
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for August 2021

For me, it is a day like any other, Marty…

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How are you, my love? How are your days and nights? You are never far from my thoughts.

There are many documentaries on the net, which explore the past and question the world’s history books. Numerous are ending with the note: “We might never know.”

Well, I think (and I know you are thinking it too) there is a way to find out exactly what happened in the past, in addition to modern technology like carbon dating, lidar, archaeological excavations, KI, IT-programs and anything else: Scientology auditing of course.

If lots of people are getting original professional auditing, independent from each other, and if what they re-live in sessions about their past lives is identical, that is what has happened in the past. That is history.

However, this auditing has to take place without that mind-controllers can use loud or silent sounds to prevent true history coming to light. In other words, this auditing has to take place in places where secret service psychs and their agents are being blocked.

If thousands of people run all over the world independently the same past life incident, because at that point in time in that past live they were together, we will know exactly the meanings of those “mysterious” constructions, writings, skeletons, graves, objects, and whatever.

But again, if the SEGNPMSS is not stopped and the world pretends that it doesn’t exist and if the SEGNPMSS can continue running and misleading people by playing loud and subliminal sounds and comments in their ear-implants and heads, Scientology auditing will be ridiculed instead of hailed.

These psychs block access to past lives in PCs, channel them falsehoods, wrong dates and locations, wrong identities, and they use their international agents to lie and fabricate past lives to ridicule Ron and his work and technology. If the SEGNPMSS and its psychiatric methods are not busted, the world will never know the truth about the planet and the universe.

When I think about Scientology, I get really angry at Germany and its international psychs and agents who altered it. It was so much more and so effective, before they altered it. This German psych cult rubbish and squirrling is called standard technology since “Jack Vistaril”, David Miscavige and others.

We all know what “Body Thetans” are now. But originally, I am certain that the real Ron said that body thetans are germs and bacteria and viruses (also remote-controlled) that attach to the body of a person. They are living creatures, in other words: thetans too. And yes, I like auditing to make them leave my body.

Another form of “Body Thetans” are the SEGNPMSS, psychs who are clinging to people by using tapes and subliminal commands, tons of it, to alter the personalities of people on the planet and beyond. Without busting these SPs and their methods, how can people go OT and Clear and getting rid of their engrams and become cause over MEST? Thousands of tapes are played in the subconscious mind of PCs and Pre-OTs, and they don’t know even the content of these tapes. It is entirely unfair. How can PCs and Pre-OTs fight this and discover who they really are with such secret psychiatric methods? Real and effective auditing can only take place if we find a way to block loud and silent commands and tapes and any other influence while they are in session.

I am 100% sure beyond any doubt, Marty, that above was part of original Scientology. And without restoring it and anything else that the real Ron discovered, the universe has no chance for true wisdom, profound spiritual abilities, and deep and lasting peace.

The SEGNPMSS psychs think that they are the cat’s meow. And we, you and I, we are thinking that they are the biggest idiots ever. By not granting rights to all of the people, by altering and rendering great technology ineffective, they also have no access to it either when fellow psych plots against fellow psych and takes it away from them.

Bad is not just bad to good. Bad is also bad to bad. And that means, with a googolplexianth number certainty, they all will step in their own traps and will become victims to what they did to others. The only chance they have is to REMOVE ALL TRAPS for anyone and confess. It is the ONLY way not to step into a trap. If there are none. No exeptions.

However, they are cowards. They are wimps. They have no backbone. They rather stick their ugly heads in the sand and hope that just others are conspired against and that nobody does anything bad to them. They are such idiots, if they think that they are not on the list to be eliminated by fellow secret service psych. Many have a death wish, not just for us but also for themselves.

They are so unimpressive, Marty. So different from you. I sent you a googolplexianth number of kisses and love you eternally.

Forever yours,

982 Billion US Dollars of taxpayers’ money and counting wasted in and on Afghanistan – thanks to German-controlled ear-implants

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Dearest Marty, my hero and wonderful husband, how are you?

The USA is losing grounds to terror groups and suppressive regimes – this Afghanistan situation is right out of a secret Nazi doctor playbook, including that politicans are making absolutely incapable decisions.

I know that you shake your head at the Afghanistan situation. So do I.

It is not just President Biden who makes decisions by not thinking them through. Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo started courting the Taliban in February 2020, based on that the Taliban allegedly would ditch Al Queda.

