
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for April 2020

People are missing physical contact with others… If they would live in villages with a roof, they could hug each other all day long…

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Dearest Marty, my hero, how are you?

My thoughts always return to you, wondering what happens on your side.    

People are missing physical contact with others… If they would live in villages with a roof, they could hug each other all day long. These villages (i.m.O.) should not have more than 5000 residents. Enough people to hug. 🙂

Due to the roof over it and an entrance that they can close, they can make their own decision who they want to let in and when.

People could search for other people with same concerns, which is easy on the Internet. For example, if some don’t want booze, cigarettes, guns, drugs, or junk food around, they close their village to those influences. Not selling for example cigarettes and booze to children in supermarkets does not solve the problem. Other kids whose parent have that stuff at home, steal it from their parents and “share” it with kids of non-drinking and non-smoking parents. And there goes the part of “protecting” kids from addiction. None of the supermarkets in my area are selling cigarettes to kids. Yet, some very young teenagers here are already smoking.   

If they would have an entire village that has none of the above, no kid can “share” addictive stuff with other kids as it is nowhere in the village.   

When a federal or state government isn’t ethical enough to protect children and others, a closed village with their same-minded residents can do it on their own.

If they read that a virus is on the loose in another country or state, they don’t have to wait for the federal or state government to do something. They close up to outsiders when they want it and keep the village closed to others as long as the problem isn’t completely gone. Their local economy within the village keeps on flourishing, and they don’t have to social distance as the world has now. And on a state or national level, an economy also continues better than without these villages. 

These villages should have been built already centuries ago, but what do we have? People live unprotected like the Neanderthals except that the caves are levelled and have shiny stuff in it. People are getting awards and are hailed as “scientists” and “entrepreneurs”, yet, they are all to blind to see what really needs to be done. And why? Because loud and silent sounds rule the world. Heil ear-implants.

I love you, Marty. Be kissed a million times. You are awesome. Never forget it.

Yours forever,






Stay home order for my county is extended

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate,

How are you? I am thinking of you. And worry about you. 

The order doesn’t change my life very much. I have so much work I can do at home and my lots outside to take care of in spring.  

There was still no message, mail, letter, call anything by you or your behalf, Marty, but I feel that you try to reach me since an eternity. 

Speaking about letters that don’t arrive, which is also the subject of the novel that I am reading at the moment.  

I got myself a Kindle holder. Here it is how it looks like:



It is really great. Doesn’t make one’s hand fall asleep holding the Kindle up while reading or otherwise. I can remove the Kindle and can use the device also for a tablet. 

The black roll that you see is a roll for my back. While reading, I stick it under my mid back to straighten it for a better posture. Beats sitting at a table or a computer to read.


And this is how it looks when I lie underneath and read. I just have to put my finger up when I want to change the page. Reading in bed became more enjoyable but that is about it.

I miss you, Marty, so much. And I can’t tell you how much I feel the loss that I couldn’t be with you these decades since we saw us last time. I don’t think that I ever will get over it. It is a stolen life. One can’t just replace the person one loves with someone else. This is lunatic psychiatrist thinking and one day I (dead or alive) will kick their behinds for it. 

Be kissed, tenderly and passionately. I love you.

Yours always,












The self-sustainable villages that are closed to environmental pollution, etc. could ease that governments make decisions for their residents

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Dearest Marty, my hero, how is your life? I am thinking every day of you.

If the world would consist of villages that are self-sustainable and that can be closed to environmental pollution, germs, viruses, and lots of other horrible things, the villagers could make their own decisions. If they are alert and keep their village clean and healthy, they can decide if they want to open it for others to enter and when. They can decide that they don’t want guns in the village, no tobacco, drugs, and also if they want their kids vaccinated or not, etc. They could be so much safer than on the unprotected surface of the world, where everyone more or less fends for him- or herself, which is unwise.

They would have so much more power to determine their own lives instead allowing some dumb and corrupt person in the government make those important decisions for them. People with similar attitude can find each other and build these villages. I bet that you and your family still have the blueprint to do so but that it is stolen from Scientology, and David Miscavige, the non-Scientologist and dummy doesn’t look for them. But I bet the farm that he was around in the UK when the real Ron lectured what kind of villages Scientologists should build.

