
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘October 7

SEGNMPSS wants a medieval world

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Dearest Marty, my one and only, how are you?

Got the tree of my roof. Otherwise, not much going on.

As I said before, Israel should have thought of another way to handle Hamas than the war in Gaza. With this war, they stepped right in the SEGNPMSS trap. Instead of less antisemitism, there is a lot of more now. Just what still existing Nazis ordered.

I feel sorry for those Palestinians who wanted to live in peace with Israelis and others and didn’t vote for Hamas. But did you notice, Marty, that those pro-Palestinian student demonstrators ignore completely what Hamas, similar terror groups, and their masters, the SEGNPMSS, did to Israelis on October 7, 2023? They waged the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust by slaughtering babies, raping women, burning whole families alive, and taking hundreds of innocent civilians hostage. Since October 7, more than 1,200 Israelis have been killed. Terrorists are still holding more than 100 men, women, and children in captivity. Protesting wars is noble, but being hypocrites by not demanding from Hamas to return the hostages and demanding from other terror groups to stop their antisemitic behavior is not. I can clearly see the SEGNPMSS behind this behavior. Heil ear-implants in students. SEGNPMSS and its front groups (like Hamas) are rubbing their bloody hands. They like dumb students.

There is another thing that strikes me when I look at the Middle East and its radical groups. They want a Middle East that is backward and medieval. They want a medieval Europe in the Middle East. And that brings me back to the SEGNPMSS. I have asked myself a few times how old the hard core of the SEGNPMSS people are. I think they are of medieval age. Back in Germany, the media (all kinds of newspapers, magazines, TV stations) always attacked Scientology with consistently the same lines that the SEGNPMSS sent through the ear-implants of these reporters. Back then, I already struck me how medieval these lines sounded.

Just like what so-called religious Muslims say today. Sounds European medieval to me too. Since SEGNPMSS people do not age (based on technology that they have stolen and withheld from Earth mainstream), I think that the hardcore of the SEGNPMSS people are medieval barbers and butchers, who of course run psychiatrists and all other people born later right up to our present time.
However, in regards of the medieval world that radical Muslims and others want, one has to conclude that the SEGNPMSS medieval barbers and butchers are still very much at it to enslave the world. They were behind all world wars and work on number III. And when the world continues to ignore their existence, there will be never peace for anyone.

Yes, I know, I don’t have to lecture you. You know it. Just sometimes, I feel I have to put it into words.

Be kissed, my hero.
Always yours,

This is a AI generated picture:

Israelis and Palestinians were set up by the SEGNPMSS

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Dearest Marty, my hero and wonderful husband,

How are you? I am thinking of you.

I understand the anger that Israel felt on October 7, 2023, but it should have found a solution other than bombing Gaza, even if Hamas continued to bomb Israel. Of course, Israel should have built up its defense, but it should have taken the higher road. Israel should have called on every country in the world (every Israeli citizen helped, a campaign the world has never seen) by documenting in detail what Hamas and other such groups (and behind them the still existing Nazis) did to engage them in getting the hostages back and finding a lasting peaceful solution. Israel should have fought with words and arguments that would have made the world ashamed to support Hamas, such terror groups and the Nazis behind them, or ashamed not to be involved in helping Jewish people in need. They should have used their voices and arguments to convince the world that they are different and better people. 

No idea who drew this but I hope he/she does not mind me including it here.  

Israel can’t live in peace by not seeing or admitting that German Nazis are still attacking Jews and setting Israel up. Despite Hamas and other SEGNPMSS front groups threw the first stone and killed 1200 Israelis that day and abducted hundreds, much of the world sees Palestinians (incl. the many who voted for Hamas) as victims because Israel picked up the sword instead of the higher ground. The best way would have been to convince the Palestinians and others that they are better than killers and kidnappers and MAKE THEM and other Muslim countries drive Hamas and other terrorists out of Gaza and the Middle East. It can be done, because the world has the same enemy who sets all of them up: the SEGNPMSS. They just have to realize it. Israel stepped right into the trap that SEGNPMSS set up for them: More international antisemitic resentment. SEGNPMSS wants Jews to be viewed by the world as Nazis. Nazis want to get rid of their own Nazi reputation by passing it on to Jews. The attacks against Israel turned in more hatred than compassion for Jews because the entire war was/is a SEGNPMSS set up. SEGNPMSS controlled ear-implants are anywhere. The dying Palestinians in Gaza are the means to an end. SEGNPMSS used them too. Their deaths should generate more antisemitic feelings because the still existing Nazi doctors want it so. It is so obvious. I know you see it too, Marty.

I love you.

Yours always,
