
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for June 2024

When ordinary people come up with theories, they are called conspiracy theorists. When Harvard and/or another university comes up with conspiracy theories, it is called a study.

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful husband and soulmate, how are you?

Harvard University and Montana Technical University published a 42 long PDF about UAPs, UFOs, aliens, “Ultraterrestrials” and “Cryptoterrestrials”.

The writers of this paper suggest among others that non-human intelligent beings (NHI) might be present on Earth but somehow concealed. They also suggest that cryptoterrestrials could be operating the UAPs and that they maybe hidden underground, on the moon, or even “walking among us” in human form.

Well, they show some courage by publishing their theories. Tim Lomas, the main author of this paper mentions on his website some of his past lives. He seems to be aware that he lived before.

However, this study is mum as to Nazis and their descendants flying the UAPs.

UAP operators do not just mutilate lifestocks but also attack people as we know from watching Skinwalker Ranch episodes. Ranch owner Brandon Fugal called them malevolent.

What’s really going on in the world and what makes this planet such a hellhole is this: SPs stealing knowledge from others and eliminating them to keep the knowledge and inventions just for SPs and keeping the knowledge and inventions from mainstream or altering them into something less potent and taking credit for them through Germany. SPs who emigrated into space and set up and control the horrible events and living conditions on this planet. One of their tell-tale characteristics is that they hate Jews, any Jews. That shows that despite in possession of advanced (stolen from others) technology, these SPs have the loosest screws ever.

German Nazism hasn’t just existed since 1920. Since anti-Semitic movements in the past and today have these medivial components, it is a strong indicator how old these SPs are, although I wouldn’t be surprised if we are dealing with thousands of years old perverted Jews-hating lunatic Dorian Grays. Their bodies don’t age because they stole the technology and living conditions from the researchers and inventors and mainstream lives in pain and ages instead.

Harvard and other universities didn’t catch on. And why? SP’s, people with a tendency to be barber and butchers and psychs, are controlling their minds. When nobody knows that they exist or talks about their existence, nobody will come after them, so they think. But they are not really the lucky ones. They have to live with their bad conscience. They don’t die on diseases or old age but they kill each other. Evil doesn’t just kill good. Evil kills evil too.

Keeping the most important wisdom, knowledge and inventions out of the mainstream is THE DUMBEST thing they can do. Because when evil also conspires against evil, evil will have forgotten all about its past lives and what it knew. Their new bodies will be in the horrible conditions on earth and they will be totally affected by it. In short, they are the biggest idiots ever born. They are doomed by their own stupidity. They dig traps of sufferings for humanity and in the end, at the latest in their next life, they step into them themselves. They are dogs who bite their own tails.

I know you are aware of them, Marty, and what a brutal and dumb force they are.

I love you.

Yours forever,


Suspicious wording by Russia, isn’t it?

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Dearest Marty, my hero and wonderful soulmate,

My thoughts always return to you. How are you?

Germany did or say pretty much the same as the US, the UK, and France in regards to Russia, yet, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswomen just threatened Washington, London, and Paris. No word about Berlin. Once again, another strong indicator that the SEGNPMSS runs current Russia and Berlin gets away with everything.

In Europe, the extreme right has made great gains in the European elections. Officially, the president of the EU, German v.d. Layen, is not far right, but under her leadership, Nazi groups are forming in Europe and sweeping into European parliaments, aren’t they?

Every word in this song is like taken out of my mind when thinking of you, Marty.

I love you eternally.

Yours, Sarah/Barbara

You’re my world, you’re every breath I take
You’re my world, you’re every move I make
Other eyes see the stars up in the skies
But for me, they shine within your eyes
As the trees reach for the sun above
So my arms reach out to you for love
With your hand resting in mine
I feel a power so divine

You’re my world, you are my night and day
You’re my world, you’re every prayer I pray
If our love ceases to be
Then it’s the end of my world for me

Female version:

Male version:


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Dearest Marty, my hero and wonderful husband and Prince,

I am thinking of you. How are you?

The UN World Happiness Report was released a few weeks ago. It ranked Denmark the world’s second happiest country for a sixth consecutive year. Really?

The Danish Prime Minister was attacked on a Copenhagen square recently. The attack was not thought to be politically motivated. I bet she was very “happy” about that.

