
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for May 2022

Our villages are the solution – besides busting the SEGNPMSS

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Dearest Marty, my soulmate, husband, and Prince,

How are you? I am thinking of you.

The mass shooting in Uvalde, that killed so many children and also adults, is another urgent reminder that the world needs our kind of villages. If its residents agree to have no weapons, drugs, cigarettes, and anything else bad inside and don’t allow psychiatrists and mind-controller access to its population, they don’t have to worry that their kids and loved ones are being shot. Villages that are having roofs and are closed to invaders and viruses are the solution. It also keeps the government at arms lengths. Such villages don’t need police if each resident can be trusted and all are alert that psychiatrists alter personalities and how bad this can turn out. Residents at such villages have much more control over their own lives and fates than people who live on the unprotected surface of the world, in which every bad person can hit them or their loved ones with an atrocity.

Police and the FBI and other such agencies always quickly report that a shooter acted alone. I beg to differ. Uvalde looks like another arranged SEGNPMSS massacre. I think the angry personality of that shooter got their attention. He corresponded with a German girl for weeks via social media. (What is up with his and her parents, the US and Germans who supervise the social media platform that was used?) SEGNPMSS loves using angry people like this shooter. With a little bit of psychiatric mind-control, these angry people are easily transformed into monsters through hypnosis. George Hoben Estabrooks informed about this already many decades ago.

The adults in the life of this shooter should have been able to spot a psychiatric-conditioned person, even if he had officially no psychiatric treatment. I am sure he saw teachers, officials, and doctors in his life. They all should be able to spot a hypnotized person. Psychiatric-conditioned people scream out loud on the inside and their eyes reveal that they were violated (which is of course no justification for being violent).

This massacre was organized. How else can it be explained that the shooter got away after shooting his grandmother, that he could drive and crash a car, and fire a gun at people near a funeral home and was not stopped by anyone? (According to his grandfather, the shooter had no driver’s license and didn’t know how to drive. And such a driver is not stopped in the streets?) How else can it be explained that a door at the school was unlocked, that the shooter knew which door was unlocked and that the police did not storm into the building for more than one hour to save the children? Heil ear-implants, that is what I am seeing.

Everyone, knowingly or unknowingly does what the SEGNPMSS wants and the result is a massacre. I read that passerby urged police to go inside to help. Yikes, huh? I also read that the police tried to enter the school but that the shooter shot at them, so they retreated. What kind of chickens are they? 19 armed police officers! Don’t they have bullet-proof vests?

Some parents tried to make their way into the school to save their children but were pepper-sprayed and tackled. Good grief. These parents tried to do the police’s job even without bullet-proof vests!  It was also reported that some police officers retrieved their own children while blocking other parents doing the same.

The shooter got the weapons he killed through “legal means”. Psychiatrists can alter a person’s mind after he or she received a weapon legally. The gun seller will swear that the person was totally rational on the day of the purchase. Here is a list of what US senators said in regards to what actions should be taken on guns:

Some senators think that the solution is more psychiatric treatment for people. Secret service psychiatristsare hypnotizing and conditioning people to become shooters and terrorists. This is like paying the mafia more money to prevent crimes that the mafia commits. Only that the psychs are even worse by altering the minds and personalities of people.

Yes, untraceable ghost guns and military style assault weapons should be taken off the streets. More background checks and less weapons are of course necessary butnothing will prevent such attacks if the SEGNPMSS decides it wants it done. There are so many weapons in circulation and through control of just about any ear-implant,the SEGNPMSS can organize that a psychiatric conditioned person can get herhands on these weapons and the munition to kill.

Arming teachers, security guardsor police with guns in school can turn out bad too. What if the teacher, securityguard or the police officer is psychiatric-conditioned and becomes the shooter?

Our closed villages with residents inside who can trust each other and who areaware of what psychiatric mind-control and hypnosis can do to people, and what thewarning signs are, can save the USA and the world.

Many Americans say that they need guns to protect themselves. If they are living in our kind of villages,they have plenty of protection and don’t need to be armed. They just don’t opentheir village to amend people and live happily ever after. 

I love you, Marty, I miss you very much but I doubt more and more that we see each other again in this lifetime or in this universe because just about everyone disgustingly bows before Germany and the SEGNPMSS and sells us out.

Be kissed.

