
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for January 2017

We need to build a big beautiful wall all around Trump…

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Dearest Marty, my magnificent husband and Prince,

How are you feeling? I  miss you tremendously. 

Even if Trump does not always act German-friendly towards Merkel, I can see German secret services controlling  everything he does.

Why didn’t he mention the main victims of the Holocaust, during his speech on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day? How much clearer can it get that Trump is a typical German anti-Semite than this? His attitude towards other races and religions also scream the story of him being a racist. I bet you have very similar thoughts, Marty.

He is the man who said about himself that he is going to hell – and thanks to the Christians, and others who voted for him, he’ll intents to take the USA down that route too. How Christians can trust the USA into the hands of a man who says that he lived a life that deserves hell is very revealing. It means that tons of Christians are not truly religious. 

I know how German psychiatrists tick and how they plot. Trump’s Jewish son-in-law as “adviser” has a purpose. Whatever false and ugly decision Trump makes throughout his US presidency, in just a little bit of time, it will be blamed on the Jews. 

“I don’t regret the words,”  White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said when asked to defend the Holocaust statement. (German Reinhold creeps me out, Marty. How dare anyone who helped that man becoming the RNC chair.) And German Reinhold will make very sure that the WH will be very German. In the name of Ike, I consider Reince (and the likes) disgusting German-oriented weasels. If they would be no anti-Semites, they would have stated that the main victims were Jews.   

Trump and Reince identify as Germans, no doubt. Two men with German heritage. I bet there were selected as “US leaders” to never do anything effective against the SEGNPMSS.  

As I mentioned before, either Trump doesn’t get it or he covers it up: Merkel became the leader of Germany and Europe because people are more afraid of German men than of women. How can Germany take over Europe and the world? Better with a woman puppet than a man puppet. Women are picked as alleged leaders and it is hushed up that male secret service psychiatrists are running them. (Hail ear-implants.)

Now, as she is on top and EU is basically Germany, SEGNPMSS decided yet that it is time again for an official German racist leader, like Frauke “Adolfine” Petry supported by Marine Le Pen in France and other such foreigner hating extreme robots. They think  that Trump, Petry and Le Pen, etc. will get along great. Not for the USA but Germany.

Officially, Germany likes to play a more “laid back” role so that in case it doesn’t work out well for the Nazis, they can blame it again on other nations, e.g. the USA, France,  Middle East, whatever. But no doubt, Germany’s secret service psychiatrists are still the driving force behind the hatred against races and religions, and yes, they conditioned terrorists who commit atrocities in the name of religions or God, etc.  to help their ugly causes. Hollande blames German secret doings on the USA.

Germany’s top court ruled this January not to outlaw the  National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), the  far-right,  ultra-nationalist German party espousing German nationalism.

It is all very clear to me, what is going on, and I know also to you too, Marty. 

As I wrote before, Merkel wants to go as great humanitarian into history, despite she “invited” the Syrians and others to Germany by having stated herself a that multi-cultural society failed entirely in Germany. In other words, immigrants have to lose their identity or else. Also, she only invited the refugees because they want cheap workers and make Germany richer through their work. This is why Germany instigated the Syrian war and made all these people homeless. Syrians are known as hard workers and that is why the SEGNPMSS used ear-implants and psychiatric-conditioning to create Daesh (Isis). And they managed a medical doctor becoming the head of Syria to help empty the country so that Germany can take advantage of the refugees.

And as I said before, Brexit serves to make GB smaller, so that Germany [EU] can take over first Ireland, next Scotland, by holding the economy of England down (hail ear implants as they make it happen in each detail) and at the end, Germany wants England to beg them  being accepted in the EU as their economy failed terribly…  Theresa May should think about this. Holding Trump’s hand won’t safe GB. There is a reason for Germany having the most robust economy. Giving Germany the best deals and also having other nations making false decisions. On a stupid planet, ear implants rule. 

And there is Trump whose US presidency has the purpose TO BREAK THE USA. If he isn’t impeached and can continue, the US states at the East and West Coast will break away. Then other states will follow. 

Instead of helping Mexico to a better economy, he alienates Mexicans. He says that Mexico pays for the wall, but goods will become a lot more expensive for Americans, the way Trump “handles” things. Making Americans and Mexicans aware of how they are manipulated with silent and loud sounds will revive the economy as they will think sharper. Besides, we need a new way of live anyway and there will be plenty of work of anyone in that economy that we can create. Trump can shove his wall.

