
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘mindcontrol

1) Henry Kissinger – not my kind of person 2) Jericho Wall – and ear-implants

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Dearest Marty, my hero and wonderful soulmate,

I am thinking of you, how you are and where you are. There was no message of any kind by you or on behalf since I last saw you so many decades ago.

To my first topic:
Heinz (“Henry”) Kissinger died. Have a look at this screenshot.

This statement by Nixon indicates strongly that he is an Antisemite. Nobody who respects Jews would ever make such a statement. Kissinger’s response is very revealing too. He couldn’t agree more with Nixon, he said, according to this media outlet. Yikes.

In an interview with the German news magazine Der Spiegel in 1998, Kissinger said that he always would be German. Looking at his controversial activities, he was indeed German at heart. I am aware that he was a German Jew and that he and his family left Germany for the USA. He was 15 years old when he left Germany. He gained a lot of power in the USA and also all over the world, but with no word did he ever mentioned that the SEGNPMSS (or whatever other name they are using for themselves) is going around, installing ear-implants in the minds of unripe children to make them do Germany’s bidding for the rest of their lives, it doesn’t matter what race or religion they have. Right?

News outlets reported, as he was Jewish, the US was certain that he would never sympathize with the Nazis. Nevertheless, someone who always feels being German might be of help to them in another way, if he knew that he was helping them or not. BTW, Trump also wants to be even more German as he already is.

Heinz Kissinger pushed for the unification of Germany. To take over Europe and then the world, Germany needs to be strong and rich. Heinz stayed in the US Army an extra year after the war, “working to create a new American-influenced Germany, the foundation for a postwar order in Europe”, says the media. That is not what I saw and see, Marty. It is the other way around. America is German-oriented, and this is a very tame word for what is going on in the USA, in which people do Germany’s bidding. The reason is psychiatry’s dearest child: ear-implants and mindcontrol.  

Heinz believed that Germany’s economic and political strength was essential to the stability of the European continent? By not busting the German psychiatrists who run the Nazis with ear-implants? You, Marty, and I know that Germany and the rest of the world is still under the German Nazi boot (SEGNPMSS). Some people in high position prepare the ground for what is coming later, and they do it knowingly or unwittingly.

Media reports say that Kissinger helped to develop programs to educate the German people about the dangers of Nazism. There was no program convicting the rotten German psychiatric invention of installing ear-implants into children all over the world and running them their entire lives so that Germany always would end up as winner, it doesn’t matter what it did. Nothing horrible Germany did and do will ever define it. And why? Because of implants. People do what the SEGNPMSS wants as it invades their minds and controls them.

In the US Army, Heinz was assigned to the counterintelligence corps. He interrogated German prisoners of war and helped to identify Nazi spies. Again, what happened to German Nazi psychiatrists’ most secret pet and spy tool, ear-implants? Heinz said no word about that, right? In the 1998 interview with Der Spiegel, Kissinger said that it would be absolutely clear that Hitler died in 1945, that Hitler escaping would not only be historically implausible, but also morally repugnant. Heinz is German, feels being German and does not know Germany’s tricks? Hitler did escape just as Bin Laden and likely some other such rotten characters did.

The media reported that Kissinger opened the first direct relations between the United States and Communist China. Is that such a big deal? The fact is that China remained Communist. Heinz apparently did not convince China that the Nazis were not the only bad invention to come out of Germany. Communism is another bad German invention. Germany controls China in this way and stands in the way of China being the best country it can be for its own citizens and other countries.

There were just some people who said or say that Kissinger was not tough enough on the Nazis, that he allowed too many Nazi officials to escape punishment and that he was too quick to forgive the German people, and that he did not do enough to address the deep-seated racism and anti-Semitism in German society. I am definitely one of them. And I bet you too, Marty.

In typical German manner, he showed a remarkable indifference to human suffering of the people in Cambodia with secret bombing of up to 500,000 Cambodian civilians. Bombing instead of educating people of the other rotten German invention: communism.

And there was a coup in Chile, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Chileans. He supported the Pakistani government, which was responsible for the deaths of an estimated up to 3 million Bengalis. Looking at all of that, I wonder, where Heinz would have had his career in Germany if he wouldn’t have been born in a Jewish family.

Fact is that Heinz did not help the USA to be a country with a good and clean conscience by respecting all human lives.  

To my second topic:
New York Times reported that Israeli officials had specific details about Hamas’s plans for a major attack a year before it happened and Israel did not take advantage of it. The plan had the codename Jericho Wall. Israeli government talked it down, e.g. that Hamas would not have the capabilities to implement the plan. It also raises questions if the US intelligence saw this report, considering that Israel and the US are close allies.

This report allegedly shows that not just Israel has deep knowledge of Hamas intelligence but that Hamas also has deep knowledge of Israel’s intelligence. A reporter who wrote this article said that he believes that this deep Hamas knowledge of Israel’s defense comes directly from the core of the Israeli Defense Establishments. Looks like a case of moles and definitely ear-implants.

So much did go wrong on the side of the Israelis, that imo, it was just doable with coordination of people’s ear-implants on all sides: Israel, Hamas and other terror groups. It was a coordinated attack with psychiatric conditioning and ear-implants on all levels and sides. It sent Israel’s security forces to sleep.

I am also sure that the Holocaust only could have happened with ear-implants, Marty. Jews were told not to fight back and Germans butchered as they traditionally did with Jews. All communication coming from the same system: SEGNPMSS. It does not protect its agents. Nobody is safe, except the top monsters who are calling the shots, so they think. But they are also not safe. Bad people also kill each other. Goes around comes around.

