
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for July 2020

Attorney General Bill Barr has no conscience

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Dearest Marty, my hero, how are you? 

Bill Bar the Attorney General under Bush senior. I already suspected then that you were arrested for crimes you never committed, that Germany fabricated the charges and put Spain also up for it and that the US government obeys Spain and Germany, the old Nazis that they still are.

Again, I have no shred evidence that you ever were arrested. Here in my world it looks as if you simply fell from the surface of the Earth. Of course, replacing you with a ringer was a huge mistake by the conspiracy as I noticed right away that he isn’t you. They are such idiots.

I just can’t get rid of the feeling that you are wrongfully incarcerated. Actually, for your sake I hope that I am wrong and that you had other reasons why I didn’t see you in all these decades. Yet, like a boomerang the feeling comes back.

And when I look at Barr, I see huge OWs. It is all around him. He looks as if he denied your right of freedom knowing that you are an innocent man. Yet, he helped convicted felons that worked for Donald Tump. What a crook.

Officially, I know nothing, Marty, but my intuition might know it all. And there are idiots who say that Scientology is worth nothing. Which non-Scientologists would figure out what we did and do? They don’t use their intuition as we do. 

Anyway, Barr is a crook. And Trump too. How these guys sleep at night is beyond me. Some people are saying that they are religious but it is just a cover up.   

What a bad world. You, the decent innocent man is locked up and these crooks sit on top of the world.

Those who think that I return to Germany so that they can get away with their crimes can forget it. I just ordered a new refrigerator. 

Be kissed, Marty, and be safe. In the future, you will be on the top of the world, and they will hopefully be where they belong.

I love you.

Yours forever,





The dark hole in the history of Bavaria

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Marty, my star, how are you?  

I let love for you lead my way. After all these years, I feel so strongly connected to you. I love you and I am proud of it. You are so special. There is no other you in any universe. There is this song from Van Morrison “Someone like you”. It is a good song but not enough for me. I don’t want “someone like you”. I want you, just you. 

Munich is called the secret capital of Germany. The Still Existing German Nazi Pychiatrists’ Mindcontroller Service runs the entire world with ear-implants and other outrageously unfair and foul methods and wants Germany to be the most powerful nation and if not the only power on Earth. As Munich is the secret capital of Germany, that makes Bavaria is the worst of all German states, doesn’t it?

Bavaria is also the German state that helped the Nazis to power. The typical Bavarian is a primitive, perverted, and brutal dude. I can tell as I lived there as you know. 

Some people are saying that the Bavarian Illuminati are still at it and conspiring.

The Bavarian Illuminati are just a front group to hide behind. If against all ear-implant odds, SEGNPMSS secret activities would be detected and revealed, the SEGNPMSS wants only one of their front groups to go down, while the SEGNPMSS continues to hide and does what it always does: suppressing, torturing, killing, abusing, perverting, stealing, lying, etc.   

I checked the official history of Bavaria in various references, and I it feels nowhere correctly recorded. 

This is what the Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote on September 26, 2012:

Only the biggest mystery is still unsolved. Where do these people Bavarians come from? Historians have been biting their teeth at this question for centuries, especially when between the withdrawal of the Romans from southern Bavaria (anno 488) and the first mention of the Bavarians (551) there is a kind of dark hole in which hardly anything can be seen.

I don’t think it is just one dark hole. Approx. 4500 years ago, there is another dark hole when the old successful Europeans disappeared and were entirely replaced with new people. And I am sure that there are many more such dark holes and also wrong records.

Süddeutsche Zeitung on September 26, 2012

The most common theory is that the Bavarians originally came from Bohemia and immigrated to the largely depopulated area south of the Danube after the withdrawal of the Roman occupying power in the 5th century.

If that isn’t weird, Marty! Who depopulated the area and how? It doesn’t sound like the Romans at all to just give up a state that isn’t a desert and move away. 

The paper goes on saying that there is basically no evidence of Bavarians coming from Bohemia. This Bavarian paper tries to imply that the Bavarians are more Romans than anything. It pictures the Bavarians as self-confident and clever people. Yeah, right! My experience with the Bavarians is that the typical Bavarian is gruesome, stupid, perverted, brutal, withholdy, and secretive. Their so-called “self-confidence” comes from the secret that their case officers run the entire world with ear-implants and whatever they do, it will not define them and they will get away with it. Once they are cut off their ear-implants, one will see what small wimps they are. 