Only a few days in office and Trump is already a huge failure and liability. His decision to ban Muslims will result in terror acts in foreign countries against Americans. That man either can’t think or does not want to think. It is horrible to trap people at airport or transport them into holding facilities and make the US look like having concentration camps.  If those camps are created, SEGNPMSS plans to radio in the ear-implant of some of the managers of those camps to mistreat people so that the world can say that the Americans are the Nazis of today.  

Extreme Islamists [and other extremists] are psychiatric-conditioned. Psychiatric secret service method needs to be outlawed. If Muslims [and other people] understand that, they can avoid being psychiatric-conditioned and can avoid becoming hated and feared people. 

Americans who are clueless that Germany wants to break up the USA to make it smaller and defenseless against Germany will vote for US states breaking away from the Union, like Calexist, etc.

Germany wants the US and the western world to blame Russia and China, and others instead of Germany of what’s wrong with the world. SEGNPMSS is also using them.  German p$ychs are using all and anyone.

All over the world, there is a SEGNPMSS plan for each country, and if not a miracle happens, Germany will be always on top and all other countries under them. Just as their national hymn says.  

This is also not a good news for average Germans. Because once they have the world, and likely already before it, they will do horrible things again to each other. Most Jews who were gassed were Germans. The people that they shot at the Berlin wall were Germans. And they don’t allow most Germans to live a way of life to  prevent diseases, aging, and dying. They are screwed too if they don’t take down the SEGNPMSS once and forever.  

For lasting peace and rights for all the people in this world, SEGNPMSS needs to be convicted and the remote-control to people’s ear implants must be kicked out of their claws.

You know it, Marty, and I know it, most of the rest of the world seems in trance.

I love you as if you are a part of my being.  And you are my soulmate. Every day we can’t be together is the fault of the SEGNPMSS, and do you know when I forgive them and let them off the hook? NEVER! How dare them to rip us apart.

If that bunch of retired psychs could think, they never would have separated us.  They did it because they are unable to love. They are unlovable (who can love monsters as they are?) and they are unable to love. I assume they have robots, machines as “partners”.

Judging from their inability to love, they thought we are just infatuated with each other and would give up quickly.  As always, they were so wrong. They invaded our thoughts already in past lives, yet, they don’t understand us because we are from a different world and they are dumb. They are obsessed to control people but are stupid as… There is not even a metaphor for that kind of stupidity.   

You’ll never will leave my heart.

Yours forever,


No walls for you, Marty, and not the kind of walls that Trump builds.











Yikes! Leah Remini loves your impostor, Marty!

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Dearest Marty, most loved Prince in the universe,

Have a look at below tweet. Remini loves your impostor, Monique’s husband.

“He has been through a lot…” Oh sure, impostering you is such a hard job, the poor man…

Remini wants the C of S to pay her 1.5 million. I wonder if David Miscavige “settled” with his co-conspirator and paid “the poor man” this or a similar amount.  

Is she unable or unwilling to see on the pictures that are all over the Internet that he ain’t you? Or a part of the plot in the first place?

If she says she doesn’t see the difference between you, the original Marty, and him, the one who was hired by DM and Mike Rinder to take over your Inspector General for Ethics position around 1989 and to fool others and me after you were wrongfully arrested, she is clueless about the tonescale and the individual tonelevels of people and never applied  Scientology technology otherwise.


Gee, Leah, the “expert” on Scientology who never applied it. Some “expert”.    

I wonder if she needs help getting dressed with those fingernails. Can she type or pick up anything with those long nails? And how long does that take?  

Anyway, Marty, I love you, not your impostor. You are brilliant, true, and a real star. You are the original and not some cheap impostor. I am proud of you. Keep on surviving, my outstanding husband. You are the best! And you have a good conscience as you don’t conspire against other people’s rights.  

Be kissed.




More violence against Scientology – and another German psychiatric plot behind it

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Dearest Marty, my awesome husband and Prince,

How is your life? I worry about you as I know how gruesome the world is to the innocent and noble.

It made no big news, typically, when bad things happens to Scientologists, the media is rather quiet:

Four people (most had Hispanic sounding names, a German plan of course that should support hatred in the USA against foreigners, which is typically German) are suspected of having fired shots at the Gilman Hot Springs Road, where the Scientology Int. Base is located.