So, how come that the current Taliban speaker says that Bin Laden’s involvement in Sept. 11 was never proven? Does that sound like a break with Al Queda to you?

In those 20 years of war, the crucial part that all Presidents and politicians failed to address is how to reach the minds of all Afghans, Taliban and others, how to make them understand that they could all have better lives if they would not allow the master of all ear-implants, the psychiatric and medical monsters run them.

Have a look at what this war did cost the American taxpayers:

The Afghan government allowed the Taliban to take Afghanistan over without much resistance. Heil ear-implants. What the monsters behind Germany want: American weapons in the hands of groups that butchered people and denied people’s rights: the Taliban and others.

President Bush jr. failed to go after Germany, sat there in the kindergarden on Sept. 11 waiting for his case officers telling him what to do after he learned of the terror attacks. He sent American forces to Afghanistan, because it harbored Bin Laden and Al Queda and rather massaged Merkel’s shoulders instead of pulling the Nazi terrorist strings in her monsterous country.

Bin Laden is dangerous and a terrorist but the monsters behind Germany run him as it run and conditioned the terror cell in Hamburg that attacked on Sept. 11.

I am not sure how vetted below blog about Bin Laden is, however, clear is that Bin Laden is not the innocent man that the current Taliban speaker makes him out to be. Bin Laden has German-controlled ear-implants written all over him.

However, my fine antennas, Marty, are telling me that German psychiatrists hypnotized and implanted the Hamburg terrorist cell to go through with attacking the USA on Sept. 11.

President Obama boasted to have gotten Bin Laden, and so does President Biden, but Obama just got his ringer and that is why he kept the photos of dead “Bin Laden” secret from the Americans. How can the USA get the respect in the world by acting like this? Just as so many Nazis knew that Hitler got away, terrorists know that Bin Laden got away and that they think that they can do to the USA whatever they want. In their minds, terror pays and terrorists are getting away.

Trump and Pompeo agreed to that the “US is leaving Afghanistan”. Leaving in summer instead of winter made it so much easier on the Taliban to take over. Heil ear-implants!

Trump who wants to be even more German than he is and who is typically German racial biased, did not order the evacuation of Afghan allies already in February 2020, when the “peace agreement” between the US and the Taliban was signed, because he doesn’t want Middle Easteners in the US.

Biden could and should have ordered the evacuation on the day he was inaugurated not first in August.

Due to his failure to act, other SEGNPMSS-run terror groups are using the chance for more terror acts as today in or near Kabul. Biden said that he will never forgive and retaliate. Sounds like a new war on the horizon. Americans being attacked with their own weapons that they left in Afghanistan? It is all like a dog that bites his own tail.

People don’t think for themselves. And the SEGNPMSS, the most secret and worst terror group behind all other terror groups is laughing. Nobody is coming after them because they run the people on this planet and beyond with ear-implants and mind-control.

I wish you would be the US President, Marty. Because unlike these others, you are truly capable and you really can think.

The USA is in bad hands since so long but with you, it would be finally in excellent hands.

Be kissed and yours forever. You are all I ever wanted.


“Havana” syndrome? Rather yet another international terror by the SEGNPMSS!

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Dearest Marty, hero and my soulmate,

I am thinking of you. I am going through a phase in which I can’t fall asleep and if I fall asleep, I wake up much too early. It is just another one of the SEGNPMSS torture. Nothing in my life would cause sleeplessness. I sure hope, your nights are better. My bro is also tortured through not getting enough sleep.

US officials stationed in Germany developed symptoms of the “Havana Syndrome”. I am convincing that it is German, Marty, just was reported first in Havana. It is a mysterious ailment linked to suspected radiation attacks that have stricken hundreds of Americans around the world. This is what these Americans complain about: nausea, severe headaches, ear pain, fatigue, insomnia and sluggishness… Sounds so familiar doesn’t it? Those are typical German secret service crimes and one day, it will come back to them and haunt them.  

The Russians are suspected because the US officials who got sick worked on Russian-related issues. We don’t work on Russian-related issues. What is done to us, Marty, is pure Nazi-German.

I also read that a CIA task force headed by an official who was involved in the search for Osama Bin Laden is currently probing the cause. Good grief! That task force killed Bin Laden’s doppelganger and allowed the real terrorist to get away. Such a blind task force never will figure out who really is behind it.   