I love you, Marty. Despite this rotten world, I always believed in you and I still do. I saw it behind your eyes. You are one of my kind. Thanks heaven.

Yours always,

The USA is a huge SEGNPMSS target

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and husband,

What is going on in your life? As you for sure rightfully assumed, I have no clue because nobody forwards any message to me from or on behalf of you.

I read and heard over and over in the news that “mass shootings” are “a uniquely American problem”. They call it an “epidemic”. But nobody reports that the shooters are psychiatric-conditioned and run via ear-implants to commit these heinous crimes even against children.

Actually, I don’t understand the obsession with guns, and I consider myself not one from the donkey party. I find it also very strange that Christians own guns, considering that they should turn the other cheek. Can you imagine Jesus with a gun? So, why do they have them?

Where I live, I am probably the only person who has none, except a water gun to cool off in summer, a caulk gun, and kids sometimes bring their play guns over to my place.

I was told that Americans need guns for “self-protection” and gun possession is covered in the 2nd amendment. Well, the SEGNPMSS was already very much around when the constitution was drafted. In other words, our villages with a roof would protect Americans much better.

Besides the USA, there are a number of countries, which make the purchase of guns rather easy, but they don’t have mass shootings. Because the USA is much more a SEGNPMSS target than other countries. These horrible happenings harm the reputation of the USA and reduce international tourism. And they make it easy for the SEGNPMSS to kill anyone in the USA they want to.

Law enforcement always says: “The shooter acted alone…” and that is another reason why these terror acts don’t stop. Law enforcement does not go after the SEGNPMSS case officers who ran the shooters and the psychiatrists who hypnotized and conditioned them to commit the heinous crimes. Some people even think that these acts are related but as copycat acts and not as organized crime.

They are organized psychiatric crimes, incl. in most cases getting rid of the evidence of the altered minds, e.g. having the shooter kill him- or herself at the end or have the police shoot him or her.  Even people who would not kill anyone are being used with loud or silent sounds in such horrible events, e.g. not reporting suspicious behavior, not acting on it or just leaving a door open, etc. And don’t even get me started on the NRA. Uvalde is just one example how to organize a SEGNPMSS massacre and have the high crime organizers getting away with it.

I doubt that a SEGNPMSS-controlled congress and government does the right thing and stops the sales of assault rifles. The question is really: Who needs an assault rifle in the USA to defend his or her home? To kill the many termites that come from the basement?

Instead, psychiatrists also use these monstrous attacks to help themselves to more money and influence. They want people to call for more of their “mental health services” but are covering up those psychiatrists are conditioning these shooters and terrorists in the first place.

And sometimes, they even target their own colleagues, other doctors, medical personal and even psychiatrists. These inhumane idiots created a world in which nobody is safe, not even themselves, because at any time one can conspire against the other. They created the perfect trap – even for themselves.

Americans (and actually all other nations) needs our kind of closed villages with a roof. When the residents know each other, respect each other, they need no guns for self-defense in the home. When they are alert to how secret service psychiatrists can turn a person into a violent robot and don’t allow strangers to roam their village, they should have a peaceful life for themselves and their children.

But, hey, I don’t have to tell you this, Marty. If anyone knows how to build better lives for anyone, it is you.

I love you.

Yours always,


Most modern country music bores the hell out of me, Marty. Music isn’t free either. However, there are a very few country singers who don’t bore me. Chris Stapleton is one of them. He mixes country with blues in this song. It really sounds great:

And the song Parachute from Chris Stapleton is the favorite song of my little friend here. When he hears it, he starts singing:

Although, not all songs of Chris Stapleton sound great.

Just what still existing and new German Nazis want: no US troops in Germany stopping them

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Dearest Marty, my extraordinary soulmate and husband, 

How are you?

To make Germans vote for the Nazis, the SEGNPMSS is conditioning so-called religious people, e.g. Muslims, and runs them via their psychiatric holy cow, their ear- and body implants to advance Germany. German psychs talk through these ear-implants turn Germany into Europe’s strongest economy to the disadvantage of all other countries of the world. And their new Führers (the monsters behind Germany) now often hide behind women. They figured that they can use females to manipulate the world into thinking that Germany is no longer bad. They still want to take over the world. They do it by implanting little kids in any country with ear-implants and then, for example, beg Germany (Europe) to take their country over (in other words invade it), as for example the Ukraine did. Germany figures that in not long, it will be the Führer of the rest of the world, particularly after they turned the USA into a banana republic with a corrupt leadership and an ineffective congress.

Donald Trump is not at all in Germany’s way. A man “won” the presidency who considers himself German. He is allegedly cross with the current official leader Merkel because she allegedly is ruining his beloved Germany. Him asking Germany to pay some bills means nothing. There is a “Germany wins nevertheless plan” and alibi also behind this. Besides, Germany, the SEGNPMSS is the secret instigator and organizer of the Syrian war. Germany wants the hard-working Syrians to make its economy even stronger. Merkel and others admitted on numerous occasion that multi-culture failed in Germany. That means that Germans are still as intolerant and narrow-minded as they always were. That means that the Syrians and other fugitive must give up their identities. “Lovely” place that Germany. I don’t want to be buried there. 

Trump wants to withdraw the troops in Germany. Of course, Germany wants the USA to leave so that the psychiatrists behind Germany have it easier to bring the Nazis back. Dresden has an official Nazi emergency, and Trump wants to pull the troops out of Germany. In other words: undo the victory of Word War II. 