Radio technology is simple. What if they had ear-implants already back then and earlier? That is what I suspect. Maybe they radioed in the ear-implants of the Romans: “Change of plan, Romans. You served us well but we don’t want the Roman Empire no longer. We rather want Bavarians to become the superior race, so get out of here.”   

Or they simply invaded the region where Bavaria is now and drove anyone away who wasn’t willing to accept them as masters? If this is the case, this contained butchery for sure and evidence should be in the bones. 

I think that early ear-implants were not made of silicone. If not stuck in cartilage, small metal pieces should show up in the ear bones or heads of skeletons during the course of history. I bet that the perverted people of 79 AD in Pompeii had them. But with modern archeologists having ear-implants too, what are the odds that they will say that they found them?     

Apparently, in anno 488, a really creepy group decided to make the brutal people in Bavaria the “superior people” despite they were anything but superior, until they adopted officially the name Bavarians in 551. And they still have not given up the plan to make their race the superior race on Earth. These former barbers and butchers (who now worship psychiatry and medicine above anything) land always on top of the world, with the world constantly forgiving them and looking the other way. As if this would be normal behavior. Ear-implants, the holy psychiatric cows, make it happen.

So, from what dark hole did these monsters really come from? Did they land from space? Did they collect as many evil creatures from all other regions of the world to form Bavaria? Or what is it? Real original auditing could find it out. Hey, and who infiltrates Scientology and rails like crazy against Scientology auditing? The Bavarians! Of course. That makes sense. They don’t want us to know.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing in your personality reminds me of a Bavarian, Marty. Despite I grew up there, I have nothing of it either. A woman who knew me back then in Bavaria met my sister a few years ago. She said to my sister: “Bärbel was so different than the rest of us.” (Bärbel is the horrible German/Bavarian first name that they gave me. I don’t like German Unlaute. They look like hypnotizing psych eyes.) Bavaria did indeed not rub off on me. There I was, the American Jewish Scientologist kid, kidnapped to Germany, wondering all the time why the hell I was living in this place with a “mother” I had nothing in common. I collected airmail labels because I wanted to leave so badly. Looking at letters that came from other countries, particularly North America, made my heart beat faster. Hey, and I did leave! How “clever” is kidnapping a kid who wants nothing but leave? They should have known this already from my past lives that I won’t stay. They should have never put they claws on me. That would have been the clever thing to do. 

My boots were made for walking. I just wish that I would find you finally, Marty. I miss and love you. And I worry about you.

Yours always,





As time goes by…

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Dearest Marty, my magnificent soulmate and husband,

How are you? You are my one of all googolplex thetans in the universe, Marty. And I wouldn’t want in any other way. No one compares to you. You live forever in my heart.

There was still no info, letter, news, whatever for me on your behalf. Yet, my intuition tells me that you are trying to reach me but people keep any info conspirately from me as that is what their German-controlled case officers are telling them to do through their ear-implants. It is a corrupt German-psychiartric world. 

In the movie “Till We Meet Again” from 1944, an old nun says that she lived through three wars and that everything would change, except the Germans.

Seems that people in former times saw things more clearly than they do now. Although, they also missed something: that the Spanish Flu virus 100 years ago was planted in a Kansas Military Unit upon secret German order, targetting young soldiers so that Germany is not being defeated, and that the world should hate the USA and not fight alongside the USA against Germany.

I was asking myself why the SEGNPMSS didn’t plant Covid 19 in the USA as they did with the Spanish Flu. Looks like they were afraid of something this time and that is why they planted it first in China.   

I listened to the plans to defeat the pandemic and be safe in the future. But nobody of all the people who occupy high posts and are being paid to protect the population came up with what really would save mankind: a new way of life, villages that are self-contained and enables people to control their own destiny. 

The New York Times, Ruchir Sharma, chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, wrote an article that was published yesterday, saying that neither the USA nor China would triumph in the post-pandemic world. He thinks that Germany will be the big winner.

Of course. Besides wanting to kill us with the virus, the psychiatric and medical monsters behind Germany planted then coronavirus to bring other countries’s people and economics down with it and have Germany come out as winner. Massmurder once again. Typical. 

