
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for March 2018

1) The Tripods (novel series) 2) Russia in regards to Scientology doing Germany’s dirty work

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Dearest Marty, my incredible soulmate and husband,

I am thinking of you and this also enables me to figure out what might happen in your world.

If you don’t know the novel series “The Tripods” written in the late 60s by John Christopher, here is a summary that I found on Wikipedia:   

The story of The Tripods is a variation on post-apocalyptic literature, wherein humanity has been enslaved by “Tripods”: gigantic three-legged walking machines, piloted by unseen alien entities (later identified as “Masters”).  Humans are controlled from the age of 14 by implants called “Caps”, which suppress curiosity and creativity. According to The City of Gold and Lead, Masters begin to believe that humans should be capped at an earlier age “because some humans, in the year or two before they are Capped, become rebellious and act against the masters”… 

In real life, I am convinced that babies are already “capped” by doctors, nurses, or other medical people, with small silicone implants made in Germany, and not just installed in the ears but all over the head and all other body parts. Often already installed in babies when still in the womb or in the tube. For reason that people don’t revolt against implants and that the SEGNPMSS can read their thoughts, the SEGNPMSS attaches kids all over the world much sooner than 14 years to their despicable system. They attach them around first grade, deliberately, when minds of kids are anything but ripe. This is how they pull the kids into their system. “Capping”, ear- and body-implanting them before or immediately after birth, helps the SEGNPMSS to manipulate their thoughts to not reject ear-implants when they are around 6 years old. They of course are not telling the kids that they were already capped, ear- and body implanted and attached to the SEGNPMSS system before or right after birth.  SEGNPMSS wants to think that they don’t have them already. SEGNPMSS wants to make sure that they don’t find out the truth but want their agreement not working against but for them. 

SEGNPMSS cheats its own agents over and over again. A person working for the SEGNPMSS and obeying them is nothing but a functional fool for them.  They are making sure that the kids “agree” and are getting dirty hands (e.g. cheating through school, etc.) so that they don’t blow the whistle on this system and the “masters”, which are overwhelmingly psychiatrists and medical doctors with German psychs and doctors above all others. Real “capping” (invisible micro silicon chips in the ears and even x-rays) does not just suppress curiosity and creativity but also intelligence and abilities. What they “win” by being capped and listening to ear-implants, is nothing compared to what they could have if they would be really themselves instead.

Russia, their Federal Security Service (FSB) raided  the C of S again, just now in St. Petersburg. What is upsetting  me about this is that they don’t go after the real target, which is Germany, which orders and controls the alteration and infiltration of Scientology.

Russia blames Scientology and the USA. They should think again. The SEGNPMSS is planting non-Scientology content and material in the Scientology orgs and infiltrators do and say things to harm Scientology. Religion-hating Germany tries to outlaw Scientology and is using other countries to do the first step as they don’t want to be accused of being the Nazis that they still are. So they are using Russia and other countries. The USA too. Germany managed to “cap” and ear-implant Russians, and that is why they go after Scientology instead telling still existing Germany to back off, after all that Germany did to them, including keeping them locked up and their economy down during communism, by sending them German agent Lenin and others.  

I love you, Marty.

Yours forever,



The other “troika”: David Miscavige, Mike Rinder, and Monique’s husband

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and Prince,

Not quite sure if below happened on your side of the story exactly like it, but I am sure that I am closer to the truth than anyone else who wasn’t briefed on any of this.

I decided to join Scientology again in 1977   

You decided to join Scientology again in 1977

Your impostor, Monique husband, said he joined Scientology in 1977 via a mission in OR.

I believe that he was  hired by the SEGNPMSS in 1977,  after we joined Scientology, because they planned to “replace” you with him from the start. Similar as they hired corrupt impostor (“Jack Vistaril”) to “replace” the noble founder Ron  (without his knowledge) with  the fake agent right from the start. I think the real Ron suspected something like this but how to catch and convict one after Germany and its psychs  installed everyone ear-implants and made all to their mind-controlled servants? When the real Ron lectured very valuable lessons in one part of the world, his impostor “lectured” crap in another part of the world.         

We all know the outcome: Ron is blamed on what his SEGNPMSS-run impostor did and same appears to happen to you. The media, TV, books, courts/government, videos, blogs, rest of the Internet, etc., all claim wrongfully that Monique’s husband is you. Ortega for example misinforms his readers often, including yesterday, by mixing your ethical conduct (don’t do anything illegal, be ethical) with Monique’s husband DM enforcer-bully-attitude and his above-the-law-activities, by (deliberately) not differentiating between you and the impostor.

Besides from ruining your life and reputation and torturing you behind bars, I am convinced that Monique’s husband was hired to make me of all people to give up on you. It also shows me that the SEGNPMSS consists of anything BUT Scientologists, otherwise they would know that I can see the differences in your and his characters right away, even on photos.

Marty, SEGNPMSS wants to get rid of you, because you are a very good person. 