Below article says that Multiple presidents have asked Europe’s largest economy to pay for its own defense. This request has been made over many years and by many presidents.

I know that you, Marty, see too, how little confident the USA is kicking Germany’s behind. There is no real threat by Russia to Germany as Germany has anyone on a string. SEGNPMSS decides how the leaders of Russia or any other country act and react. 

Greedy Germany. Germany is laughing all the way to the bank. They know that there is no danger for them from any country. Why should it pay for protection of an alleged communistic or Islamic danger when it runs and manipulates its leaders and people? Communism and Islamic extremism are entirely German psychiatric products. 

Trump said that he wants to station the troops in Poland. This country honors its NATO defense. As I said, Trump, typical anti-foreigners himself, does what Germany wants. A huge official Nazi emergency problem in Germany and no US troops in Germany stopping the Nazis. 

They celebrate the fall of the Berlin wall these days, 30 years ago. And the I-feel-being-German-Trump builds one in the USA. A wall that can be saw through with regular tool. Waste of taxpayers money.

Germany also wasn’t keen of giving President Reagan credit for the fall of the Berlin wall. Why should he get credit for it? Germany knew that it could remove the wall at any time since its erection because the SEGNPMSS ran the Soviet Union and East Germany. And Reagan did Germany a huge favor. Taking the wall down, uniting  Germany with its eastern Nazi part, helped Germany to get bigger so that it can take over Europe and the world.      

I didn’t know that Mike Pompeo was stationed in Bavaria in the 1980. He knows the country well? From what I have seen, he is just another Berliner. I bet the farm that neither he nor Donald Trump assisted you against Germany. (German didn’t just defraud me, my feeling is that Germany framed you, Marty.)

If it wouldn’t be for German-controlled ear-implants and psychiatric silent sounds and mind-control, the world would have figured out all above. Instead it is in a German trance.

I love you, Marty. I miss you so very much. Germany, the psychs behind it and its conscienceless international agents failed terribly trying to fool us into giving up on each other. We simply do psychs and Nazis no favors, and this will stay so in all eternity. Made so by heaven.

Be kissed, my darling.

Yours always,




Yikes! Mike Pence, Trump’s running mate called Dennis Hasters (the serial child molester) a man of integrity

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Dearest Marty, my heart-throb and Prince, how are you?

I think of you and wonder how your life is and why people have no heart by leaving you, an innocent person, to suffer. What kind of person knocks his/her conscience out over and over to avoid ending this odyssey?  

Donald Trump named Mike Pence, a conservative Christian, as his vice president. I don’t go into general criticism of him that is all over the net. But nobody seems to write about that the very Mike Pence defended pedo Dennis Hasters as man of integrity. (Did a simple Google search on his opinion of Hasters.) Can you believe Pence? What kind of knowledge of “human” nature does Pence have?

Actually, becoming Trump’s running mate also shows Pence lack of judgment and character.

Back to Hasters. Pence didn’t want Hasters to resign! Imagine this: third in row of the US presidency a serial child molester! Arg!!!

How to destroy the GOP? The same as original Scientology was destroyed: infiltration by bad people and nobody stopping it.   

Constantly new mass killings are in the news as for example that in Nice, and none of the well-paid crime inspectors on international levels figures or publishes that secret service psychiatrists condition these Muslims with mind-control because the SEGNPMSS wants a justification to re-introduce the Nazis in Germany, Europe, and the rest of the world and outlaw religions. They think if religions are gone, people are easier to control, have less of a conscience, and that they feel a relief of their own bad consciences.  Islam is the first religion they kill, and more will follow. As if Trump, Pence, and many others would get that. Pairing Scientology with a movement that has Islam in its name is also a dead-giveaway as to what the SEGNPMSS has planned.  

The newest terror attack in Nice sure will help Trump to become the Republican nominee with his “ban Muslims” ideas. Psychiatrists who turn people into Manchurian Candidates needs to be prosecuted. A ban against Muslims entering the USA will not stop these psychs to condition other people besides Muslims to mow others down.

The driver of that truck in Nice was more into women than religion told his neighbor to the police but he was depressed and unstable. That is typically for psychiatric conditioning. They  cut of the conscientiousness of such a person, activate his ear implants, and the rest is most gruesome history.   

I am not saying that the Quran, Bible, or any other religious scriptures are truly religious. SEGNPMSS smeared violent and perverted texts into them for the same purpose: to put people off.  And people fall for it instead of saying: hold on for a moment… religions are supposed to better people, what is wrong here? Germany, and its international psychs, the former butchers and barbers, that’s what wrong here.

Sorry, Marty, didn’t want to lecture you. 🙂 I know you figured it all out by yourself. It is just that I look at the world and are asking where the intelligent people are hiding. Or am I in the wrong universe and they don’t exist, except you and some others?

I love you, my rockstar. I would give the world for being with you. Many tender and passionate kisses, my darling.

Yours always and forever,


My home is wherever you are, Marty! 



What is really behind racial shootings… (Two or several wrongs make no right)

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince and husband,

I worry daily about your well-being. You are an innocent Jewish man and Scientologist under possibly trigger-happy officers and brutal inmates, all marching to the ear-implant commands of the SEGNPMSS. If that is nothing to worry about!

German secret services and the psychiatrists behind them want apparently a racial Civil War in the USA.