And again, if people wouldn’t run on ear-implants and being controlled with loud and silent sounds, these villages would have been built everywhere since the Mayflower coming to America. It makes no sense that people don’t have them. One just has to take a good look at the world. It is stupid to live on the unprotected surface of the world. And most of the time, it is not even fun, too cold, too hot, and even without a virus, who has no allergies. And if people have none right now, doesn’t mean that they don’t get them later.

I love you, Marty. Keep on surviving. I want to see you again.

Yours always,




Villages that have a roof and can be closed in a pandemic would be the solution to all the problems concerning health, economy, socializing, aging… and the list goes on

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and hero, how are you?

Covid-19, or how I call it, Covert-19 is what the medical monsters behind Germany think they need to stop us: You and I, coming together and documenting their infiltration of the US government and other countries. Now isn’t it?

Congress, which could and should act against this infiltration is closed until further notice, correct?

I am not a friend of the WHO. The World Health Organization failed like all others on the planet (whose duty it is to protect the health and lives of people) to really do this. However, the WHO envoy said that the coronavirus ‘will stalk the human race for a long time to come’.

They inadvertently hit the nail on the head. It is indeed stalking as this virus and other viruses was/were deliberately grown, planted, spread, and this virus and other viruses are remote-controlled like germs and bacteria by SPs. The medical terrorists behind Germany determine who dies and who not on this and other diseases by increasing or decreasing the harm the virus does via remote-control. They do it until they themselves one day fall victims to the horrible world they created. They think that this and other atrocities will hit just others, never them. One thing is sure: If thinking would be their strength, they never would commit what they are committing.

I know it is nothing new to you, Marty. They don’t let you talk to the masses and explain everything to them, right?

After Columbine, school shootings and other terror activities became rather common. This is what is going on with these SPs: Once they gotten away with an atrocity, they make a habit out of creating more. This also applies to growing dangerous lifeforms and creating epidemics and pandemics.

There is a lot of talk about a vaccine against the coronavirus. However, I read that a new strand of coronavirus was already detected. If people would be vaccinated against Covid-19, they still would get sick on the new strand and could die on it. Besides, why pumping people full with vaccines and pills, if it would be up to them to close their villages when they feel that it is time to protect themselves?

There are some medical doctors in Germany who promote that people should socialize to get the coronavirus to build antibodies. They call it “Durchseuchung”. They give a damn that millions of people would be killed in the process. Lots of people have forgotten than a human life doesn’t count much with such German doctors. And why does the planet need a dirty “Durchseuchung” if all people could live healthy and happy in those villages? Besides, the next virus shows up, and then we need another “Durchseuchung”? As if this wouldn’t take a toll on the health and lifespan even of young people.

Let’s say, a village that can close up would have 5000 residents. I wouldn’t go higher than that number for various reasons. There would be business opportunities for numerous small businesses. They either could just live happily in one of these villages with small businesses or they also could produce on a national or international level for other villages, e.g. any decent product. Then, in addition to the small business, they would have also their big business and their booming economy.

If people would live and work in such villages already, the coronavirus wouldn’t had caused much damage as people can continue to do their jobs without “stay at home order” or order to close down as their village is designed to be protected.

For really big companies, these villages are also the solution. Google for example has almost 100 000 employees as far as I know. They could build side-by-side villages, different divisions in different villages, which are connected but also can be physically disconnected in case something is not right in one of the villages. This model could be used by all large and small companies. Villages can produce one or several products for mankind, or some villages can just stay happy villages with their small businesses and all people would get the bonus of not aging and longevity, and even one day, if the medical terrorists are totally busted, immortality.

The only reason why these villages are not built yet, is: the medical terrorists, the monsters behind Germany, radio subconscious commands via ear- and body implants into people not building them.

Instead of pumping trillions and trillions in a world that is so fragile, with its population still living like cavemen on the unprotected surface of the Earth, the world should finally build these villages.

I am certain, Marty, that you know what villages I mean. There is at least one. Despite that German psychs removed my memory to certain years of my past completely, I managed to get this picture back, thanks to the Almighty who is with me. What a wonderful, gorgeous place this village is that I saw again before my eyes! Mainstream has no clue as to what it is missing. But it is not us who is keeping it away from them. We want that all people, rich and poor, to live in these beautiful life-preserving conditions.

People say that they don’t think that the world will go back to what it was before Covid-19. If they see such a village, they don’t want to go back to the world before the coronavirus.