It is taking over Scientology and destroying it from the inside and out. Unlike you and me – DM, Mike Rinder, and your impostor always functioned well for them: Pharma donations were accepted to make Scientology move into the wrong direction. Psychiatric devices are used in Scientology (as running in circles and the spin device in the “SP Building”). We are being kept apart. Lots of other crap that the SEGNPMSS radioed in the ears implants of “Jack Vistaril”, Ron’s impostor, and you know who was/is introduced to Scientology, including the anti-Semitic NOI cult.  And still existing Nazi psychs ordered this all to alter and destroy original Scientology as they fear the world could get better and smarter with it and people could figure them out as the real Ron and we both did, Marty.  

Back to the events, in blue fonts. 

You did not know that an impostor with the same name (as if this is not a dead giveaway  of what the SEGNPMSS does, incl. cloning – which results in very similar looks but not in similar characters!) was sent into a Scientology Mission in Oregon.

You joined the Sea Org, you worked in the Legal Departments of Scientology with the attorneys, and you became the Inspector General for Ethics.

While you conducted ethical legal work, e.g. on legal matters and later as Inspector General for Ethics, we both met again in the mid 80s, and that was the wonderful part. As I am a top SEGNPMSS target, they forced me out of Scientology, using psych-conditioned RB as my “concerned” mother and with that lie, Germany and the p$ychs violated and denied many of my human rights. However, I figured them out and they got a lot more problems now as if they would have left us alone, Marty. 

SEGNPMSS behind Germany set up cases against you (and also used Spain for that) arrested and kept you, the innocent, behind bars – with the USA and other countries helping them. And these officials and other people still obey Germany as of today. As if they flunked history in school big time.

As you are a top SEGNPMSS target, prison is a lot worse for you than just incarceration as they deliberately target you to cave in, give up, and torture you. I am your soulmate, Marty, that is why I know this. We share feelings. In other words: in prison, it is much harder for you than others who are also incarcerated. I am not sure if we both or just you or just me will be able to survive the SEGNPMSS set ups, but may I be dead or alive, I will not let them get away with what they have done. This I promise you!   

I never stopped loving you, Marty. There were a few short periods where I thought we never meet again and that you don’t need my help and moved on without me, but I always looked for info on you in SCN magazines. And even in those short periods where I thought you might have moved on and found happiness with someone else, you never left my heart. 

At the end of the 80s, I felt that you were arrested in Spain, despite that the SEGNPMSS behind the media reports made it look like as if Heber Jentzsch was the highest Scientology officials who was arrested. Germany didn’t want you to meet me in Germany as the SEGNPMSS was aware that I never would lie that you harmed me, even if  you would have moved on without me. Before you could travel to Germany, SEGNPMSS ordered Spain to arrest you on wrongful charges. I know how these monsters conspire and set things up. Usually they hide behind other countries or nationals as they are cowards.   

DM and everyone else knew that you had nothing to do with the financial side of Scientology, except reminding all staff on being ethical. Yet, he let you take the fall. His father was accused of rape, and DM did help him out and even allowed him to move in the SO! You are innocent, and who is helping you out? Surely not His Cobness who has the character of a louse in my opinion, a complete non-Scientologist he is!    

I think that your wrongful arrest by the end of the 80s was Monique’s husbands “cue card” stepping out of the shadows of the Portland mission, in which he hung out. He took over your position in the Sea Org and it is impossible that DM, Mike Rinder, and others didn’t knew that he is an impostor. They knew that you were wrongfully arrested in Spain. You couldn’t just walk back into your office and resume your job.  Besides, the differences of your characters are striking. 

I tried to find you but received no answer from the Scientology executives who I addressed. Then I tried to do it with a pro se legal case. This was during the time in which Mike Rinder was the OSA in charge. Instead of just telling me (a real Scientologist in good standing, a Sea Org member, and an IAS member) where you are and saving thousands of dollars of legal costs, they hired attorneys in Salt Lake City to get my case rid in court. Typical for people who committed horrible OWs and for those who claim to be Scientologists but are none.

This action shows that they conspire against you. They knew that I was trying to help you, and they slammed the door in my face. Typical Mike Rinder, your impostor, and David Miscavige, which are together “the other Troika”, and also typical for their other co-conspirators in or outside of the orgs.   

Yet, a few years later, DM, and Mike Rinder tried to use me. They had my name written in at least one of their stupid (and unlawful) secret service OSA programs. All that without my knowledge or consent! After Mike Rinder blew, he tried to dead agent me by publishing his own program on  your impostor’s blog to blame me on what HE cooked out or at least approved! Marty, I could not think lower of him, DM, and your impostor.

These guys really are stupid secret service agents, but I am not. I feel offended when someone tries to use me for covert activities. Besides, they just create more disasters instead of saving Scientology. These programs are SEGNPMSS-controlled and drafted in a way that they backlash and Scientology gets the blame. (I posted about this before.) My handling for people who are attacking Scientology is publishing the truth: Germany’s psychiatric-run secret services launched an international infiltration of Scientology and even hired impostors for Ron and for you to change SCN and turn it into a cult. Once this is out in the open, nobody will listen anymore to any blah blah that Tory Christman or Chuck Beatty have to say. Instead of doing that, Miscavology and Rinderology writes my name of all people in their ineffective, unethical, and even unlawful programs and then, Rinder and your impostor had the guts to blame their lawlessness on me who never knew of these programs and never gave my consent to any of them. It is outrageous!      