As you know, people are immortal (not just spiritually but also physically). Yet, they die in an average of 70 to 80 years because the medical monsters behind Germany orders their death via remote-controlled germs, viruses, or other secret means. For them, committing mass murder is normal. They do it all the time using justifications. These medical monsters have shut off their conscience. They just can do this by shutting off their conscience. Otherwise they could not go on another day with what they have done and do. A normal person doesn’t even want to crush a bug. But they don’t mind to crush all of mankind in an average of  70 to 80 years and often younger because their conscience allows it as they shut off. They don’t ask or tell themselves how wrong and inhuman it is. 

However, even with a conscience shut off, their OWs have effect on them. They are going down too. Too bad that they take all of mankind with them.        

I love you, my awesome Prince. Aristotele said that love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. I sure love you like that. 

Yours forever,


The TV series “Peaky Blinders” is violent, full profanities (even the f-word comes from Germany), and the actors are chainsmokers, having the worst haircuts outside of NK, but I can’t get that theme song out of my head, Marty. The theme song sounds really good.  



Psychiatric nonsense and high crimes

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate, brave husband, and dashing Prince, how are you?

Not one day goes by without me thinking of you. How can I ever forget you? I won’t. 

I read that the case of Phineas Gage would be part of any curriculum for anyone who studies psychiatry, neuroscience, and psychiatry. It would prove that a person is her brain. Obviously, it is garbage as a person is no brain but a thetan that has a brain and uses it as switchboard in the physical universe. 

Poor Phineas P. Gage (1823–1860), a young man, was working for the railroad in Vermont. He had a gruesome “accident”. An large iron stick propelled at high speed through Gage’s skull. It entered under his cheek and came out on top of the head, right through his frontal lobe. He survived the ordeal. He contracted a fungus while being treated by doctors and lapsed into a semi-comatose state. He came out of it after some days. I think while he was in that semi-comatose state, it became clear that he had what it needs to survive. So, he was implanted and hypnotized by doctors as they are monsters.

Gage was known as a man with a friendly character but after the “accident”, his personality changed to bad, and people who knew him said that he would be no longer the Phineas P. Gage. Has written psychiatric implanting and hypnosis written all over it, if you ask me.  

It is just what the doctor ordered who want people believe that people are their bodies and brains and not spiritual beings somewhere on the tonescale.  

Of course, doctors who secretly hypnotize and implant people and cut their access to their analytical minds off, keep under wraps that they hypnotize and implant people so that their characters do no longer resemble themselves. They did it so often in the past and very much so in the present.   

Gage died some years later on epilepsy. Psychs who have access to a person’s mind and ear-implants, implanted and hypnotized that person can cause epileptic seizures and can kill a person with it. The moor has done his duty (poor Gage served as evidence for the psychs that people are their brains instead of spiritual beings), the moor can go. 

Abd there is more psychiatric crap from 1900 about a Dr. John D. Quackenbos (what a fitting name for a doctor). He hypnotized people allegedly to cure them of kleptomania, drinking, stealing, and lying. No word of course of Dr. Quack that doctors are using hypnosis, ear-implant codes, and silent sounds to make people do all these bad things and worse.  

But Dr. Quack said also that he would not be able to wake “ambition” in a person when he treats them with hypnosis. Gee, a hypnotized person is not herself. It is a psychiatric robot. Why would a robot have ambition?  

Some other news, Marty: Scientology haters claim that Scientology does not work because Kelly Preston died on cancer and Ben Keough committed suicide. 

  1.  Due to that Scientology is infiltrated and altered on an international level upon secret orders of Germany and its psychs, original auditing and training, and the alternative life-style that the real Scientology founder Ron wanted for Scientologists is no longer and DM doesn’t bring it back. Also removed is Ron’s research that medical terrorists are using remote-controlled germs to cause diseases including cancer. The truth could have saved Kelly’s and anyone else’s life. 
  2. I don’t read much about celebs and hardly know anything about the celebrities who are or were once in Scientology. I have no idea if Danny Keough ever was one. And it doesn’t matter. The Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office ruled his death a suicide. I strongly assume that his girlfriend saw him shooting himself, but my intuition tells me that psychs had their claws on him like on so many people who committed “suicide”. They implant and hypnotize people, shut off their analytical minds and make them go through with it. 

