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Just what still existing and new German Nazis want: no US troops in Germany stopping them

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Dearest Marty, my extraordinary soulmate and husband, 

How are you?

To make Germans vote for the Nazis, the SEGNPMSS is conditioning so-called religious people, e.g. Muslims, and runs them via their psychiatric holy cow, their ear- and body implants to advance Germany. German psychs talk through these ear-implants turn Germany into Europe’s strongest economy to the disadvantage of all other countries of the world. And their new Führers (the monsters behind Germany) now often hide behind women. They figured that they can use females to manipulate the world into thinking that Germany is no longer bad. They still want to take over the world. They do it by implanting little kids in any country with ear-implants and then, for example, beg Germany (Europe) to take their country over (in other words invade it), as for example the Ukraine did. Germany figures that in not long, it will be the Führer of the rest of the world, particularly after they turned the USA into a banana republic with a corrupt leadership and an ineffective congress.

Donald Trump is not at all in Germany’s way. A man “won” the presidency who considers himself German. He is allegedly cross with the current official leader Merkel because she allegedly is ruining his beloved Germany. Him asking Germany to pay some bills means nothing. There is a “Germany wins nevertheless plan” and alibi also behind this. Besides, Germany, the SEGNPMSS is the secret instigator and organizer of the Syrian war. Germany wants the hard-working Syrians to make its economy even stronger. Merkel and others admitted on numerous occasion that multi-culture failed in Germany. That means that Germans are still as intolerant and narrow-minded as they always were. That means that the Syrians and other fugitive must give up their identities. “Lovely” place that Germany. I don’t want to be buried there. 

Trump wants to withdraw the troops in Germany. Of course, Germany wants the USA to leave so that the psychiatrists behind Germany have it easier to bring the Nazis back. Dresden has an official Nazi emergency, and Trump wants to pull the troops out of Germany. In other words: undo the victory of Word War II. 

Below article says that Multiple presidents have asked Europe’s largest economy to pay for its own defense. This request has been made over many years and by many presidents.

I know that you, Marty, see too, how little confident the USA is kicking Germany’s behind. There is no real threat by Russia to Germany as Germany has anyone on a string. SEGNPMSS decides how the leaders of Russia or any other country act and react. 

Greedy Germany. Germany is laughing all the way to the bank. They know that there is no danger for them from any country. Why should it pay for protection of an alleged communistic or Islamic danger when it runs and manipulates its leaders and people? Communism and Islamic extremism are entirely German psychiatric products. 

Trump said that he wants to station the troops in Poland. This country honors its NATO defense. As I said, Trump, typical anti-foreigners himself, does what Germany wants. A huge official Nazi emergency problem in Germany and no US troops in Germany stopping the Nazis. 

They celebrate the fall of the Berlin wall these days, 30 years ago. And the I-feel-being-German-Trump builds one in the USA. A wall that can be saw through with regular tool. Waste of taxpayers money.

Germany also wasn’t keen of giving President Reagan credit for the fall of the Berlin wall. Why should he get credit for it? Germany knew that it could remove the wall at any time since its erection because the SEGNPMSS ran the Soviet Union and East Germany. And Reagan did Germany a huge favor. Taking the wall down, uniting  Germany with its eastern Nazi part, helped Germany to get bigger so that it can take over Europe and the world.      

I didn’t know that Mike Pompeo was stationed in Bavaria in the 1980. He knows the country well? From what I have seen, he is just another Berliner. I bet the farm that neither he nor Donald Trump assisted you against Germany. (German didn’t just defraud me, my feeling is that Germany framed you, Marty.)

If it wouldn’t be for German-controlled ear-implants and psychiatric silent sounds and mind-control, the world would have figured out all above. Instead it is in a German trance.

I love you, Marty. I miss you so very much. Germany, the psychs behind it and its conscienceless international agents failed terribly trying to fool us into giving up on each other. We simply do psychs and Nazis no favors, and this will stay so in all eternity. Made so by heaven.

Be kissed, my darling.

Yours always,