I had an anonymous penfriend for a while who started to email me one day. In the beginning, he tried to make the impression that he is a private Scientologist concerned with what was going on in ARS. He never said so, but after a while, I came to the conclusion that he is in the SO, likely OSA. It wasn’t cynical Mike Rinder. He had a much nicer personality than Rinder, however, as he didn’t write me his real name, I didn’t consider him a real friend. Thunderstar Andy in Canada dropped the name Gavino to me. I found it even more strange that he ID’d himself to Andy but not to me. 

When I was sure that he was OSA, I asked this penfriend if he knows about your whereabouts. He said he would check but I got never an answer to this question from him. 

One mail from him, sent shortly before Rinder blew in 2009, praised Rinder. It appeared that Rinder was concerned about this reputation and that I was expected to battle his enemies. It was the wrong message to send to me. I always thought Rinder was dumb and corrupt. Besides, So, why should I engage myself for Miscavology? They deny our rights but I work for them? What are they? Nuts? 

During this time, the mails of my penfriends got pushier. But I didn’t act on them as they wanted because they were not honest with me. 

However, after Mike Rinder had blown, I got one last message from this anonymous penfriend, (I haven’t heard from him almost a decade) it wasn’t pushy anymore for me to do things for them but confirming that Mosey’s husband is an impostor. And that was it. 

Today, that Mike Rinder and DM wanted me to handle their enemies for them. It is outrageous, isn’t it? Who do they think they are? What are we? Slaves of infiltrators?     

Back to the timetrack to the blue fonts. DM made Monique’s husband to his right hand. DM sure felt much closer to Monique’s husband, his partner in crime, than he did to you. You are a real Scientologist. You are not an agent but the others. As His Cobness is a non-Scientologist, he felt a lot closer to fellow non-Scientologists Mike Rinder and your impostor.  You were not the right hand of David Miscavige.  Monique’s husband was and still sort of is.

Greedy Germany wants the Sea Org reserves in Europe to make itself get richer. That is why the US tax deal came thru in 1993. SEGNPMSS plans to strike the non-profit status if the Sea Org reserves are transferred back to the USA were they belong.     

I think that your legal representatives approached DM and the C of S lawyers (who should have helped you getting out of your wrongful incarceration in then first place but didn’t). I am also sure that they were informed on my legal case that I filed in SLC to learn where you are and didn’t settle with me by not telling me where you are. I strongly assume that your representatives told and asked DM and his attorneys: Marty Rathbun is wrongfully incarcerated.  Who is that man with the same name who accompanied David Miscavige to the IRS?     

Suspiciously, shortly after the success with the IRS, Monique’s husband (back then: Cheray’s or Anne’s husband) didn’t enjoy his fame in the SO for the tax deal and rather blew the Sea Org. I wondered often why he would act this way. And it made sense that the blew to get away from these legal issues that came with impersonating you even before the government.  It also helped DM and Mike Rinder so that they could tell your representatives something like this: “We had no idea that he was an impostor! We thought it was your client who finally was released from his wrongful incarceration! We thought it was him! Wow! But it is too late! We can’t help you, the impostor blew!”

 (Yeah right, I am 100% certain that they knew from day one that you are impersonated and founder Ron was impersonated.)

And then, according to Monique’s husband, David Miscavige, awarded the downstat traitor (after he blews) with free training on the Freewinds, which is completely off policy.  

In other words, DM kept your impostor actively in Scientology and the Sea Org, knowing he is your impostor. And I also bet the farm that DM didn’t inform you or your representatives on this. It seems that DM and your impostor “worked” even closer together after the latter completed his training on the Freewinds.    

When your were in your 40s, the C of S published ONE correct photo of you in one of their publications. No idea how they got, it but I am sure it was done with the intention to make me think that you are not wrongfully incarcerated, that you are fine and moved on and I should do. But you know me, Marty, I don’t do the SEGNPMSS any favors. I also don’t think flat but in many layers and the layers didn’t add up.    

In 2003/2004 something happened again, and after behaving like the above-the-law-infiltrator and impostor that he is, Monique’s husband blew again. It likely had something to do with your legal representatives getting answers on why this impostor is in Scientology claiming to be you.    

He stayed quiet for a few years, hooked up with Mosey, but decided to continue to impersonate you. 

Here is what I think has happened next: In 2009, some light was shed on the relationship that DM and your impostor had by the latter giving an interview to the Tampa Times and the “Truth Rundown” (some truth!).  To me became clear that Monique’s husband, David Miscavige, and Mike Rinder, despite not liking each other, conspired all these years in the Sea Org together, and the later two and the C of S attorneys did not inform you that your impostor was back in Scientology for years lying that he was you and ruining your reputation. 

They sure didn’t inform you and your representatives that DM asked your impostor to come back and even awarded him and promoted him to a higher position. C of S publications also confirmed that Monique’s husband was a top executive and that he was brutal and above the law.        

I assume that after 2009, your representatives approached DM, Mike Rinder, and the C of S attorneys again, and they played the surprised… DM for example: “The impostor came back again? How dare this impostor! I knew nothing about this and what his purpose is. I thought he is the original Marty who came back. I am the ecclesiastical leader of SCN, I have no time for this, I have to run a religion! (Yeah right! Destroying is the better word for it.) Mike Rinder is the man for these details, blah blah, signed: His Cobness.”   

