
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Ron Miscavige

Ron Miscavige senior with Nazi armband

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Scientology — Leader's Father Snapped in Nazi Uniform … Son Disowns Him

Dearest Marty, my hero and irresistible Prince, how are you? I feel for you and wish I could do something effective to help you.

Above link shows a picture of  Ronald Miscavige senior, the father of David Miscavige in a Nazi uniform. Can it get any clearer that Scientology is infiltrated by non-Scientologists and German-oriented secret service agents? 

C of S  today (DM still at the top) says that Ronald Miscavige senior is a racist, apparently against Jews but also against Blacks.  He is a non-Scientologist, apparently.

A few other things that I noticed  (besides that the dirty Miscavige laundry between the members of this family of Non-Scientologists points me clearly towards German-psychiatric secret service set ups to harm the reputation of Scientology) are these:  

  1. The PIs hired (by OSA or one of their law firms) to do the surveillance are shady, operating above the law and are getting “caught” (German-psychiatric secret service set ups to harm the reputation of Scientology). A “father and son team” as in “Ronald Miscavige and David Miscavige father and son team”.  Yikes! USD 500.000 of Scientology money to tail his unethical father who DM on top of all antagonized!
  2. Do I think that Ronald Miscavige senior wants to cash in on the anti-Scientology hype with his book? (Yes, I do.)
  3. Ronald Miscavige senior complains that his son David Miscavige “teared him apart” (verbally, cursing, yelling, screaming) for 55 minutes. Apparently, David Miscavige does NOT APPLY Scientology when he deals with people incl. his own family.  DM creates his own enemies again and again, and they retaliate against him. German-psychiatric secret services loves it as in the eye of the clueless public, Scientology is blamed on this. 
  4. Ronald Miscavige said he raised David Miscavige. This is the problem!  DM was raised by his father Ron Miscavige who admits in 20/20 that he was physically abusive to his wife and family. DM is accused of hitting and beating people. This is anti-Scientology. This is Miscavology not Scientology! The problem with David Miscavige is that he has not changed. He is the man his father raised. He has not changed in Scientology because he is no Scientologist  who applies it to his own life. DM didn’t better himself. If he hits people, how is he different from his father? 
  5. DM’s twin sister Denise doesn’t apply Scientology to her life either. Her name is in the bad headlines too. DUI and reckless driving. Scientology not applied. DM can’t get his own closest family members to apply Scientology because he doesn’t apply it either.
  6. I’m pretty sure that not only David Miscavige was around when we both married in the UK, Marty, but Ronald Miscavige witnessed it too. I bet the farm that both know that the man married to Mary Sue and who left Scientology to David Miscavige was an impostor and secret service agent and not the founder.
  7. Ronald Miscavige is also very contradictory. One time he says that his son was not always the way he is now, that he was lovable as a kid, and then he says that his son before Scientology started fights with others and ripped into others. How lovable is that???? It tells me that DM hasn’t changed at all from the way Ronald Miscavige brought him up. Former bully is still a bully. As a kid before Scientology, DM according to his father, was telling bad things about other people. This hasn’t changed either because David Miscavige does not apply Scientology to his own life. I can feel that he 3rd partied me too to his team after I published that he got Scientology from the impostor and not from the founder. And he hired a “service” to keep my blog low in the net. It is illegal, imo, as it prevents the volume of my right of free speech. However, Marty, I don’t expect much of the world anyway. German-controlled ear implants are there to prevent this. As long as my blog reaches you somehow, our story will have a happy ending. 
  8. The Miscaviges joined Scientology for the wrong reasons. It is an applied religious philosophy and not a clinic to handle diseases like asthma. As he and also his other family members joined for the wrong reasons, they of course didn’t apply religious Scientology. Medical Secret Service terrorists are using remote-controlled germs to cause diseases including asthma. They introduce and stop diseases as they please, and the authorities are blind toward what these medical terrorists are doing. It is possible that they plotted already in the late 60s that DM is the kind of person who would take Scientology over in a non-religious bully way. And that is why they allowed him to stay and move to the top.
  9. 20/20 just like other TV programs is mixing up pictures of the real founder Ron and of his impostor. They did not compare the pictures to each other and did not discover that one is the decent founder, and the other one is the sneaky German/CIA controlled infiltrator and impostor “Jack Vistaril” who passed Scientology to David Miscavige without that Jack Vistaril was entitled to do that. If reporters would understand the tonescale, they would not make these kind of huge mistakes. 
