
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for August 2014

Martin Ottmann a German agent, former Scientology infiltrator, harasser, violator of my privacy, liar, and jerk…

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                                                                                                                                               Once again: Above is the real Ron, founder of Scientology. It is probably the last photo before he was

                                                                                                                                                     murdered upon German p$ych secret service command by medical doctors and psychs in May 1984 




The impostor of the founder “Jack Vistaril” who died in 1986, here, wearing a German hat of course. He was above the law and married to criminal Mary Sue. Both German/CIA psych agents. 


Dearest Marty, my hero,

I have no intentions to write a lot about Martin Ottmann. This mean and vulgar man is not worth my of time. He lied a few years ago on ARS that he would be “retired” of bashing Scientology. Yeah right. On ARS, he published over and over my private address against my will to harass me and to get me in troubles. Ottmann also belongs to the p$ych front group Anonymous. He is the ultimate German piece of secret garbage, like German Tilman Hausherr is too.

As far as Big League Sales is concerned, it is no Scientology book, it was “introduced” to Scientology by the German/CIA double agent “Jack Vistaril” who issued/forged Executive Directives in the founder’s name. The German idea behind it: Scientology  should get a reputation of being money-grabbing, and that on the other side of the coin, Germany can grab high Sea Org Reserves which are in Luxembourg’s banks  with Germany controlling the EU, secretly if not already openly. It wasn’t Ron, the founder who introduced Big League Sales, Oxford Capacity Analysis Test, running in circles, psych spinning instruments, stress tests, etc. Germany and psychs planted that and other non-Scientology crap into Scientology to switch Scientology to a money-oriented psych-place, a far cry away from original Scientology.

Original Scientology was so true and functioning that it needed no sales technology. 

I am sure that you know this, Marty. Some others know it too. They have to speak out.

Always yours.

I love you.





Wish I could say that the world became saner. It didn’t.

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Marty, most missed and precious Prince in the universe, how are you?

Have a look at these ads or “inventions”. Wish I could say that the world became saner. It didn’t.

Sure glad that my dimple is natural. I bet the dimple machine hurts and all they got were wrinkles.  Today, they make dimples with plastic surgery. 



I started with a relatively harmless ad, Marty. As more psychs are involved, as  more painful it gets. 


That is an alleged “insane person” of 1883. He looks average unhappy to me. I bet he was a lot saner than the p$ychs who “treated” him.  


This is a machine from a mental hospital. It is called the “body grinder”. And p$ychs are saying that they are butchers. Who are they kidding? 



A neurosurgical kit. Wonder how often those were drilled and hammered  in the heads of those poor people who “looked insane”?.




This p$ych machine of 1935 is “real progress”. It even could measure the  “secretiveness” of a person. That is really something, isn’t it? Considering that people back then had already ear-implants and lots of secrets, which psychs and this “invention” of course never revealed. 


E-shocks in p$ych institution. Marty, nobody can tell me that psychs are not directly from hell. And they still shock as of today.  




This is Rosemary Kennedy BEFORE p$ychs got their hands on her.  After lobotomy, she was reduced to an infantile mentality that left her incontinent and staring blankly at walls. Her verbal skills were reduced to unintelligible babble. What was originally wrong with her? A “stormy personality”.  What’s wrong with that?  That’s called a temper. Gee, what a “mental illness”. What strikes me most is that family Kennedy did not become the most outspoken critics of p$ychs after they have seen what became of that girl. And just one sister came to visit her once in a while? Yikes! Not a family I would want to belong to. In my view, horrible parents who allow psychs do ruin their daughter and  get away with it. If famous family Kennedy would have raised hell against psych methods, others could have been saved who were later destroyed by lobotomy, e-shocks, drugs or other horrible psych methods. Instead of making sure that p$ychiatry is outlawed, they claimed that she was mentally retarded. She looks like a vibrant young woman to me and not at all like retarded. 




