
Blog for the original Marty

Why I don’t want my own Chef and some thoughts about Bill Robertson

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Dearest Marty, my hero,

I strongly assume that William Branton Robertson, “Captain” Bill Robertson met the real Ron at St.Hill but then joined the impostor on the Apollo and didn’t say a word that it is not the same person. The real Ron did sail, Marty, as you know. But he is not the Apollo babbler with the bad teeth. He may have been on other vessels – as the Enchanter, and I do also remember a big vessel called “Sarah”.  Which is the ideal name to be welcomed in German and Islamic ports and also secretly anti-Semitic ports. 😉 We didn’t sail to any German port. Neither one of us wanted to be there. But what a beautiful name Ron gave me.

I found this is published about Bill Robertson, the founder of “Ron’s org”: “Hubbard granted him the title of “Kha-Khan”, meaning the forgiveness 10 times of the death penalty, which in the church means an SP declare.  Bill used several of those ‘lives” in the course of his Sea Org career.”

Marty, I thought about this. SP activities are the worst counter survival activities ever.  Scientologists are supposed to better themselves and getting uptone while applying Scientology but this Kha-Khan-Status implies that it is okay to commit ten times activities for which others might be declared suppressive! This is so infiltrator-“Scientology”. There is also no mention what he did that was so great that Jack Vistaril allowed him to turn ten times into an SP!

This reminds me of something. A GO WW Mission once came to the Munich org. I actually liked Missions to come to my org because it was a great way to meet other Scientologists and hear all kinds of interesting stories from their orgs. Anyway, the Mission Ops telexed that Mission a VWD and that their Mission was so successful and that they have one wish free. Do you know what they told me their wish was? They wanted to go out-2D and not have to report to ethics. I don’t know how serious that wish of the Missionaries was – I have to admit that I had a good laugh when I heard it, what else can you do when you hear crap like this –  because even if somebody lets someone else get away with an overt, it still is an overt and wears a person down.

A person is basically good and the  bad conscience will rain on the days that could be otherwise happy. Bill Robertson indicated that he used several of these “lives” while in Scientology.  How counter-survival. There is no justification whatsoever to commit suppressive acts. The only way to win is not being suppressive. Some of what was implemented by the impostor and his secret German case officers is complete contrary to Ron’s findings and writings. Bill himself or his friends wrote: “In 1981, after Hubbard disappeared out of touch with the organization, Bill involved himself in finding out what was going wrong with the church. His working theory was that it had been infiltrated and taken over by government agents. He pursued this and found quite a lot of data to back it up.”

What data?  If Bill Robertson indeed would have investigated the infiltration, he would have noticed first of all that L. Ron Hubbard was impostered by “Jack Vistaril”. Yes, the orgs are infiltrated but not by the American government but rather an international German controlled infiltration. I wonder what those data are that back up his findings of infiltration.  Bill moved to Europe and lived in  Germany, Spain and Switzerland.

Very “American”. Nothing is better in Europe.  I have seen a couple of writings from Freezone people in Europe and they blame the infiltration of Scientology on the CIA. And why are they doing that? To cover up that the infiltration is German. I am not impressed by this. The CIA has no clean hands. No secret service has clean hands but it’s not America behind the infiltration of Scientology. It’s German.

There are indication within the Freezone that they made “voice analyses” as to that tapes are indeed from Ron but I didn’t find any workable link to them. And which voice did they analyze? That of the real Ron or Jack Vistaril, the impostor? It should be also added that tapes can be doctored even if it is the voice of the real Ron on the tape. Technicians cut it together so that he says something that he would not have said in real life.

I have to leave for today, Marty. But will be back soon. I just read that David Miscavige uses Scientology funds to pay his private Chef who is more than a private cook. I would not want a private chef or cook. If the SEGNPMSS orders him, he might spray chemicals, toxins, germs, and other killers over that food. Or he might spit in the food. Maybe Sinar Parman should be asked if this ever happened to DM’s food. (A woman in Germany who was not connected to Scientology told that she did spit in the food of her boss whenever he was mean to her.) Gross, indeed.

I love you so much, Marty. Once we are back together, we make sure that our food is cool. We need no chef. Some people want the Sea Org dissolved. I love the Sea Org, I don’t want it dissolved but it has to lose what the German made out of it. If several Sea Org families would live and work together, they could take turns preparing the means  but all eat from the same food. If we would have lead Scientology, Marty, you and me, it would not even have dawned on us, to hire our own chef and pay that with Scientology money.

Many kisses and forever your wife, Marty



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