I noticed that Black and Jewish, and likely also some other minorities must often walk on eggshells not to “provoke” German-controlled police officers, and the reason is again that German secret services run people through ear-implants and set up such situations and the deadly results.

Once, a white woman told me that she thinks that being racists is in the white nature. (Not in you, Marty and me or some others like us!) She based this on watching a little white girl playing with a white and a black doll. Both dolls conducted some mischief, and the white girl penalized the white doll with a slap on the wrist and did beat her black doll almost to death (for the same mischief). What I see is the timetrack. The little girl lived before, was a racist in her past live, in addition to that German secret service psychs/racists are using ear implants (loud and silent sounds) to bring out the worst in people. I had a black doll named Scarlet as a kid. I loved that doll, never beat her once. She had the same rights like my white doll. (Somebody in Germany pushed her eyes in, and it wasn’t one of my siblings!) 

On the other side, I was in Washington D.C. during the mid/end of the 80s. Without any provocation by me, the Jewish Scientologist, a young female, strong, Black US Marshal stepped towards me and broke my arm. Just like that. What a brute she was! What I am saying is that Jewish Scientologist’s health, lives, and rights matter too. Despite of that, I am still no racist, Marty, and I observed that some white police officers have a “shorter temper” when dealing with Blacks.

Or with us Jews and Scientologist. That arm was also broken by a white huge police man named Duncan. I, a 5.4 unarmed female, no reason to break my bones, but Nazi ear implants rule and make people into animals.   

The teenager in Ferguson didn’t jump right on the sidewalk, when the police officer ordered it; the woman in the car didn’t want to put out her cigarette, likely all “offences” that probably would be handled differently if the people were white. (However, we real and original Scientologists are not treated better than Blacks. We have to walk on eggshells too.) 

Another thing that most people don’t know. In the German psychiatric world, there is no own choosing of gender and race. Who today is White and be Black, or any other gender and race and who is Black can be White, or any other gender and race in the next lifetime. People are tricked in between lifetimes and have no reality about it.

Even the term Black is German given to people who have a beige or brown skin color to make the differences between those races larger than smaller. I would change that.

What I am saying is: if this planet wants to see lasting peace, the psychiatric monsters (who else invades minds and bodies) behind the ear implants systems must be busted. That will result in people of all races becoming true brother and sisters and living together in mutual respect of their rights.  

You know it, Marty. I could be all so easy, but as the German proverb says: when two are fighting, the third one is enjoying it. They enjoy wars, fights, human sufferings, but we don’t. We find it horrible. It doesn’t matter what the race is.

Millions of kisses, my darling. Keep on surviving.

By the way, there was still no message by you or subpoena, etc. for me on your behalf. But they can’t win against real OTs, Marty. I feel that you are trying to reach me. Intuition. Thanks heaven to that. 🙂 I can’t imagine to exist without our spiritual abilities.  Another thing that psychs have to learn. Don’t try to fool real OTs. They won’t fall for it.

You are deep in my heart. I want you, only you.








1) German auto manufacturer Volkswagen deliberately endangers health of all people 2) Syrians become very cheap labor (1 Euro for 1 hour!) for rich Germany 3) Refugees/migrants shelters in Germany are brothels…

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Dearest Marty, my amazing husband and Prince,

How are you?

German Nazi spin (that they are the greatest and best) is in full swing. And most people fall for it. They didn’t learn a thing about Germany. People so evil don’t become better just by losing a war. If that would work, they would have bettered themselves after they lost WWI and the Nazi never would have marched. I am not saying that everyone in Germany is a monster. I also don’t want anyone retaliating and terrorizing the general population in Germany or elsewhere, but there are men (apparently in majority psychiatrists and medical doctors, who decide over what illnesses people become and how long they may live, the main problems of mankind besides terror and war) behind Germany who are monsters. They control all other governments, incl. that of the USA. And these people must be found and prosecuted. If the world continues to drink Germany’s cool aide, I don’t want to be ever born on this planet again. Actually, I don’t even want to ever pick up another body in this universe again as long they are around with powers. I can’t express enough how sick I am of their slavery.

Here is just the tip of the iceberg, Marty.

German company Volkswagen deliberately and illegally installed software in its diesel-power cars to evade standards for reducing smog. What kind of monsters do something like that? It is typical for monsters to harm the health of people who didn’t do anything to them. They have to recall 500.000 cars. Considering how many people can die on bad air, what they did is attempted mass murder, is it not?

Germany wants to officially rule not just Europe but the entire world. All should look up to this country and obey. And when no power is left to stand up against it anymore, they will reveal their true faces again like they did during the Nazi times. As Germany’s population is aging like all other nationals who live on the unprotected surface of the world with processed food and water, chemicals and remote-controlled germs (thanks to their own SEGNPMSS psychs and medical doctors who didn’t even allow average Germans to protect their health and youth like the top SEGNPMSS doctors do), they need young and strong people to help Germany to reach this goal. Yes, Marty, these SEGNPMSS mind controllers are very degraded beings who try to be admired for what they are absolutely not (the greatest, the smartest, the best, the most intelligent and advanced…) They are so fake and stupid!

They cause wars by radioing in people’s ear implants to pick fights and create terror and war. Syria is just one example. This war serves Germany. It needs the young Syrians to work for Germany as they have not enough young Germans to make Germany world power no. I. Many were killed, they uprooted the people from their homes in Syria, having them promote Germany’s propaganda that they are the best by having the Hungarian and others behave like Nazis and they have the misinformed Syrians praising Germany. For me and I am sure also for you, it is a child game’s decoding Germany’s secret actions.       