Here is a psychiatric machine that apparently turn normal folks into babbling people with infantile mentality. 


Isolation box for mental patients. Who wouldn’t go “sane” in  those?





Psychs spun patients around all the time. They finally learned that this won’t bring them any glory and just adds to the already bad reputation of psychiatry, so they decided to hand their outdated “spinning tech” to their agent “Jack Vistaril” (Ron’s impostor) to make it part of  Scientology as part of the “Power Rundown”. Unlike real Scientologists, DM never used his freaking head.  He knows that spinning is not Scientology but psych crap… Guess he justifies that NASA is using spinning devices too. NASA is riddled with psychs. And remember astronaut Lisa Nowak? Wonder how often she was spun around… When p$ychs want more influence, they simply condition persons secretly and let them do criminal acts or go nuts or both. That always result in misinformed and gullible people hiring more psychs. (NASA is just another example.)       



Another psychiatric spinning device. Person was placed inside and spun around, and people got even crazier. What is normal or sane about being spun in circles? How can that repair anything? It is like hitting with the fist on a computer to make it go.





Psychs believed that spinning would reduce “brain congestion” and “cure” mental illness. They ended up with dizzy patients who were still crazy but nobody is crazier than psychs themselves . 


Spinning people around in circles is part of historic psychiatric mind control.



A German psych invented this “glove” for “phrenoscalpoteraputic treatment”. Wikipiggy doesn’t mention this, guess, the psychiatric case officers of the Wikipedia editors don’t allow them to show how creepy p$ychs really are. I read somewhere that this was once in a Wikipedia but taken off. How “democratic”…  

(That hand tells me the doc was a wild animal in his past life!)





 And all  creepy psych ways lead back to Germany, the cradle of the p$ychs.  This ad says that even if the skull is crushed, this “instrument” screws the skull open again. Who crushed skulls in the first place?  Wonder how many skulls they crushed to test this thing. 



Sometimes I ask myself if Indians would have scalped if psychs wouldn’t have controlled them with ear implants like all other races (and ear implants are a very old German invention). The only reason why people never wrote about this  is because p$ychs control them and don’t let them.

Scalping reminds me to  doctors and psychs. They run people via ear implants and having fun when one race is hurting the other one.  Just like the German saying: When two are fighting, the third one is enjoying it.

Indians said that the colonists were scalping Indians. Wouldn’t surprise me at all. P$ychs always are trying to get into the heads of people.  Scalping  and beheading is right down their creepy inhumane alley…  

Many kisses, my wonderful husband.

Yours forever,


Finally, I pretty picture. Marty, the only problem is: I have no freckles!























































































What does David Miscavige know about Scientology and Scientologists anyway?

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dm (2)


Dearest Marty, my very handsome looking and very attractive Prince and husband,

Seems that David Miscavige is hiring non-Scientologists to promote Scientology. What is wrong with faces of Scientologists of all ages promoting real Scientology? Nothing… except that DM is scared of real Scientologists and rather has non-Scientologists working for him. He  didn’t get  Scientology from the founder but from German/CIA double agent “Jack Vistaril” who was married to Mary Sue and who is the impostor of real founder’s impostor. And DM knows it. It is such treason.

On top of doing his own crap, DM follows in the footsteps of the impostor instead of keeping real Scientology working. It is such a shame. I am so tired of non-Scientologists running Scientology into the ground.

Wish we could change this. Scientology is still the place where I belong. And of course to you, Marty.   

I love you. Let me kiss you ever fresh face.

Yours forever,


Here is some music for you. Something Irish is in everyone. I like many of her songs. Reminds me of you in this lifetime, Marty, and of past lives in the UK, galloping with fiery horses through the green meadows and the thick and forests, and feeling magic in and around us.  