Yours always,



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Dearest Marty, my unforgettable soulmate? How are you? Have a look at this photoshopped picture. It shows the real Ron but someone photoshopped that woman behind him. As you know, Ron was very tall, around 6′ 2″. Look how gigantic she is! Much taller than he, considering that both are allegedly sitting on the same bench. How stupid does the photoshopper think we are, believing that Ron knew her and that she was 6’7 or so tall?

I miss you, Marty. I hate the idea having to return to Germany for papers, because it means that it is even less likely that I ever will see you again.

Coming back to the USA with new papers makes no sense for me either. I don’t even know if you still love or need me. Actually, I don’t even know if you are still alive. Also, the SEGNPMSS rules the world. Using ear-implants in officials, they likely arrange that I never can enter the USA again.

My many papers that were generated during my search of you also cause me headache. I did some research concerning storage in my town. I was told that they rarely have a free unit to rent. These papers could stay at my house for a while but if I keep the house, I have to maintain it, and that is difficult if I am not in the country. And again, I don’t even know if you are interested in these papers.

All my problems would disappear if I would just hear from you or from someone on your behalf but it never happens.

I love you. Yours always and forever, Sarah/Barbara

Was Vladimir Putin radicalized by the SEGNPMSS?

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful husband and soulmate, how are you?

CBC, a Canadian news channel, interviewed former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov who said that Putin became another person. I haven’t watched Putin often in the past, and can’t tell for sure. But SEGNPMSS alters minds and personalities in secret attacks for various low reasons.

Both, Ukraine and Russia accuse the other one of being Nazis but not one is checking if Germany isn’t the secret force behind their situation. Germany wants all of Europe and the world. How to get Ukraine and Russia? Having them fight until both sides are destroyed and leting the USA pay for it. As always.

It is also strange that Germany and France (which has forgotten what Germany did to it in the past) objected to Ukraine joining NATO (because president Zelensky is Jewish?) but Finland and Sweden can join NATO in a heartbeat?

One also wonders why Russia was not asked or allowed to join NATO. Russia felt threatened by NATO and nobody handled the problem. And a few years ago, Ukraine made my skin crawl with their Nazis. If Russia would have kept their troops on their side of the border, just making sure that Russia is safe, it would have reflected that defending themselves is all they had in mind. But this didn’t happen.

Russia clearly invaded and this puts it on the list of the war aggressors. Odd is also Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement that Hitler had Jewish blood. Such a statement makes him and Russia sound like Nazis.

Despite that the SEGNPMSS runs people with loud and silent commands, it sure made those still existing Nazis psychiatrists’ blood boil that Ukraine voted so overwhelmingly for a Jewish president. The medical monsters behind Germany want Russia and the Ukraine but not with a Jewish president.

So they use Russia’s government to start a war against the Ukraine and hope they are getting rid of that Jewish president that way and at the same time, ruin Russia, its reputation (they always hated that Russian victory day against the Nazis), its economy, its people.

And at the end, they want Germany sweep into these countries and take them over either directly or under the cover of the EU. It is so easy to figure out.

I miss you, Marty, and I love you.

Tomorrow, I have to burn a lot of papers. They are just work-related papers, which exist in electronic form. So, no need to have these around in paper.  

Yours forever,


Maybe tomorrow is your birthday, Marty, and maybe it is not

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Dearest Marty, my soulmate, how are you?

What a pity that after almost 40 decades I still don’t know these details except that the SEGNPMSS planted an impostor for you in Scientology and beyond.

I wish you the very best. Very sad that I can’t tell you this in person. I hope that I am wrong thinking that you are incarcerated and need my help. But if you are and need me, you have to find a way to reach me soon.

My body is not indestructible. SEGNPMSS is breathing really hard down on me. Sometimes, I don’t even know if I will survive the next minutes. They are total crazed lunatics and the USA does nothing to stop them. German and other secret service doctors can torture people on US soil and all US intelligence agencies allow it to happen. It is such a shame.

The land of the brave and free, yeah right. The land under the German Nazi doctor boot would be a better name for it. I just can guess how these monsters are breathing down on you, Marty. I am so sorry for all of that.

In almost 40 decades, not one single soul ever brought me a message on your behalf. Not a so-called Scientologist and not any other person. It is as if you never existed, Marty.

This world is so bad that I came to the conclusion that picking up a body, in other words, being born again as a baby in this universe is the worst mistake one can make.

