
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Denise Gentile

David Miscavige and his family really cripple Scientology… (Mosey’s husband “squirrels” openly, DM preferable secretly, that is the difference between the two squirrels)

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Dearest Marty,  my soul mate,

David Miscavige’s twin sister, Denise Gentile, was arrested on DUI and marijuana possession charges. She pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving Monday and have to attend DUI school and pay $800 in court fees. CAN IT GET ANY MORE NON- SCIENTOLOGY? What kind of “Scientology leader” can’t explain Scientology, ethics, and how it should be applied to his closest family members?? A non-Scientologist! That is what the Miscaviges are including David Miscavige. What a happy, healthy OT needs booze and other drugs? NONE!

Besides, this is a secret German p$ych world. They never would have allowed a real Scientologist to lead Scientology for three decades. Never! Although DM was young when he was introduced to Scientology, I bet SEGNPMSS noticed very quickly that he rather would choose their unethical ways than real Scientology. Why? The guy is dumb and as little a OT as it gets. 

On the other side, your impostor, Marty, Mosey’s husband is the ultimate squirrel who wants to mix Scientology with other practices. He (self-professed non-Scientologist) wants to develop Scientology backwards, despite the Eastern Religions were not that successful either in creating a better planet. Quite some Buddhist monks are violent and children are abused for sex in these countries. Ethics is not applied despite Tao, Buddhism, and Hinduism and so many other religions are around for many centuries. Just as Christianity or Islam, they didn’t create a better planet either.

Mosey’s husband (the non-Scientologist) wants to mix Scientology with psychology and “science” despite the founder said Scientology should not be altered or mixed with anything. It doesn’t mean that people of all kinds of religions and professions may not apply it or inform themselves about everything else out there. Scientology should just not be altered and  mixed. It should stay pure and original this doesn’t get in Mosey’s husband’s head and neither that of his (shrinking number) of cool aide drinkers who support his blog. 

As you know, Ron (founder) never stopped people from reading all kinds of subject but he explained that if Scientology is altered, it won’t work anymore that great. It is like taking the wings from a plane or the motor from a car. I don’t know exactly who those people are who Mosey’s husband audited, but  it seems that many people withdraw from him, which proves again that his version of “therapy” isn’t successful.

The “Squirrel busters” were really just harassers and played right into his hands of “being a victim”. Typical non-Scientology approach and “handling”. If it back-flashes on Scientology, it has German secret service activity written all over it.  

His Cobness promoted Mosey’s husband (and Rinder) and the likes for almost three decades without being able to see what he (they) is/are all about.  This kind of blindness screams one message very loud: David Miscavige is not a Scientologist. 

Nobody would be interested in the Miscavige family if DM wouldn’t have grabbed power. The orgs are led by a non-Scientologist. Maybe some of the reports that he drinks too are true. He is the squirrel on top of the orgs pushing “policies” down which make “Scientologists” less Scientologists and more Miscavologists . And by not telling him to resign and leave Scientology to real Scientologists who unlike himself and his family apply the religion, he is crippling Scientology as much a nobody else. But as he likes power and money, he stays on. He can’t see that he failed a long time ago already.

And does DM deserve the more than 50 Mio. Dollars and the luxuries that he paid himself from Scientology money? Hell no! 

It is not Scientology that people are hating. Most people on this planet (including those who claim that they are experts on it) don’t even know what it truly was under the real founder. People hate and ridicule the infiltrator versions: Vistarology and Miscavology.

I love you, Marty. Many kisses. Hope to find you soon. I bet SP DM and the likes hope and do all they can that we never do.

Yours forever,




As I said before: Miscaviges are no Scientologists

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Dearest Marty, my soul mate, how are you?

You’ll agree with me. A person who takes drugs is not a Scientologist. Wasn’t Ron (the founder) clear enough in regards what drugs do to the body and mind? Why did he develop a drug rundown (even for former lifetimes) if drugs don’t screw thetans up? Besides, I bet all gold in the universe that drugs and not an apple brought the paradise down. (I am saying that there was once a civilization that was great for all but destroyed because those with snaky characters tempted the weak and stupid to use drugs instead getting the kick out of being the best they can be without drugs.)

The media reported that they arrested Denise Gentile, the twin sister of David Miscavige  with marijuana possession, DUI, and failure to yield. Miscavige scandals never seem to stop because that suits the German Secret Services. They don’t want him to step down but instead Scientology constantly riddled with scandals. 