Speaking about magic. A real estate broker told me today that he can’t sell a house next to mine as there is a rumor going through town “that an evil spirit lives in there”. I catch orbs all the time on camera but none of them ever scared me. I was inside that house and didn’t find it creepy. It is huge and run down but not creepy. When I moved here, there were times when I felt uneasy at night in my house as it was so dark outside, and there were noises of animals that I didn’t knew. But I got over that. Old German houses are creepy. Really, really creepy. Who knows how many people were killed in these places and still are hanging around there. Many people in Germany burn incense to smoke them out. Isn’t it interesting that so many people know that thetans exists, but they still are in denial?  



In a secretive and rotten German-psychiatric-controlled world, nobody suspects that the real multidimensional universe is hidden behind a holographic two-dimensional universe?

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Dearest Marty, my hero, how are you?

What does it mean, a “holographic universe”?

Definition of hologram: A special kind of picture that is produced by a laser and that looks three-dimensional.

Planet Earth, all around us is really three-dimensional, but numerous “scientists” are thinking it is “all just in our heads” and everything including the universe is  just two-dimensional. In other words, the chairs we are sitting in are allegedly just two-dimensional.

Well, I don’t think so.

Physicists in Japan came to the conclusion that when they look into space, everything is just two-dimensional. They came up with lots of calculations to “prove” just that.

They fail to conclude that the three-dimensional world is real, and that the real three-dimensional universe is covered behind a two-dimensional hologram “universe”.  The real universe is covered up with blackness and a two-dimensional “universe” is projected over it to pull anyone’s legs.  

It means that those people who want to make Earth scientists and the population believe that the universe that they are seeing is the real one, didn’t even bother to create the images of a convincing  three-dimensional universe for all of them. Typical German arrogance. “Hehe, that’s good enough for them… If they figure out what we did, we tamper with their memories, and they forget all they figured… Hehe…”   

Living in Germany gave me a good sense as to what they are up to and what they are capable of. Here is what my intuition tells me: once life was discovered on other planet, Germany covered up the real universe with blackness and produced on top a hologram of a fake universe. All is fake with the Germans. Instead of seeing the universe in three-dimensions, people on this Earth see just the fake universe, which basically means that life on Earth is some kind of real Truman Show. The problem with those “scientists” is that they don’t think that what is out there is sabotaged because the Germans control their thinking.  

Marty, I am also convinced that our corner of the universe is cloaked in blackness or with some fake hologram universe so that aliens can’t see and find us. This is not done to protect Earth populations from bad aliens. The worst SPs are living on or near planet Earth, and they don’t want their behinds kicked by aliens finding them. As simple as that. If they would be further away, I bet Earth would have planetary wars already.  Germans fear they could lose control over everything if Earth population knows about the real universe. They are cowards. (And the worst are the Bavarians.) They are afraid that aliens do to them what they do to us. They sure pull it in, one way or the other.   

When the aliens are attached to the ear-implant system, p$ychs can control them into total blindness, just as they do it with the Earth population. 

Have you ever heard of a satellite playing Earth music to attract aliens? Or programs to send messages out in space? This all is a huge joke. It should make people believe that space is not controlled. But in reality, the music/messages noises are swallowed up with high-tech before it leaves this corner of the universe. 

I read numerous articles on this holographic universe, Marty. As of now, I read nothing that somebody suspects the holographic universe to be a cover up of the real three-dimensional universe behind it, and this is German mind-control at work. 

What is my feeling about what happens in space? Same at yours. Driven by insane fear that aliens could do to Germans what they do to us, they install ear implants into the aliens to run them like the Earth population and to turn the universe into a German ear implant cult where one conspires against the other . It is more than just creepy, isn’t it? 

How can obsessed Germans attach aliens to their ear-implant system considering that some Earth-born ear implant installers might look somehow different from the aliens that they attach? Easy. First they use computer geeks to analyze the alien language. Next psychiatric methods are applied. They kidnap some aliens, implant them, steal their memories, and turn them back to their planet as remote-controlled robots. They do the work for the German psychs attaching them to Big Brother, ear implants, just like here on Earth, and they are all so controlled that nobody may talk about it.  With methods like this:!D7CCD533-8BF3-4F86-88B0-4693EC0474C1

That is not knew and it is done since a long time by secret service psychs to mess around with people’s minds.