Of course, Scientology works. Who else but we real Scientologists know what really happened, despite that so much wisdom is stolen from our religion. The anti-Scientologist just spread hate about it, ordered by psychs. The anti-Scientologists are clueless and will not safe the world.

I love you, Marty. I never give up wanting to see you again.

Be kissed my darling.



Deutsche Bank again (indeed scandal upon scandal)

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Dearest Marty, most loved soulmate and husband in the universe,

How is your life? I worry about your wellbeing.

Recently I thought that I would just want to play board games with you if I don’t have to play against you but with you. Even in a game, I would never want to be not on your side.

To my header: When there is shady business, one can find Deutsche Bank: Trump, Eppstein, etc.

New York Times wrote: 

At the end of the war, Deutsche Bank did not slink off quietly into the shadows as many businesses that had been involved with the Nazi Party did. Rather, “it [became] a leading force for the reconstruction, redevelopment and reunification of Europe”

Why? Because the Nazis are not gone. The SEGNPMSS is still at it. 

It was/is not just Trumps bank. It was also Eppstein’s. 

SEGNPMSS which also founded the Nazis deliberately picks dirty apples from the Jewish race. It allows them to get famous and make lots of money, for NO OTHER REASON but to have them disgraced later. This secret service works constantly at it to smear the reputation of Jews (particularly American Jews) in the world, and a world in trance doesn’t noticed this still existing secret service Nazi program.    

Eppstein’s case officers groomed the man so that they can bust him. What should people see and think? That dirty Eppstein even has a “private synagogue” on his creepy island. SEGNPMSS wanted this. Also, that his steady English girlfriend had Jewish roots and was involved in the perversions. They don’t bust Germans or other nationals that are similar dirty like Eppstein, Maxwell, or Weinstein. These people are helped to fame and money only for one reason: having them fall and becoming the symbols for crimes and perversions (and these perversions are very German but nobody should figure that).  

Really, what true Jewish person would make business with a German bank that was involved with the Nazi Party? None!

Deutsche Bank slammed with $150 million fine for failing to flag Jeffrey Epstein’s shady transactions. The “mistakes and sloppiness” of the Deutsche Bank relationship with accused sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein is anything but random. This bank has no morals.

The fine is a slap on the wrist, Marty. Like all of Germany, imo, this still existing Nazi bank needs to be dissolved. 

On the surface, Trump doesn’t seem too cozy with Germany right now but it’s all a show. Getting foreign loans from Deutsche Bank makes people vulnerable to foreign influence. Trump makes his beloved father even more German than he was. This is how much Trump identifies with being German. How is he helping Germany? By wanting an even more extreme leader for Germany than Merkel is. He said something like “Merkel destroys Germany, my fatherland…” No, she doesn’t. The men behind her have her work exactly on plan.

Germany wants the USA to not just turn a blind eye on German nationalism but supporting it. They want an extreme President of the USA who feels German. And they got it with Trump. 

“Serving Donald Trump as a client was one way that Deutsche elbowed its way onto the world stage,” said Russ Mould, Investment Director at AJ Bell.

Now we know who wanted Trump to run for president and win the election. Germany!

By looking at a leader, one always has to ask the question: what is the ground that this leader prepares for? What can the next extreme leader do on and with that ground that she took over? How can he make it even more extreme? That’s means that Merkel isn’t harmless at all.       

Moreover, SEGNPMSS has the coronavirus bred and unleashed it in China. At the same time, it is able to drive a rift between China and the USA, and Germany can steal these countries economy.

USA has a stupid leader as President. Just what Germany wants and needs. I often shake my head that people don’t see it. It is all so obvious. 

This country and this world need a true leader so urgently. It needs you, Marty.

I love you, Marty. And I kiss you. Keep on surviving.





The SPs of the SEGNPMSS determine who comes down with the remote-controlled coronavirus, who is just tortured with it and recovers, and who dies on it right away or later in life

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Dearest Marty, my Prince and husband,

What happens in your world? Without my OT abilities, I would be clueless as absolutely no information by a human is forwarded to me.

