
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for December 2023

1) Deliberately smashed in window, sudden excruciating back pain, destruction of the deck property, COVID – it must be Christmas  2) Skinwalker Ranch

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Dearest Marty, my awsome soulmate,

How are you? I hope your life is not pain as mine.

To my first topic: I am not talking about the war and terror in the world at the moment, which is total hell, but about the terror in my world. All the younger members of my family in Germany test positive for Covid. They can’t get together for the holidays.

And in my direct world? Someone or several people deliberately broke my barn window either in the middle of the night when I was sleeping or when I was not home. I found three sizes of rocks under the broken glass of the window. First, they tried a smaller one, then a medium one, and finally they broke it with a really heavy one. They did not try to break in as they left the fly screen in place. It was nothing but a hate crime. And who hates me? Nazi doctors and their international agents.

I wrote a complaint about the attack on my property to the local police station, despite that I’m sure they won’t do anything effective to investigate.

But that is not all. Someone claimed my deck fence or let his big dog do it and destroyed the habitat I put out for stray cats during the winter. I found the food trays upside down. The big box for the cats to sleep in was turned upside down and the thick Mylar protection curtain over the entrance was turned to string. No cat did do this to their own home. They are glad that they have it.  

And that is not all. The worst of all is a sudden sharp pain in my kidney areas. It is not normal and does not feel normal. Someone hit my back with some medical terror device to cause excruciating middle and lower back pain.

I can’t do much at the moment, not even my regular workouts. Pretty much bound to the bed or the chair. Getting groceries last time was an expedition. It was so painful that I grabbed accidently wrong and old stuff because I could not wait to be home again and put some heat on my back. Hell, hell, hell…  

Another thing that is really suspicious about the pain: As soon as I feel it gotten better, they make it worse again. I would be an idiot not getting that this is not normal but deliberate medical terrorism.  

I just hope that you are not in pain.

To my other topic:

I watched episodes of the TV show Skinwalker Ranch in northern Utah. As first I thought that some people in ape costumes are trying to play hoaxes on the local people and don’t mind to even kill and mutilate livestock in the process. However, after I watched some episodes, I found that the scientists use state of the art instruments to measure why there are so many UAP sightings and other strange occurrences on, above or under this ranch.

Numerous people think that the entire show is scripted and staged. Every reality TV is somehow scripted and edited but by watching these episodes I think that these experiments (most at least) are not staged. After all, I have enough of a “Skinwalker ranch” myself. Lots of bad things happens at my place out of the blue so to speak and despite I don’t have the instruments to measure them, I sure can feel them. I know what is natural and what is not.

I am sure that you know the history of the USA and Utah much better than I do, Marty. I read that between 1858 and 1923 the Utes and the Navajo fought, and the story of the “Skinwalker” curse is based on seeking revenge. Knowing the SEGNPMSS, I can tell that they were behind these fights and wars among the natives. I am also convinced that the SEGNPMSS was able to create three-dimensional images – also already back then – and that they used them to haunt the natives and also the Shermans, the later owners of the ranch and others. I also believe that large animal prints can be pressed into clay with lasers from above. I think that the SEGNPMSS wanted and still wants this area for itself, for experiments and further infiltration and control of Utah and also the USA. The natives lived in that area and the SEGNPMSS wanted them out of the way.

I found no record of why Kenneth and Edith Myers bought Skinwalker Ranch and from whom – but AI says there were some “UFO sightings” while they owned the land from 1934-1994. They owned the huge place for 60 years. I wonder why they lasted so long and were not evicted like Terry and Gwen Sherman, who lived there for only two years and reported many disturbing events, including cattle mutilations, UFO sightings, and strange electronic phenomena. The Shermans were undoubtedly victims here. Their last name sounds very similar as the word German. Where they talked into the purchase of the ranch because of their name without that they knew that they were used? Without them and their complaints and reports, Skinwalker Ranch wouldn’t have become famous. A typical German trade is to commit the crimes, but imply that they are “the victims” and innocent. So instead of the Sherman Ranch, it was and is a German ranch? In addition, American natives called the strange events at the Skinwalker Ranch the activities of vengeful shamans. Sounds a lot like Germans, doesn’t it? Shamans, Shermans, and Germans.