Or this:

All mind-control…

These aliens don’t remember what hit them. They think that what they are doing is all their ideas. Nobody is looking for Earth-born Lederhosen-psychs. They don’t remember what happened to them.  They run on psychiatric mind-control just as the population on planet Earth. Same trap. 

Some conspiracy theorists are thinking that aliens abducted them from Earth, when in fact Earth people (particularly Germans) are abducting aliens to have them continuing their ear-implant control system in space. If Earth population would be able to look behind that “holographic universe”, they would discover planets with aliens. I am sure of that. 

Somebody might ask why I am so sure about this. The answer is really simple: I know the Germans, particularly the Bavarians. I know how obsessed they are and that they MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST control all and everything. They are driven by incredible fear that anyone does to them what they do to others. They know how bad they are, and that others could be as bad as they are, is scaring the daylights out of them. 


I love you, Marty.  I am so glad that you are here with me on the same planet and not behind the fake universe on some planet with aliens who also have already German ear-implants. Sounds crazy?  I take crazy over stupid anytime. Honestly, Marty, Germany is so obsessed. I bet all I have that they have mind-controlled people who are not even aware what they are doing venture out in space to attach aliens to the German psychiatric ear-implant system.  Mind-control.        

Yours forever,












Karen de la Carriere couldn’t be more wrong…

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate,

Karen is a Thomas Kinkade’s art collector/dealer. He died age 54. It is being said that he was an alcoholic. I assume that Karen knew him personally. For someone who was in Scientology for so long as she, she should have been able to help him to overcome his addiction. His behavior was sometimes criticized by others. I assume that this conduct was based on being drunk. Anti-Scientology messages on an anti-Scientology message board congratulate Karen to that she makes now more money since his death as his paintings are now worth more. Good grief.  It is all about the money. 

 I don’t know if you ever listen to her or read what she is posting, Marty. I rarely do, don’t have the time, but today, I had a minute  and watched her overacted (she always does this) video “There is no God in Scientology”.  She claims that Scientology is a “reversed religion”. People do the ministers course to create the impression that it is a religion. That is not true. I joined Scientology for philosophical reasons, hunger of wisdom and I know you did too . Fundamental of Thoughts was one of the first SCN books that I read. Karen apparently “joined” for other reasons, and I feel personally offended that she makes it look as if real “Scientologists” were/are like her.

She certainly is pushing the very German lies that SCN is no religion. She claims that there is no God in Scientology, and she couldn’t be more wrong. 


Karen de la Carriere is one of the very best friends and supporters of your impostor, Monique husband. Her husband (Jeffrey Augustine) says that “Scientology” told the IRS lies to obtain the non-profit status, but he and Karen are concealing that it  nobody else but Monique’s husband, Karen’s very good friend and DM who made  a deal with the IRS. She never criticizes your impostor’s conduct. 

As you know, originally, Scientology was absolutely non-profit (with the real founder in charge), but then, the German ordered infiltration (supported by their poodle CIA) with their agent Jack Vistaril (Ron’s impostor who was married to Mary Sue’s ) took over. Germany ordered them to use Scientology make Germany  richer and the OT levels very expensive. They also altered the OT levels, because after all, nobody should become real OT and figure rotten to hell Germany out, for example.

These former infiltrators of Scientology are too much. IT WAS THEM WHO COMMITTED THE ACTS, AND THEN THEY LEAVE SCIENTOLOGY AND POINT WITH THE FINGER ON OTHERS. Not one of them came forward and confessed that their non-Scientologist case officers sent them into the Scientology orgs to reverse and destroy the real religion from the inside and turn it into a German cult.

