
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for September 2022

The unbelievable failure of the Munich Security Conference

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Dearest Marty, my incredible soulmate and husband,

How are you? Thinking of you is the light of my life, even if I haven’t heard of you in all these decades. Only my connection to the Almighty makes me think that there is still hope. He is the one the SEGNPMSS and its international agents can’t bribe, run, or intimidate.

The Russian war against the Ukraine is a clear example of what a failure the Munich Security Conference is. It just serves as a PR tool for the SEGNPMSS and Germany for throwing sand in people’s eyes that Germany is pro peace.

I don’t know if Putin was that bloody idiot and warmaker that he is all along or if he was psychiatric altered and implanted to be so dumb not recognizing that SEGNPMSS wants Russia small, down, isolated, and shamed because it was an ally to defeat the Nazis in WWII. Russians killed most of Germany’s soldiers in WWII. I believe nearly 80%, a lot more than the US and the UK combined.

However, a fact is that he complained at the Munich Security Conference that he (and Russia) felt threatened by NATO, and the Munich Security Conference did nothing to handle that concern. Now he even threatens the use of nuclear weapons. So, what is the Munich Security Conference good for except German PR?

“Russia has chosen its path,” said deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, Dimity Medvedev. “There is no way back.” Isn’t that a page of the German Nazi playbook? Russia killed so many German soldiers in WWII because Hitler and Germany didn’t call them back. Typically, they didn’t even care about their own people. The German Jews fought for Germany in WWI, a world war that also Germany provoked. Yet, Germany gassed them. “Nice” country to live in, right? And the case officers who controlled old Nazi Germany are still at it.

As the world let their guard down against Germany, the latter turned the table and works hard on turning Russia (and also other countries incl. very much so the USA) into what Nazi Germany is known for: idiotic decisions, inhumanities, torture, death, invasions. Russia doesn’t need Ukraine. If it would concentrate on bringing out the best in its own people, they could have all it wants: respect, peace, great economy, honor and being on the right side of history.

German psychiatric ear-implants rule and that is why all over the world brutal, stupid or incompetent people head governments and the entire planet is a big disgusting mess. Nobody, and I repeat, nobody does what is necessary to save it.

I know you could, Marty. But they don’t let you, right? Typically for the still existing Nazi world.

Another subject: A few words about Mike Rinder. He doesn’t deserve more. He has his book out. I didn’t read it but I read excerpts on the Internet. He wrote that “Hubbard” was obsessed with “celebrities”. Funny that particularly he is saying this, with a statement of Leah Remini on his cover and the excerpts on the Internet are all about him meeting and interacting with celebs in Scientology. It also seems that he conceals that the “celeb-obsessed Hubbard” was not the founder Ron but his impostor “Jack Vistaril”, of which I am sure was run by the CIA and Germany together.

Despite Mike Rinder is officially at odds with David Miscavige and with the man who impersonates you, Monique’s husband, he also is conspiring with them, by not blowing the whistle on what was/is done to you and the real founder Ron. It is so heart-breaking to know that such people invaded our religion and changed it into a cult. After so many years hearing about ethics and that only clean hands make a happy life, they still don’t get it.

Like David Miscavige, Mike Rinder didn’t search for Scientology himself. He joined it because his parents joined it and they also didn’t join it for religious reasons, e.g. to get answers on the questions: where do I come from, where do I go, who is God, etc. They joined for much smaller reasons and apparently, Mike Rinder wasn’t one to think higher either. Someone who gives blind allegiance is anything but a Scientologist.

When I came across such a person in the orgs, I always was thinking: what the hell is he/she doing here?

This guy Rinder of all people, was invited by the Trinity College to speak about Scientology. If I am not mistaken, he told those students that Scientology is a religion. He also acted as minister of Scientology. Yet, his other activities reveal that he denies that Scientology is a true religion.

Infiltrators are so unimpressive. Their world views change constantly, depending who runs them. Robots!

I love you, Marty.

We are meant for each other. Sending you tender and passionate kisses.

Yours forever,


When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

Covering up to understand? Gee, that “makes sense”

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful husband and Prince, how is your life?

I am thinking of you and wish I could be with you. I’m somewhat following the story of Trump v. DOJ and the dispute over 11000 documents. This is also the number that the FBI claims it has on my FOIA/PA requests, however, I am certain that it must have a lot more. I could fill a library with what I produced and received and most of their internal communication isn’t even included. A cover up of course. Everything I filed was to get justice and find you (not Mosey’s husband), so you have very much the rights to obtain all documents that I filed or received to and from the government or that the government generated in that regard. It shouldn’t be like this but secrecy seems to go hand in hand with the government. It doesn’t matter which party runs the administration, each one covers up to conceal the truth and does not act Americans for Americans. German-controlled ear-implants run the US government, it doesn’t matter if a Democrat or a Republican sits in the White House or which party has the senate or representative majority in Congress.

Did you read the latest on UFOs/UAPs, Marty? In response to a FOIA request by the website The Black Vault, the US Navy says it has unpublished UFO/UAP videos but refuses to release them in the name of national security. It is almost funny, isn’t it? Unidentified flying objects fly over the skies of the country, having access to the population but releasing their videos would violate national security? Ronald Moultrie, Pentagon’s top intelligence official allegedly said before Congress: “Our goal is not to potentially cover up something, it’s to understand what’s maybe out there.” What makes them think that the population can’t help? Our great intuitions could.