I also would like to know what Tommy Davis knew about him and couldn’t tell. That he is your imposter? 

And what else happened in 2009? Mike Rinder blew. To me, it looks that Mike Rinder decided that the questions of your representatives were getting legally too hot for him as the man above OSA so this “Troika” member blew too in 2009 and hooked up a bit later with your impostor. Just what DM needed to be able to state directly or via his attorneys something like: “Don’t know what was or is going on between Rinder and Monique’s husband, both blew, has nothing to do with me, I have a religion to run, good-bye.” 

Although this kind of “troika” was officially at war: Monique’s husband, Mike Rinder v. DM, and DM v. Monique’s husband, Mike Rinder, they kept conspiring against you and me by never publishing that Monique’s husband is not you.

Monique’s husband even traveled to Germany in 2011 to work with Germany against Scientology. Germany’s leaders and officials know that the man is an impostor as they made sure that you are wrongfully incarcerated for crimes you did not commit! They used your impostor against Scientology by knowing that he impossible can be you as you were wrongfully behind bars.  

Actually, it probably never entered the small minds of David Miscavige, Mike Rinder, Monique’s husband, and the likes that you had no other choice than taking legal steps against Monique’s husband and his open and covertly supporters in order to establish that his reputation and crimes  are not yours. What Monique’s husband confesses without feeling shame (e.g. ripping into people and destroying legal evidence, etc.) you never would have committed.

During the last years both, Monique’s husband and Mike Rinder, turned (on just about all subjects) against DM, but they keep conspiring against you like on day one by not admitting publicly that Monique’s husband is your impostor in pretty much the same fashion as “Jack Vistaril” was the creepy impostor of noble founder Ron. It doesn’t matter how hard they were at each other’s throat, they kept and keep conspiring together against you, and me, And in regards to that the founder was impersonated, they conspire against all Scientologists and the rest of the world. 

And now, Monique’s husband suddenly works again for His Cobness by taking his side and helping DM to a better reputation if this is all possible.  Your impostor’s pro DM videos on C of S webpage show this fact clearly. 

What is DM’s and his attorneys justification now by likely paying your impostor handsomely with Scientology money instead of publishing who the man truly is?

DM knows that Monique’s husband is an impostor. I am sure that there were numerous conversations between your representatives and the C of S lawyers and also DM. The last videos with your impostor likely were filmed in a law firm that represents the C of S and DM. How do they want to get away with: “We had no idea that there is an impostor… and we have nothing to do with it?”

According to what I saw, no actions that anyone ever filed against DM got him really in legal troubles. He sits on Scientology money by using the “affidavit” of Ron’s impostor in 1986, despite Ron’s impostor was not entitled to pass SCN to anyone.  DM pays with this money to make his legal troubles go away.

But in your and my case, Marty, he can’t pay his way out. I think you and me, we are DM’s real legal troubles, and this is also one reason, why he keeps my blog down in the search engines by hiring “professionals”. 

DM is such a great tool for Germany. SEGNPMSS can bust anyone from any position at any time on all levels of the society and this all over the world. They didn’t with him as they considered him an ideal man to do what they want. 

I think that DM is in deep legal troubles over his activities with your impostor. But I assume that DM, Mike Rinder, and your impostor all think that they got away so many times, that they will get away again. They are no Scientologists, otherwise they would know the OW sequence doesn’t spare them. 

I love you, Marty.

Yours forever,









Lidar seems to be quick and cheap, yet, the USA is not scanned…

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Dearest Marty, my one and only, how are things?

Thinking of you makes me happy, Marty. Just the thought that you exist is like ointments on wounds. I am very proud of you, and my love for you is eternal. No one can ever replace you in my heart. It is true that best what we can do is holding onto each other. You can live in my heart forever because you absolutely deserve it. Your awesome character is like beautiful music that accompanies me since I laid eyes on you. And the music doesn’t play when I look at an impostor.

I read that Lidar is cheap and fast. Yet, Lidar isn’t used to find hidden history and treasures in the USA, because the SEGNPMSS wants to keep the USA in any aspect down and uninteresting. However, I sense that there is much to be discovered scanning the USA.   

Lidar scanning was done in Cambodia, and they found more Angkor Wat structures. It was used in South American and they found 60.000 man-made Maya structures (and I don’t think it was the weather that made their residents disappear). It was used in Guatemala, and they found almost 17 roads leaving to El Mirado, a city. It was used in Honduras, and they found evidence of a lost city. They also used it in the UK, and found a lot more to the stone hedge. And in Canada, they found through Lidar structures at the Fort Cumberland National Historic Site, yet where are the US-American Lidar scans????

Lidar can be used from planes but also from the ground. It is as old as from the 1960s! And how little they did with this technology until now. 

The USA uses Lidar for military purposes and NASA uses it too, but European archaeologists are using it for archaeology. As it is a secret German world, Lidar is not used by US-American archaeologists to discover the true history of the USA   

US-American universities and US-American archaeologists are using LIDAR to discover structures in the world but the archaeology of the USA is neglected. What a shame.    

Here is an article in the Guardian.

M is in Italy and plans to travel to Canada soon and then the USA.  