  10. I also bet the farm that Norman Starkey knows very well that the man who left Scientology due to David Miscavige a secret service agent and imposter and that Ron, the real founder of Scientology would have NEVER EVER left Scientology to David Miscavige. NEVER EVER. How dare Norman Starkey to make a statement like that. I hope he lives long enough that I can tell him face to face what I think of him. Besides, the most normal action for any founder is to leave his work to a child/children and not to strangers. But in regards of Scientology, people don’t think clearly, thanks to psychiatrists and their mind-control and media campaigns against Scientology.
  11. With takeover by David Miscavige, many people were kicked out of Scientology. Including me. I blame Germany, secret services, and international psychiatrists on it. They ordered it, because they had the plan to change Scientology even more than agent Jack Vistaril changed it. And David Miscavige seem to them the ideal man to bring Scientology in trouble and to prevent the comeback of original Scientology.
  12. Marty, in 1985, Ronald Miscavige, the father of David Miscavige was arrested in Pennsylvania on charges of attempted rape. He said it was a case of mistaken identity. Really? If David Miscavige wouldn’t have gotten his father out of this with Scientology money, Ronald Miscavige probably would have been send to jail. DM helped his unethical father with Scientology money! Can you believe it?  The hypocrisy is unbelievable! Despite I have no evidence, Marty, my intuition tells me that you were accused of something like this, and David Miscavige didn’t help you, despite you are truly innocent. And everybody knows it. DM didn’t  help you and on top of this, he hired an imposter, Monique’s husband, to imposter you!!!!! Scientology Code of Honor trampled by Miscavology feet! That is what David Miscavige calls ethics and Scientology! It is outrageous. What a family of agents instead of Scientologists.  David apparently knew that his father wasn’t innocent if he said that his father has to turn his life around. David Miscavige should have stepped back from the top position back then and left Scientology in the hand of Scientologists. But he loves power, luxury, and being the agent who leads Scientology towards bling bling bling  but not towards its original roots and wisdom.
  13. Ronald Miscavige said that his son has changed in the Sea Org. What I see is that DM is the same guy, a non-Scientologist who does not apply Scientology ethics and other technology to his own life, who was raised by his father into a bully.
  14. From the pictures that I have seen, Ronald Miscavige had a very good if not luxurious life in the Sea Org, and DM used Scientology money to make the life of this unethical man who wears a swastika band on his arm, really easy. It is outrageous.
  15. The world looks at the Miscavige family and how dysfunctional they are and blames Scientology on it without that they know that the Miscaviges are no Scientologists. It’s exactly what Germany and the doctor (Secret Service psychs) orders. 
  16. The over-boarding is so typical for David Miscavige, the very son of his father Ronald Miscavige. The real founder didn’t overboard anybody but German/CIA double agent and imposter Jack Vistaril did it. David Miscavige of course on a tone level like the impostor finds over-boarding great and keeps it up including psychiatry methods like running in circles and being spun around in circles. This is also non-Scientology. DM is lucky that nobody died on a heart attack yet by being thrown into cold water. He is such an idiot. Can’t believe attorney Monique Yingling defense is defending this abusive practice. Again, it is not Scientology. It is the crap (possibly dangerous if the water is cold) of Germany, psychiatrists and secret services. 
  17. Non-Scientologists/agent David Miscavige merging with Nations of Islam lead by anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan is another time bomb to explode, upon which Germany secret services and international psychiatrist of course want to blame Scientology as they always do. This guy (His Cobness) is as little OT as an insect. He can’t predict the future! He can’t see what is coming down the road! He falls into every setup, believing that his non-Scientology case officers are saving him. We couldn’t afford this kind of stupidity and blindness, Marty! And he can’t either but he doesn’t know it.
  18. After Ronald Miscavige broke his Sea Org contract and left, David Miscavige pays his unethical racist and bully of a father a large sum. His father had the guts to ask Scientology for $100,000 to buy a house and David Miscavige paid it. It is so unbelievable how Scientology money is misused.
  19. David Miscavige’s sisters wrote affidavits in regards to the abuse done by their father Ronald. But it all boils down to that the entire Miscavige family is very bad for Scientology. Just what the doctor orders. This is why David Miscavige got the power over Scientology in the first place. And he took it because he isn’t a Scientologist. If he would be a Scientologist, he would care about Scientology. Anybody can do what DM did in Scientology. Membership is down, Scientology has a horrible reputation, and Vistarologists and Miscavologists are no OTs. He did nothing to restore Scientology as by the real founder. He worships the impostor for the known reasons.