Governments are covering up because their German or German-oriented psychiatric case officers are telling them to do so. The subject of UFOs/UAPs is a “data-poor field”, says a NASA official. Gee. Of course, by withholding data, it will stay a data-poor field. What we know is that these objects are flying faster than anything yet known. We also know that they are unmanned. But how does secrecy produce more data or insight?

The universe hangs on German psych strings, Nazi ear-implants. That is why the world is so inhuman, brutal, rotten, and perverted. They cloaked our corner of the universe because they too live here and don’t want their behinds kicked by real deep space aliens. That is why real deep space aliens won’t make it here. They are either shot down or returned to their home planets with psychiatric altered minds, not even knowing that they discovered us. All memory removed. SEGNPMSS invented anything but slavery, war, torture, racism, massmurder, and other crimes. They spy on people, rob their inventions and use those for their own evil and retarded purposes. I couldn’t think lower of these SPs. They left the scale of what being a human means a long time ago and can be only measured on a monster scale. I also figured out why they don’t change for the better. They are so perverted and so evil that they don’t find the courage anymore to pull themselves out of their slurry pits. What a pity. What must they have done to end up where they are? Lacking any human qualifications. If a valuable human notices that he/she could slightly go off the rail, he/she corrects it right away and steers towards honorable goals. But they went off the rails by the beginning of time. It is such a shame for them.

Marty, imo, those UFOs/UAPs are from people that are originally from Earth who once ventured into space and lived there for centuries. They don’t have oceans to surf and canyons to explore as people on Earth, so they put their minds to technology and that is why their flying objects are faster than ours and can cloak. They are operated from satellites or secret space stations. I assume that the entire Oort Cloud is colonized with people that came from Earth and settled there and their offsprings grew up there. I also believe that most of these people of Earth origins in the entire Oort Cloud WANT the Earth population to KNOW that THEY EXIST, otherwise they would fly only cloaked.

Of course, I have no evidence but my intuition. However, my intuition is probably my greatest gift.

I love you, Marty, keep on surviving. My thoughts are with you every day.

Yours always and forever,


Al Gore didn’t invent the internet – but according to this English video, President Dwight David Eisenhower did

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Dearest Marty, my incredible soulmate and husband, How are you?

You are never far from my thoughts.

By accident, I found the below mentioned video “The Story of the Internet”. It says that President Eisenhower laid the foundation for the Internet and established the first computer organization, ARPA. It also had the purpose to explore space. And lateron, he established NASA.

Some called him a President for science with a strong moral compass, and yes, that is true.

But one person surrounded by people who marched secretly to German Nazi psych drums has it hard. I know that his executive decisions and orders were removed or altered by these agents and that the USA isn’t the country it could be today.

Some people asked: “What the heck did he do in 8 years in office?” They should have asked: “What happened to most of his writings and executive orders? Who stole or altered them?” They also should have asked: “Who murdered him and why was a ringer allowed to play president after June 1960?”   

In this video, just a few lines in, you also read of scientists who build bombs to spread diseases and prepared war in space. That was never Ike’s idea or intentions.

Another line in this video says that psychologists tried to train people to communicate through thoughts. This does not sound like psychology but rather Scientology. And because psychs hijacked the process, nothing became of it. They are much too unspiritual to get it right.  After all these decades, they haven’t figured out what a thetan is and still think that a person is its brain.

Learn English with Audio Story ★ Subtitles: The Story Of The Internet (Level 5)

I mentioned this earlier on. I am certain that he intended Camp David to be a government facility like our longevity village. I am sure that SEGNPMSS secretly ordered Camp David to be changed after Ike was medically murdered and the ringer took over. By not living and working in such a village, all presidents, staff, and congress, don’t do their longevity any favor. Will they ever learn?

Just two days ago, Queen Elizabeth II was shown standing in a room on her own two legs, just with a cane, smiling all over her face, and reaching out energic for the hand of the new Prime Minister, and now she is suddenly dead? Yes, the queen looked frail but not anywhere near dying.

I love you, Marty.

Still hoping to find you. Be kissed. I have only eyes for you.

Yours always,


After 50 years, Germany finally agreed to pay the families of 11 Israeli athletes killed at the Munich Olympics in 1972 – but Germany still covers up the existance of their SEGNPMSS

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Dearest Marty, my extraordinary soulmate and husband,

How are your days and nights?

Germany probably only paid because these families threatened to boycott a German PR event, one that pours sand into today’s people’s eyes that Germany isn’t a Nazi country anymore.

I personally don’t believe that the German authorities just botched the response to the Nazi activities that killed these 11 Israeli athletes but that the SEGNPMSS planned each detail it. That is also why the German government, which learned IN ADVANCE about the planned terror attacks, didn’t act to protect these Jews. After all, SEGNPMSS ear-implants rule.

Furthermore, after the terror attacks, German authorities withheld information and documents from the families of these athletes for decades, which is more evidence that the German government, likely state and federal, was heavily involved in these heinous crimes.

SEGNPMSS got away – again – and this is why antisemitism never ends. They run all people with ear-implants, they keep the insane hatred alive and then cowardly hide. The only thing they are really good at.  

First, Germany tried to pay the family members of these killed athletes just a ridiculous low sum as compensation. After 50 years, Germany finally agreed to pay these families more, but imo, they still didn’t get enough compensation.  

I love you, Marty.

Yours always,