Be kissed and embraced, Marty, I hope to see you soon against all odds.

Yours forever,



10 Nazi “scientists” who got away

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Dearest Marty, my awesome Prince and husband, how are things?

I miss you a million tons. 


 I found this article in Listverse about Nazi “scientists” who survived the war.

It is outrageous that the USA accepted these monsters. They didn’t help the USA to become a better or more scientific country, just a worse country. German-controlled ear implants made it possible. 

None of these Nazi “scientists” was intelligent. SEGNPMSS made sure that the USA goes into the wrong direction, the direction THEY wanted it to go. And Germany also want to take credit for anything the USA achieved. This is so typical for them.   

I am absolutely sure that without any of these idiot “scientists”, the USA would be a more advanced country with a much better reputation and no bad conscience. It should have said “no thanks” to all the Nazis and prosecuted them all. They were no American “assets” as they led the USA on the wrong path in all aspects of life.

I bet the farm that Ron’s (the real one’s) research contains much more true data to explore space than these German Nazi idiots ever provided.  

How can people who have no remorse for human life be good thinkers? They can’t. They never thought about the value of human lives, which means that they are no thinkers at all. This is one of the basic issues of our existence. Who doesn’t think about it and who does not behave human is an idiot, and not a scientist. 

The US hiring these Nazis was also a direct slap into the face of the real Ike. 

Look where we are:  People accept a fake “universe” projection and have no clue what is beyond that German screen, and all these Nazi “scientists” where either too dumb to figure it out or made sure that the USA and the rest of the world will not figure it out.   

Something else: I just read that the passports for UK citizens will not be printed in the UK. As I wrote before, Germany’s plan for the UK is to make it tiny and poor, so that it can’t perform much of an effective protest when the German Nazis march again all over Europe.

Sending kisses and hugs your way.


P.S.: There was still nothing from you or on your behalf for me, Marty. On March 20, a man name Rob came to my door. I hardly know him. During the last 10 years, I paid him for 2-3 jobs, and when I am in town, I just talk a minute or two to him. As far as I understood, he takes p$ych pills. On March 20, he wanted to move into my home. He told me that he euthanized his four healthy cats. Yikes! What non-psych-conditioned person does that?? As if a serial cat killer would be a great house mate. I asked him why he didn’t gave them to other people or at least an animal shelter. He said that it would be too much of a trauma for them. Argh! But killing them is not? I won’t let him in my home. I don’t want to become cat no. 5. And I don’t need a house mate. I don’t have to pay rent, I own my house and make my own living.   











About the bombs in Austin – another “coincidence”?

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Dearest Marty, my one and only, how are you?

Our love sure is no ordinary love. It is even stronger than it ever was. I once heard a woman complaining that her man who she thought loved her, forgot her after a short separation and took another woman. And someone else answered that this would be normal as out of sight means out of mind.

I really disagree. I have not seen you for so long, Marty, but you are anything but out of my mind, and you never will. 

Now to my headline:

There are those bombs these days in AUSTIN, Texas. 5 bombs in 19 days and people were killed and injured. The entire city is understandably on edge. 

I always had a problem with anyone webbing bomb instructions. Getting a sexually harassing letter linked to David Touretzky, and he and his friends defaming Ron and our religion wasn’t my only problem with him. I also despised him webbing bomb instructions and having no regard for  possible consequences.  

Just heard a news report, and numerous sources think that who ever is making/sending these bombs in or to Austin got the instruction from the Internet.

To capture the strange “co-incident”. The bomb instructions were originally by a guy named Austin, and the bombs are addressed to people in  Austin.   

This is from Dave Touretzky’s Wikipedia article:

In reaction to the federal prosecution and eventual imprisonment of 18-year-old political activist Sherman AUSTIN for hosting bomb-making instructions entitled Reclaim Guide on his web site, Dr. Touretzky provided a mirror on his Carnegie Mellon website for more than two years, although he acknowledged on the website that his own reposting of the information did not violate the plain language of the statute under which AUSTIN was convicted. [3] In May 2004, to avoid harassment of the university and controversy in the media, Dr. Touretzky moved the mirror from the Carnegie Mellon server to a private site. [4][5]

There are millions of opportunities to help free speech. Using free speech to make the world more dangerous is monstrous.

It also costs the taxpayers.  It can’t be cheap sending a huge amount of  law enforcement people to find the bomb maker/sender, disable bombs, and protect the public.  

I love you, Marty.
Be kissed.
Yours always

P.S. Marty, I read that Barbra Streisand never had a #MeToo moment. Good for her! She credited it to her no short and pretty nose.

German doctors altered my nose into one that was not short and pretty, and I was subjected to plenty of #MeToo moments despite of my nose. In Germany, being subjected to sexual and other harassment was a part of my daily life! It just was better in Scientology. There were Ron’s policies that didn’t allow it and there were ethics officers to who one could complain. German companies didn’t have any of this.  

Horrible! Arnaldo “Arnie” Lerma shooting his wife in the face and killing himself

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful soulmate and Prince,

This is about Arnaldo “Arnie” Lerma who hated Scientology so much that he wrongfully blamed Scientology of a “Nazi philosophy” while Lerma himself was Nazi-friendly. Yes, this kind of double-moral lived in his head. According to the RFW, he was a longtime supporter of Willis Carto and was on the Board of Policy of Liberty Lobby, an anti-Semitic organization founded by Carto.

