
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Alfreddie Johnson

It is not ex-Scientologist v. Scientologist or Scientologist v. ex-Scientologist but former infiltrator v. current infiltrator and current infiltrator v. former infiltrator

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Dearest Marty, my heart-throb,

How has the new year started for you?

The psychiatrists behind Germany managed to manipulate mainstream into thinking that Scientology is the reason for the hostilities between former and current “Scientologists”, but you and I, and some others knows what it really is: It is not ex-Scientologist v. Scientologist or Scientologist v. ex-Scientologist but former infiltrator v. current infiltrator and current infiltrator v. former infiltrator.

Here is new C of S video and your impostor gets to speak too.

The photo of Leah Remini as sex kitten with the top that says “evil” and other such cheap sex object photos of Remini were made while she was allegedly a “Scientologist”. Back then, it didn’t bother those who saw the photo within the infiltrated C of S, it didn’t bother David Miscavige, not his wife Michelle Miscavige, nor the EO of the CC nor any ethics officer. This non-Scientology behavior is quite revealing isn’t it?  

Remini and other celebrities like Paul Haggis for example got away with being no Scientologists who do not apply Scientology values and ethics because the Church of Scientology is infiltrated up to the very top by people who don’t apply Scientology and who are no Scientologists. Hanging out in Scientology orgs for decades but not applying it does not make a person to be a Scientologist.

And that brings me to Nation of Islam. A commendation by “Min Tony Muhammad, Western Regional Minister, Nation of Islam, Rev. Alfreddie Johnson, Founder World Literacy Crusade, Founder True Faith Christian” (can be found online) said that “Leah was one of the first to recognized the significance and the potential impact that Min. Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam would have on benefiting, using and disseminating LRH and Scientology to hundreds of millions of people throughout the world.”

Good grief, as if she, His Cobness, and other non-Scientologists and current and former infiltrators didn’t know that Louis Farrakhan is an anti-Semite. Bringing extremists into “Scientology” instead of restoring original Scientology for all races including mainstream black people, says loud and clear that Scientology is overtaken by non-Scientologists. And the men behind Germany are organizing it with one of psychiatry’s mist precious and secret child: ear-implants, loud and silent orders.  

The p$ychs behind Germany are trying since a long time to radicalize Islam and other religions as you for sure have noticed, Marty. Their plan is to outlaw Islam as the first religion and Scientology with it. Even if NOI isn’t exactly Islam but it uses the name Islam. Calling Flag “Mecca” also falls into this bucket. This was not done by the Scientology founder but the infiltration

Once Islam is outlawed or already before, the world will suddenly notice that other religions and also Christianity are getting more brutal (by psychiatric-conditioned people who are allegedly members of those religions) so that they can be outlawed too. And all that because the psychs behind Germany and the world, who run mankind with ear-implants and are committing international atrocities on a daily basis, are thinking that their bad consciences will no longer bother them, if religions or religious philosophies that are asking people to better themselves, will no longer exist on the planet. They think that God will no longer exist if there is no religion anymore and they commit all their cruelties without that they feel a fluke of a bad conscience. I know them so well as they stalk us, Marty. A person who is stalked can write huge volumes about her stalkers.

There is a video online that appears to be of mid of December 2018 in which above mentioned Tony Muhammad bashes Jews just as a German Nazi and at the same time positions him with the Church of Scientology but also admits being no Scientologist. He claims to be a Muslim. He also bashes Chinese and others.  

I don’t like to link to Tony Ortega’s publications as Ortega is misinforming the world too. For example, he conceals that Ron and you were/are impersonated by impostors, and he blames Scientology on what German-controlled international infiltrators sent into Scientology do instead of showing with the fingers to the infiltrators and notorious fanatical racist Germany). However, one has to hear Tony Muhammad speaking and the approving audience to get the idea what creeps those are. Not just Tony Ortega are giving me the beebie-jeebies, NOI does too. Racism has Germany written all over it. 


From his speech to judge, Tony Muhammad didn’t study the teachings of L.Ron Hubbard but Vistarology and Miscavology. Like others, he has no clue what real Scientology is about. He says he doesn’t know Remini. Didn’t he knew her when he wrote her the commendation bringing his cult NOI to Scientology? 

And the infiltrated Church of Scientology awarded the Freedom Medal in London England at a recent IAS event in the UK. Yikes! They gave the medal to a racist! Good grief!

If original Scientology would be restored, the world, all races, and not just racists would knock on Scientology’s door to study it.

I love you, Marty, be kissed. 

Yours forever,






Product of anti-Scientology hate campaigns on blogs, on TV, in books, and on message boards: Erin McMurtry attacking Church of Scientology

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Dearest Marty, my awesome Prince and wonderful husband,

How are you? I miss you like the frozen landscape misses spring. No, much more than that.

You probably read or heard that Erin McMurtry deliberately drove her car through the Scientology org in Austin, Texas. “Too bad” that nobody was hurt, said that evil woman who has the guts to claim that Scientology is evil but she ain’t. She either drove or almost drove into the org’s nursery. Two people were just six feet away. Damage USD 30.000.  A hateful irresponsible animal at the wheel. After the hit, the insane coward ran.

She never was a member and had no connections to Scientology whatsoever. All her “education/information”  on  Scientology, she had from the hate-publications published against our religion. Erin McMurty and the likes are such corrupt fools. They know nothing of original Scientology. NOTHING! But they think they know it all. Typical for the readers of Tony Ortega’s blog. She also applauds Leah Remini’s book. (She praised both on her Facebook page)   

She claimed that “Scientology blackmails people”. You and I, and many others know that Scientology doesn’t. However, I wouldn’t vouch for non-Scientology infiltrators, the German- and psychiatric-controlled infiltrators. 

Erin McMurtry could be  on psychiatric drugs or in psychiatric treatment and was conditioned by psychiatrists. If I would be still on staff, I would insist that law enforcement looks in that and would offer assistance of my best-trained auditors to find that out.

Police arrested her but the bad news is that she is out already. How easy violent people are turned free by the authorities, and you who never did anything harmful or otherwise criminal to anyone, Marty, are held a lifetime. This planet sucks.

McMurtry was vehemently anti-alcohol, says her Facebook page. If she was drunk, then she is the ultimate hypocrite. However, she isn’t anti-psychiatry and psychiatric drugs and the latter often make people feel like being drunk.  

Fact is that Scientology is a huge psychiatric-terror target. Non-original Scientologists don’t get it when they are set up or they contribute un-knowingly to it and infiltrators contribute knowingly to it.

Germany and their international psychs are setting the Scientology orgs up by having them merge with something anti-semitic that carries “Islam” in its name. One day, David Miscavige and  Baptist Minister (no Scientologists of course) Alfreddie Johnson, who might be the one behind the merger of the anti-semitic cult of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam will have a lot of explaining to do.

I love you, Marty. Like a real Scientology spouse does: true and without evil or ulterior motives in mind.

Already married to you, and I would have the chance, I would kiss you.