Karen indicated that she made compromises with her reality. How dare she trying to say that we all were/are like her. I never made compromises with my reality, and I know you didn’t either, Marty. She clearly didn’t apply Scientology when another non-Scientologist told or ordered her to no longer believe in her own experiences. As a real Scientologist, I feel insulted how Karen misinforms the “world” (whoever watches her overacted/dramatic videos). She wrongfully describes real Scientologists. Infiltrators never were Scientologists. Neither she nor the people who she described were Scientologists.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she “donates” financially to your impostor and his wife Monique and their gold digger case, and all the instances  when he wrongfully claimed to be you.  



The Munich org paid Lutheran Church taxes (despite their Wilhelm-Friedrich Haack, once of the most fanatical Lutheran anti-Scientology priests ever). Nobody in the SCN orgs ever told me to resign, and I never heard that somebody else was told to resign from another church or religion. I RESIGNED FROM THE LUTHERAN CHURCH AND ITS HYPOCRISY AFTER I WAS NO LONGER ACTIVE IN THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY FOR THE KNOWN REASONS. I was completely my own decision. 

Other religions and churches have dirty hands too. Karen and her hubby make people believe that other religions are good just SCN is bad. Honestly, if somebody is a OT and believes that the other religions are based on true religious writings and events, and that the bible or other scriptures were never altered or re-written, and that these religions are really the home of God, they are really anything else than OTs because OTs are expected to have awareness and be a lot smarter than this. The Bible is supposed to be thousands of years old, and it is such a joke to believe that this book not re-written by whoever grabbed the power within the Christian churches. 

Karen says that “Scientology impersonates God”. Give me a break! The woman who supports your impostor and does not tell the world that Ron was impostored by “Jack Vistaril”, claims that Scientology impersonates God? Good grief. All the items she complains about (may they true or made up) are not even part of original Scientology. They are part of the German-controlled infiltration of SCN.

She giggles about that “Scientology” would claim that “the person”  is God, e.g. that “she” is God.  Actually that made me laugh too… She is anything else but godlike. Actually, it is a very good think trying to become godlike as better people are and as more highly people think of themselves, as less they commit low acts. 

As a real Scientologist, I discovered a supreme being, Marty, and I know you did too. Vistarologists and Miscavologists may not have discovered him, but we did. The German-oriented and controlled infiltration turned Scientology into an evolution cult.  As a real Scientologist, however, I have a stronger personal relationship to the supreme being than when Germany pressed me into that protestant religion by kidnapping me to Germany.

Karen forgets or never knew that some members of other religions strive to be godlike. Mormons for example do that too. She of all people should know, once being married to Heber who came from a Mormon upcoming.


I am not quite sure how Karen can think that Jesus created miracles but that there are no OT abilities… Jesus had them till  up to the point of horrible physical pain being inflicted. However, after physical death, and the pain gone, these OT abilities returned.

What is the purpose of any religion not thriving to become godlike?  If people not trying to become like God, religion really has no purpose but being a cult. If they want to stay bad and low and primitive , religion has failed its purpose.  

Karen and her hubby make no sense. They are just trashing SCN.

As I said, I was one of the tree member of the SCN Sea Org reserves. The money is in Europe.  Germany leads Europe. Germany is behind SCN asking for more and more cash to make Germany richer!

Karen wasn’t trained by the founder, she was “trained” by the impostor “Jack Vistaril”. Either she wasn’t smart enough to see that he was the impostor, a German/CIA double agent or she keeps her mouth shut for other reasons. Which is not smart either. 

She doesn’t impressed me at all.  The question is: What was Heber thinking marrying her?       

And I know you are not impressed of her neither. I know you knew her from the 80s…. And she doesn’t immediately recognize that her now best buddy is an impostor and not you? Come on! I believe I know what Karen had no case again… Lack of ethics. Even in infiltrated and altered Scientology, there was still was/is the possibility to get case gain and cognitions.  She didn’t. 

Many kisses, Marty. I am pretty sure that the day comes when Karen wishes she wouldn’t have made those ridiculous videos. The day when the true story of Scientology breaks.