Some Scientology bashers are claiming that they don’t want violence. Yeah right. They know exactly that their constant beating up on Scientology mobilizes such situations, e.g. somebody driving a car in a window right next to a Scientology nursery, etc. DM’s father was/is violent (beating) and same is reported about DM but two wrongs make no right.  

In the eyes of the hate-mongers, Scientologists don’t even have the right to complain about such attacks as they allegedly “can’t think”. In fact, the Scientology bashers have the thinking problems. Basically, they are saying: “We wrote and said so many nasty things about Scientology and that is why we can’t understand that anyone still wants to study it.  That means Scientologists must be in trance.”  

What the hate-mongers against Scientology don’t get is that they have no clue what original Scientology is and that somebody who hasn’t studies with the intention to infiltrate and bring it down had a much greater chance to discover its great value and what it was originally. These hate-mongers think they are the cat’s meow but have NO CLUE what they are actually attacking. 

People have ear-implants. What a German psychiatric cult! And they don’t get that it is a trap. Original Scientology, the real founder Ron, not his impostor “Jack Vistaril” was against ear-implants. The original illegal PC sat in session and repeated to the auditor what his non-Scientologist case officer transmitted in this ears. These people got of course no case again, and I bet they didn’t access any past lives either. They cheated themselves.

A few people might be alert as to that anyone can hi-jack their ear implant code. They might think that they are safe if they not act upon something out of their characters. However, there are also silent sounds, tons of them, which psychiatric manipulate people.

There are numerous websites that mentions secret service devices and methods. Usually, American secret services like the CIA are blamed but never Germany and its disgusting psychiatric invention of ear implants to secretly control people (and also to commit terror and crimes) and to rule the world.  The German psychiatric secret service method of micro ear-implants installed already in the ears of little kids to make them obedient followers is COMPLETELY AND ENTIRELY HUSHED UP.    

Hate-mongers against Scientology and Scientologists like in the Bunker and other hate-forums have something to do with violence against Scientology and Scientologists. They can’t wash their hands in innocence. 

Sending you tender and passionate kisses, Marty. You rock!

I love you,

Yours always,


Despite that I don’t know where you are physically located, there is one place where I can find you all the time, Marty:





Wikileaks and the shaming of the USA but not going after Germany

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Dearest Marty, my hero and wonderful soulmate,

How are you?

Daniel Domscheit-Berg aka Daniel Schmidt is German and was the spokesperson of Wikileaks. (Sad result: Germany and psychiatrists were not revealed behind putting Americans and other nationals with ear-implants up to no good.) 

He left Wikileaks allegedly because of structural or leadership problems. He then founded OpenLeaks and closed it briefly later. No surprise to me. (Germany doesn’t want to be caught and shamed like they do particularly with the USA but also some other countries.)

I found this summary online in regards why OpenLeaks has failed: 

Rumors that the group had been infiltrated by the German government, a lack of code open for public auditing and even a failure to get the site online in time for the penetration test it had invited the CCC hackers to perform. The book passage gives a peek into the infighting, bad luck, disorganization and personality problems that has left the world without a real sequel to WikiLeaks despite the dozens of leak-focused sites that have launched in the last two years.

Whatever it was, some or all of that, fact is that Germany got away with being the evil behind international evil. A mislead world buys its lies of innocence and decency. German psychiatric invention of  ear-implants rule. Just as they run “Anonymous”.

Marty, my darling, my thoughts are with you. My postulate to see you again is as strong as ever. Germany tries to prevent it by all means. It set up everything to make it impossible for so long. But corrupt systems crash sooner or later. If they would be smart, they would have known that from the start. They never learn of history. I want to sue them for every cent they got. Maybe they learn something finally  then.

After WW II, they were forgiven so quickly and money was thrown at them right away with the Marshall Plan. Instead of letting Germany pay for the ENTIRE MESS THEY STARTED, American taxpayers paid for a Germany that continued to be secretly Nazi.

And now, Germany is using the USA to make Germany world power no. 1 by bringing the USA down, by talking through the ear implants of people and manipulating them accordingly.

It is all in plain sight, and I know that you can see it too.

I love you, Marty.

Yours always,











The hundred of thousands protesters should have marched BEFORE the election to make others think about Trump’s character and to force the GOP to find a better Republican candidate

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince,

As you know, psychiatric ear-implants and loud and silent sounds are manipulating people. And holding violent or cheap speeches are helping those who the protesters allegedly oppose. I am upset too, but I never thought of blowing up any building or people and everything can be said without being violent or cheap.  