Anyway, the Shermans had nothing but losses and horrible experiences and sold the 512-acre ranch in 1996 to Robert Bigelow, who founded the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDSci) on the ranch and spent years researching the reported strange phenomena. Then he suddenly gave up and suspiciously, most of their research and findings was classified. That’s really strange, isn’t it? Either the work wasn’t done in a scientific manner and they doesn’t want to look like a failure, or they’re covering something up. Or both. He sold the ranch in 2016 to Brandon Fugal, who hired a team of scientists and is apparently working with the History Channel to film their findings.

Pretty much every experiment this new team does at the ranch is sabotaged. Critics say it is staged because why are the cameras still running when the instruments are supposedly failing. Maybe the cameras are also failing during these experiments and they haven’t mentioned it. The fact is that the SEGNPMSS has advanced technology (stolen from others whom they have either killed, suppressed, bribed, or whose memories they have taken). SEGNPMSS may think that if they let everything fail, people will become even more suspicious. So, they drain the batteries, sabotage cell phones and let those things go dead or run out or malfunction that they consider most important to avoid detection.

Some speculation is that there is a portal to “another dimension” above Skinwalker Ranch. I think the UAPs are cloaked, at least most of the time. But just like someone might forget to take the parking brake off in a car, they might sometimes forget to cloak. There is one footage where a silver UAP (made of nuts and bolts it appears) lands on a meadow and you can only see it in one frame on the camera footage of the team.   

SEGNPMSS is listening in. Not just what is being said. They read everyone’s thoughts. Heil ear- and body implants. So, it doesn’t matter what kind of experiment this team does, SEGNPMSS, despite dumb, is a step ahead. There is one example where a UAP seems to fly through into the mesa and comes out of the other side. It baffled the team.

One explanation that the team did not consider is that it is also possible that the UAP deliberately used its cloak when allegedly entering the mesa and another one deliberately shutting the cloak off to make it appear that it flew through the mesa. Just to mislead them.

However, there is something strange in the mesa and under the ranch. Tunnels and rooms, metal and radiation.      

The attacks on humans and mutilations and killings livestock or wildlife definitely reveals that SEGNPMSS has brutal doctors.   

I also believe that the team should measure what invisible lasers or other instruments are being used to disable their instruments and not just concentrate how to poke the hornets’ nest. The “ranch” is not doing to them what is being done to them. Those are people behind all of that.

Something cloaked flew under the helicopter of the team and at a later point, the passenger and pilot suffered signs of angina pectoris in the air. Typical Nazi doctors at work, if you ask me.

Another thing is that Skinwalker Ranch investigator aerospace engineer Travis Taylor worked for a certain time as chief scientist on the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) of US Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence. Yet, his activities on Skinwalker Ranch were monitored or spied on by some helicopters of the US government who are not seen on the transponder.

Maybe SEGNPMSS called the US government for “help”. Tells me that one arm of the US does not know what the other arm is doing. It is impossible that nobody in the USA doesn’t know of the SEGNPMSS, it doesn’t matter what name they know it by. And these idiots cover for them. Anyone who trusts still existing Nazis and Nazi doctors are the unsharpest tools in anyone’s shed.

I love you, Marty.

Yours always,


10 inch thick binder disappears into thin air in the White House?

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and husband,

I am thinking of you. How are you?

Have you read or heard that a highly classified binder, probably about 2000 pages (10 inch thick) of classified CIA material concerning the alleged Russian interference with the 2016 election, disappeared from the White House in the final days of Trump’s presidency? They did not find it at Mar-a-Lago.Cassidy Hutchinson, one of Meadows’ top aides, testified before Congress and wrote in her book that she believes Meadows took home an unredacted version of the binder.

The media reported that Meadows attorney said this: “Mr. Meadows was keenly aware of and adhered to requirements for the proper handling of classified material, any such material that he handled or was in his possession has been treated accordingly and any suggestion that he is responsible for any missing binder or other classified information is flat wrong.” 

What is interesting is that Meadows himself did not deny that he did not take the missing folder and had his lawyer say that. It is always alarming, imo, when a lawyer feels the need to hire a lawyer. Just wait when the lawyer of the lawyer feels the need to hire a lawyer…

The really significant meddling with any election and anything else (done via ear-implants with silent and loud sounds) is for sure not mentioned in the CIA report. The CIA and any other secret service are keeping the facts of espionage, interference, and conspiracies with the help of ear-implants very much under wraps. I don’t put it beyond a SEGNPMSS-controlled Russian government to interfere with elections but SEGNPMSS (at the hard core still existing German Nazi psychiatrists and medical doctors) who are calling the shots. And in a way, Germany admits to it in its national hymn. It is above everything. And this is why this universe is so bad and why there are so horrible violations of human rights and why there is no lasting peace and why they don’t let you and me be together.