He was a holocaust denier/German apologist.

Among other false accusations, Lerma misinformed people about Scientology and claimed wrongfully that it is hypnosis. His eyes actually reminded me of a person hypnotized or a hypnotist. But it wasn’t Scientology who did to him whatever was done to him.  

His son is quoted saying that his father WAS ALWAYS “paranoid”. But the media and also governmental officials took information on Scientology from this paranoid person. Yikes!

And he was allowed to have a gun. The “law” and his doctors have lose screws, if you ask me.

Arnie Lerma read postings of mine that Ron, the founder, and you were impersonated by impostors, but Lerma attacked or ridiculed what I wrote.  Typical.

Arnie Lerma was into “deprogramming”, and he lied about me on the Internet, but I didn’t wish him or his wife (Maureen or his later wife) harm. He killfiled me in 2005. Didn’t bother me. He was like so many of the other “critics” of Scientology. They were/are like mosquitoes with their agenda to defame.  It wasn’t smart by him to killfile me, considering that I posted among other things also about psychiatric conditioning. 

I think that happened to him, Marty. Psychiatric conditioning. Whoever used him to attack Scientology got rid of him now.  I think pills AND other types of psychiatric-conditioning.

Having back pain could probably explain committing suicide but stealing his wife’s money and shooting her in the face, even if she wants a divorce. 

I think he died because whoever ran him decided that the moor did his duty, the moor can go. 

Arnie Lerma was very wrong with his Nazi accusations against the founder. 

However, since non-Scientologist David Miscavige allowed Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam infiltrate Scientology, secret service psychs sure are making progress with the their secret Nazi plan to ditch Scientology into the Nazi bucket. 

Law professor Alan Dershowitz said: “…any  Democrat who meets with the “bigot” Louis Farrakhan should resign from office, and said there should be no tolerance for any association with the Nation of Islam leader”.

He is right. Anyone should resign from office who associates with anti-Semitic NOI.

I understand black people wanting rights, and they should have them just like white people. But if some of them are defaming Jews, it is another wrong. Jews and Blacks should be close allies, because the psychs behind Germany are their common enemy. And preaching violence is always wrong.

I wrote a lot about Germany, Bavaria, and psychs. I want them prosecuted, not attacked.   

RFW was right pointing out Lerma’s connection to anti-Semite Carto. But DM allowing anti-Semite Farrakhan and his cult into Scientology is a bad choice. It is also hypocritical, pointing out Lerma’s Nazi connections and ignoring that Farrakhan is defaming Jews.    

I love you, Marty.

Yours always,




The bridge, a few thoughts about the collapsed bridge

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful husband and Prince, how are your days and nights?

As you know, love is more than words. I don’t think that I ever will be able to describe how much you mean to me. I will forever cherish what was between us and all of it was wonderful.

Thinking that Germany has filed a case against you behind my back makes me even more determine to kick their still existing Nazi butts. The OT abilities that they tell the world through their agents would not exist, do exist, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to know what I know.   

And how you differ from your impostor, Monique’s husband who you hopefully sued for stealing your life and ruining your reputation by admitting to crimes that HE but NOT YOU committed.

I watched the man during all his flip-flop phases: your impostor in the orgs, then allegedly Anti-DM, then allegedly an “independent Scientologist”, then  a German collaborator and officially a non-Scientologist, then a Scientology-hater on the Internet, and in the media, then even flirting with running a “deprogramming course”, and then, helping DM and Miscavology again. And I was thinking in all his different phases: How can anyone who knew you, mistake him with you???? Impossible! You and he are different like night and day.   

There are Scientologists and the Rinderists and Miscavologists. While Scientologists will testify the truth that Monique’s husband is not you, the first Inspector General for Ethics, I doubt that a lot for the Rinderists and Miscavologists who hang or hung out in Scientology but never became Scientologists. Some “bridge” with the latter two… 

Sometimes I wonder what the CIA and the FBI says to your and Ron’s impostor. “We had no idea that there were ringers with the same names and look that were assigned to you and the founder of Scientology for security  reasons?” Yeah right! Whatever the justification is: Germany is behind it and the master of all ear-implants to control the world. And “American” officials and judges are their helpers. You wouldn’t suffer for decades if the world (incl. and very much so the USA) wouldn’t be controlled by them via freaking ear-implants.  

There was this horrible bridge accident in Florida. Some terms make me do comparisons: “bridge”, “bridge collapse”, “Florida”, “…water”, “stress test”…

Several people are dead and $14.2 million were wasted. On top of it, it seems that the FIU President Mark B. Rosenberg is Jewish.

I think that the SEGNPMSS, which doesn’t want to be discovered, lasered in vulnerable areas of that bridge to bring that bridge down, and that they plan to bring another “bridge” down. 

I learned that in 2014, another bridge in Miami crashed but without human fatality. Guess this was the test crash. 