I posted this before. Germany’s psychiatrists run people through ear implants with super computers. They have the overall control over all ear implants and numerous of the international people that they are running might not know this. These German psychiatrists are the force behind international crimes, terror, and wars. They do these horrible acts  because 1) They feel entertained and powerful when people suffer and die 2) They want to make Germany to be officially world’s power no.1 on this planet and the universe. (The ultimate nightmare!) 3) They are SPs and completely nuts who hate ethics and religion because it reminds them on how bad they are and are trying to destroy it by having their agents do horrible things in the name of religion 4) They try to deny God. Will they ever catch up with who makes me see who is behind Germany and the horrible things that they do?

Look how they use the Syrians. A German town offers refugees to work for one Euro per hour. Slavery!

What I am very interested in, Marty, is to find out where Angela Merkel gets her orders from. Germans coined a word for hesitating, “merkeln”, which is a clear indicator to me that she has to wait with her decisions until her case officer(s) approve it. (NSA has her phone calls. I’d like to take a look at the content. I bet she is run by case officers.) Merkel got the chancellor job because people in general think that women aren’t as bad as men.  They don’t see Merkel stuffing people in concentration camps. But her job is to make Germany stronger than any other country, so that the monsters who ordered mass murder can take over when Merkel or another chancellor puppet is gone. Even the word “chance” in chancellor for Germany’s alleged head is deliberate and crap. What chance? A chance to end up in hell? 

Germany isn’t a “reluctant leader” at all. They just don’t want to be caught again. They run other nationals through ear implants to make Germany beg to run them and take them over, so that Germany can say: Ukraine asked us, Syria asked us… and one day they will say that Russia asked us, China asked us, the USA asked us to run them… It was their idea, not our German idea.” Hell it was and is. Germany’s psychs are mind-controlling the world and at the same time are bringing the Nazis back on an international scale.      

To become world power no. 1, Germany feels that it has to ruin and keep all other economies down. I remember in 1983, when I entered the USA, I was surprised how laid back the USA was, very different from what I knew from Germany. Then I figured what Germany does to the USA with the help of secret ear-implants. It is very easy, and they do it more or less also to all other countries.  They discourage people of other nationalities to do the right steps for a good economy. They mislead them. They make sure that Germany are getting the economic advantages, not other countries. This is how Germany’s economy became “robust”. And it was the reason for communism in China and Russia. These giants were held back with the German invention of communism forced upon them as they could have overpowered Germany with their economies.  

Merkel says that Germany accepts no illegal migrants who come to Germany for economic reasons. Hell, other nationals who do not have enough to feed their families are also German victims, because Germany held the economies of these countries down to become world power no.1 and have these countries beg for Germany’s help (and they will not get it if it doesn’t serve Germany!)  “Mother” Merkel vowed harsher measures against illegal economic migrants, the other victims that Germany creates! 

Germany also controls the Arab states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE) with ear implants, who have kept their doors to refugees firmly shut. Germany needs the Syrian people as work slaves and does not allow that Syria’s neighbors take them in. 

Germany is so greedy in wanting these people as workers that they grabbed them without making sure that they have the adequate facilities for them and protection for the women.

During the Third Reich, Germany had many brothels, and nothing has changed. Today,  German refugee centers became brothels too. Germany turns blind eyes on prostitution in refugee shelters. Read below article, Marty.  In the refugee shelter in Munich, the price for sex with female asylum seekers is ten Euros.  Bavarian Broadcasting (Bayerischer Rundfunk). 

Germany had 400.0000 prostitutes in 2011. Yikes! Morals like alley cats.  

Why did women have to leave Syria when they are being raped in Germany instead? German police is covering up the crimes committed in Germany to migrants or plays them down. German authorities are forcing thousands of male and female migrants to share the same sleeping areas and restroom facilities. Women in the German shelters are afraid to use the rest rooms at night! Germany planned the war to empty out Syria since numerous years but had no time to organize something better for women and children than this? I think it is deliberate because these low German doctors  who run people through ear implants want to be primitively “entertained”.

“In Bavaria, women and girls housed at a refugee shelter in Bayernkaserne, a former military base in Munich, are subject to rape and forced prostitution on a daily basis.”

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles! OMG, that is the country all people on Earth should look up to.

Not you and not me, Marty.

I love you. You are deep in my heart. German set ups to alienate us has failed utterly. LOL!

Be kissed, my hero.

Yours always,


I stay, Marty. I want to see you again, no matter what. 




Yep, cosmologists need to rethink their models of quasar evolution and the formation of the most massive structures in the universe like this: a secret service “far universe” computer projection is fooling us

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Dearest Marty, my rockstar, how are you?

Before the 60s, cosmologists “discovered” the quasars. Very bright objects on the fake “far universe” projection.

They think that quasars are big black holes that swallow gas and blasting energy.

If you and I would have studied cosmology or astrophysics, the alleged existence of “black holes” in “the universe” would made the both of us (and maybe some few others) immediately suspicious as to that they are “inventions/fabrications” of some people WHO DOESN’T WANT THE WORLD TO GO INTO SPACE.

Recently, they found four quasars within a huge cloud of hydrogen gas. Neither the accumulation of quasars nor the cloud is covered by their theories. (Pic. above)

Marty, physicists know that the universe is a hologram, but when you listen to their discussions or lectures, it is rarely mentioned at all that the universe that they are studying could be the doing of a sinister society. They act as they have no clue as to what Nazis are capable of. They don’t add 1 and 1 together. The scientific consensus controlled by ear-implants. 