While you, Marty, held the door for women and answered politely their questions, Trump did… No need to repeat his dirt.

Even if Trump says once in a while something that sounds that he values the USA more than Germany, it is just kicking sand in the eyes of Americans.  Trump is so controversial that he will split the country more instead unifying it.

SEGNPMSS has a plan to split off the West and the East Coast from the US heartland for one purpose only: weaken the USA and having the Nazis take over the world officially. Trump having someone Jewish in his family will not stop this process. Dummies will think that this will prevent the Nazis coming back.  Also, one administration prepares the ground with another more extreme administration. Only the truth and nothing but the truth about Germany and the psychiatrists behind it will save the USA and the rest of the world and all its people.

I know you, you are the last who is needing a lecture. As if you didn’t figure this as well. 

How is your life, Marty? Wish I would know exactly what you want me to do to get closer to you. 

I ask myself often: could I have done  more? I knocked on any official door before, and all I found was people who are not truly Americans but serve Germany’s plans for the USA and the world, even when their own country (USA) loses in the process.

Surely, I  won’t return to Germany. I never felt home there anyway.  Particularly thinking of Bavaria, I just feel disgust and the heebiejeebies. If there is really one p$ych left who hopes that I return in a country that kidnapped me, he should do something immediately to raise his pitiful IQ.

You rock, Marty. Although you are breathtakingly handsome (and you always will be it doesn’t matter your age), the real reason why I fell in love with you is because I was able to recognize your awesome character and that is why you come first in my world and that is why I don’t give up on you.

You are forever in my heart. And it feels so right.





Swamp stays swampy and could get even swampier

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Dearest Marty, my precious Prince and husband, I am with you, all the time.

Italy is constantly hit by quakes. Undoubtedly, the SEGNPMSS generates quakes with remote-controlled lasers and other secret service devices. The one in August 2016 did cost Italy 4 Billion Euro. Why would the still existing Nazi doctors do such a thing?

As you know during history, UK’s leaders opposed the Nazis while Italy’s leaders supported them. Germany want the UK to leave the EU as they think that the UK in the way of  an official Nazi Europe. Also Germany wants to make the UK smaller by detaching Scotland and other parts from the UK and attaching it/them to the EU (which is basically nothing but Germany).

Italy wants to leave the EU but can they with all those quake costs? If they leave, Germany wants to make sure that they won’t be rich, having to pay for those quake costs. Also, Germany is creating business for Germany’s builders, saying that the Italians can’t build. Germany and want Germany to “rebuild” Italy.  

The infrastructure that Germany is using is just as dumb as the one of Donald Trump. Infrastructure that supports a healthy and immortal lifestyle is not promoted by them. I have seen pictures of Trump’s 100 mio. penthouse, and I am completely unimpressed. I want to live in our life-preserving villages, Marty. For me, his “luxury” is nothing but shiny trash.   

Speaking of trash. Didn’t he say that he would “drain the swamp in D.C.”? 

Is there any candidate who broke already so many campaign promises before even taking office as Trump did?  For example, he took following people from the Obama administration into the Trump administration: Dabney Kern, director of the White House Military OfficeRobert Work, deputy defense secretary; Chuck Rosenberg, acting Drug Enforcement Administration chief; Nicholas Rasmussen, National Counterterrorism Center director; Brett McGurk, special presidential envoy to the anti-Islamic State coalition; Susan Coppedge, ambassador-at-large on human trafficking; Tom Shannon, the undersecretary of State for political affairs; Kody Kinsley, assistant Treasury secretary for management, and Adam Szubin, acting undersecretary of the Treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.
Argh! People who failed miserably to investigate/reveal that psychiatrists and neuro-“scientists” are making terrorists by conditioning them and that these terrorists are run through ear-implants to execute the terror and that Germany (the men behind the chancellors) is the force behind the terror! With keeping these people, Trump says that nothing will change. Same wimps who don’t have the guts to stand up against Germany and psychs like in earlier administrations. What a dumb world.
All we ever need, you and me, are each other. Happiness means making someone else happy.  And you make me happy, because I can feel your love. One cannot be happy by making others unhappy.  I’m so glad that we who we are. I love you, Marty, and I know you love me too. Where true love is, is God.
Sending you tender and passionate kisses.  
 Yours forever, Sarah/Barbara


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Dearest Marty, my one and only, how are your days and nights?

