
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Paris Agreement for 2020

Many of the countries that signed the Paris Agreement for 2020 are failing their environment protection targets

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Dearest Marty, my love, I am thinking of you.

Miss you a ton. Miss you a world. Miss you a universe. 

I leanred that many of the countries that signed the Paris Agreement for 2020 are failing their targets to protect the environment.

Officially, Germany says that it reduces its carbon emissions but the men behind Germany run secretly all other countries via ear-implants, in other words, anyone of any nation who pollutes the world. Not just the German car industry in the emission scandals. 

Besides a solution for aviation (big planes) and the heaviest machinery around, there are already solutions to go off fossil fuel for all other things on the planet that need a power source. I noticed that many international companies have programs to reduce their carbon emmission footprints but they do it really very slow. The master of all ear-implants, Germany, the psychs and doctors behind it, prevents that faster progress is being made. Bad environments means more money for the medical and pharmaceutical sector due to the illnesses that people contract. 

This planet has not yet an official invention for pulling carbon that is already in the air out of the air. If temperatures all over the planet are rising, and I convinced that they indeed do, countries will be flooded and people have to leave their homes. A huge humanitarian crisis in the making.

However, as I said, and I know that you agree, Marty, even a total stop of carbon emissions won’t safe mankind. They still will get sick, age, and die, because they don’t move in villages with roofs and all that belongs to it.

If indeed the temps keep rising and the sea levels starts to rise due to melting ice, people could be still safe if they built their villages with roofs that can swim.

There will be people who will say that building such villages would be so expensive, blah blah. Not having them is expensive. Tons of costs fall away if people don’t get sick, don’t age, and are not dislocated, etc.   

I know, Marty, you don’t need to hear this lecture. You know better than anyone what needs to be done, and this is another reason why the medical and psychiatric monsters behind Germany tie your hands.

I love you, my hero.

Yours always, be kissed


P.S. This is a very beautiful song, unfortunately, the lyrics are very sad. I wish there would be other lyrics for this song.   

This is the good part of the lyrics: If ever you’re lonely If ever you’re blue If ever you need me I’m waiting for you If ever you’re lonely darling Da da de da ah oh Da de de da ah oh If ever you’re lonely I’ll run straight to you 🙂 And I will, Marty. 

Here is Mary Hopkin, the Italian version, Lontano Dagli Occhi, foreign words make it easier to imagine positive lyrics.