Mixing them together doesn’t help; you’re still left with just separate hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The orbits of each atom’s electrons must become linked, and to do that we must have a sudden burst of energy to get these shy things to hook up.

Since hydrogen is extremely flammable and oxygen supports combustion, it wouldn’t take much to create this force. Pretty much all we need is a spark — not even a flame — and boom! We’ve got water. The hydrogen and oxygen atoms’ electrons’ orbits have been conjoined.

And then, I wish I would have these toys when I was a kid. And it is not just for kids. These small electronic pieces (open source electronics) snap together with small magnets. Each of these bits fulfill a certain purpose, and they can be set together for all kinds of prototyping and intentions. The entire library is USD 4000, quite pricey, but the idea is great. For all kinds of inventions, these small circuits don’t have to be built anymore as they are already built. The invention can go right to the next level.

How are you, Marty? I miss you every day and night too. I play through my head the reasons why I don’t hear from you. And the answer that I get is always the same: Germany uses not just Germans but also other nationals as their international ear-implant robots to deny our rights. These people are so stupid and load such atrocities on their consciences. They deny it for sure, but you and I know that crimes like these nag on their feeling of self-worth. They throw away what’s most important: a good character for some MEST, which is taken anyway from again soon after.  That is what their secret service masters are thinking and that is what they with them:  The Moor has done his duty the Moor can go. And when they “go”, they can’t even take a good character with them.  Being conditioned to be run by ear implants and a bad character is no good start for the next lifetime.  

I love you, my sweetheart. BTW, when M was on Bali, one of their volcano started to act up. Typical, isn’t it? Someone should knock the lasers out of the dirty claws of you know who! She is still in Australia. 

Yours forever,


Outlining or not outlining… (about fiction)

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Dearest Marty, my one and only,

As you are my soulmate, I can tell that you also are writing.

Due to my “day job”, which is also a “night and a weekend job”, I often have to interrupt any fiction writing for weeks and return to you now what.  It is enough time to forget where I stopped and what I have written before. So, I go back to my manuscript and read it again, and then, guess what happens? My day, night, weekend job comes back like a wild and demanding lion, and I am again often not just for days but for weeks so busy (or also exhausted from work on the computer) that I can’t write fiction. Then I have a minute and  I go back to my manuscript and catch up with it, and then there is again my  day, night, weekend job that lures me away. 

Too bad. On the other hand, I can’t give up my day, night, and weekend job. I must save as no government ever will pay me a cent it doesn’t matter how many taxes I have paid or how many I pay.

Writing fiction is sure more fun (imo) than my day, night, and weekend job high-concentration and short deadline job, but it seems not so easy to get into, particularly without enough time that is. And I was not allowed to grow up as a natural English speaker, I might need a fiction editor. I don’t write fiction in German. And I have my house to clean and keep up and my “little farm” to take care of.

BTW, an old broken down ruin across the street was finally demolished removed from the neighborhood. It was an eyesore and home to all kinds of critters and a place waiting for accidents to happen. Finally, someone decided to take it down. It was the only bad house around here. Hope my other neighbor finally cleans up his porch. Luckily, I don’t see it when I look out the windows, but I wouldn’t want to live across the street of his vacant house. How difficult is it to fold a plastic tarp nicely and put it away or sweep the floor once in a while?   

Anyway, I got carried away, Marty. I read numerous articles about outlining or not when writing fiction. There are these strange terms like plotter and pantser, although I like the term discovery writer better. The latter makes more fun, imo, than outlining, although when writing a complicated novel or series, writing without outline is a sure way to get lost somewhere. There is so much to keep in mind and consider… And so easy to forget a detail or two.

But then, it hit me how to discovery write but also outline. I decided to outline while I discovery write. After each chapter or two chapters, I plan to write an outline with the most important details to make sure that I don’t go off track and keep it up throughout the novel or volume. (If I ever find enough time for it, and if nobody knocks at my door begging me to play.)  