People are hypocrites and worth nothing, and life is nothing but hell for good people. I wish I could write you something better for your birthday but I can’t. Nothing is ok and nothing is good.

It feels horrible to “be at their mercy”. When they are occupied with something else but causing my angina and my heart beat to jump like a kangaroo, I think I can become 200 years and older. I feel fit and strong. But when they use their rotten to hell secret service devices and log onto my heart it feels like dying right now. It feels very unnatural and I know that is medical terrorism.

Also, I have no doubt that US intelligence agencies know exactly what is going on and what they do to us. They let it happen because the SEGNPMSS runs them. They have no backbone, no honor, no decency. I am so disgusted by them; it doesn’t matter what their freaking nationality is.

We couldn’t live with that kind of disgusting character. What lousy parents and teacher they must have had, considering what they either do or condone. What a shame for a family who brought up such a person and allowed it to grow into an animal and not a human being. And what a shame for such a person who doesn’t correct him- or herself to be a decent person.

I assume that they don’t believe in God, even if some of them might even go to church. Well, they will be in for a surprise. Or they believe that God is an idiot who let them get away with their inhumanity or condoning inhumanity. All they have to say is: Oh, I am sorry, God, and all is forgiven. These types are in for a big surprise also.

Besides, we are not children of a lower god. We will be at God’s side and will make sure that nothing will be forgiven. What they do and condone can’t be forgiven. We can forgive people who forgot to congratulate us to our birthday or similar things, but not what they are doing. If I was one of them, I would think before I commit or condone unforgivable crimes.

By preventing that we find each other, they are stealing years and decades of our lives. How can they make this good again? Exactly, it is not possible.

How can torture and pain be undone? Exactly, it is not possible. And all of that points clearly in the direction that people are not thinking about the consequences. But there will be consequences. The most severe consequences ever, may we be dead or alive and may be they dead or alive. They will not be forgiven. If we turn the other cheek to these people, they hit it again and again. They don’t learn. The commands that they hear through their ear-implants is their god. They are godless.

The day when I will join God, he will ask me how the justice should look like that I want. Despite Ourverse and no more being a part of the universe, I will ask him to have their ear-implants explode in their retarded heads.

SEGNPMSS really knows how to make eternal enemies. As a child, I prayed for everyone in the universe. I prayed not just for those who loved me or who I loved. And this is who I am today: Praying for them has completely changed thanks to these secret service doctors and psychiatrists. I wish them burning hell now for all eternity to come.

They just feel safe because I don’t know their names. They are born cowards. Not one of them has the guts to come and look me in the face and tell me what they have done. Despicable. Marty, I could not more condemn and despise them. Turning good people into their enemies is all they can do.

A decent person tries to make an impact on others with something good or great. SEGNPMSS agents always make themselves noticeable. They desperately want me to know about them. But they never do anything honorable or decent. Negativity and pain is the only thing they master. Pitiful, isn’t it?

Anway, Marty, if these medical terrorists and those who know and condone and don’t do anything to stop and bust them, are called human beings, we sure are something much better. We never would sink that far down. Never. At night, when I go to bed, I picture Ourverse, a different universe to which medical and other monsters have no access and good people have rights. I love to be there and the universe will be only more a dirty, gruesome, retarded, brutal, ugly little spot somewhere in the great nothing, where we never will set foot again, it doesn’t matter if these SPs scream for help to be saved from other SPs.

I love you.

Be kissed.

Yours forever,


When will the USA (and other countries) learn that they are being set up?

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How are you, Marty, my wonderful husband and soulmate?

I heard today in the news that the USA invested already approx. 50 billion USD in defending the Ukraine against Russia. It is also called a proxy war with Russia. When will the USA but also Russia and other countries learn that they are being set up bythe SEGNPMSS? If no miracle happens, Germany behind the EU or officially as the EU will pocket the Ukraine including any other parts that break away from Russia as a result of this war. The psychiatric and medical monsters behind Germany definitely run a Russia that behaves like Germany.

An alibi for the SEGNPMSS is of course Russia saying that it fights this war against Nazis in the Ukraine. People who think not deep enough come to the conclusion that the Russian war and cruelties in this war against the Ukraine are not the making by Nazis as Russia says that it wants to defeat Nazis. This is how the SEGNPMSS wants people to think.