And Germany (hiding cowardly behind other countries like Russia, etc.) does not just commit such terror overseas. They do it right on American soil.

I love you, Marty.

Yours always,


Why Afghan Forces gave up so quickly – heil German-controlled ear-implants!

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I am thinking of you, Marty, and I wish more than ever to see you again.
I also worry about you, being the target of pusillanimous German secret service psychs who hide behind other nationals to let them do their despicable racists activities for them.

The response by the USA after 9/11 demonstrated clearly that Germany has the USA in their dirty pockets by running officials and others through German-oriented and -controlled ear-implants.

Although German-agent Bin Laden was definitely involved, the terror cell who flew the planes into the twin towers and the pentagon was conditioned in Germany, I bet conditioned by GERMAN psychs. If Americans wouldn’t have German-oriented and -controlled ear-implants, they would have acknowledged that Germany isn’t the USA’s ally. It is its greatest enemy, hiding cowardly behind other nations and religions.

The suppression of women in the name of religion in the Middle East has Germany also written all over it, despite Germany says that it is against it. RB wanted M. Kermanschi to kidnap me and keep me under lock in any country in the Middle East that does not grant freedoms to women. Her idea was me in a dirdly covered by a hijab, burka or niqab or anything like that. The German lunatic bought a chador for me! Really!

She also wrote to East Germany, the communists if they would want me so that I can’t live my own life. They replied that they would. That is the “mother” that the SEGNPMSS selected for me. After all that and more, Marty, I want to kick their behinds so badly. And when I don’t make it this lifetime, I do it from the beyond. But I do it.

Thousands of times, I told her to leave me alone and mind her own freaking business. But she never did. Do you know what gave me as an answer because I was allegedly such a handful? “I would be glad if I could pass you off to someone else.”
Good grief! That shows you what a sick past-life sick she was. “Passing me on…” This is the typical German arrogance that others do not have lives only they so. Others are objects that are passed on to others if they become too inconvenient for them.

I see so much typical German behavior in those countries who suppress, Marty. “Islamic” extremism is sooooo German! And they are constantly plotting on how to give religion a bad reputation. Because they think that all of that results in a world without religion or in one in which God is considered bad.

By fall of 2001, the U.S. mission in Afghanistan was to find Bin Laden. Barak Obama declared him dead years later but that was not Bin Laden just a ringer. Just as many Germans knew that Hitler got away, many extremists in the Middle East knew that Bin Laden got away. No wonder that they continue to have no respect before the USA. That is also the reason why the Taliban, Al Qaeda and other such movements do not give up. The USA just loses lives, resources, and money, just as the SEGNPMSS orders who is the German secret terror organization behind all terror organization.

The Afghan forces give up defending Afghanistan. Because there is an arrangement. And the arrangement is what is radioed through German-controlled ear-implants in the ears of those who should defend Afghanistan and not doing it.

Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, and so many others, they all dropped the ball!

Sigh. Marty, if not the entire world would be run through them, I wouldn’t be the only person writing about them. The method to control people with ear-implants is very old and imo easy to discover.

On another topic, did you read that 3 volcanoes in Alaska erupted at the same time?

Nothing natural here. SEGNPMSS is using lasers to make them and others erupt. The world is asleep and doesn’t notice and maybe never will, unless we are getting through to them.

I love you, my hero. Stay alive!

Be kissed,

Yours forever,


Impressive – How fast and effective the USA can move if it doesn’t let its guard down

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Dearest Marty, my one and only, how is your life?

I warched this English documentary the other night about the USA, how the USA was provoked into WWII and that Germany was much better equipped at the beginning for winning this war as the USA was. It is really amazing how the USA came together to stop the Nazis.

Instead of paying its debts of WWI (Germany didn’t just declare World War I before any other country did, it influenced Austria-Hungary to fight Serbia, and I am certain, Marty, that Germany set WWI up from the start, including the assassination of the archduke and his wife), Germany built tanks and weapons for yet another war.

When the USA was provoked into WWII, it still suffered from the Great Depression. But instead of surrendering, it started producing so effectively, that it even could help the Russians with equipment to defend itself from the Nazis.