And this outline should also result in a “story bible”. What a strange word for fiction. It allegedly serves TV series and contains everything important about the story line and the episodes, settings, characters, plots, etc. Somewhere I read that the best writers in Hollywood are Jewish. And “story bible” is all they came up with for this reference book? I googled the term and found tons of bible stories instead of story bibles. Had to use “” to find something responsive.  The best term for this should be “story abridgement”. I know cool words, don’t I? 😉 Another possibility would be “story summarization” or “Story short and sweet” or “Condensed Story” or whatever.

How are your days and nights, Marty? I often think about what you are confronted with. I always come to the same result. Corrupt people who do Germany’s dirty work deny your rights.

Be kissed, my darling.  I love you. You are the best!  

Yours always,



1) Remini’s, Haggis, and other people’s “shame” game 2) Germany twisting the facts as to who meddles in elections

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince and unforgettable soulmate,

How are you? I think of you and wish I would finally find you. 

Leah Remini, Paul Haggis, and others are trying to shame people who are or could be Scientologists. Guess some are afraid that they will have disadvantage in life or not wanting their reputation smeared. If the true story of Scientology is revealed, Leah Remini, Paul Haggis and the likes will have reasons to be ashamed. Their blame game reminds me of: “This is a Jew!” and as answer “I am no Jew!” during the Nazi time by those who feel they could get in troubles. 

If someone asks me if I am a Scientologist, I say, yes, I am an original Scientologist, and I am very proud of it, however, I am no Vistarologist or Miscavologist, never was, never will be.  

USA Today reported that the U.S. right-wing — not by Russia – would meddle with the German election. This is typically Germany and their covert SEGNPMSS activities. They implant German psychiatric ear implants in American when they are babies and kids and “buy” them to do Germany’s dirty work, e.g. keeping the USA down and promoting Germany. This also includes new Nazi activities or the “U.S. right wing”.  They have these alleged Americans “meddle” in the German election because still existing old Nazis want it so and order it through the ear implants of other nationals as Americans.  

A professor of political science data at the Technical University of Munich says that they didn’t find evidence of Russia hacking the German election but 300 million tweets over the past six months “shows Germany is a hotspot for posts that use the hashtag #AltRight.” TUM also says no word about the most secret German psychiatric invention: ear implants! German secret services are running these alleged Americans to help them to get Nazis officially back into the Bundestag. Instead of Germans, they want Americans to act like Nazis so that Germany will not be blamed for being the same old Nazis that they always were.

Also, Germany has stolen many American thetans to Germany and planted many Nazi thetans in the USA. Most people don’t even know what thetans are and how they can be trapped and stolen and that Germany’s secret service psychs do just this. 

Merkel is preparing the ground for the AfG, consisting of the foreigner-hating, narrow-minded, retarded people who think it is okay to shoot immigrants at the border and worse and that Germany hung the moon. Yeah right. They hung a fake screen and all it deep universe! AfG might not win the election this time but Merkel and any other chancellor will do just what is needed to get the AfG or another Nazi party win the NEXT election. German psychiatric ear-implants rule. They want to take over the entire universe and run it on their psychiatric strings by turning all people into their willing robots. 

Have a look at the below article, Marty. Just as the SEGNPMSS loves it. They are not or Germany is not suspected but the USA is getting the bad rap.

Merkel’s job was/is playing the “humanitarian” by “taking immigrants in” despite knowing how intolerant so many Germans are. But in fact, Germany instigated and controls the war in Syria to get young hard workers who do the jobs that Germans don’t want to do and to make sure that Germany becomes world power no. 1 by boosting their economy. SEGNPMSS wants the USA and Russia break into parts so that Germany can take over the states under the cover of Europe. Merkel also might form a coalition between her party and the AfG and that will help German Nazis big time (AfG might win 11% of the votes!) to be on top of Germany, Europe, and the entire world in the future.