Most of the time, before the SEGNPMSS conducts an atrocity, it prepares an alibi, e.g. they crack the material a bit in advance but transmit with loud or silent commands into the ears of people responsible that it isn’t a problem, or they transmit loud or silent sounds into the ears of people to make “human error” so that these people can be blamed later, who they preferably kill during the terror act, or arrange low quality material be delivered, accepted, and used, etc.  

Technicians said before that this crack did not compromise the structural integrity of the bridge. The FIU said that it meet with the contractors and determined that the crack did not constitute a compromise the structural integrity and the State of Florida, the DOT apparently did not object. Again, we are speaking about the SEGNPMSS and that the FIU President Mark B. Rosenberg is Jewish.

I am far from saying that Jews are infallible or above ear-implants. Unfortunately, they not, like any other race. However, the SEGNPMSS is advancing bad apples in the Jewish race to bust them later (they don’t do this to Germans, particularity not to Bavarians) for the purpose to make anti-Jews and pro-Nazi statements, or they are setting Jews otherwise up as in this bridge and for sure thousands of others incidents. Why am I so sure about this? Because I know the Germans, and particularly the Bavarians.    

According to the media, there were 800 such bridges and none collapsed. The engineers and technicians of that Florida bridge are stunned. The prefabricated main bridge span was installed, but pylon and suspension cables were not. The drawings of the bridge are possibly were not correct either. Some reports say that the bridge crashed while the cables were tightened. A bridge worker was killed by working on the bridge. This might be all the case, however, I am convinced that there is SEGNPMSS foul play involved. Usually, the SEGNPMSS has some alibis in place on which the disaster can be blamed while they stay cowardly in hiding.   

Loud or silent commands sent into the heads of people to makes mistakes it typical for the SEGNPMSS. And then, they do “the rest”, e.g. using lasers to bring down a bridge or other constructions.

Shouldn’t it be possible to use high-tech devices to detect laser beams in the footage before the bridge crashed?  I think one or more SEGNPMSS lasers could have been involved. Nazi terrorism.  

I am convinced that a laser was used by some SEGNPMSS terrorists in spring of 2011 on my house, and a part of it crashed. It was costly for me. They constantly want me to throw the towel and return to Germany. But as they are just psychiatric-“smart” and not real Scientologist-intelligent, they are getting the exact opposite from me. Marty, I am telling you, we couldn’t even afford their kind of stupidity.       

You will be always in my heart, Marty.  I saw your personality. There was really great news for me and the world. You have an awesome personality. No wonder that I just have eyes for you.  This is really no wonder. You will be forever my stable bridge and I am yours.  


Infinitely yours,


Typical, Tony Ortega gives David Miscavige credit… Yikes!

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince and husband, how are you? You are on my mind as always. 

C of S’s  websites are sabotaged. Look what I got when I tried to visit them. It happens all the time and is apparently never fixed by the Miscavologists. It seems that the Scientology TV  indeed just serves David Miscavige as a tool to get a better reputation and indeed does not promote Scientology!  


Tony Ortega gives David Miscavige credit for his TV appearances. Ortega also gave  credit to your impostor and who else other shady person. Some journalist!

As you and I, and actually tons of other people know (but they don’t talk about it): David Miscavige took Scientology over from Ron’s impostor  (the guy on the Apollo who died with Vistaril in this behind in 1986) and keeps it a top secret that Ron, the real founder of Scientology and you were/are impersonated. Instead of being able to access original Scientology, Scientologists, and others just get access to Vistarology (this is the version of SCN of Ron’s impostor) and to Miscavology (this is the version of Scientology of His Cobness, David Miscavige). And DM plans even more of this by trying to implement psych planted material found in a garage into Scientology. He needs his (by means of legal not violence) behind kicked. I really mean it, Marty.

No wonder that Tony Ortega gives him credit, or he wants millions from Scientology through David Miscavige as a certain impostor and others, and hopes he gets it by posting more positive about him.

Just as I thought, Marty, before Scientology TV aired: it serves mainly for His Cobness to get a better reputation, otherwise he would have found another reason to prevent Scientology TV for some more decades as he did in the decades before. The man is bad. He keeps you wrongfully behind bars and works together with your impostor.  But he is also bad to other Scientologists and the rest of the world, by keeping original Scientology under wraps and expects them to be satisfied and pay for the “Scientology” version that secret service agent “Jack Vistaril” and he arranged. 

DM was filmed in the “Super Power Building”. It includes psychiatric remnants as the spinner “motion quadrant”. How stupid is that man (and others) not realizing or admitting that psychiatric tools were added to Scientology by p$ychs to alter or destroy it? Or is the destruction rather DM’s job in the first place? Psychiatry is known for having spun people around. If he would be a Scientologist, he would know immediately that it is not Scientology, and he never would withhold that the man who left Scientology to him wasn’t even the founder of Scientology! 

I know that NASA has some similar spinning devices, but NASA is also infiltrated by psychs. They have a special interest in NASA as the SPs behind Germany don’t want the universe explored. That’s why the deep universe is covered with a German fake projection and why they call it “run-away-universe”. 

I don’t use the term wogs for non-Scientologists as “Jack Vistaril” and his psychiatric case officers came up with this and not the founder. However, I can’t help myself. In this case, I want to use their terms: David Miscavige, the Miscavologists and the Vistarologists are wogs. They are no Scientologists. There are light years between their and our ways of thinking and their and our abilities. 

