
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for June 2022

Bipartisan Safer Communities Act 

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Dearest Marty, incredible hero and my husband,

How is your life? I am thinking of you, even if I am not every day on my blog.  

President Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act into law. If you ask me, it is a drop on a hot stone. The ear-implant masters always will find a way to get a deadly weapon in the hands of a sleeper, a person that they conditioned to kill others and most of the time, himself, after “the job is done”.

As not otherwise expected, psychiatrists are the big winners of this bill. After Uvalde, they are getting a multi-millions of Dollars from the feds for “mental health services”. It is so easy for psychiatrists and neuro”scientists” to increase the paycheck. Condition and hypnotize a person, turn him into a terrorist/shooter, scare Americans and have them beg for more psychiatric help. All lawmakers fail to do something against psychiatric organized crimes.

The only safe community would be one of our villages, with a roof and guarded entrance and exit, which does not allow guns inside and knows its residents. If a resident exhibits a change in personality, the residents would check if this person was psychiatric altered/hypnotized/conditioned.

Our villages are the best places for people to get away from the many ails of this world, and they would be able to regulate their own lives instead that it is regulated by puppet politicians.

We are stopped constantly by trying to make the world better, Marty, and I ask myself more and more if the world has an eternal death wish by doing so. We really could change the world to a much better place for everyone. But they chained our hands, didn’t they?

I love you, even if there is never any message by you for me. People have ear-implants and do whatever their psychiatric German-oriented case officer orders them, and this is not forwarding any message by you or on behalf of you to me. They don’t want us to see each other again, because they don’t want us to better the world together. They rather want to stay slaves to the voices that they hear through their freaking ear-implant.

Yours forever,


Europe’s Large Hadron Collider appears to be a huge failure and waste of money – also for the USA, which paid USD 531 million for it

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate, husband, and Prince, how are you? I am thinking of you.

As you know, Europe’s Large Hadron Collider was built to prove that the big bang is correct and that there is no God, just particles. Scientists are trying to find/prove the “Higgs boson”, the “particle” that allegedly gives mass to other particles, which allegedly created the universe and life during the big bang 13.8 billion years ago when the universe began as a tiny fireball that exploded just like that and for no particular reason.

As scientists believe this fairy tale, they think that they find answers if they smash particles. They claim that they are 99% sure that they found the “Higgs boson”. Yet, ten years later, they are still not sure what they found and if they found something of significance. They still don’t know how mass is created. Does 99% sound scientific to you, Marty? After they wasted so much money for a smasher, they have to provide some result, so they come up with a “99% Higgs Boson candidate”. I read this article, saying that “Ten years after the Higgs, physicists face the nightmare of finding nothing else” and that this field will be dead.

Again, their “Higgs boson” is really lame and they found no new particles. Supersymmetry (extension of the Standard Model that aims to fill some of the gaps of the Standard Model) was not found through the LHC. No answers for all those big bang believers.

From the article: The Higgs boson, discovered at the CERN particle physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, in 2012, is the particle that gives all other fundamental particles mass, according to the standard model of particle physics. However, despite the work of thousands of researchers around the world, nobody has been able to figure out exactly how it does that or why some particles are more massive than others.

My take on it, Marty, they haven’t found the “God particle”, they just have to give the public something for having wasted so much money for the LHC.

If something refuses to behave or misbehave in a certain manner, it might because it is not what people say it is. After all, the Higgs boson is supposed to be the big bang leader particle. It should flex its muscles all over the place not be some little lame flicker somewhere.

I am all for evidence, Marty. But instead of smashing atoms and protons, physicists should get a clue about spiritualism. The world allowed spiritualism getting a bad rap, e.g. “religion is bad or unscientific” and “spiritualism is for crazy people” but this is one reason why “physics” is in the dark or at a dead end: it wrote spiritual matters off. Scientists are fixated on the big bang, and that is why they are smashers instead of finders.