I miss you, Marty. Holidays are here and with SEGNPMSS breathing down our necks, we have nothing to celebrate.

Wishing you warmth and hope. I love you.

Yours always,


Stalkers are not anonymous – their actions are giving them away – big time

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Dearest Marty, my unforgettable Prince, husband, and soulmate,

How are your days and nights?

Today I dreamed of a newspaper article in the SLT of all papers, on the third page, saying that you are wrongfully incarcerated and your parole was denied again. I looked at the date, July 2023. But then, someone took the paper away without that I could read any details. I searched to find the paper again but did not. Then I woke up.

From all those who I met while in Scientology, you and Ron are the only individuals replaced by impostors. The others are either still in “Scientology” or they left by attacking it or leaving it behind. Using ringers is not a normal operation within “Scientology”. I write it in quotes because it is no longer original Scientology.  

Anti-Scientologists, the media, and the internet always brings up that Michelle Miscavige is missing. I don’t think she is. I rather think that Dave and Michelle are divorced and remarried other people. DM could tell Michelle to make a public appearance but imo, he is afraid that she tells people like Remini that he was a bad husband and then it would be all over the internet and in the news. If you ask me, he prefers that nobody asks Michelle about his infidelities as husband. In typical manner of a non-Scientologist, His Cobness gives a rat tail if Scientology’s reputation has to suffer. Covering up his misdeeds is more important to him.

Yet, DM has not replaced her with a ringer. He could make an appearance with a hired Michelle ringer to fool people. Pretty much all would fall for it. They did and do with Ron’s and your impostor. That would get “where is Michelle” out of the way, which really must bug him as it follows him around.

In other words, DM is not calling the highest shots in an infiltrated Scientology. He is just a person who can be run easily by Germany’s secret services, if he knows it or not. However, Germany and its psych-run secret services found it necessary to replace Ron and you with ringers. And His Cobness and other non-Scientologists are helping them by keeping this fact and other facts of infiltration and alteration of Scientology under wraps.

I read Scientology publications in the late 80s and started to wonder why so many people were awarded but you, Marty, so uptone, bright, and diligent, were not mentioned. I also wondered if you were wrongfully arrested in Spain. At the height of me wondering, suddenly, “Scientology” publications like mentioned “you” again. However, as more as I saw of your “doppelganger” as more I knew that Germany replaced you with him, just as they did with Ron. They replaced Ron with impostors to alter Scientology and turned it into a German cult. They replaced you to make me think that you are fine and that I should move on with my life.

German psychs think that they are sooo intelligent and get away with everything. They are not in the least. They think that they are total cause and their stalker victims are total effect. In their typical arrogance, they are forgetting that a person who is stalked can write a very big book about her stalkers. They are not anonymous to the alert person who makes conclusions as to why they are stalking and what their purpose is by interfering in her life. In a way, they are giving themselves up, only not in a way a decent person would do by simply coming forward. They are the most unimpressive creatures ever. And one day, rather sooner than later, they will step in one of their own many traps. Haha. Who says there is no justice?

I love you, Marty, be kissed. Stay alive.

Yours forever,


1) Henry Kissinger – not my kind of person 2) Jericho Wall – and ear-implants

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Dearest Marty, my hero and wonderful soulmate,

I am thinking of you, how you are and where you are. There was no message of any kind by you or on behalf since I last saw you so many decades ago.

To my first topic:
Heinz (“Henry”) Kissinger died. Have a look at this screenshot.

This statement by Nixon indicates strongly that he is an Antisemite. Nobody who respects Jews would ever make such a statement. Kissinger’s response is very revealing too. He couldn’t agree more with Nixon, he said, according to this media outlet. Yikes.

In an interview with the German news magazine Der Spiegel in 1998, Kissinger said that he always would be German. Looking at his controversial activities, he was indeed German at heart. I am aware that he was a German Jew and that he and his family left Germany for the USA. He was 15 years old when he left Germany. He gained a lot of power in the USA and also all over the world, but with no word did he ever mentioned that the SEGNPMSS (or whatever other name they are using for themselves) is going around, installing ear-implants in the minds of unripe children to make them do Germany’s bidding for the rest of their lives, it doesn’t matter what race or religion they have. Right?

News outlets reported, as he was Jewish, the US was certain that he would never sympathize with the Nazis. Nevertheless, someone who always feels being German might be of help to them in another way, if he knew that he was helping them or not. BTW, Trump also wants to be even more German as he already is.