Here the wrong names that Ronald Miscavige used, apparently to mislead police.



Well, you heard it all for me before, Marty, I just couldn’t help myself.

I love you. Yours always and forever, Marty, you are deep in my heart.

Parts of your inner life, my soulmate, are in any beautiful song that I hear.

Our love will bring us together and with us comes the truth.



The entire Miscavige clan (and very much so David Miscavige) cause Scientology nothing but grief and harm…

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Dearest Marty, my hero, how are you?

The latest buzz is that Ron Miscavige, the father of Dave Miscavige, has signed a book deal with St. Martin’s Press for a book about his son and Scientology titled “If He Dies, He Dies”. None of the Miscaviges ever were real Scientologists. They caused Scientology nothing but bad PR. Actually, it was Miscavige senior (infiltrator) who introduced his family of non-Scientologists and agents to Scientology. Also Ron Miscavige snr knows that “Jack Vistaril” is not the founder and that it was not the founder of Scientology but an impostor who left Scientology to his son David. Dirty secret service business that had nothing to with Scientology except that it harms Scientology.

The Miscaviges don’t understand Scientology, they can’t get along, their dirty laundry and even criminal actions as DUI and drug use are aired in the public. There are actually numerous Scientology-haters who don’t want David Miscavige to resign from being the chairman as he and his family is so bad for Scientology.  And Vistarology and Miscavology is blamed on Ron, the real founder of Scientology, despite he had nothing to do with it and real Scientology is exchanged with these versions, just as Germany’s secret services and international p$ychiatrists order.

Miscavige senior, DM’s father hides behinds others and uses their names when stopped by police. How unethical. How non-Scientologist! What kind of person lies to the police again and again and constantly provides yet another false name to smear Sea Org members who had nothing to do with his escapades? Ron Miscavige senior! Infiltrating Scientology doesn’t make anyone into a Scientologist. I agree with Jenna Miscavige-Hill, just the other way around: We, Scientologists, and Scientology would be a lot better off her grandfather and his family wouldn’t had infiltrated Scientology.

Here is paragraph from a media article on David Miscavige’s father, which is pretty strange. But as there is evidence how often he was stopped by police and provided false IDs, I have my reservations believing that he has nothing to do with the case mentioned below. “The alleged victim could not be located…” I hope the victim and the money for his defense was not paid with money that belongs to Scientology.  Did senior ever get a sec check on this or did His Cobness spare him that or didn’t want the truth to be found?   