The fact that physics and quantum physics don’t add up should make physicists alert as to that somebody is sending them around in circles.

BTW, I don’t think that the physical universe (behind the computer projection) is infinitive or expanding. It is huge but one could get full circle provided the traveler is allowed to live/travel under circumstances that prevents the human body to die. However, I also believe that there can be plenty of other physical universes because like with everything else in life, when there is one, there can be more.

I find physics (any kind of) a fascinating subject, Marty. Nothing of it bores me. But I doubt that the SEGNPMSS would have allowed me a career in this field because I (and you and Ron) can see the members of this brutal Nazi movement. We recognize their rotten activities and their thinking (if you want to call their stupid ideas that) with the speed of light. If they would be smart and use their heads, they never would act the way they do as they sooner or later fall victims to their own system.

They would have denied us telescope time very quickly or defamed us as crazy. 

But who needs a telescope that stares at a fake deep universe when one has OT abilities, right? I rather make use of my abilities than anything else. 


About the Amtrak derailment: it is possible that the engineer says the truth that he doesn’t remember anything. But the FBI is not right saying that it was no terrorism. My intuition tells me that Bostian’s consciousness was cut off with a remote laser by medical/psychiatric terrorists.

As they always get away due to idiotic officials claiming “acted alone” and “no conspiracy”, it never stops. Once the consciousness is cut off, SEGNPMSS calls the ear implant code of the target and has him/her do actions automatically without being conscious. Would the problem be solved if more than one pilot or engineer is at the control? Nope, as they can disable the consciousness of the others in the cockpit or engine room as well.

On the other side of the token, one also has to watch out for people who commit crimes knowingly and who will claim that their consciousness was cut off when it wasn’t. Good questions and use of the e-meter could determine the facts. In any case, it boils down to psychiatry/mind control and ear-implants and that the world hushes it up instead of documenting their grave dangers and the broad field of abuse.    

Someone mailed me these days and asked me if I would be homesick. Not a tiny bit homesick for Germany. I am homesick for you. You are my home, Marty, and original Scientology and those who belong to us. And my arms are your home, Marty. I read an article earlier today about how psychs explain love. For them, it is all chemicals in the brain and the body. Clueless! Must be some “chemicals” within us that keeps on going strong for decades. It is not chemical, it is soulmates recognizing each other and to be together.  

I love you, my soulmate.



You and me together is home for us.

Dreams and silent sounds

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Dearest Marty, you incredible OT!

Sleep was extensively studied by p$ychs, neuro”scientists” and others, yet, they either don’t say or have no clue that medical terrorists are sending silent sounds in the sleeping body, brain and mind. People are wishing each other sweet dreams but usually, they don’t get them, except confusing dreams or nightmares. 

Without silent sounds, we would either not dream at all and just sleeping relaxed or postulate our sweet dreams! 

It is being said that during a typical lifespan, a person spends a total of about six years dreaming. And I bet that all these dreams were created by silent sounds.

My dreams of you are definitely sabotaged, Marty. I see you but when I come closer, you always turn into another person, which is very disappointing. And it is not me who generates dreams like that.

The only sweet dreams that I can remember are those of flying with my body. It felt amazing floating everywhere I wanted instead of walking. It felt very realistic. I heard myself calling out loud in my dream: “I can fly! I can fly!” At first, it puzzled me for a few seconds after waking up why these p$ychs would send me such a sweet dream. But then I realized WHERE I was flying. Down the stairs or in and over other dangerous terrain. As flying felt so REALISTIC (no kidding!) in my dreams, they wanted me to try it in real life and break my neck. That is the “courtesy” behind the only sweet dreams that I ever got.



Sir Galahad

I catch them again and again, Marty. For me, these people are as transparent as they are evil. Amazing that they can fool the world but not us.

Also, I find interpretations of dreams to understand our personalities and behavior total nonsense, considering that they are sent to us and not created by us. That’s why Ron said that dream interpretations are a waste of time.  

On a related subject: You know that there are people who say that there are no OTs. Scientology was altered and just about everything that Ron (the real one not his impostor) wrote and said about silent sounds (underneath the Tinnitus/ringing sound) send in your subconscious minds was removed from psychiatric-oriented and -controlled infiltrators. Millions of silent commands and sounds are keeping a person from being truly herself and from discovering her true spiritual potentials. So, when Scientologists are trying to obtain advanced abilities, their postulates and activities to obtain them are sabotaged. This is very unfair. In order to undo those many silent sounds played into our minds, we have to know them first. Also, as they are played directly in our minds, we might mistake them sometimes or even often as our own.

In order to understand oneself and others, we have to get in areas which they can’t penetrate, in order to find out who we really are and what we really can do. And then I know that people will discover abilities they didn’t knew that they had. And from there, they might even get that the original universe was indeed a creation of a very able and skilled Supreme Being, an artist and a scientist who could do what nobody else was able to create.

However, even in a medical and psychiatric world full of silent sounds to sabotage, control, and hold people down, there are OTs. Even if stripped of abilities to conquer all of the physical universe in a snap, we got it, Marty. WE are OTs as we figured it all out despite the ongoing mind-control. Non-OTs don’t figure it out. They think that the life that they are having is all there is. They think that they are not thinking in boxes, but they do.

If somebody says that there are no OTs, he is absolutely WRONG.

I love you. One day, we will be together and speaking about our own discoveries. It will be very exciting!