I love you. Be kissed.

Yours forever.






Life without true love is nothing – and I mean it

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Marty, my one and only love,

How are you?

People speak about love all the time. Most people think they know what it is. Some people think it does not exist. Some people think it is just sex. Some people wrote nice things about it. Some people think they are loved but are sold out by their partners. Some people think that only the third and fourth dynamic matters and the second one is a distraction. It is not. I am convinced that true love supports all other dynamics. People who have a soulmate and take care of him/her will archive much more than those with 

But after having met you, Marty, my understanding of love is that true love makes all worth it. True love as in: ho hardship, no money, no bribe, nobody younger and no looks of somebody else will make the true lover sell the other one out. It is a love carved in stone. It is like rock who will stand there for all eternity to come and nobody can change it.

Two people made the postulate to give their best for each other. It doesn’t matter how much time passes, that postulate sticks. Yes, this is how soulmates are being made, and our postulate is very old, we made it already countless lifetimes before. In a way it is kind of funny that p$ychs are thinking they can come in between this kind of love. How little do they know about real love. It tells me that the people who keep us apart don’t have a soulmate, otherwise, they would know that separating them does not kill their love and that they are wasting their time and all they are getting is a bad conscience and feeling lousy and depressed.   “Great deal” for them, sheesh!

Love is thicker than conspiracy. And I bet it feels a lot better too!  

I mention this before, I knew a woman who was in therapy. She had nothing ever to do with Scientology. She told me that her p$ych told her that the love that she is looking for would not exist: a partner who would love her as much a good parent would. No partner would ever love another partner as much.

How wrong he is.

Of course, we love each other very romantically, but that love to let no harm and having the best interest that good parents have for their kids or good siblings have for their siblings, is also in you and me for each other.

I also see you as my other part, not said lightly, I mean really. I see you in a way that if I would betray you, I would betray myself. And who wants to betray oneself? Exactly.

It is a shame that two who are so ideal for each other are separated by this jealous conspiracy. Instead of conspiring against us, they should find their own soulmate and commit no OW against her/him so that the love and attraction lasts and lasts and lasts.

I am so glad that you exist, Marty. Many tender and passionate kisses.

Yours forever,
like a rock



“Deliberate sabotage” by German Police and German Security Services in hunting down Neo-Nazis

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Marty, my dearest, and wonderful Prince,

How are you? It is hot here! Just turn the air condition on to prevent melting.

I worry about you. Just for the records, anyone who lays a finger on you, has to answer to me. And I kick behinds of abusers so bad that they can’t sit anymore on it for the next billion years.

Take a look at this article. It is about how Germany avoids or even sabotages to go after Neo-Nazis. Many people think that the Nazis will never come back and Merkel doesn’t seem the concentration camp re-opening type, but she is just a front person used to take countries over but at the same time, the Nazis grow in Germany and the rest of the world. And one day, they will march again.

Read this: “…efforts to find the fugitive trio between 1998 and 2003 were a “complete disaster.””

Or this: “In the best case the comprehensive failure of many of those involved resulted from simple lack of interest,” the panel said in its 1,895-page report. But so many mistakes were made that one might even be justified in suspecting “deliberate sabotage.”

“The neo-Nazi group, calling itself National Socialist Underground, allegedly killed eight Turks, a Greek and a policewoman between 2000 and 2007. It is also believed to be behind two bombings and 15 bank robberies.”

Those German authorities who fail and sabotage going after Nazis are Nazis. This explains it.

I love you, many kisses. I hope to see you against all odds.

Yours forever,


That is Gnomeo and Gnoliette. 🙂



Written by Barbara Schwarz

August 22, 2014 at 4:13 pm

I am here, Marty…

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I am thinking of you. How are you? Still hoping for the miracle that will bring us together. You are worth waiting for.