If people wouldn’t be controlled by ear-implants, they would see a hell of a lot more. They are blind or mum as Germany orders it. 

I love you, Marty. I miss you very much. 

Yours always,


As far as future lifetimes are concerned, I never will pick up another body in a German universe. I can’t even describe it, Marty, how I feel about them. Except that I am totally grossed out – because I know them.  They sure kidnapped the wrong person. Shows how “smart” they really are.  

Okay, enough of this today, here is some fun, Marty. It however makes me also think  about  that Germany destroyed this lightheartedness with their Nazi boots and war.

Hey, this music also fits!






“Antisemitic Jews” or “self-hating Jews” is a result of secret German psychiatric Nazi conditioning, their ear-implants and silent sounds

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince and husband, how are you?

I am sure you know that the idea to create “Antisemitic Jews” or “self-hating Jews” was born in Germany, where else? Particularly before psychs helped Hitler to power, they tried to sabotage Jews into destructing themselves by hating themselves. Apparently, not much has changed since then. 

These days, there is Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel needs urgently a better Prime Minister) who says that Trump is the least anti-Semitic person ever despite that he is really lame on opposing the German-controlled anti-Semitic and racial movements in the USA and elsewhere on the planet.

Netanyahu son Yair posted outrageous antisemitic Nazi propaganda on the net.  This is from the Washington Post: “Yair Netanyahu is a total bro,” wrote Andrew Anglin in the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer. “Next he’s going to call for gassings.”

What an disgusting fellow Anglin is. Psychs love these kinds of primitive and brutal people and dispose of them after they did their “jobs”.  People who allow themselves to be used are such idiots. Here is what’s happening to them:  The Moor had done his duty, the Moor can go.    

If Benjamin Netanyahu, Israels Prime Minister isn’t capable to raise a son who isn’t anti-Semitic son, is Netanyahu qualified to make a statement that Trump or anyone else is the least anti-Semitic person?

Psychs have of course the “explanations” why there are “antisemitic Jews” or “self-hating Jews”, except what really the cause is: psychs, their own “profession” transmitting silent and loud sounds into the ear implants of people to support or become Nazis.   

It seems that the men behind Trump think that his daughter marrying a Jew is enough of an alibi to have Trump do the racially-motivated things that Trump does. If it backfires, they always can blame it on the Jew who is Trump’s adviser.  That is the German psychiatric Nazi mindset.   

I see clearly that Trump’s “job” as president is to break up the United States instead of uniting it. The blue states will break away from the red states first.  It is easier for Germany to officially take over individual states. Until they have them all and until nobody is left anymore to fight them back. Like with the Ukraine where anti-Semitic people with ear-implants yell that they want to be ruled by Germany.

Merkel’s “job” is to prepare the world for the new German Nazis like the AfG and other such movements. Most people fail to look at that allegedly moderate political “leaders” prepare the grounds for the monsters who come after them. Most think of Merkel not as a person who will gas people, however, a lot is wrong with a person who takes in fugitives knowing that multi-nationalism has totally failed in Germany. Merkel has her orders to make Germany world power no.1  despite its notorious horrible past and present. People don’t touch the fact that she like other “leaders” are puppets. After her comes the “leader” who does not mind to shoot foreigner at the border like the AfG people, and after her comes a “leader” who don’t mind shooting people in the country, etc. And the dumb p$ychs think that they win, until they get killed by one of their colleagues and are born again in the hell they helped to create. There are no dumber people. There really aren’t. They are the dogs that biting their own tails.  

It is a psychiatric Nazi-world and people are controlled by their international ear-implants, otherwise they could not be as easily manipulated. The majority of the people on this Earth would have caught on if they wouldn’t be controlled. 

I love you, Marty, wish I could be with you. I am glad that you are you. Be kissed my darling.

Yours forever,





So, who met Ford Greene on June 15, 1989 in the USA if you were wrongfully arrested by the Spaniards upon secret German orders in November 1988 in Madrid?

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and husband, how are you?

