
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Chinese

Megaliths in Gornaya Shoria, southern Siberia, are gigantic!

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Dearest Marty, my amazing husband and Prince, how are you? 

As the stones are so huge, many people come to the conclusion that Earth was inhabited by giants. However, I am saying that as long as psychiatric tapes are being played in the subconscious minds of people to steal their spiritual abilities, skills, and their easy access to past lives, people will not figure out how stones like these were cut and lifted.

Skeletons of “giants” found were international fake news. Archaeologists found skeletons of 5,000-year-old Chinese ‘giants’ recently, but these “giants” were just around six foot. Lifting, cutting and arranging these megaliths with muscles only might be a real “challenge” for a “giant” of six foot.  

Here is more from Siberia. 

Huge blocks and how they got there and who built this structure is a mystery.

(A reader pointed out that below picture was taken in Baalbek, Libanon, not in Russia.)

As it is a secret psychiatric world with a supercomputer manipulating people’s subconsciousness, abilities, skills, memories, they likely will not figure out how these stones were cut, transported, and arranged by non-“giants”.  Everyone is different and not all have the same abilities and skills, I suppose, but everyone would be a bigger being without secret service psychiatrists reducing them with silent sounds played into their minds. 

You are so precious to me, Marty, keep on surviving. You fill my heart with tenderness. I am still so glad that I was able to find you again and able to see the value that you have as a human being. I’m so sorry for all you have to go through and wish I could make it up to you.

Be kissed, my darling.

Yours forever,


Gee, when does the CIA finally figures and admits that Germany channels in their ear-implants with loud and silent sounds to conduct actions to shame the USA?

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Dearest Marty, most precious Prince in any universe, how are your days and nights?

I assume you read the news today. Wikileaks (which never reveals the ongoing high crimes of Germany’s government and secret services) published today the entire hacking methods and tools of the CIA.

Hacking tools and methods? What do they need criminal crap like this for?

If they want to protect the USA, they should point with the finger to the SEGNPMSS and tell the world that they order ear-implants installed in each baby/small child and often already unborn babies so that Germany’s psychiatrists can  control them. EACH ROTTEN, DIRTY, BRUTAL, INHUMAN, PERVERTED, APPALLING ACTIVITY ON EARTH AND BEYOND IS ORIGINATED AND APPROVED ON THIS GERMAN, PARTICULARLY BAVARIAN SECRET SERVICE LEVEL.  

The reasons why nobody busted the obvious, Germany behind ear- and body implants as control tool is because they control people not to reveal this and people who do not think for enough protect this system where one conspires against the other and at the end, nobody wins anything bad a bad conscience.   

Germany tries to shame the CIA, other agencies, and the USA, and they allow it instead of busting the retarded ear-implant system. Sheesh. 

However, Germany also might shoot itself in the foot with this. If hacking and spy methods unknown to CIA were/are used, SEGNPMSS might go even deeper into hiding if they can’t blame it on the Russians or the Chinese or even the North Koreans. But usually, they use nationals from other countries and hide cowardly behind them. That is what they do best and constantly. 

So, the entire hacking arsenal of the CIA is open to the public know and can be used by anyone to cause problems. 

It is really time to publish the entire ear-implant system, which is made in SEGNPMSS and installed in each freaking ears and other body parts of anyone on the planet. Secret services of any country use this system too but Germany, particularly its secret capital Munich, has the upper hand, supervises anything, came up with this system and turned mankind into robots. This is hard to beat. That is why the USA is constantly shamed and Germany which put them to it is not. Hail ear-implant. Hitler and the Nazis had them too as you have figured for sure, Marty.

Sending you kisses and hoping to find you soon.

I love you.

Yours always,


About German-controlled impostor “Jack Vistaril’s” disgusting “chink” remark…

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Dearest Marty, most awesome Prince ever! 

How are you? I am thinking of you, wish you were here.

You know it but once more for the records: “Jack Vistaril”, the man who married Mary Sue was an impostor of Scientology founder Ron. “Jack Vistaril” was a German/CIA double agent. He impostored founder Ron for many decades. How did that look like? While the real founder lectured to some who became independent thinkers and real Scientologists (we), “Jack Vistaril” twisted the founder’s words and lectured his rubbish version on the Apollo and other places, and many of the people who were around him attacked Scientology later. (Of course this is a German secret service plan to bury original Scientology.)

Ron despised racism. The statements about “too many chinks” is GERMAN, and Ron disliked Germany as we do. Germany is behind racism and communism. It is one of their suppressive inventions. They control also the ear implants of people on high political levels.

Ron’s idea of villages taking care of their residents as if they are family (as described in my last posting) takes care of overpopulation. Ron considered the one-child-policy in China as cruel as we do. He described how bad abortions are and what they do to a thetan. “Jack Vistaril” saw and the Miscavologists don’t see much wrong with abortion. But they were/are no Scientologists.

There is nothing wrong with Chinese families having as many children as they want. There is a way that everyone can have a good life and family, but it is not the German way. Germany are the racists and don’t want more Chinese. I think they are afraid of them. We don’t. To Ron and us, race never mattered. Personality and ethical conduct counts for us.

The racial expression “Too many chinks” was for sure created by the disgusting German secret service doctors who also introduced the one-child-policy in China. And that was not Scientology.

It was Germany who ordered communism in Russia and in China as it didn’t want these countries grow mightier than self-absorbed and suppressive Germany. All people who had to suffer under communism have a huge claim against Germany. 

But by not differentiating between the real founder and his impostor (a secret service double agent), the founder’s legacy is being smeared: and that is was Germany secretly orders.          

I love you. Many kisses.  BTW, people with the lucky number 8 have strong intuition and insight. Marty, I feel better among Chinese than Germans. Really.

Yours forever,