I miss you, Marty. You are more elusive than the Higgs boson. Unlike the Higgs boson, you indeed exist, but it is as if you were wiped off the planet. No trail of you anywhere.

I love you. Wish I could just fade into you

Yours forever,


If you were the ocean and I was the sun
If the day made me heavy and gravity won
If I was the red and you were the blue
I could just fade into you

If you were a window and I was the rain
I’d pour myself out and wash off your pain
I’d fall like a tear so your light could shine through
Then I’d just fade into you

In your heart, in your head
In your arms, in your bed under your skin
Til there’s no way to know where
You end and where I begin

If I was a shadow and you were a street
The cobblestone midnight is where we’d first meet
Til the lights flickered out, we dance with the moon
Then I’d just fade into you

In your heart, in your head
In your arms, in your bed under your skin
‘Til there’s no way to know
Where you end and where I begin

I wanna melt in I wanna soak through
I only wanna move when you move
I wanna breathe out when you breathe in

If I was just ashes and you were the ground
And under your willow they laid me down

There’ll be no trace that one was once two
After I fade into you

Oooooo oooooo oooooo
Then I just fade into you
Oooooo oooooo ooooooThen I just fade into you
Then I just fade into you
Then I just fade into you

Large majority of Americans don’t trust the US government to lead the USA as it should

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful soulmate and husband,

How are you? I am hanging in there but I have days that anything but good.

After all we have been through, you and me, we don’t think either that Washington is getting the job done. I just saw this news clip: 65% of all voters (Democrats and Republicans) think that all/most candidates who run for office, do it to serve personal interests instead of doing it for the greater good.


However, here we differ with other people. We know why the USA is in this state. SEGNPMSS has access to people’s ear-implants. It stops good people from running for office and are helping people who don’t have it and/or run to serve personal interests instead.

If you would have been the US president, Marty, instead of corrupt/incapable people, the USA would be the shiny beacon for the world. And Americans really would have a reason to be proud.

And did you read or hear that there is now a “free-floating black hole” in the Milky Way? Allegedly, when a big star “collapses”, it leaves a black hole. It reminds me to dark fairy tales that kids were told in the middle ages. Baloney. Why does the SEGNPMSS make people believe that black holes wander around in our galaxy?

Easy for us to figure out, Marty. To stop the Earth population wanting to explore space. People should think that they will be sucked in a black hole when trying to go where no one has gone before. And when black holes are now “floating”, it is even more difficult to avoid them. SEGNPMSS wants to keep us grounded here on Earth while they attach anyone else out there in this universe to their ear-implant system and turn them into their remote-controlled robots.

When do so-called educated people finally get that they are staring at a fake deep space projection? And did you read or hear about NASA wanting to join the “hunt for UFOs”?

The agency says that they are launching a study of UFOs despite ‘reputational risk’. Haha. I am glad that I have no reputation to lose, Marty. There isn’t a horrible lie anyone hasn’t yet told about me. So, I can talk about space all the time without fearing that it would harm “my reputation”.

As of yet, NASA says that there is no evidence that the objects (UFOs or UAPs) are extraterrestrial.

Well, it depends on what is considered “extraterrestrial”. I am convinced that no real alien spaceship would ever make it into our corner of the world. SEGNPMSS would not allow it as these Dorian Grays also live here. They are racists and that includes anyone not in Lederhosen and also aliens.

But what about the descendants of people who entered into space and ived there for several hundred years? Are these “extraterrestrials” or rather “space colonists”? I think these are the people who are operating these unmanned UFOs or UAPs, Marty. I also believe that they want the Earth population to know that they are there. They appear to be technically advanced but can be easily disposed of. SEGNPMSS does not just kill a cute black kitten on my deck. They murder masses. If these space colonists are not on a map and only they knew that they existed, the SEGNPMSS can say: What mass murder? 