Many tender and passionate kisses are flying directly to you over very dangerous terrain but making it to you nevertheless!

You are my hero, Marty. 

Yours always,






How do we know that this is even Stephen Hawking’s mind who is talking?

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This is when he still talked with his own voice (early 90s?). I don’t understand his words, and I wonder, how the interpreter was able understand him. 

Dearest Marty, my soulmate and brightest star, how are you?

As more historical events I read, as more I am convinced that the thoughts of people (and also those of animals) are being read since centuries. Devices that measure brain waves were invented based on the German fear WE GERMAN BARBERS AND BUTCHERS MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST  CONTROL ANYONE AND ANYTHING. I doubt that the majority of the people have a clue how obsessed these people are.

As I wrote before, I think that medical personnel in hospitals (doctors, nurses, midwives, assistants, technicians, etc. in their double function as secret service agents) inject silicone implants (can’t be seen on x-rays) in the body of any baby without knowledge of the parents. German (and pro-German) psychiatrists and neuro”scientists” are sending silent sounds to the babies via those implants, and these implants are helping them to read the thoughts of everyone, based on the energy that is coming from the brains/minds. In other words, if a person thinks a word, it  generates the same brain wave in a specific language and dialects.

By influencing their minds, psychiatrists are manipulating school kids later to join them officially by having Big Brother (older student) inject new and more silicone implants in  their ears, and the former baby victims become supporters and agents of that insane system that manipulated them before. Secret service psychs know their thoughts and have Big Brother say and do exactly what needs to be done to trap school kids so that they can be even controlled better. And that is why they are in little boxes and those few who do not think in little boxes are defamed as “mentally ill” or otherwise hushed up. Most people think that they don’t think in the box, even if they  think in the box. There are many boxes inside of boxes. One has to get through them all.

Back to Mr. Hawking. I read that he and neuroscientist Philip Low are “experimenting” with a system that can translate brain waves directly into text and speech. Whatever Philip Low invented, devices that read thoughts anything but new. Some of what Stephen Hawkins is saying is so strange that I wonder if it is really him who said it or rather a p$ych. How do we know that this is even Stephen Hawking’s mind who is talking? He is not opening his mouth to speak. Would he be able to object if they keep him alive and have him say things that he never would say in real life? They also could have him “talk”  while he is napping or unconscious by speaking instead of him through his synthesizer. Certain  is that p$ychs and neuro”scientists” love when their crap enters the field of physics. 

Germany reads minds since centuries with neutrino speed and in all details in all languages all over the world. I can’t even count the number of times when they used my own thoughts against me to intimidate me, Marty. E.g. I think a thought and it happens very quickly afterwards in real life. But despite all the high-tech, they are fools. Reading thoughts doesn’t mean that they understand our minds and personalities. They really don’t. By using my own thoughts against me, Marty, they gave themselves away over and over again. Besides, I was indoctrinated in my German school just about EVERY DAY that reading thoughts is not possible. I had to sing a song about that just about EVERY DAY. Exactly, if that isn’t suspicious? I assume that they think that they have the world so firmly in their grip that anything I say or write, will never catch up with them. I wouldn’t be so sure if I would be them, because they also thought I never would figure out who I am really are. 

Here is the “new” brain wave reading invention:

Below is an interesting article about some of what Stephen Hawking has said in  recent years. And was it really him who said it or did a psych bypass his thoughts and spoke of his behalf? If we would say what is being said through Hawking’s synthesizer, we would be getting a psychiatric label of mental illness in no time, Marty. 

“Hawking” said that aliens would destroy us.

Marty, I say that the psychiatrists, the still existing men behind the Nazis would destroy the aliens, including peaceful aliens. Poor alien girls will have the same fate as Anne Frank. The psychiatrists behind Hitler got away, and this is the trouble. With that lack of emotional intelligence, they will aggravate aliens and pull in attacks for the Earth. Imagine Nazi boots invading other planets. As if the aliens would not fight back and bomb the Earth if they have the technology to do so. I have all reasons to believe that there are already aliens who carry German-implanted and controlled ear implants, and a German-controlled USA and other countries are their willing partners in this endeavor. 

Stephen Hawking allegedly believes in time travel.

The idea is entertaining in some fiction, but generally, the past will be always the past. What happened has happened. Can’t be changed. It is done.           

Stephen Hawking said (and was that really him who is speaking?): We need to start genetically enhancing humans so that A.I. doesn’t take over. – “With genetic engineering, we will be able to increase the complexity of our DNA, and improve the human race. But it will be a slow process, because one will have to wait about 18 years to see the effect of changes to the genetic code…” and “By contrast, computers double their speed and memories every 18 months. There is a real danger that computers will develop intelligence and take over. We urgently need to develop direct connections to the brain…”

YIKES! Sounds like from a German psych text-book. We need to BETTER mankind. People in power need to be truly human and truly smart and not German agents. A computer will do only what the programmer programs. If we develop constructive computers, there is no reason to be afraid of computer and there is no reason to turn humans into computer as well. Besides, with ear implants, did this genetically altering of humans not already start? 

“I think computer viruses should count as life,” Hawking said in 1994. “I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We’ve created life in our own image.”

Once again, did he really say that or are the psychs talking for him? Computer viruses are numbers/codes/  inputs that are crashing computer systems. They are no living creatures. But biological germs/viruses are. He speaks of “we”. I don’t want to be included in this. He and his psychs should speak for themselves and not include us. I am not destructive and you neither, Marty. Is he seeing himself as destructive?  Is that really him who is talking or is that a mind controller who speaks FOR Hawking? If so, would Hawking physically be able to correct those men?