Below is Mr. Wog, His Cobness, in his Super Power (yeah right!) building with psychiatric devices, which is actually a ticking time bomb. Sooner or later, some psychiatric-conditioned person will go nuts there after some additional Miscavige-spinning. If he would be an OT, he would know it in advance.    

 This has disaster written all over it. And despite that psychs altered Scientology and incorporated their crap “technology” like spinning and running in circles, etc., I feel that psychs still want to destroy Scientology even more. Their next set up against Scientology is for sure already planned, and His Cobness and the Miscavologists are stepping right in it. If they would be real Scientologists, they would have OT abilities as we have them. But don’t have them, Marty. DM and the Miscavologists can’t see in the future. Blind wogs. 

Giving you tender and passionate kisses, Marty. I am glad that you are a real Scientologist and not a Vistarologist or a Miscavologist. 

Yours forever,





I didn’t open this Twitter account, Marty

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I have no idea who opened this Twitter account. It wasn’t me. 

Actually, considering my bad experiences from Usenet, I have no plans to interact with people on the Internet. Interacting with people online brought me only their abuse, harassment, defamation, and lies. And some cyber-stalkers stalked me even beyond Usenet or the Internet. 

So, why should I interact with them ever again? No interest at all.

I rather address you as you differ from them all, Marty.     

Will be back soon. 

I love you, and be kissed.

Yours forever,



I was thinking of a Scientology TV channel already in 1977

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful husband and Prince, how are you?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we would be not far from each other in a physical way? If I just could reach over to grab your hand?

What others take for granted, they don’t grant us. On the other side, I don’t envy those who hold the hand of someone who is so hypocritical and monstrous by keeping us apart and you wrongfully locked up. Yuk! How can people live with a conscience like this? 

I assume that you know that the Scientology TV Network is planned to start tomorrow. It will be accessible via DirecTV, AppleTV, Roku, fireTV, Chromecast, iTunes, and Google Play. I can’t imagine psychiatrists not plotting how to stop this. Despite that the men behind Germany and their international psychs have infiltrated Scientology and changed it into Vistarology and Miscavology so that original Scientology is much less potent, according to the CCHR website, the orgs are still critical of psychiatry, although not that alert of psychs as you and I are:

Psychs started a huge campaign on the Internet and in the media against Scientology after Tom Cruise spoke critical of psychiatry on TV 10 years ago. Knowing psychs as the monsters that they are, I hear the clock ticking to do something to stop the TV station. 

Actually, Marty, I was thinking already in 1977 of a TV station for Scientology, and there was lot less viewer competition as today. Today, people don’t know what to watch first or at all. They are bombarded with info. But back then, there were just some TV stations and everyone watched those.

As I said before, David Miscavige, who knew that the money was there when he took over Scientology in the 80s from Ron’s impostor, “Jack Vistaril”,  did not start a TV channel. He wants it now as his own personal reputation got so bad. DM (who works together with your impostor and withholds from Scientologists that even the founder of Scientology was impersonated all his life by an impostor) wants to be portrayed in a positive way through the TV channel, changing the perception that people have of him. It is all about him, not about our applied religious philosophy. 

His official justification to block a TV channel for Scientology for decades is that the orgs were not ready. What a crap. It is not the MEST that is important but what Scientology is and what it teaches. He could have erected tents and send auditors, C/Ss, and course supervisors on missions to whatever country the TV station was in. And these people, after completing their training and auditing would have built their own groups, missions, and orgs. 

The orgs under DM are publishing this in regards to an ideal org: 

“It would have enough space to train, process and administrate without crowding.” – LRH

The real Ron likely would have said something like this:

Get the tech out to the people! Deliver in a tent, if you have to! And when it is too small, put another one up. Make sure that those who train or audit are well trained and can train others well.  Send them where the TV station airs and where they welcome those who watched and want to study Scientology or obtain auditing. Delivery of original Scientology is important – not shiny MEST.  Clean space to learn, to train and audit can be erected anywhere and everywhere, it does not have to be in a polished stone building.

Besides, these people who saw the TV program and got auditing and training  in tents will become Scientologists and build new groups, missions, and orgs.  

These few “ideal orgs” that the staff under DM pulled off  will not be able to accommodate large of amounts of people, Marty. They are too small. So, in other words, DM likes blink-blink but does not plan a huge expansion. With a huge expansion his orgs would be too crowded on day no. 1 or 2 already if the truth about Scientology is finally aired. If he planned a huge expansion, he would think in terms of buying a tent company! 

Apart from training auditors, supervisors, cramming officers, and anyone else who keeps orgs running, I would train crews that get permissions for tents from the authorities and can erect tents in a snap to train and audit anyone who wants it. 

And I would inform the authorities that they should watch p$ychs not trying to plot an anti-Scientology incident to stop the TV channel!

The buildings that David Miscavige purchased and renovated for the orgs are anyway off policy. The real founder wanted Scientologists to live in buildings in which medical terrorists and p$ychs can’t shorten their lifespans. 

You have heard it so often from me already, Marty, time that I hear it from you. 🙂

I love you. You rock, Marty! Hope to see you soon.

Yours forever,