It is a shame that Emmys are awarded to people (Mike Rinder and Leah Remini) who conceal in their A&E TV show that Scientology is infiltrated by non-Scientologists and agents and that even the founder of Scientology and you were replaced by impostors.  

Also what is all that smooching and cuddling between Mike Rinder and Leah Remini who are married to other people? More than one picture of that around on the net. Looks like “some ethics”.  There were outraged posts and threads about David Miscavige’s assistants hand (Laurisse) resting possessively on His Cobness shoulder who is also married to someone else. And yes, no professional assistant does that to her married boss. And no married boss allows it.  DM did. But are Remini and Rinder any better? Their pictures are even more revealing imo and don’t show a professional relationship.  

Forde Greene got some 15 minutes fame on Remini’s and Rinder’s “documentary”. (Some “documentary”!)  There is still RFW info on Greene on the net:

According to them, Greene was psychiatric committed and later had  been involved in “deprogramming” people including his own sister. Yikes! My “kind of person”. Having being kidnapped myself and being put through this ordeal, I have no sympathy at all for people who cannot convince others with normal 2-way communication and without kidnappings of their allegedly better ways. 

Anyway, Tony Ortega (who I think knows very well that the founder and you were/are were replaced by impostors and withholds those facts from his cool-aide drinking flock) takes issue with Monique’s husband having stated on a recent video that he never met Forde Greene.

Greene (who in my opinion knows too of the impostors and also is quiet about this disgusting psychiatric secret service activity)  provided “proof” that a “Mr. Rathbun” was present during the deposition of Aznaran and that he lied never have met him. She and her husband Richard were non-Scientologists and gold-diggers imo. Anyway, here is an excerpt of a transcript that Greene provided:    


According to Ortega, Vicki Aznaran was disposed on June 15, 1989. But according to my intuition, you were wrongfully arrested in Spain around November 21, 1988. Which means that the “Mr. Rathbun” was your impostor who possibly was present during the deposition. That means that he was active on your org post just 6 months after your wrongful arrest! (Likely much sooner but this could be the first legal record of it.) You were the ethical Inspector General for Ethics and then suddenly, there was “the enforcer”, not your personality but that one of your impostor.

What’s chilling is that the SEGNPMSS and agents David Miscavige, Mike Rinder, and who else was at it taking over Scientology around that time, hurried to let you down, leave you behind (blatant violation of the Code of a Scientologists) by hiring your impostor probably immediately after your wrongful arrest so that I and no other decent person can’t claim that you are missing. And it turned out to be the ultimate psychiatric loser action, because I noticed right away that he is not you, Marty. I have no doubt that he mainly was hired for me to think you are free and happy and that you don’t need or want me.  Shame, shame, shame on Germany, psychs, the secret services, the current and former infiltrators in the orgs, and the outside “critics” who all avoid by all means talking about the elephants (not just one) in the elevator.  

I read Ortega’s blog (on the rarest occasions some of the retarded comments on his blog) since years. He thinks he “brings Scientology down” but his postings didn’t change my opinions and attitude on Scientology, the real founder Ron, or you in the slightest. That means that he is not capable to bring Scientology down. A man who sweeps so much under the carpet as he does will not succeed as many people knows that he does exactly that. Same goes for what Leah Remini and Mike Rinder are doing. People are fed with something else but the true story about Scientology. Those who know the true story will never fall for their crap or lies. By ignoring the elephants in the elevator they just fed the uninformed with misinformation. 

How do you feel, Marty, having done ethical and lawful work in Scientology and therefore being targeted by Germany and its German and international secret service p$ychs who control Spanish and US authorities (and all other authorities on the planet) to leave you behind in rough prisons were you are tortured for decades? What a betrayal! What an inhuman thing to do! They are having human bodies but are they human beings? Nobody who leaves an innocent man like you behind has human qualifications. And they all know that you are innocent but were framed.