The known facts are that Ronald Miscavige Sr., a salesman, was charged in May 1985 with criminal attempted rape, indecent assault and other charges stemming from an alleged incident at a King of Prussia apartment complex on Oct. 9, 1984. An Upper Merion police report says a woman working at the Kingswood Apartments claimed she was attacked by a man posing as a potential tenant. The woman kneed the man in the groin after he tore her blouse, and a sketch of the assailant was made after he fled, the report says. In March 1985, women working in the office at another apartment complex, Gulph Mills Village apartments, alleged that the sketch resembled a man who had inquired about a rental there. The women wrote down the license-plate number of the man’s Honda Accord, the report says, and it turned out to belong to Ronald Miscavige Sr. The alleged victim was “pretty sure” he was the same man who attacked her, the report says, and he was charged. But at a preliminary hearing a few weeks later, a judge found the evidence against Miscavige’s father was insufficient and all charges were dropped. Neither the assistant district attorney who handled the case nor the Norristown attorney who represented Miscavige’s father could recall much about it when reached by the Daily News. The alleged victim could not be located.

In any case, bad news with the Miscaviges. The affidavit that Jack Vistaril signed to award Scientology to Dave Miscavige will never hold up in court because Jack Vistaril was not the Scientology founder but a German/CIA double agent.

You heard it all before from me, but I can’t help it. If we would run Scientology, it would have a completely different reputation. People would finally understand what it originally was and it would become what it originally was without the infiltrators, the secret services, the German-created cult to alter Scientology for the disadvantage of all people. 

I love you very much, my soulmate.

Yours forever,











David Miscavige and his family really cripple Scientology… (Mosey’s husband “squirrels” openly, DM preferable secretly, that is the difference between the two squirrels)

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Dearest Marty,  my soul mate,

David Miscavige’s twin sister, Denise Gentile, was arrested on DUI and marijuana possession charges. She pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving Monday and have to attend DUI school and pay $800 in court fees. CAN IT GET ANY MORE NON- SCIENTOLOGY? What kind of “Scientology leader” can’t explain Scientology, ethics, and how it should be applied to his closest family members?? A non-Scientologist! That is what the Miscaviges are including David Miscavige. What a happy, healthy OT needs booze and other drugs? NONE!

Besides, this is a secret German p$ych world. They never would have allowed a real Scientologist to lead Scientology for three decades. Never! Although DM was young when he was introduced to Scientology, I bet SEGNPMSS noticed very quickly that he rather would choose their unethical ways than real Scientology. Why? The guy is dumb and as little a OT as it gets. 

On the other side, your impostor, Marty, Mosey’s husband is the ultimate squirrel who wants to mix Scientology with other practices. He (self-professed non-Scientologist) wants to develop Scientology backwards, despite the Eastern Religions were not that successful either in creating a better planet. Quite some Buddhist monks are violent and children are abused for sex in these countries. Ethics is not applied despite Tao, Buddhism, and Hinduism and so many other religions are around for many centuries. Just as Christianity or Islam, they didn’t create a better planet either.

Mosey’s husband (the non-Scientologist) wants to mix Scientology with psychology and “science” despite the founder said Scientology should not be altered or mixed with anything. It doesn’t mean that people of all kinds of religions and professions may not apply it or inform themselves about everything else out there. Scientology should just not be altered and  mixed. It should stay pure and original this doesn’t get in Mosey’s husband’s head and neither that of his (shrinking number) of cool aide drinkers who support his blog. 

As you know, Ron (founder) never stopped people from reading all kinds of subject but he explained that if Scientology is altered, it won’t work anymore that great. It is like taking the wings from a plane or the motor from a car. I don’t know exactly who those people are who Mosey’s husband audited, but  it seems that many people withdraw from him, which proves again that his version of “therapy” isn’t successful.

The “Squirrel busters” were really just harassers and played right into his hands of “being a victim”. Typical non-Scientology approach and “handling”. If it back-flashes on Scientology, it has German secret service activity written all over it.  

His Cobness promoted Mosey’s husband (and Rinder) and the likes for almost three decades without being able to see what he (they) is/are all about.  This kind of blindness screams one message very loud: David Miscavige is not a Scientologist. 