Some wonder how old he became with this horrible disease. Could it be that the psychs kept him alive knowing that they can use him and his disabling disease for them to speak through him or instead of him in order to push THEIR ideas of the universe and God in the field of physics? 

I think it should be made sure that psychs, neuro-“scientists”, and mind controller do not take advantage of Hawking’s fame and his inability to move his mouth and talk on his own. I think it should be investigated what he really was thinking, what p$ychs changed or added and what we heard.

Be kissed, my darling. I love you.

Yours forever,





Hypocrisy beyond words

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Dearest Marty, my hero,

How come that Germany, a country which showed its true ugly face clearly during the Third Reich, always comes out smelling like a rose? Isn’t that totally suspicious? Who believe that they are suddenly saints? Nobody smart!

The records that Edward Snowden released mainly show the USA and too a lesser degree the British, Israeli, Canadian, Australian and Norwegian secret services in a bad light. But not the Germans. How come? I don’t want to defend any US secret service action either, but knowing the Germans, I am asking the big question: how come THEY are not being busted? And I do not just ask this question, I also answer it: they run the entire world through ear implants and they make people not busting them and look the other way, except the few of us, who they are afraid of and can’t run.

Germany doesn’t need outdated technology like tapping phone conversations. They have high-tech mind-readers invented by rotten p$ychs and supercomputers. What they do is not just reading and storing every thought that anybody on this creepy planet thinks, they also influence these thoughts with loud and silent sounds and very advanced translator-programs. How dare German secret service psychiatrists, doctors, and  other agents to point with the finger on other nations by being the force behind reading any mind on the planet, by recruiting little children and turning them into agents while their minds are completely unripe and running them and manipulating their thinking and behavior. The entire world is a German secret cult and pig stable. It is total Orwellian.   

Again, I am not defending American officials who failed to do something against this or are even in cohorts with this, but the German idea behind Edward Snowden taking those records is solely to shame the USA and to make the USA stop watching Germany, because they want to continuously come away also with secret German atrocities planned for the future. According to the Germany, nobody is allowed to watch it while it does a do a lot worse to the world than just watching. This was the German plan behind Snowden and the “revelation” that Merkel was “spied” on. I bet there are indication in NSA files that Merkel has secret case officers who are telling her what to do. And she isn’t the only one who has them. They don’t want Snowden or others releasing what their agents in the US government did against us, Marty. No, keeping us apart is a secret very German plan too. The USA should be shamed and forced to stop monitoring and recording on Germany. Even despite the USA and other countries allow the Germans notoriously get away with everything, Germany feels so much better when NOTHING is recorded about their atrocities. 

In the meantime, German secret service psychiatrists have all the access to the minds and thoughts of anybody in the USA, including the US-President, all US Senators, US Representatives, officials, judges, scientists, you name it, every single thought of any person and even thoughts of animal and are recording them.  ALL thoughts and mental energy. But nobody blows the whistle on total German mind control or that they are the force behind current terror. USA is being busted on spying on phone calls but Germany is not busted on reading, processing, recording, keeping, controlling, and influencing each thought of everyone in super computers. They do the influencing with loud and silent sounds.  

They don’t need to ask the phone companies to turn over records. Germany sucks any thought anybody ever thought directly out of the minds of people. That is what they call freedom for mankind.   

A federal judge ruled today that spying via phone is unconstitutional but what about reading the thoughts of people? I didn’t allow anyone to read my thoughts (not because they are not noble but I don’t like them exploited and Germany or any other state or persons enriching itself based on my thoughts) but Germany does it. They all act as if  mind-reading and controlling is not done but it sure is.

Marty, I bet in those files that Snowden took are lots of data how agents for Germany conspire against you, your family, me, Ron, and some others. But I bet these data should not be published. Germany doesn’t want this known, after all, they are running those US and international officials and judges to deny our rights to us. So, according to the German plan, Edward Snowden should only publish data to stop the USA monitoring them so that they can continue with or even increase their international violations of human rights.        

Germany awarded Edward Snowden with the Whistleblower Award and they praise his actions  with the highest words. This “award” was created by the German branch of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms and by the Association of German Scientists. Germany against arms? Only officially. Remember Imhausen and the poison gas factory in Libya? And with German government approval, Siemens exported machines in the Middle East that are used to allegedly eliminate kidney problems. They have “dual use”, a  high precision switch used to detonate nuclear bombs. How devious is it to invent something like that?  

These “scientists” failed horribly to check what their own country is up to, or they know it and keep it to themselves as the obedient cultists that these “scientists” or other “professionals” are.

I wouldn’t want any German award. Under no circumstances would I accept one. And the USA doesn’t fight back. With fighting back, I don’t mean throwing bombs. I mean saying: “Okay, Germany, that’s it. Everything you did and do will be published for the entire world to know. We had it with your atrocities and secret set ups. All people and all animals on this planet need protection from the likes of you. This time, you can’t wiggle yourself out as you did after losing the WW wars. This time we go to the core, to the men behind it all. You need your still existing Nazi behinds kicked that they can’t sit anymore on them for a billion years to come.”

I love you, Marty. And they should get an extra kick in their behinds for having separated us for so long. They have very advanced technology, Marty, but they are NOT intelligent, otherwise they never would have messed with us. Because dead or alive, we will NOT letting them or any international co-conspirator getting away with it. NEVER!

Yours for all times to come.