The day you come free, Marty, I wonder to where non-Scientologists David Miscavige, Mike Rinder, Monique’s husband, and anyone involved in those psychiatric German set-ups will flee and hide. And they are idiots if they think they will get away with it. As we ever would stop bringing them to justice in courts of law. What they did and do can’t be forgiven. One forgives people who forget one’s birthday but not monsters. As monsters think that crime pays and they continue to be monsters also in future lifetimes and this world never gets better.  

Was Mike Rinder directed by DM to hire the man who is today Monique’s husband to replace you? If yes, how come he still keeps it a secret as alleged opponent of DM? Doesn’t that mean that he still works with DM and the impostor together to bring Scientology down but the public should never know?  

This is from Ortega’s blog:

But Mike Rinder tells us that the analogy is not perfect. In 1994, the Aznarans approached Rinder, then a top Scientology official in his own right, and Rathbun wasn’t involved in those settlement talks, he tells us. “They did not do any deal with Marty — they disliked him,” Rinder says.

Gee, he calls Rinder a top Scientology official in his own right… What right? Infiltrator right?

If this is true what Rinder says, here is my comment about the Aznarans: How stupid and/or corrupt are these two not seeing/publishing that you were impostored by the man who is today Monique’s husband?  Also: why did the Aznarans not publish that even the founder was illegally replaced by impostor “Jack Vistaril”. What kind of “Scientologists” are those who don’t mind Scientology being re-written and altered by a secret service dude “Jack Vistaril” who is above the law? They are no Scientologists. Nobody who allows this is one.

Anyway, Rinder said over and over that DM micromanages and instructed him very detailed in countless (“many, many”) situations. Besides from that he should notice different personalities on his own, I think it is impossible that married Mr. Rinder (smooch, cuddle Remini, not his wife) wasn’t/isn’t involved in covering up that Ron, the founder was “replaced” and that you are impostored by Monique’s husband. I bet he was a key person in hiring your impostor on the Inspector General for Ethics job and leaving you behind. 

Besides of a secret settlement between MonHus and His Cobness, these three still conspire together, keeping the impostors a secret. “Fine people”, all three of them.

I love you, Marty. Thinking and dreaming of you. And I believe in you. From the first glance. 🙂    

Yours always, Sarah/Barbara


Megalithic stone spheres in Costa Rica’s jungle

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Dearest Marty, my one and only,

I am sure you know of the hundreds stone spheres in Costa Rica’s jungle. Allegedly nobody knows how old they are and who made them with what tools and why. They range from in diameter of just a few inches up to eight feet.

Most people seem to believe that they were created as kind of markers or for astronomical purposes, but they were moved around and into those position by people who found them.  

I can come up with some other explanations. The larger could have been used to flatten trees to form ways. If they are rolled from a hill or rolled forward by people or a device, they could have created paths through the jungle. Also, when rolled before the entrance of residence, it could provide some security from intruders, animals or men, and could have served defense reasons, e.g. being rolled into enemies ways or the smaller thrown at them to stop them.  

I read that the first archaeological investigation of these stones was conducted by Doris Stone. Dr. Stone investigates stones. Strange, right? 

People ask how did prehistoric people do this with only the primitive tools? Prehistoric findings tell over and over the same story. Advanced civilizations were destroyed. And those who think that the techniques that we have now can’t be wiped out by SPs as they did in the past on this planet, should think again. 

I love you, Marty, so much. Be kissed. Hope to see you soon.




When does the US and international intelligence community finally blow the whistle on SEGNPMSS sabotaging the weather from satellites?

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Dearest Marty, my awesome Prince and husband, how are you?

SEGNPMSS uses weather satellites to create disasters that costs the US billions, destroys property and kills people, yet, nobody says the obvious: it is not nature that is whipping up these hurricanes and other similar disasters.    

In addition, what is very telling is that the hurricane gains strength particularly when hitting the USA. Typical SEGNPMSS.  

         US and international intelligence community is deep asleep if they think that his not man-made.

