
Blog for the original Marty

Those who helped David Miscavige to get on top of Scientology want him now to quit

with 2 comments

Dearest Marty, my hero,

So, what is going on? I have figured it out because I know German p$ychs. And I am sure you figured it out too.

Psychs were aware that DM knew that Jack Vistaril wasn’t the founder of Scientology but an impostor and secret service agent and that DM would help them to continuously lie to Scientologists that this man is or was Ron, the founder. I am not sure if DM knows that the men who arranged this are German secret service psychs who control international agents. Maybe he thinks he works for another secret service, a non-p$ych secret service, but come on, who else on the planet but psychs exchange the real founder Ron (who was maybe the first who said that psychiatry is quack and dangerous) with a slimy impostor?

 I really would like to know who DM thinks the men are who are running him. We know already that he said that the CIA or the FBI is not involved in running the church, so who is it then? I know it but I would like to hear it from David Miscavige.

So, which secret service is it then that exchanged the founder Ron with a 1.1 impostor? Who is the country that wants Scientology gone most? Notoriously intolerant and bad Germany!  Nobody doubts that.

German psychs arranged that DM got the job and ordered their dumb agent Jack Vistaril  to hand (the already altered SCN tech) to DM, his “trusted friend”.  In other words: His Cobness was born.

What the psychs didn’t count with was that David Miscavige either was unable to get rid of CCHR or could not change that Scientologists are critical of psychiatrists and psychiatry. Or maybe he doesn’t want to get rid of CCHR because he indeed learned during the years that p$ychs kill and that anyone including himself could fall victim to them.

Tom Cruise’s famous appearance on the Today Show in 2005 changed everything for David Miscavige.  I wish Tom Cruise would have asked Matt Lauer to air about the many cases of people who were harmed or murdered by psychiatry, but I don’t think that his discussion with Matt Lauer was inappropriate or crazy. The media (reporters with ear implants who are being told want to write and who to attack in the media) blew this story completely out of proportions.  Tom Cruise was defamed as “mentally ill” (Typical psych attack line, it always gives psychs away!) and his best man David Miscavige was and is called similar things. After that video in 2005, defected people suddenly became active against DM to take him down.

The world is an international place since the Internet. That Today Show discussion between Tom Cruise and Matt Lauer was also watched anywhere on Earth. By infiltrating and attacking Scientology, secret service psychs are thinking that they are protecting their pets,  psychs and the pharma industry. Even the hacker group Anonymous was recruited to help p$ychs.

CCHR who did a good job in some areas but failed miserably to document p$ych infiltration in the orgs and Scientologists being napped and hypnotized and killed or implanted to kill has a CEO who suddenly is attacked too, while it is still unclear if Jan Eastgate really did wrong or not. Maybe she was assigned to the job as international CCHR i/C because psychs knew how they can get her reputation destroyed. Maybe she was framed.  But again, I can smell the stench of the p$ychs also in this matter.  They are trying to tell the world that they are not criminal but CCHR. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. If it looks like psychs and quacks like psychs, it are psychs!

The purpose is to get rid of DM and CCHR; not because DM is a real Scientologist, but they think that Scientology needs a new leader who is able to get rid of Scientologists being critically of psychiatrists.

All those psych set up and hypnotized  cases, in which an alleged Scientologist suddenly “went crazy” and killed herself or himself or even killed somebody else or died because didn’t get p$ych drugs or was not committed in an psych institution, were FLANKING MANEUVERS.

They tried to “help” DM to announce to Scientologists that Scientology accepts p$ychs now. But it didn’t happen for the reasons explained earlier in this posting. Maybe he wanted to and could not because of the Scientologists.  Maybe he had the cognition that psychs could even come after him and didn’t want to cancel CCHR or give it another mission.

Psychs  want Scientology officially destroyed and turned into a loose club like the “Independents” who have no organization whatsoever and wrongfully think that Scientology will survive that way. They must think that Ron wrote Admin policies because he had nothing better to do or something like that.

Anyway, German secret service psychs gave David Miscavige the job and now they want him to quit, for the reasons just mentioned.  I can look through this conspiracy as if it would be nothing like a dirty window.

If psychs don’t succeed with destroying Scientology, they want the next Scientology leader to embrace psychiatry.

I bet psychs plans are to suddenly “find” in Jack Vistaril’s garage belongings papers that say that psychs aren’t that bad or papers by Ron’s impostor saying that when psychs have changed (and the time would be now) Scientologists can cooperate with them or some other crap.

There are already enough indicators that Scientology goes a psych path.

It makes my stomach turn. It is like a torch of hope that goes out.

And the real truth about what psychs did and are doing was not EVER broadly published!

I love you, Marty.

Many kisses.

Yours forever,


2 Responses

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  1. Are you sure psychs want him to quit? Heard a rumor that he took cash from a big pharma corporation.


    January 23, 2012 at 8:03 pm

    • I need more information on that. If he took the cash and made a deal with them never to let a certain pharma company get away with anything, then it would qualify as psych agent act. But I don’t have enough trustworthy data to make this decision yet. Still, I think that quite some p$ychs want him gone because in his eyes, he failed to make TC accept psychs.

      Barbara Schwarz

      January 24, 2012 at 7:25 am

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