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David Miscavige did not kill Lisa McPherson – p$ychs did…

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Dearest Marty, my hero,

Can’t believe that Mike Rinder and Mosey’s husband makes me defend David Miscavige. David Miscavige did not kill Lisa McPherson, but he (and others) are making constantly the mistake not showing with the fingers on the p$ychs who set her up to die. It doesn’t actually matter if Lisa was a Clear or an OT or not. It doesn’t even matter if she got squirrel auditing or C/Sing.  

When p$ychs ambush a person and implant her, they undo the clear mind and the OT abilities. You know that p$ychs implant just about anything in the subconscious mind of persons to pervert and confuse them.

They make people unconscious, putting her with drugs into a narcosis and then, they hypnotize and implant all kinds of comments into her subconscious mind. Then they give her the command to forget what happened to her.    

Such an altered person when evil attacks others; somebody who is not evil will be very unhappy too and might self-destruct but at least doesn’t take others with her.

In the case of Lisa, I strongly suspect that she was also injected by psychs with deadly bacteria. I believe that it is true that she died officially on pulmonary embolism, a  blockage of the main artery of the lung by a substance that has travelled from elsewhere in the body through the bloodstream, e.g. a blood clot.  But I think she was injected in Orlando with germs that p$ychs remote-controlled into forming a blood clot. 

Remote controlled germs cannot just build stuff…

They can also destruct stuff including and very much so  the human body.

When I heard about Lisa McPerson and how she was and became, it reminded me on what I saw in the German university loony bin. Average people, as you meet them any day checked in their with a small problem “feeling a bit down today”, and turned into scary altered people after having been with the psychs in private chambers.

Lisa’s roommate said that she was just fine and normal when she left for a conference in Orlando. She stayed there in a hotel for a weekend. My intuition (which is the OT kind of intuition) tells me that p$ychs entered her hotel room and set her up to die.

What David Miscavige but also Mosey’s husband, Mike Rinder, Alain Kartusinski, Debbie Cook, and anyone else who came in contact with this case failed to do is to investigate her days between being normal and returning home confused. It is not the car accident that she had. I believe that this accident happened after the psychiatric alteration of this very unlucky Scientologist.

Psychs try to force the orgs to officially recognize and accept psychiatry. After she undressed in the streets, psychs allowed Lisa to go with Scientologists for just one purpose: to let her die in their care and to make her to be the example that the orgs must turn over confused Scientologists to THEM, to the PSYCHS!

Any smart Scientologist should be able to figure out what’s behind the McPherson case. You and I, we can look through p$ychs. They are no match for us but those who worked on this case, didn’t get it, or they failed to speak out about of it.

They didn’t fight back. CCHR writes only about p$ych cases that are set up outside of the orgs. They try to make the world believe that anything under Ron’s impostor “Jack Vistaril” and David Miscavige is honey and milk and under control. 

It is not. They don’t have the constant willingness to fight the p$ychs back, and this is why the p$ychs feel undetected in the orgs and that is why they continue with their set ups against Scientologists.

This is one of the biggest mistakes that David Miscavige did. He sits there and let’s p$ychs step all over Scientologists. 

I might be “just a woman” but I would investigate and document even the smallest lead of psych activities within or around any org or against any Scientologist. They would think twice before setting up another secret p$ych attack. David Miscavige always waits for things to blow over to have time to play with this Hollywood friends. That is not the priority. The first priority is to convict the secret service p$ychs and to document their covert actions to the world and not working in their favor. 

It doesn’t matter if stupid people think that I am crazy by saying that a German psych secret service, one that does not respect borders of another country is setting such things up. I don’t care what stupid people think. I trust my own observations and experiences, and as a Scientologist  and former Scientology executive in Germany and on an international level, I have seen  these hidden p$ych actions in the orgs. They also happened against me.

If David Miscavige doesn’t make it to his job to investigate and document each psychiatric secret service activity against Scientology and Scientologists, and I never have read any C of S press release that he does, but rather waits until things blow over (and psychs working already for the next crime to commit against Scientologists or Scientology), guess he doesn’t deserve better than being accused of what his former right and left hand accuse him on.

The list of Scientologists who died under strange circumstances or even those set up to commit crimes must be reviewed and documented with alertness to spot psych alteration of these people. CCHR failed completely to do so! DM failed completely to order CCHR to do so. Mike Rinder and Mosey’s husband or any other exec failed to do so. 

You would never make his kind of errors, Marty, never!  Besides being such a tender and passionate man, Marty, I picked you also for your high IQ and for having real OT abilities.  

You wife,

Love forever