There is another thing that I never will forgive them. They try to take away from my OT abilities, try to plot against my perceptions so that I think that I am wrong. However, their secret existence and their unfathomable evilness is the last that I ever will doubt. They do exist and are guilty of what I accuse them of. There is no day on which I don’t wish them directly into hell. They are spiritually extremely challenged people who cannot hold peace despite they have all they need to live. They have all except a decent character and a high IQ. And I despise them in a way that lacks words.

What I would give to hear something of you, Marty, how your life is like, where you are and what you need. Be kissed, I will always love you.

Yours forever,


What is the music you are listening to?  

Ruthie Foster – What are you Listening to – Live at McCabe’s

The USA is a huge SEGNPMSS target

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and husband,

What is going on in your life? As you for sure rightfully assumed, I have no clue because nobody forwards any message to me from or on behalf of you.

I read and heard over and over in the news that “mass shootings” are “a uniquely American problem”. They call it an “epidemic”. But nobody reports that the shooters are psychiatric-conditioned and run via ear-implants to commit these heinous crimes even against children.

Actually, I don’t understand the obsession with guns, and I consider myself not one from the donkey party. I find it also very strange that Christians own guns, considering that they should turn the other cheek. Can you imagine Jesus with a gun? So, why do they have them?

Where I live, I am probably the only person who has none, except a water gun to cool off in summer, a caulk gun, and kids sometimes bring their play guns over to my place.

I was told that Americans need guns for “self-protection” and gun possession is covered in the 2nd amendment. Well, the SEGNPMSS was already very much around when the constitution was drafted. In other words, our villages with a roof would protect Americans much better.

Besides the USA, there are a number of countries, which make the purchase of guns rather easy, but they don’t have mass shootings. Because the USA is much more a SEGNPMSS target than other countries. These horrible happenings harm the reputation of the USA and reduce international tourism. And they make it easy for the SEGNPMSS to kill anyone in the USA they want to.

Law enforcement always says: “The shooter acted alone…” and that is another reason why these terror acts don’t stop. Law enforcement does not go after the SEGNPMSS case officers who ran the shooters and the psychiatrists who hypnotized and conditioned them to commit the heinous crimes. Some people even think that these acts are related but as copycat acts and not as organized crime.

They are organized psychiatric crimes, incl. in most cases getting rid of the evidence of the altered minds, e.g. having the shooter kill him- or herself at the end or have the police shoot him or her.  Even people who would not kill anyone are being used with loud or silent sounds in such horrible events, e.g. not reporting suspicious behavior, not acting on it or just leaving a door open, etc. And don’t even get me started on the NRA. Uvalde is just one example how to organize a SEGNPMSS massacre and have the high crime organizers getting away with it.

I doubt that a SEGNPMSS-controlled congress and government does the right thing and stops the sales of assault rifles. The question is really: Who needs an assault rifle in the USA to defend his or her home? To kill the many termites that come from the basement?

Instead, psychiatrists also use these monstrous attacks to help themselves to more money and influence. They want people to call for more of their “mental health services” but are covering up those psychiatrists are conditioning these shooters and terrorists in the first place.

And sometimes, they even target their own colleagues, other doctors, medical personal and even psychiatrists. These inhumane idiots created a world in which nobody is safe, not even themselves, because at any time one can conspire against the other. They created the perfect trap – even for themselves.

Americans (and actually all other nations) needs our kind of closed villages with a roof. When the residents know each other, respect each other, they need no guns for self-defense in the home. When they are alert to how secret service psychiatrists can turn a person into a violent robot and don’t allow strangers to roam their village, they should have a peaceful life for themselves and their children.

But, hey, I don’t have to tell you this, Marty. If anyone knows how to build better lives for anyone, it is you.

I love you.

Yours always,


Most modern country music bores the hell out of me, Marty. Music isn’t free either. However, there are a very few country singers who don’t bore me. Chris Stapleton is one of them. He mixes country with blues in this song. It really sounds great:

And the song Parachute from Chris Stapleton is the favorite song of my little friend here. When he hears it, he starts singing:

Although, not all songs of Chris Stapleton sound great.