I was cheated at work, Marty. I am pretty successful at not being cheated. I did a lot better than many of my colleagues. Within the last 9 years, it happened only approx. a handful times that I wasn’t paid. But I missed to check one tiny little detail this time, and now I have to investigate the details. It is about a rather big amount. Unbelievable what I found. An international rat net. Definitely a case for Interpol, but on the other side, Interpol rather follows me around “to protect me against my will” and return me to above the law “Mom” instead of going after criminals.



Anyway, whatever happens to me, happens for a reason. It is not wise to cheat me because it will come and bite them.

I love you, Marty, actually, I don’t care about money. I just want to be with you. I might get a visitor in September and might not be able to post much if at all. My visitors try to spent every minute with me when they are here.

Many kisses, my darling.

Yours forever,


Germany’s (worst hypocrites ever!) surveillance is not “accidental”

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Dearest Marty, my awesome Prince and husband,

I am thinking of you…

And now about Germany. Isn’t that too much? What a hypocrisy. Germany got caught spying on Turkey, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry…and…. That is so typically Germany. Accusing others of what they do themselves.

“Do as I say but not as I do…”

Besides, they do a lot worse than just spying. Recruiting children in school to become their spies by installing them ear implants and when grown up, taking jobs in international governments (incl. the USA) and have them do exactly as Germany orders… Using silent sounds, microwave, and electromagnetic frequencies to torture people, to make them sick, and killing them… Creating terrorists and other criminals… No country tops Germany’s crimes.

Germany says that the “BND spying was accidental”. They read the minds of people through the implants and other devices… They don’t have to listen in on phone calls. They know all by invading everyone’s most inner thoughts.

Turkey is upset as Germany “had allegedly been spying on Turkey for years”. Again, people who think that  – spying on phone calls is all Germany does  – are so clueless.

Germany says that they don’t have a “spy program” as the USA and any spying of the BND would be “accidental”. Yeah right.  Only Germany thinks that they come away with this kind of crap. They have the SEGNPMSS (or Bavarian Illuminati or whatever they call themselves) behind the BND. Germany is so secret that the world doesn’t even know all their secret services by name. BND and Bundesverfassungschutz are just German front groups.

A German “investigator” wants to “investigate” the German spying against Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, but I know already that he will not reveal that there are German secret services behind the official German secret services…

I am sure that you are aware of this. You are much too smart to be fooled by Germany.

I love you bunches.

Yours forever,






Mary Sue was married to the impostor and not the founder of Scientology… And she apparently preferred her dog over her children…

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Dearest Marty, my one and only,

How are you?

Above the law Mary Sue was not married to the founder of Scientology but to impostor “Jack Vistaril”. Back in the days when she was the Controller, nobody in the GO MUN had her picture in his/her office except Jürg Stettler, an infiltrator from Switzerland. Instead of publishing that she was a fraud just like her impostor husband, David Miscavige awarded her with cash.

What a bad taste in art she had. Look at this painting. A woman with hypnotizing eyes. Is that a self-portrait of her? Nobody could have paid me to hang this creepy pic up in my home. And that is not the only ugly pic in her place.

Suzette, Diana, and Arthur could not sell the home as long as her dog lived.

(Unrelated great Blues:)

What a “hardship” for the dog having to move elsewhere. The capacity of at least Sea Org member was wasted to serve the dog and the estate (Neville Potter). BTW, J.K. Rowling comes to mind too.

In the 80s, Mary Sue ordered GO MUN B1 to find a drug that stops aging, disease, and dying. She and her impostor husband were such fools. Ron, the real founder had established that already. It is not a pill but which is on top of auditing and training a different way to live and eat. “Jack Vistaril”, her hubby, and the mother of Shih Tzu altered Scientology as ordered by Germany and international p$ychs and then they try to find a solution for the problems (which they would not have if SCN wouldn’t be altered) and they didn’t find it. Their middle names were: Corrupt Idiots!

Many kisses, Marty, my love. I miss you so much.

Yours forever,