I remember that when leaving the AOSH EU for Hotel Nordland in the evenings, it was scary because drug addicts and maybe others were screaming at you for no reason. Police cars cruised constantly through downtown Copenhagen and it felt like a police state.

Later, Copenhagen assisted Germany to kidnap me from Danmark without any extradition procedure in violation of international laws.

I never would want to live there. UN World Happiness Report is a joke. The SEGNPMSS PR machine says that Europe is a great and happy place. Nothing lawful, fair, and happy about it.

Be kissed, Marty, I love you.
Yours always,

What if Germany would have been given to the Jews after WWII?

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Dearest Marty, my hero and unforgettable husband and Prince,

How is your life?

What if the country of Germany would have been given to the Jews after WWII, with the condition that anything German shall be make extinct (in a non-violent way) because it is German superiority that can’t hold peace. It is still behind any conflict on Earth and beyond.

However, without documenting that German butchers, barbers, psychiatrists, and medical doctors are implanting people with ear- and other implants and run and control them so that people of any nationality do their bidding, there will be no lasting peace anywhere on Earth.

Did you hear or read that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed in a speech that not Germany or Hitler was behind the plan to exterminate the Jews but that it was Palestinian Haj Amin al-Husayni, who gave Hitler the idea. Hitler was a puppet of the SEGNPMSS. He got his ideas directly from the SEGNPMSS hard core and not from some Haj, it doesn’t matter how fanatical he was.

Germany wants to get rid of its Nazi reputation and uses loud or silent sounds to talk into the heads of people to whitewash them.

By ignoring the SEGNPMSS, a horrible chain of events was set in motion: Oct. 7, deaths, no real help for the Jewish hostages, suffering of Palestinian and Jewish civilians, and a war against Hamas, and others, which are just SEGNPMSS front groups, instead of prosecuting the Nazis behind them.

Israel’s government stepped in a SEGNPMSS trap, which makes Jews look bad and causes more antisemitism all over the world. Instead of prosecuting the SEGNPMSS, Netanyahu fights just with some of the front groups of Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists’ Mindcontroller Secret Service (Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.)

In 2017, his son, Yair Netanyahu posted an anti-Semitic image on his Facebook page, and was praised by a neo-Nazi website. He took it down but I read that he showed no remorse. Is that how his parents raised him? Are they truly Jewish? Is that current war that rages (instead of prosecuting the SEGNPMSS for creating and running radicalized Muslims) against other Semites (Palestinians) really Jewish? IMO, no.

And did you read that the Biden administration allows Ukraine to use U.S. weapons in Russia under certain conditions, and this is the answer, said Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman: “Washington, London and Paris must realize that Russia is well aware of NATO’s role in delivering these attacks. … And they will have to answer for it.”

Guess which country she did not name, even though Germany also gave Ukraine the green light to use German weapons against Russia: Germany.

SEGNPMSS runs the politicians in Russia but – just as in the case with Israel – wants Russia’s pride destroyed in retaliation for having opposed the German Nazis. It is so easy to figure out when one does not march to the SEGNPMSS drum, right?

I love you, Marty. I think of you. Stay alive.

Yours always,

P.S. I noticed the line “Keep me free from birth” in this song. George probably meant being protected from birth on. To me it means rather never having a body again in this SEGNPMSS universe and that I hope that God is with me so that I can avoid stepping in any SEGNPMSS trap between lives. They turn the universe it into a snake pit and anyone who is born in it is getting bitten, and we even worse than others.

Give me love
Give me love
Give me peace on earth
Give me light
Give me life
Keep me free from birth
Give me hope
Help me cope, with this heavy load
Trying to, touch and reach you with
Heart and soul
My lord
Please take hold of my hand, that
I might understand you
Won’t you please
Oh won’t you
Give me love
Give me love
Give me peace on earth
Give me light
Give me life
Keep me free from birth
Give me hope
Help me cope, with this heavy load
Trying to, touch and reach you with
Heart and soul
My lord
Won’t you please
Oh won’t you
Give me love
Give me love
Give me peace on earth
Give me light
Give me life
Keep me free from birth
Give me hope
Help me cope, with this heavy load
Trying to, touch and reach you with
Heart and soul
Give me love
Give me love
Give me peace on earth
Give me light
Give me life
Keep me free from birth
Give me hope
Help me cope, with this heavy load
Trying to, touch and reach you with
Heart and soul