Be kissed, passionately and tenderly. You are awesome! And one of a kind. I saw it the moment I laid eyes on you again, when you walked in Heber’s office, and Michelle and I was there. I was not just thinking that you have movie star looks but also that your personality, your character, which emanated to the outside, was breathtakingly impressive. YOU really had me at hello.

Yours, Marty, in all eternity to come.















Roswell, area 51, Project Blue Book, and other matters

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Dearest Marty, my hero and superstar, I am thinking of you.

Due to the coronavirus (which I call COVERT-19), my chance testifying for you should be again prevented, isn’t it? If this virus doesn’t stink after the SEGNPMSS! So easy for them to talk into the ear-implants of some low people in medical labs anywhere on the planet and have them set a deliberately grown highly infectious virus free on purpose.  

To my header: Knowing German SPs, I can tell with absolute certainty that no alien spaceship made it to Earth since the SEGNPMSS runs this planet secretly. Germany would order Americans and other nationals through their ear-implants to shoot down any spacecraft approaching our solar system. We also know why: The monsters behind Germany wants any aliens being controlled by German ear-implants first before Earth learns about real aliens out there. Aliens should not learn about the Nazis crimes from people on Earth. They don’t want us to prevent the nazification of the universe. The monsters behind Germany want all aliens in the universe become biased brutal perverted Nazi idiots who are worshipping German Nazi ideals, being run with ear-implants and living a retarded chemical and medical short way of life, and admire that as “science”. 

Furthermore, I am convinced that our solar system is cloaked since long before photography was officially invented on Earth. The SPs behind Germany didn’t invent it. All they do is spying on people and stealing their intentions for their own control reasons. SPs didn’t invent a thing except bias, total control, race hatred, jealousy, perversion, brutality, and deception.

As our solar system is cloaked, alien can’t see our planets. That is why they are not coming, and that explains that Fermi failed to think his paradox through. It would be per accident if they would come near our solar system. And if they would make a “joy ride” into the middle of “nowhere”, to our planets that they can’t see as they are under the cloak, a projection of black and gas, I am sure that they would be taken out in space. Taken out in space on orders of the monsters behind Germany that run secretly the USA or Russians or any other nation with space programs – BEFORE they can crash on Earth.  

SPs didn’t cloak our solar system because they care for us and want to protect us us from aliens. No, no. These SPs are living in our solar system too, and they are afraid that their behinds are getting kicked by aliens as long are not all aliens are attached to the ear-implants that they control.

Actually, Marty, the cloak is what I would apply myself and would not remove because not all aliens are kind or analytical. Also, we have lots of people on Earth who do not think straight and they might provoke aliens just as they provoke others on this planet. But I wouldn’t lie to mainstream that they don’t exist.

However, I bet that the SPs also have plans to remove the cloak and involve planet Earth in star wars. It all depends on if they themselves are getting in danger or not. Not just we few, all of mainstream Earth is just food for the cannons for them, even those who followed each ear-implant command that they ever heard.

There was also Project Blue Book, a US program, that started in 1952 that studied alleged UFOs. It was terminated in 1969 or 1970. Astronomer Dr. Hynek was the leading scientists of the project. He should have figured that deep space as astronomers see it from Earth is a fake projection that covers up the real universe behind it but like others, he didn’t figure that out. I read an article saying that he was skeptic in the beginning as far as the existence of UFOs were concerned but that he also found unexplainable reports.

I saw on TV once a report that Roswell and route 51 was used to build secret US aircrafts against the threat coming from Russia. (Again, Russia is just a “threat” because German SPs is the secret force behind Russian and US hostilities, using people’s freaking ear-implants.) However, I also believe that the USA and likely Russia and other countries too are much more active in space than mainstream knows. People have ear-implants and allow themselves to be run by anyone who has their code. The obsessed Germans have all codes and they use them. These nationals might fly to those stations in space and back to Earth, and sometimes, there could be an accident. And people think those who crashed are aliens when in fact those people are flying for shadow governments that the men behind Germany officially or secretly run. If this ever should be revealed, Germany will argue that they are not involved and that this secrecy solely the doing of the USA or Russia or China or any other countries or the Jews. 

Knowing how the SPs behind Germany tick, I figured also what they do to get investigations cancelled. 