In 2013 and 2014, when Nazis indeed voiced their disgusting and retarded antisemitic propaganda publicly in the Ukraine, Russian president Putin did not launch a full-scale invasion of the Ukraine. However, after more than 70 % of Ukrainians voted for a Jewish president and some other Jewish persons became high officials in the government of the Ukraine, he suddenly decides to “denazify” the Ukraine. Why didn’t he do so when Ukraine did not have a government led by Jewish individuals? Suspicious, right?

Then there is also Putin’s support of Syria. I am 100% certain that the war in Syria was instigated so that Germany gets the refugees, young hard workers to keep its economy afloat. And of course, they have to give up their Syrian identity and become Germans as multiculturalism fails in intolerant Germany and Merkel even admitted it. She didn’t accept one more Syrian refugee into Germany than needed according to a study to help the German economy. By supporting Syria and preventing Syrians returning to their homeland, Russia is helping Germany, the country with the top secret SEGNPMSS that runs people with ear-implants. How can Putin be anti-Nazis if he does its bidding? He liked Germany a lot and was a card-carrying German secret service agent and likely still is. In this war, Russian troops seem to treat Ukrainians like Nazis treated Jews. Torture and brutal killings. They stole art in Mariupol as the Nazis stole the art of Jews. And why is that? Because SEGNPMSS brings out the worst in people by talking into their ears and minds.

As a child in Deggendorf (yes, that town that burned 400 or more Jews) my siblings and I had to live with RB in a housing scheme that was built by US money, the Marshall Plan. Yes, the USA always threw US taxpayers money at Germany, even if it did and does not truly better itself. Some Russians also lived in this settlement. I remember one older couple, both with aristocratic titles but they had no longer more than average means. They were much kinder than Germans. He called my little brother “littledove”, and she took a special liking to me, and invited me several times in her home to chat. They fled communism.

Marty, if I think of Russians, I think of them and that Russians actually don’t have these brutal characters like the Germans and should not act upon them as it is not them. Actually, the original Russian character reminded me more of the original American character. Kind and not brutal like typical Germans.

I read this question online somewhere: What has Russia gained from five years of fighting in Syria? The answer is: Moscow managed to preserve the Syrian regime but it has failed to achieve all its goals in Syria.

What people don’t ask themselves but should be: who wins here? The answer is: Germany. It got the hard-working Syrians as its slaves. Frauke Petry, who chaired the German Alternative for Germany, a new Nazi party in Germany tried to make this argument ridiculous by saying that she doubts that Syrian men will wipe the behinds of aging Germans. What a cheap woman, right?

Most Syrian men will not work in nursing homes but their women will get such jobs. And there are tons of other jobs in just about any other industry that these millions of refugees have to do for the German economy. If they would know that a secret service behind Germany set up this war and destroyed their homeland to get them working for Germany to make it even richer. This war is kept alive to root the Syrians in Germany and the time for them to return should pass. Once their children speak no longer their native language anymore or are in school and know no other life than that in Germany, if they see pictures of a broken Syria that consists of nothing but destroyed homes, these refugees will be forced to stay.

Not just Bashar Hafez al-Assad is helping Germany, Putin too. Might they know it or not. But I assume they know. The only way they would not know what theyare doing is if they are really stupid and just robotically execute what they hear in their ear-implants without thinking. Russia and many other countries blamethe USA on everything. You and I, we know that the USA is up to the top infiltrated by people who are run by Germany with ear-implants.

However, the USA is not the country that runs all heads of states and all people with ear-implants to rule the world. Germany’s secret service psychiatrists are doing this. And countries in the world fail to speak out against it. There is no doubt that Germany and Europe want the Ukraine plus as many Russian break-off states as possible but it also wants whatever exists of Russia after this war to stay further in line. That is why Germany and the EU support Russia despite allegedly condemning it. They dance on both “parties”. 

I love you, Marty, keep on surviving. I hope I don’t have to go back to Germany for the reasons that I described before. I made a payment today at Walmart. And guess who was again harassed because she does not have US papers. Me of course. But I sure want to see my family again and still don’t know if I have to wait in vain forever to hear from you. I dread it very much just even thinking of Germany. Actually, it gives me the heebie-jeebies. Tons of them.

Yours forever,


P.S. This is a really pretty license-free piece of music by Chris Haugen. It is called Fresh Fallen Snow but reminds me to anything but winter