The alien face in the logo of that team (see below video)  makes the SECURE TEAM look cheesy.

Knowing Germany, this is intended. They want people to shy away from conspiracy theorists and theories. 

However, the speaker talks about an interesting issue. By watching the video, I asked myself too: what on Earth (or rather what in space) are these fast flying small objects?

I read that the NASA says: “No unidentifiable objects have been seen from the ISS. Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artifacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory, just as reflections often appear in pictures taken on Earth.”

Provided that nobody doctored the footage, those fast-moving points are definitely not window reflections and what kind of Earth lights go up that high and make such turns? These objects appear to be piloted. 

 Does that means that they don’t even check out those flying objects?  They probably know that Germans secretly control space and that is why they don’t call then “unidentified” objects.  

Did NASA, founded by Ike who didn’t want to see Nazis in space, “forgot” Germany’s Nazi past? No alien more creepy than Nazis and the doctors behind them. 

Germany wants to shame the USA, hiding that it is Germany who talks into people’s ear implants to behave actually anti-American and to keep secrets from the public. I don’t think aliens from deep space are flying close to the International Space Station, Marty. Because I know Germany, particularly Bavaria. Germany would order the USA and other nations to shoot them down. Besides, our corner of the universe is cloaked.  I bet the farm on it. German doctors want to enslave others but don’t want to be enslaved by aliens or anyone.

We don’t see real deep space but just a projection of the universe and so do any aliens. (Glad that we don’t have Fermi’s IQ, Marty.)  

I rather think  that Germany (particularly Bavaria) is messing around in space using the USA to keep secrets. They don’t want anyone to find out. And in the event that the truth can’t be longer concealed, they make sure that the USA and not Germany is being blamed. 

I know that you think very similar as I do.

I love you, Marty. Be kissed.

Yours forever,



More p$ych crap and pseudo science!

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Dearest Marty, my one and only,

You are on my mind.

Psychiatrists (Germany’s, particularly Bavaria’s favorite profession) and all their versions are conspiring against innocent people but also against their agents and each other.  

That is the reason why conspiracy theorists have a bad reputation. Psychs don’t want people to catch up with what they are secretly doing, so they are telling their agents to publish crap, e.g. that there was never a moon landing, etc. In fact, there were PLENTY of moon landings, and that is  another thing that the SEGNPMSS and their international (incl. US) agents are CONCEALING.  

In order to make people shy away from seeing outpoints and speaking about it, psychs (Uni of Kent) published a 2016 “study” in  Social Psychological and Personality Science (science, haha!) that people who believe in conspiracy theories have negative personalities. Easy to get that these psychs don’t want people to figure what they are up to. So, they decide to make thinking a bad trait. Who wants to be labeled “narcissist” and “paranoid”? Nobody, so they try to discourage people to become conspiracy theorists.

These psychs claim that they studied 202 people and came to the conclusion that conspiracy theories equals low self-esteem. It is just the opposite, as you, Marty, and some others know. One needs to be alert, must be able to see, have a high self-esteem, trust in one’s own perceptions to discover oddities, and be no yes-person.

Also, people having ear-implants. They give those answers, which their psych-case officers wants them to answer. If psychs want conspiracy theorists having a bad reputation, they radio into the ears of test persons to give the answers that result in the outcome that they want. Some “science”…

They prefer people who follow and don’t think for themselves! That is also the main reason why they infiltrated and altered original Scientology to Vistarology and later to Miscavology.

We don’t do them the favor of being fools. It’s enough that they are fools. World doesn’t need more fools.

Yours, Marty. In all the universes that ever will be, I will love you. Because I know you. You have one in me who knows your value and your rarity.












1) Peace 2) Odd behavior by the IRS in regards to Trump

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Love Peace HD Desktop Background

Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince and hero, 

I wish I could make your life better if I would know the coordinates or some facts. All I know of you since we saw each other the last time is based on feelings and perceptions alone. 

I was busy over the weekend to mend a relationship between two people who love each other but can’t get along.

Clearly, I see the hidden actions of p$ychs radioing into their heads after the disgusting German motto: When two are fighting, the third enjoys it.  

How often did we Scientologists hear that Scientology is nothing worth? How wrong these people are who claiming so.

Original Scientology is in each fiber of my being. I apply it naturally, and what did happen? I defused the situation, both parties are thinking about his/her own actions and behavior, and both parties wanting  improvement and peace now.