Well, when love is “crazy”, then I never want to be not crazy, Marty. 🙂 Nothing feels as good as loving the man who deserves it: YOU!

You are everything to me. If I could turn back the time, I would do all in my power to prevent that we are getting separated but I would choose you again and again. Just the thought of you makes me happy. Thinking of you is my place to be happy, despite so much is wrong with the world.   

Coronavirus cases increase more in the USA because the USA is very much a SEGNPMSS target and the virus is activated remote-controlled. The SPs behind can determine who gets it, who comes down with it, who recovers or dies. And on top of that, SEGNPMSS transmits in people’s ear-implants (loud and silent sounds) to behave irresponsibly during the pandemic. Despite younger people die rarely on it, the virus might be dormant in their bodies and might be activated to kill them later in life. I don’t think that they are out of the woods. 

Of course, I read about the hunt for a vaccine and medicine. While I agree that the virus must be stopped, how much chemicals can a human body tolerate? There is already news from new mutations of the corona viruses, which might not be stopped with a Covid-19 vaccine or medicine, in case they come up with one. The bubonic plague is now suspected on Mongolia, and a newly identified swine flu could become a human pandemic. And this is for sure just the tip of the iceberg. There are likely thousands of viruses that were deliberately bred upon secret SEGNPMSS order to torture and kill mankind. 

It all boils down to that the world population needs villages that can be closed up. If a virus is planted into one, the residents in all other villages still would be safe and could continue with their lives as usually. The leaders of all countries and those who are responsible for protecting human life (medical doctors and researchers) are indeed completely incapable by not seeing and implementing this way of life or they have suppressive characters and profit from sickness and death. 

And there is a giant dust wave making its way over the planet, radiation from nuclear power plants, flooding to unusual heat wave, etc. When do people finally get that the planet needs another infrastructure to protect them? They don’t see it and don’t do it because the medical creeps behind Germany have the overall control over their ear-implants.

About Germany: Officially, Germany makes it look as if the USA would let ally ( yeah right!) Germany hang without protection from the Russians and other “enemies” by withdrawing US troops from Germany. I see something very different, Marty. Germany controls all its enemy via ear-implants. If they don’t want Russia or others to attack them, it or they won’t. If Russia or another country would attack Germany or other parts of Europe, then because the SPs behind Germany ORDER it for some alibi reason, e.g. to be able to say: See, we don’t run Russia or other countries, we just were attacked. Their own creepy behinds are safe. If Germans are hit, they won’t be among them. Lots of agents would be killed of course but this is nothing new for Germany. They did it so often already. 

Trumps order to withdraw troops from Germany makes the SPs behind Germany feel more secure from the USA. When against all odds it should become broad public knowledge what the monsters behind Germany do to the world, they prefer as little US troops in Germany as possible.

I miss you so much, Marty, still nobody brought me a message about your whereabouts, and the planet allegedly is not run on German ear-implant. Yeah, right. The consistent secrecy and lies is such a giveaway. Thanks heaven that I have this special connection to the Almighty. He is the one not lying to me. 

Be safe. I love you, my hero. I cannot imagine my heart without you in it. You belong to it like its beat. 

Yours forever and ever,




How to end the pandemic and a truckload of other huge problems of mankind

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Marty, love of my life and eternal soulmate, how are you?

Time goes by but my love for you stands like a rock. Why? Because you deserve it. All timetrack long, you decided to do what is noble. And it emanates from your personality to the outside. All it needed was a woman capable to see it. And that woman is me. Good guy finishes last is very wrong. It is a justification by some who are too lazy and cowardice to better themselves. The good person, you, are the first and only winner of my heart. I don’t expect you to be perfect, Marty. You are the perfect husband it doesn’t matter what you do because all you do is based on your noble thinking, humanity, and thetan making it alright.     

From you, making things alright to someone who doesn’t: Donald Trump. I am not against a president using the Internet to directly communicating his message to the people. But what is the deal with him retweeting tweets of all kind of people who praise him or approve of him? Gee! How vain is that man? Shouldn’t a president lead the nation instead of wasting time by hanging all day and night on the Internet? Shouldn’t he study the international and national situations to get a better understanding of everything and meet with his administration and other experts and implement what really helps the USA and mankind? Shouldn’t he direct the executive, the federal government, and the US Armed Forces instead of wasting his time for retweeting?