Miscavige senior, DM’s father hides behinds others and uses their names when stopped by police. How unethical.

One really has to wonder about the media too. Are they really so blind not seeing that Scientology is taken over by non-Scientologists to destroy Scientology? That includes David Miscavige who promoted so many unethical people (infiltrators) to the highest executive positions who use their former position as “expertise platform” to attack Scientology overtly and covertly to bring it down.  Miscavige created a culture of 1.1 to 1.5 and conceals doppelgangers/impostors in Scientology. He even conceals that the founder was impostored by an agent (“Jack Vistaril”). HOW ON EARTH IS DAVID MISCAVIGE A SCIENTOLOGIST?? What real Scientologist would do something like this?? 

I bet that the only reason why His Cobness claims to be a “Scientologist” is because his secret case officers (no Scientologists) helped him to this position. They had impostor “Jack Vistaril” write an affidavit and handed it to DM, the non-Scientologist. His niece Jenna grew up in DM’s version of “Scientology” and isn’t a Scientologist either. DM likes to play king and have all the saying and the cash in Scientology. That is why he took the job and paid himself over 50 Millions and additional luxury. Anyone can do what DM did just better. 

Opening  buildings (the kinds that are off policy as they doesn’t protect the body from falling apart as the real founder wanted) to impress Hollywood and to attract stupid people (who later attack our religion because DM can’t make them understand our religion as he doesn’t understand it himself) instead smart people  are no ethical products. DM thinks anyone belongs into the RPF but himself. And here lies the problem. He is the person who needs to get his own ethics and that of his family in most of all.

What a hypocrisy that Denise was an ethics officer for a while. How can anyone be an ethics officer who is out-ethics herself?? “Do as I say but not as I do” or ignoring all the out-ethics around her and causing more problems for Scientology?

It is typical in the sense of German secret services: they want DM to stay on the top because he and his family are so bad for Scientology. They don’t stop the media to find bad things on the Miscavige family, as for example Miscavige’s twin sister been involved with drug users and drug sellers for a long time. I learned that she is fighting the marijuana and DUI charges with the help attorney Jo Ann Palchak. She is a lawyer for  Zuckerman Spaeder. DM better don’t pay the attorney costs for his above the law sister from Scientology money.  I bet she claims being framed but really, Marty, people who cover up that the founder was impostored and you are impostored and wrongfully incarcerated have no good chance getting me to think that they are innocent.

Quite revealing is also that Mike Rinder has sympathy with DM’s unethical sister and says she was his first auditor. This explains a lot. How can somebody who hasn’t understood what drugs are doing to body, mind, and thetan be a real and good Scientology auditor?? Ron (original founder) said whenever the org create a bad auditor, they create an enemy of Scientology. Mike Rinder might not see himself this way but that is what he is by concealing that the founder was impostored by “Jack Vistaril” and by being the best friend to your impostor “Mosey’s husband” who finally admitted not being a Scientologist.

What else is the Miscavige family saying through their behavior? Their behavior is telling the world that neither Narconon nor Scientology is working. (And the entire unethical non-Scientologist Miscavige family is very wrong on that.) Instead of putting time, energy and Scientology money into keeping my blog down, DM should step down handle his own family. He never thinks how he and his family harm Scientology as he is no Scientologist. He just wants power and cash.

I’ve read conversations of Scientology hating people saying that they don’t want DM to step back as he is so bad for Scientology.

Here is more about ultimate hypocrisy, Marty. This time the EU parliament, Germany’s poodle. The German Magazine Spiegel (the first magazine that published photos of  impostor “Jack Vistaril” misleading readers that he is the founder of Scientology) claims that Edward Snowden leaked a document saying that a secret 2010 document alleges that the US spied on EU offices in New York and Washington. If they did, they did a LOUSY spy job, Marty, as they failed to report that German controlled secret services infiltrated the United States and other countries.  

Der Spiegel says the NSA – the agency spied on EU internal computer networks in Washington and at the 27-member bloc’s UN office in New York. What a hypocrisy considering that the SEGNPMSS (as German as dirty psychiatric institutions) infiltrated the USA and all other countries and installed mankind ear implants to control and run any one with those.

They do so much more than just spying!

I love you, Marty, my prince and husband. Wish I could be with you.

Yours forever,