Let’s say, a German-controlled US spacecraft doing secret business in space of which not the USA but Germany will profit one way or the other. People near Roswell, route 51 or elsewhere see it fly or crash. They might even take a picture of it or make a video of it. To nourish the illusion that the USA is a free country and not German-controlled, the US government will say it will investigate. Among the credible accounts, there will be also outlandish reports by people who are being put up by their pro-Germany case officer to make the story sound ridiculous, e.g. like little green men abducting them, etc. When enough fabricated stuff lands on a desk of an official, he has a justification to close the case, also the credible sightings. This is what is intended by false reports and “conspiracy theorists” who spread ridiculous conspiracy theories for no other reasons but to cover up real conspiracies.  

So, I am so certain that no little green aliens crashed on Earth, because I know our stalkers, Marty. It is really interesting that one alert person can be an counterintelligence agency just by studying the behavior of her stalkers. I bet I found out plenty more than so many intelligence analysts. If someone wants to stay secret, as the still existing Nazi psychiatrists and doctors behind Germany so desperately want, the last they should do is stalk someone who has the potential of figuring them out. But as they must must must must must must must must must must must must must must must must must must must and did I say must control each living being and as their crimes made them dumber and dumber and blinder and blinder, the more mistakes they make.         

Oh, this became another lecture by me. It just pours out of me sometimes, Marty, because for me, and for sure for you too, the monsters behind Germany are a very open but very dirty book. 

I love you so much my sweetheart. Hope to see you despite all odds.

Yours forever,


More mighty music for you, the very mighty nobleman.






Donald Trump’s beloved drug hydroxychloroquine has a ton of side effects

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Dearest Marty, my soulmate and hero,

I wish I would know how you are. And where you are. And how and if you celebrate Passover. For me, it is a time like any other: spring, with tons to do outside. I can walk around all day on my property without violating the stay-at-home order. 

I was wondering about that “miracle drug” that Trump wants people to take who are infected with the coronavirus, as “they wouldn’t have anything to lose”. There is a lot to lose when taking drugs including this drug.

And then there is also the call for a vaccine. RB forced me once in Germany to get vaccinated against the flu. Afterwards, I was sick all winter long.

I also was vaccinated against polio as a kid in Germany. Yet, afterwards, I would not walk for several days. It was painful like HELL, and the pediatrician told RB that he suspects that it is polio. RB (who knew everything better) told my sister that it would be rheumatoid arthritis. Later, I obtained details about polio, and came to the conclusion that the pediatrician was right, not RB. Another doctor measured my legs when I was an adult. He told me that one of my legs is a bit shorter than the other. Thanks heaven it isn’t significant. 

I was also vaccinated against smallpox in Germany as a kid. I was extremely sick afterwards, and my arm still bears the huge scars.   

To all people who wants to inject people with vaccines and pumping them full with drugs I want to say: how about finally building closed villages with a roof and keeping the viruses, germs, allergies, radioactivity, and anything else that is bad outside?  

If the SEGNPMSS wouldn’t apply mind-control, people would have these villages already and would be wonderfully healthy. Such villages would give their communities much more freedom to choose their own way of living.  

I love you, Marty, keep on surviving. Be kissed, my darling. I miss you more than words can tell. 

Yours forever,


For you, Marty, a mighty person like yourself deserves epic music:




Nothing new on my front, Marty

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Dearest Marty, my soulmate and hero, how is your life?

I worry about you. If you are wrongfully incarcerated, what my intuition tells me, how can you protect yourself at all and particularly under the conditions right now?   

When I moved to the middle of nowhere, some people indicated to me that they preferred the city. Well, I am glad that I didn’t. The coronavirus is officially in this county, a case or two at this time, and we are under a stay-at-home order – but it is nothing even remotely compared to anything that is going on in big cities. 

In my life, hardly anything has changed. Not even my daily workload. Except that the neighborhood kids are forbidden by the county to leave their homes to come to my property. 

I am not in panic. However, I decided to sew me a face mask for next time when going shopping. Mainly because I don’t want to play in the hands of the coronavirus operators. And yes, I am convinced that the virus was deliberately bred upon SEGNPMSS orders and released in China and that the virus is remote-controlled, and that who dies or lives is decided by the still existing Nazi doctors behind Germany. 

When do finally people come forward and blow the whistle on Germany and medical terrorists? Until it is too late also for them?

Day by day, I wonder how they can live with that conscience of theirs.

Medical terrorists have none. That is why they do what they are doing.

I love you, Marty, so much. And I bless the day, I found you.