 People who say that Scientology is nothing worth are idiots.

They should let us solve the Middle East and all other problems, Marty. Because we can. Vistarology and Miscavology can’t, but original Scientology can.

Otherwise, I find the behavior by IRS in regards to Trump’s taxes very odd. He repeated since many months or even longer that his taxes are under audits and that this is the reason, he doesn’t want to publish them. At least at the moment, when he became the official GOP candidate for US president, shouldn’t the IRS have handled the audits of Trump accelerated, so that the American public learns more about his character? Shouldn’t his tax returns and audits be top priority for the IRS because he ran for US President?  If that doesn’t  matter to the IRS, what does?

BTW, since years they stopped acknowledging my tax returns with proper issued acknowledgements. Only my bank statements show that they cashed my checks with taxes paid. Makes me suspicious that they lie to you and your representatives that they don’t know me… Just as Germany wants it.

I love you, Marty, and I am your biggest fan!  You will be always my world because I know you. We have shared so many lifetimes. You are anything but a stranger to me. I don’t expect you to be perfect, Marty. Since the beginning of time, you made the decision to have a good character. So many others didn’t make that decision. And the result: You are being loved and deeply respected by me and anyone who knows you and who is not a pig. 

The picture of you and me back together puts immediately a smile on my face. It was meant for us to be together. Only you can make me feel that way.

Also, true love is fearless. Whatever it needs to get be back together. As long as together one day.  And yes, love is only a word, until one meets one’s soulmate. Than it is anything but just a word.

In this sense, be kissed, my irresistible soulmate.

Yours always,











Ear-implants equals no truth

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Dearest Marty, my hero, husband, and Prince,

I think of you! 

A love like ours that last despite all odds is divine.  And I am not in the habit of throwing divine feelings away.

Instead of separating us for low reasons and conspiring against us, people should aim at getting for themselves what we both are having. Once they get it, it will lift them up. They will be a lot happier, and truly happy people will not be evil as it takes their happiness away in a snap. No evil person is truly happy. Period. Being evil is a trap. Bye-bye serenity and clean conscience. What really counts, a bad person does not see.      

 Marty, above picture got my attention. The left pyramid is in Cambodia and the one on the right side is in Guatemala. Far apart but strikingly similar architecture. Imo, the pyramid architects are the same or knew each other very well.  And I am most interested in what lies underneath, like wells, hydro culture, and living quarters. Because I know that there were some individuals who walked this Earth who built to protect the human body from what is still allowed to destroy youth, health, safety of people.

Some people think that only South America has pyramids but there are plenty of pyramids in North America, except that they were built from clay with vegetation on top. Which is not stupid, considering that they blend into nature like mountains and that enemies have a harder time to spot them.

This one is Watson Brake in Louisiana, estimated 5400 years old and built by hand for human occupation.

Artsists conception of Watson Brake, an archaeological site in Ouachita Parish, Louisiana that dates from the Archaic period. The oldest earthwork in North America, it was built and occupied 3500 BCE, approximately 5400 years ago.

And below is the Grave Creek Mound in West Virginia. Much harder to detect than a regular pyramid. Looks like a hill but was man-made.

 I read that earth was used in lieu of stones. Well, sad is that people today built tiny houses (see right and left) and forgot or never figured the reasons for not living on the unprotected surface of the world and also how much time and money the would safe “sitting at one fire”.

Modern people think that those historic structures were just built to serve rituals or bury people. I beg to differ. I believe that people in protected structures were either murdered on the inside (after these places were nevertheless discovered, mainly through traitors telling the enemies of their locations) or skeletons were carried inside to make it look as burial places to conceal the true purposes of such buildings.    


Many of the mounts were destroyed in the 19th century and also by archaeologists, which makes one “feel good” about what the public learns at the end. Psychiatric ear-implants rule.  Speaking about ear implants. I think remains can be examined on having had ear implants. But if those who examine them have ear implants, we won’t learn about it. I assume they were tiny metal pieces and not silicon in earlier time. I bet they were used thousands of years back already. Radio technology is easy but nobody is allowed to talk about it.        

The Grand Canyon has estimated 1000 caves and only 335 were recorded, so they say. They include historic inventory.  We first will learn the truth about history when archaeologists, historian, officials, reporters, and others become free beings, which means, when they are no longer the tool of p$ychs, their ear-implants and loud and silent sounds.

I love you, Marty.

You are my forever and always.