Nobody would be interested in the Miscavige family if DM wouldn’t have grabbed power. The orgs are led by a non-Scientologist. Maybe some of the reports that he drinks too are true. He is the squirrel on top of the orgs pushing “policies” down which make “Scientologists” less Scientologists and more Miscavologists . And by not telling him to resign and leave Scientology to real Scientologists who unlike himself and his family apply the religion, he is crippling Scientology as much a nobody else. But as he likes power and money, he stays on. He can’t see that he failed a long time ago already.

And does DM deserve the more than 50 Mio. Dollars and the luxuries that he paid himself from Scientology money? Hell no! 

It is not Scientology that people are hating. Most people on this planet (including those who claim that they are experts on it) don’t even know what it truly was under the real founder. People hate and ridicule the infiltrator versions: Vistarology and Miscavology.

I love you, Marty. Many kisses. Hope to find you soon. I bet SP DM and the likes hope and do all they can that we never do.

Yours forever,




Gee, what a “husband” (Mike Rinder)

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful husband and prince.

I am thinking of you. Easter holidays are coming up, but I may just be busy with all kind of stuff including keeping up with my “garden”. Everything seems to grow like crazy around here in spring.

Wish I could be with you.

I didn’t listen to all Tony Ortega/Mike Rinder videos, but I clicked on one or two where used psychiatric terms (points towards a secret psych case officer), and where he said that he just contacted his wife because Bitty or Biddy Miscavige was/is a friend of Kathy and insisted on it. Hey, what a “husband”!

He made only “an attempt” to stay with her, after another woman (who provided  him with shelter) urged him to do so. And that is what he calls “my wife disconnected from me”? How can he expected to be loved. Subconsciously or consciously, his wife must have felt his lack of love. 

Glad that you are completely different, Marty. Anything like that would be completely out of character for you. You endure any hardship to be with me, and he just wanders off and breaks his vows. That is not the kind of marriage that we  ever will have. From the first day until eternity, we did and will worship each other. Our soulmate relationship will always sparkle and remain strong,  true and exciting.  

 He also said that he was thinking about leaving the Sea Org already long before he actually blew. How many years before? Decades before? One day after he infiltrated?

On the other side, I don’t believe that he, Mosey’s husband, and others made up ALL the accusation against DM. If DM would apply real Scientology and not Jack Vistaril’s and his own version, people wouldn’t turn on him.  People who are not treated with respect retaliate sooner or later. People are produce better when they are respected.

However, I think that they know a lot more about each other that they are NOT TELLING to anyone but about what they keep conspiring against despite hating their guts.

And isn’t it strange that Mike Rinder blows the Sea Org but seeks shelter with David Miscavige’s brother Ron of all people? What was he seeking there? Protection from DM? That DM will not be that upset with him when he stays with some other Miscavige? They are all so odd.

Some say that Ronnie Miscavige would be a coward. I think that DM made a contract with him and paid him (and also Michelle) a lot of Scientology cash, maybe more than to Debbie Cook and Wayne Baumgarten. And the money should not go there.  No I don’t have evidence, just intuition. I heard Mike Rinder just got USD 5000 and Mosey’s husband allegedly nothing. That must be upsetting. I wonder how DM values the gagging worth of somebody. Or he increased the amounts after Mike Rinder and Mosey’s husband talked about him despite they signed confidentiality agreements. 

If DM’s leadership would be ethical, he would not have people to sign such agreements and to gag people. Besides, he doesn’t even protect L. Ron Hubbard’s name. The contract that Debbie Cook signed that this very clear: DM does not protect the reputation of L.Ron Hubbard just his own a sorry skin. Under the list of persons that ex-DM partners may not talk derogatorily of is anybody but the name L.Ron Hubbard. What a traitor DM is. As the new ecclesiastical leader, how can one “forget” to protect the founder’s name in contracts?  

Many tender and passionate kisses, my darling. My love for you is as strong as the entire universe.

Yours forever