I can’t even begin with how much he did ineffective or wrong but before him also by so many other presidents.   

The Covid-19 pandemic is just one of those things. Taxpayer’s money is being wasted for all kinds of stuff while environmental protected villages (villages that have enough nature inside but with a roof that can be closed) could stop a pandemic right in its tracks. And just about anything else that is wrong with the world: aging, diseases, death, pollution, bugs, germs, bacteria, viruses, dust clouds like the current one from the Sahara, radiation, floods, droughts, dirty food, dirty water, chemicals, allergies, wasted money for energy and repairs on individual houses on the unprotected surface of the world, and the list goes on and on. 

I would not build villages bigger than for 5000 people. Small businesses in those villages will take off like rockets. Each of these villages needs their own small businesses. They can be there for the village residents and of course also via the Internet for other customers. And big business, provided that they don’t create fumes and lead them into the village, could also have their HQ and plants in such an environmentally closed village. Doors that can be shut in an emergency could connect to another village where the employees and their families live. That means that there is also a healthy solution for big business.

Let’s say, someone reports the outbreak of a virus somewhere. Until the problem is truly solved, the villages can close their doors to others. They are protected and there is no reason for them to social distance and wear masks within their village or get vaccinated and pop pills with all the side effects as they are protected by their environmentally closed village. These residents can hug family that isn’t living in the same home, their friends, their neighbors, their colleagues because the virus is not being dragged in. Schools, business, other organizations, the economy can go on without beating.   

Criminality, terror, tobacco, booze, drugs, guns, corrupt and brutal police, too much government interference, not enough self-determinism for the people, all that could be scaled back to non-existence if equal-minded people who want to live peaceful good lives come together and start building such villages. I recalled that Scientology once had a blue-print for those villages before the German-controlled psychiatric infiltration took it out. Through self-auditing I was able to get a picture back of such a village, Marty. It was beyond amazing. It was already built, and I bet the farm that you know where to find it.       

Instead of building such villages, money is thrown out of the window for fixing a world that isn’t sanely organized.   

The problem is not just Covid-19. What if the same or other SPs breed and release another virus? I read that even if a vaccine and meds against Covid-19 is produced, it will not help against Covid mutation viruses, which are already around. (And those vaccine and meds all come with unknown side effects on the short or long range.) Why do people want to stay the eternal guinea pigs instead of coming up with a solution that really solves this and so many other problems? 

A president and lawmakers should use their time for THINKING and CHANGING BAD CONDITIONS TO THE MUCH BETTER not retweeting and holding a job like a robot and because it looks good on a resume or impress one’s high school classmates. A good president as you would be one, Marty, or a lawmaker should also be capable of predicting what CAN happen in the future. Due to that we are stalked by the SEGNPMSS, we know how these medical terrorists are thinking and we could render them without power to hurt others.

Look at this corrupt covert German-controlled psychiatric/medical world: They disconnect us despite we could change all to the better for them. They keep you wrongfully incarcerated and look for an opportunity to get rid of us permanently to continue torture and terrorize the world. Until the day one SP kills the other, which happens quite frequently. Then they sit in their own trap, unable to get out, without anyone left who could and would help them. These medical/psychiatric idiots say that God doesn’t exist. A close look at the few of us proves them however wrong. When they sit in their own trap, they will scream for his help. But why should he when they treat his messengers like hell and won’t better themselves? 

Another 4 years with Trump would be really bad. 4 years with Biden would also bad as he hasn’t the right solutions either. You have them, Marty. The German-ordered and -controlled bad reputation that the USA has, would be a thing of the past. Because with you as the US president, the United States would become a beacon of everthing that is intelligent, wise, decent, and honest. It would also help people in other countries. And I would support you with anything I got. Including my magic. 😉 And if something would happen to you, I’ll raise hell for those who ordered it and executed it. I wouldn’t give up until they are found. That “acted alone” crap doesn’t fly with me because I know of people’s ear-implants and don’t cover up this retarded psychiatric invention.    

I love you, Marty, so much. All through the universes and back. Be kissed, my hero.  



The Old Man Down the Road is a great song but the lyrics are wrong. We don’t hide from SPs. We are taking them on. The price of freedom is not to hide but to fight back.