Something else: M. is in Australia. Her Kindle Paperwhite malfunctioned and it frustrates her. She reads with it all the time. And I also know who ruins electronic instruments with remote-control. They are so disgusting. Their major goal is not winning but causing losses. And they are so retarded that they don’t see what’s wrong with it.

I will be back soon, Marty. You are like beautiful music to me that I heard when I saw you first and which I never will forget as it so beautiful and gripping. We have been through hell but I consider myself very lucky having met you, Marty. If I have to walk through more hell to be with you at the end, they should bring it on as there is no going back just going forwards until I saw you again.

I love you and it is a love forever.



I still find music of the 40s awesome, Marty. Not just the modern version of electro-swing. Regular swing is a class of its own and really great. It always puts me in a good mood.  And this time, the 40s, which could have been fund and a blast for all people and all races alive, was so brutally interrupted and changed by Hitler and the German psychiatrists and doctors behind him. Monsters! Instead of dancing people were dying.  And doctors and their Nazis are still at it.

                                          That is what I call music and rhythm! 





Nikki Haley is right, Kim Jong Un is provoking war – and was Kim Jong Un aka Pak Un psychiatric-conditioned when he suddenly disappeared from school?

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince, how is your world? My thoughts always return to you. 

Lots of people are sure that Kim Jong Un is Pak Un who went to school in Switzerland for approx. two years.

I say that the Swiss educators sure failed to mold his personality into a peace-loving one. Shame on them. If I have time to educate someone for two years, I make sure that he or she fully understands that life is precious and how not to behave if he doesn’t want people to die in wars. Typically for Europe and the German propaganda machine behind it that they don’t correct the psychiatric Nazi attitude that the USA is the devil.

Marty, I came across also another piece of information. Kim Jong Un aka Pak Un didn’t finish his Swiss school year and suddenly disappeared in 2000 without any indication that he might be leaving. Why didn’t he finish his school year? The Swiss school was ok with it? What did they do to see that the boy didn’t end up in a psych lab for experiments?

If a personality is very peace-loving, psychs don’t get out of her what they want. The advice that I can give anyone is to drop hatred as people who hate will be selected and conditioned by psychs to forward their insane agendas.  

Imo, the case of Kim Jong Un aka Pak Un has German psychiatry written all over it. Did they nap the guy, implant, condition him, and run him via ear-implants into one who provokes war? That is my suspicion, Marty.

In 2000, it seemed that North and South Korea came closer. In 2ooo, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and South Korean President Kim Dae-jung met, shook hands and made agreements  for the reopening of border liaison offices and family reunions. South Korea granted amnesty to more than 3,500 North Korean prisoners. It seemed that the countries might unite. The SEGNPMSS sure did hate the tendency towards peace as they usually. Did they arrange that Kim Jong Un’s aka Pak Un’s entourage looked the other way when the SEGNPMSS psychiatric-conditioned the boy into the unwise and provocative person who provokes war that he is today? 

I find this very odd that during a time where North Korea appeared to lean towards peace and unification with SK, Kim Jong Un aka Pak Un disappears suddenly from his school in Switzerland, and didn’t finish his class. And then, immediately after, remote-controlled events take place, which interrupted further progress between North and South Korea so that Kim Jong Un can take over North Korea and provokes the world – like Hitler who also was psychiatric-conditioned.  

That’s what I think has happened. Not only Otto Warmbier was killed (likely psychiatric e-shocked into veggie state, and I think that his family should have agreed to an autopsy) by German-controlled psychs in North Korea, Kim Jong Un aka Pak Un was likely psychiatric-conditioned within Germany or within Switzerland by German psychs.  

The world is such a dangerous place and such a pig-stable because p$ychs control the ear-implants of people to let them constantly off the hook, it doesn’t matter how gruesome the psychs atrocities are.

I know that they can’t fool you.  

I miss and love you, Marty. Be kissed.

Yours forever,
