
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Gehlen

Clemency for Edward Snowden? I believe his “disclosures” had mainly the purpose to stop any surveillance of Germany and its secret international activities

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince,

Clemency for Edward Snowden? I believe his “disclosures” had mainly the purpose to stop any surveillance of Germany and its international atrocities – considering that Snowden didn’t release any records that indicate that American officials march to Germany’s secret beat.

Our lives, Marty, indicate clearly that the USA and other countries are exactly doing that. I can’t imagine that can’t be seen in the records that Snowden took. 

The “product”? The USA is hated, and Germany smells like a rose for those who are too superficial to take a closer look.

Why do Germans get really angry when they are spied on? Because they have A LOT TO HIDE.

Somebody wants to spy on the content of my phone calls? Be my guest! Those who are not receiving secret Nazi orders are really relaxed about that phone surveilling thing.

Below is just the tip of the iceberg  in regards to what else Germany is up to:   

Speaking about spying, look who is spying: Deutsche Bank!

Amazon said that this security company wasn’t hired by them. It was a German security company who wants to bring the Nazis back.

 And German police is so “trustworthy”. How about that one who murdered and chopped up a man to eat him. This is another reason to become a vegetarian. Who knows what a German controlled world is adding to a sausage.

And there is the long list of German police brutality:

Amnesty international in 2010: German police men are so brutal.

Nazis on the raise all over the world because Germany has to overall control over the secret ear implant “culture”. Their international agents do what they order. Who has the code (and the Germans have them all) owns and runs those robots.

Germany ignored Neo Nazis deliberately for years to give them a good head start.

746 violent crimes committed between 1990 and 2011 for possible connections to far-right extremists. The crimes in question had 849 victims. How dare Germany to be so ineffective and allowing the Nazis to grow again. This ineffectiveness is deliberate!

The Bundesnachrichtendienst, one of Germany’s secret services, are supervised by the Chancellor. That secret service recruited the old Nazis, and Gehlen simply changed sides and made the USA accept Nazis and made them believe that Germany wasn’t also the secret force behind Communism and the Soviet Union.

Below is in German but the reporter figured that the cold war helped the old Nazis. (And I say that they were/are behind communism and Islamic extremism as well.) Any political analyst should figure that. It is so obvious what was/is going on: using the USA to help Nazis to new careers instead putting justice on them.

BND is in Pullach, just a few km from where I lived and worked. If that isn’t creepy! And did they send infiltrators in the Scientology orgs? You bet they did!

More than 100 people were killed in Kunduz in a 2009 NATO airstrike ordered by a German commander. The deadliest single attack on civilians in Afghanistan. Those “peace-loving” Germans showed again their true faces.

And of course, Germany does not want to pay their families restitution.

And look at the low morals. Germany is a giant brothel.400,000 prostitutes catering to 1m men a day. How desperate and uncharismatic are the German men not finding a partner but having to pay prostitutes?

And how gross and perverted is this by the German government?

German Government Publication Promotes Incestuous Pedophilia as Healthy Sex Ed. Germany pulled that booklet back after a storm of protests, but perverts in the German government tried to promote incestuous pedophilia!

Horrible psychiatric drug developed in Germany:

MDMA was developed in Germany in the early 1900s and psychiatrists in the U.S. started using it as an anti-depressant on patients in 1970s, although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration hadn’t (and never has) approved it for use on humans.

It boggles my mind how people can think that Germany is  a decent country with a good government that nobody should watch. They put a woman (Merkel) on the chancellor post to make women like Dianne Feinstein believe that Germany is harmless and doesn’t need to be watched. Good grief! I want to know who runs Merkel, and I bet the NSA has phone records on her reporting to her invisible case officers who are running the international “show”. She is just their puppet. 

I miss and love you, Marty



If the USA (and other states) don’t acknowledge the existence of the SEGNPMSS (however they want to name this ugly German medical secret service), it (they) will continuously provoke the USA (and others) to engage in wars…

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Nothing wise on apes that don’t want to hear, see, and talk about their secret masters. They are quintessence of stupidity, indifference, and cowardice.

I suspect the SEGNPMSS of  having formed in the middle ages (Bavarian Illuminati are just a  front group), consisting of former barbers and butchers, “elevating” themselves briefly later to medical doctors and psychiatrists  on a level so “uptone”  and “advanced”  to  having the Nazis march and people gassed. They needed the Nazis as a regime to get away with making horrible experiments on people. 

Below  article of somebody else doesn’t bust the SEGNPMSS but  discovered the anti-Semites already in the middle ages:

The author writes:  “How can racial hatred persist over centuries? The question is all the more puzzling since Jews largely vanished from Germany after the 15th century, and only returned in large numbers in the 19th.”

I don’t agree with his link (explanations) as I came to this conclusion:  a medical anti-Semite terror secret service formed in the middle ages: the SEGNPMSS which kept fueling people’s hatred.  

Marty, my soul mate, I bet you figured this too:

There will be never peace on Earth if medical terrorists are ignored and allowed to use other countries and their leaders to provoke the USA and the rest of the world. (Most recent case: Syria, killing civilians cowardly with German gas Sarin.)

SEGNPMSS hard core are German doctors. The other doctors without borders. They feel secure as they have the overall control over all ear implants on the planet. They made people keep their existence secret. People are so stupid to do this by trusting this medical cult who also sells out their own agents. 

They existed already before the Third Reich. Nazis, SS, Gestapo, Gehlen spy ring were just their front groups. The evil force who showed during the Nazi time its  true face got away because it demands from its agents to keep it top-secret (until their agents are killed by co-conspirators  and can’t talk anymore).  

These German medical secret service terrorists are sure good at using Russia and Middle Easterner for their purposes after their Nazis failed, aren’t they? 

This is the reason why historians and political analysts don’t write about it: the voices in the ear implants of people don’t allow it. Not breaking this secret is so stupid because the SEGNPMSS will continue with its ugly crimes (as gruesome as ordering their agents to kill children with gas) as it feels so safe: officially, they don’t exist. Just about all people know it does exist, but they cover it up, afraid they have to stand on their own feet. Such wimps! Manipulated with loud and silent sounds. 

Bashar al-Assad, the leader of Syria is a medical doctor.  Him having no bad conscience killing innocent life is no surprise to me. He is also the typical SEGNPMSS fool: Learned nothing of Saddam Hussein’s end. SEGNPMSS says that it protects their agents but doesn’t.

Everyone loses with them.  Even top SEGNPMSS case officers are losing with their own system. They kill each other too.

Arming rebels to fight Assad’s regime is no good idea for the USA as the SEGNPMSS will use these rebels and the new regime soon again against the USA.

The only correct thing is to reveal the hard core of German doctors behind each ear implant and this horrible medical terror cult. The planet will have a lot more peace once the USA and other countries point with the fingers towards this medical terror secret service.

They are huge cowards. Hiding their sorry tails behind others is their greatest characteristic.  Once the world signals it won’t put up anymore with their 3rd party “games”, and that it will come after them, they will think twice before they plot the next terror act or war, and we all will see a much more secure and save world.

If this isn’t done: the world will remain hell.

I know, no need to lecture you, Marty.  I can feel you thoughts. Your strong, intelligent and clean thoughts. The world wouldn’t be a wimpy planet if you would be in power.

Many kisses and forever yours,