Heinz Kissinger pushed for the unification of Germany. To take over Europe and then the world, Germany needs to be strong and rich. Heinz stayed in the US Army an extra year after the war, “working to create a new American-influenced Germany, the foundation for a postwar order in Europe”, says the media. That is not what I saw and see, Marty. It is the other way around. America is German-oriented, and this is a very tame word for what is going on in the USA, in which people do Germany’s bidding. The reason is psychiatry’s dearest child: ear-implants and mindcontrol.  

Heinz believed that Germany’s economic and political strength was essential to the stability of the European continent? By not busting the German psychiatrists who run the Nazis with ear-implants? You, Marty, and I know that Germany and the rest of the world is still under the German Nazi boot (SEGNPMSS). Some people in high position prepare the ground for what is coming later, and they do it knowingly or unwittingly.

Media reports say that Kissinger helped to develop programs to educate the German people about the dangers of Nazism. There was no program convicting the rotten German psychiatric invention of installing ear-implants into children all over the world and running them their entire lives so that Germany always would end up as winner, it doesn’t matter what it did. Nothing horrible Germany did and do will ever define it. And why? Because of implants. People do what the SEGNPMSS wants as it invades their minds and controls them.

In the US Army, Heinz was assigned to the counterintelligence corps. He interrogated German prisoners of war and helped to identify Nazi spies. Again, what happened to German Nazi psychiatrists’ most secret pet and spy tool, ear-implants? Heinz said no word about that, right? In the 1998 interview with Der Spiegel, Kissinger said that it would be absolutely clear that Hitler died in 1945, that Hitler escaping would not only be historically implausible, but also morally repugnant. Heinz is German, feels being German and does not know Germany’s tricks? Hitler did escape just as Bin Laden and likely some other such rotten characters did.

The media reported that Kissinger opened the first direct relations between the United States and Communist China. Is that such a big deal? The fact is that China remained Communist. Heinz apparently did not convince China that the Nazis were not the only bad invention to come out of Germany. Communism is another bad German invention. Germany controls China in this way and stands in the way of China being the best country it can be for its own citizens and other countries.

There were just some people who said or say that Kissinger was not tough enough on the Nazis, that he allowed too many Nazi officials to escape punishment and that he was too quick to forgive the German people, and that he did not do enough to address the deep-seated racism and anti-Semitism in German society. I am definitely one of them. And I bet you too, Marty.

In typical German manner, he showed a remarkable indifference to human suffering of the people in Cambodia with secret bombing of up to 500,000 Cambodian civilians. Bombing instead of educating people of the other rotten German invention: communism.

And there was a coup in Chile, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Chileans. He supported the Pakistani government, which was responsible for the deaths of an estimated up to 3 million Bengalis. Looking at all of that, I wonder, where Heinz would have had his career in Germany if he wouldn’t have been born in a Jewish family.

Fact is that Heinz did not help the USA to be a country with a good and clean conscience by respecting all human lives.  

To my second topic:
New York Times reported that Israeli officials had specific details about Hamas’s plans for a major attack a year before it happened and Israel did not take advantage of it. The plan had the codename Jericho Wall. Israeli government talked it down, e.g. that Hamas would not have the capabilities to implement the plan. It also raises questions if the US intelligence saw this report, considering that Israel and the US are close allies.

This report allegedly shows that not just Israel has deep knowledge of Hamas intelligence but that Hamas also has deep knowledge of Israel’s intelligence. A reporter who wrote this article said that he believes that this deep Hamas knowledge of Israel’s defense comes directly from the core of the Israeli Defense Establishments. Looks like a case of moles and definitely ear-implants.

So much did go wrong on the side of the Israelis, that imo, it was just doable with coordination of people’s ear-implants on all sides: Israel, Hamas and other terror groups. It was a coordinated attack with psychiatric conditioning and ear-implants on all levels and sides. It sent Israel’s security forces to sleep.

I am also sure that the Holocaust only could have happened with ear-implants, Marty. Jews were told not to fight back and Germans butchered as they traditionally did with Jews. All communication coming from the same system: SEGNPMSS. It does not protect its agents. Nobody is safe, except the top monsters who are calling the shots, so they think. But they are also not safe. Bad people also kill each other. Goes around comes around.

I love you, Marty. Despite this rotten world, I always believed in you and I still do. I saw it behind your eyes. You are one of my kind. Thanks heaven.

Yours always,