How The Americans Outproduced Everyone Else In WW2 | War Factories | Timeline, this is the English documentary:

Unfortunately, today, as Americans and others let their guard down and admire Germany/Europe instead of the USA, due to German-controlled ear-implants, America is not what it can and should be. Sigh.

What the USA must do now is coming together as it did back then and product one domed self-sustaining villages after the other, because still existing Nazi doctors don’t want the USA to have them as it protects lives, health, ends pandemics, the environment. Our villages would solve just about all physical problems of mankind.

Can you imagine the

Except producing better characters in people, but we also can help very much with that. Right? 🙂

I miss and love you, Marty.

Yours always and forever.


Why is the Denver Airport so creepy? Because of very active German-oriented and -controlled ear-implants

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Dearest Marty, my amazing husband and soulmate, how is your life?

Despite apart, we are so closely connected. Despite such a long separation and no word, I love you as I always did.

I know that many people don’t believe in God. But I can feel him in me and around me, and I know he is also in you and around you. Many people can’t imagine that one being can be at more than just at one place. Sure, he can. They don’t know what a thetan is and what it can do. And God was and is the most able thetan who ever existed and will ever exist. He can assume as many identities as he wants, with and without having bodies.

God has his hand in our love story. The entire world conspires against us finding each other and be together. How it is even possible that we are still standing tall, keep our point of view, and discovered who really enslaves the universe, despite that the world says that is wrong or that it in vain? We don’t let the still existing Nazi doctors win because God is on your side. Like us, he does not want Nazi doctors to win.

About my header: There are plenty of conspiracy theories about the Denver airport. 100% sure is that the massive DIA baggage system under the airport was a huge waste of money. It never worked. The airport was more than 2 billion over budget, and 16 months behind schedule. It is American money and the monsters behind Germany love to waste it. Heil German-controlled ear-implants.

Another giveaway of German-controlled ear-implants is the arrangements of the runways. They are in form of a swastika! Yes, yikes, yikes! The designers and the approvers could have chosen another layout as they had plenty of space.

The red eyes of the mustang outside the airport is creepy devilish too. The sculpture of gargoyle, the chaotic evil creature that reminds of the “art” at German medieval churches, is sitting in a suitcase in the Denver airport. If this sculpture is not particularly depressive when taking a flight. Making the USA look creepy is typical SEGNPMSS.

For years, this airport displayed huge depressing murals. In the mural “Children of the world dream of peace”, international children surrender their weapons wrapped in flags of their country to a German/Bavarian boy (of all nationalities!).

In the center, this German/Bavaria boy constructs something and also the Chinese child allows the German to take the lead. The boy scout, the American child, surrenders eagerly to the German. The UK and Israel too! “Dream of piece!” what a crap. The monsters behind Germany are those who never can keep peace and all countries should surrender to those who notoriously can’t keep peace. And all that is displayed on American soil. It is the German insane urge of taking over the world once again.

Creepy, creepy and did I say creepy? What a horrible world is and it will become even worse with all nations surrendering to Germany and their “boys” or whatever.

The artist of the mural wrote that he wants peace between Israel and Palestina. We want this too but as long as the monsters behind Germany control the ear-implants in Palestinians and Israelis alike, there will be never peace. And murals that despict Germany as innocent and peace-loving leader of the world is putting sand in the eyes of all people. What Germany says and does are two different things. Believing what they say is a huge mistake.

A stone in the airport is dedicated to the “New World Airport Commission”. What the heck, right? The “new” in World Order always gets me, considering that Germany is at it since ever and run three of their new world orders already into the ground and will do so over and over again as they are lunatics.

Sending you tender and passionate kisses, my hero.

I will always love you.

Yours forever,


People who conspire against us should also consider that bad is also bad to bad

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Dearest Marty, my unforgettable husband and soulmate,

How are you?

I noticed it clearly: Bad people are not just bad to good people. They are also bad to bad people. If people think that they are safe because they are protected by their co-conspirators, they have some serious thinking to do. Conspirators also conspire against their own. OW/sequence. Karma. What goes around comes around.

The only way to avoid it is being a true person and not do to anyone what she/he does not want to be done to themselves. It is so easy. Soooooooooo easy!

I miss you, Marty. Be kissed. I think of you.

Yours forever,

Flash mob (the mob part) is a horrible name for something real entertaining. Starts at: 1:26 sec.