
Blog for the original Marty

About Debbie Cook

with 9 comments

About the photos: Ron doesn’t want his name over Catholic-like pomp!  If DM wants to be Catholic, he should join the guys on the left side. Scientology needs real Scientologists.

Dearest Marty, my hero, how are you? I miss you every day of my life. And I worry about your well-being. 

I saw Good Morning America with a segment about Debbie Cook. What I miss mostly in those reports is WHO is BEHIND matters. There are also contradictory data, e.g. about the financial reserves of Scientology.

1) The data about how much reserves the C of S has is contradictory. My information is that already in the mid 80s, the Church of Scientology had 1 Billion Dollars Sea Org Reserves. I think that is was Heber Jentzsch who acknowledged that amount in the 80s before DM took over. If C of S now has just 1 Billion Dollars, C of S made no cash under DM, in almost three decades.

2) Mosey’s husband told the SP Times a few years ago that C of S never would have 1 Billion Dollars.  He indicated that he would know so because he worked at INT and dealed with the IRS.  So, what number is true? Debbie’s or Mosey’s husband? Or the information of the mid 80s?

3) There is no information by Debbie Cook, Mosey’s husband, Mike Rinder or anyone else as to WHERE the cash is and WHO beside DM profits from it.  We all know that DM is spending C of S money for luxuries on his own person but as far as I know, the the Sea Org reserves are not in the United States despite the IRS declared the C of S as non-profit. In the 80s, they were in Europe. I know so because I was one of the three board members on all Sea Org reserves.

5) The Sea Org reserves are in Europe because the Germans want to have them. They work hard on taking the official leadership of the EU. They have already the secret leadership and not just of the EU. The Sea Org reserves are Europe on German secret service orders to make Germany richer. German secret service can also directly steal from these accounts because unlike Heber Jentzsch, I believe that DM made never any official statement as to how much reserves the C of S has. Scientologists ought to know. DM allowed doppelgangers to impostor the founder and you. Naturally, I don’t trust DM in any way or form. So, I wonder of course if he is so secretive about how much reserves there are because he is “awarding” himself secretly by wiring Scientology cash to his own bank accounts?  So, these “whistle-blowers” don’t blow all of the whistle. There is so much more to it than they are telling.

6) If Debbie is a true Scientologist, does she really want that Scientologists should no longer donate to Scientology? Making Scientology poor is not the right handling because C of S needs also a lot of cash to DEFEND ITSELF itself against constant hidden German secret service psychs set ups on the entire planet and also to disseminate. (His Cobness is really bad in defending C of S against secret infiltration. I say, he covers it up.)  

7) However, I do agree with Debbie Cook that I don’t see much C of S dissemination either. DM allows Mosey’s husband and his friends to cripple the expansion of orgs without documenting to the world that he is your impostor. That would take the wind right out of his sails.  Much  of the non-dissemination has to do with the scandals that can be led right to HIS COBNESS and his treatment and handling of people and things  and his failure to apply real Scientology.  Ron gave exact instructions in admin policies as to what amount to use per week to disseminate, and I wonder if he really does this or if he really just makes cash for the Germans who work hard on taking over all of Europe, the EU, and its bank accounts.  As DM made himself so many personal enemies and as he is involved in so many personal scandals, it is hard to disseminate Scientology to the planet. But as he feels like as Pope and loves a luxurious lifestyle that Ron the founder didn’t live, he stays, it doesn’t matter how harmful it is for Scientology. He would have demoted, RPFed or kicked out any other person who is responsible for just a small percentage of  the scandals that he created. But as I wrote yesterday, German secret services want C of S either completely destroyed or a new COB who embraces psychiatry. Scientologists must be aware of this plan. Any new COB must be a real Scientologist for a change!

8)  Other information that the current C of S speaker (French/German Karin Pouw) acknowledged is that David Miscavige rather feels and behaves like a Catholic than a Scientologist. Scientology orgs needs to have good  buildings, where they can deliver but Ron said that Scientologists should not live in regular building in which they age and become sick. DM must have a secret death wish by not implementing the policies that Ron wrote about preserving life and youth.  Also, DM’s stages are  ridiculous pomp. When LDS church (very rich church) leaders speak, their backdrop looks like Congress with some flowers around the speaker’s desk. Mormon Church is expanding but no church would expand more than real Scientology because of the truth and the technology that the real Ron developed!

Besides, Catholic Church is in crisis and losing members too. Taking the Catholic Church as an example is not a good idea. Comparing C of S to the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages isn’t a good idea either. The Roman Catholic Church was theologically sick and its theology led to atrocious corruptions. Here is some of what they have done: . We don’t have to copy a sick old church (Catholics) just because his COBNESS is in his heart and behavior Catholic. Ron wasn’t. Not even his impostor was.

If DM wouldn’t be so scandal ridden and fresher than middle age Catholicism, people would be a lot more attracted to Scientology. If real Scientology and not the impostor version would be disseminated, the planet, people anywhere would  push into the orgs like they did in Saint Hill when the real Ron (and we) were there.

9) So yes, Scientologists look at this pomp and DM’s luxuries and they ask themselves, why should I donate to increase DM’s pomp and not a  Scientology that is scandal ridden? 

I am so tired to hear Scientology being pulled through the mud and still nobody but me telling the complete and true story.

Many kisses, my love. I know that you would, if you would be free.

Yours forever,


9 Responses

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  1. The pictures sure talk. DM attempts to copy the Catholic Church. LRH didn’t.

    An Auditor

    January 6, 2012 at 7:43 am

  2. Positioning oneself with the Catholic Church! That is plain dumb!


    January 6, 2012 at 12:21 pm

    • No children in the entire Sea Org is another sign of DM being Catholic instead of a Scientologist.


      January 8, 2012 at 7:36 am

  3. Not Wikipiggy again!

    Anybody right in mind believes that Catholic priests during the Third Reich were good and did not abuse children? They were just perverted before and after the Third Reich? Bet on it both, the Nazis and Catholics abused kids. What a dirty world is was and is and Wikipedia is not helping to make it better.

    Barbara Schwarz

    January 6, 2012 at 12:32 pm

    • Barbara, Debbie Cook just published a new letter (you’ll find it all over the net), saying it wasn’t her who mailed her letter to 12 000 Scientologists. She didn’t want a media spectacle.


      January 7, 2012 at 10:42 am

  4. Mike Rinder is using her name to make an impression on the German newspaper SZ… he knows she doesn’t want this!


    January 20, 2012 at 12:38 pm

  5. This is very interesting article, written by ART TAVANA from the LA Weekly.


    Diem Dien

    January 21, 2016 at 3:27 pm

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