
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘German/CIA double agent impostor “Jack Vistaril”

German secret service psychs are using Russia to outlaw Scientology

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Dearest Marty, my Prince, husband, and precious soulmate,

I have not much time these days reading about Scientology but some headlines can’t be ignored. Yes, Scientology is infiltrated and altered by non-Scientologists (put up by German secret services and their p$ychs) but Scientology is nevertheless a religion and Russia shouldn’t allow Germany and their psychs to use them to suppress a religion.

Like Spain once, Russia seems to feel that money is taken out of their countries. If that is their main problem, they should take it up with Germany as German secret services ordered all Scientology sea org reserves to go to Luxembourg so that it is available for Germany on top of the EU.

Germany hired and conditioned Lenin to keep Russia depressed. If I would be Russian, I would not do the dirty work for Germany.

Your impostor posts one new video after the other. He says that Larry Wright didn’t do proper research for his book on Scientology. Well, he is right about this, because if he would have done so, Wright would have figured that the Germany (CIA involved too) hired a doppelganger (likely more than one but definitely one “Jack Vistaril”) to take over the life of the founder behind his back and turn SCN into a money-oriented German cult. Wright also found have figured that Monique’s husband is your impostor. It’s an irony that he of all people says that Wright didn’t make any proper research. I read somewhere that Karen de la Carriere claims that Wright interviews over 250 people for his book. Heil German psych ear-implant coordination, is all that I can say here.

Monique’s husband talks also that the C of S tried to get records on L. Ron Hubbard through FOIA and even litigation. 

I know, and it all served the German (and the CIA was involved) set up to make impostor and secret service double agent “Jack Vistaril” into the legitimate founder. If the (infiltrated) Church of Scientology is so interested in getting the records on “Jack Vistaril”, other people think that they are the records of the founder. Same with the records that Gerry Armstrong stole. They became validity after the infiltrated C of S sued for them, instead of saying: We don’t care what Armstrong or others do with the records of the impostor. He isn’t the founder of Scientology but nothing but a German/CIA secret service piece of scum.

The fed tries to sit for the same reason on these files. To cover up that “Jack Vistaril” was hired by a German/CIA alliance to impostor the founder of Scientology. They don’t want evidence to be found. The feds denied even records to me that they already gave to others. Why? Because they knew that I figured out that they helped Germany finding and hiring one or several impostors to take over his and your life, Marty.

How to ruin a decent person’s reputation and work? German secret service psychs’ answer and German poodle CIA’s answer: We hire an impostor and make sure that the originals can’t speak out and correct it.

I pity Larry Wright’s IQ. He also failed to discover Germany and their secret service psychiatrists behind Al Queda and other terrorists and terror organizations.

And he interviewed my abuser and defamer Garry Scarff as a credible source. Can you believe it? There isn’t even an anti-Scientologist who hung out on ARS who didn’t knew that Scarff is a notorious liar. When Wright did his “research”, all the info about Scarff was on the net. He didn’t research his source’s past. We, Marty, we could not afford Larry Wright’s IQ. How he gets through life and on top of it being awarded hints towards other fools.

Alex Gibney said something like in order to understand Scientology the personality/history of the founder must be understood. We also couldn’t afford Gibney’s IQ, Marty. The founder is impostored by one or more secret service agents, and Gibney throws all in one pot, makes one person out of it, and thinks that is smart and serves it to the people as truth about Scientology. (Mike Snake Rinder who assisted Gibney knows of the impostors.) Yes, one has to know the personality of the founder, BUT OF THE REAL ONE NOT OF HIS IMPOSTOR(S) FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

Yes, apparently, your impostor and DM are working together. They did all the time when Scientology was smeared. Your impostor tried to down my blog and DM hired a service to keep my blog down in the search engine. They are carved of the same corrupt piece of wood. 

I never  will unlove your because I love you, my hero. Keep on surviving. I know it is easier said than done. Hang in there. You can count on me because I can read personalities, and I am in awe of yours. These guys coming by with the intention to date me are wasting their time. Ridiculous. Nobody can fill your shoes. I have just eyes for you since the last time I saw you. 

Sending you many passionate and tender kisses.

Yours forever and ever,








Your impostor and David Miscavige are working again together?

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Dearest Marty, my awesome husband and soulmate,

I wonder what you are thinking about this. I bet you are shaking your head.    

It seems that more and more people now come to the conclusion that David Miscavige paid your impostor to make “Mosey’s case” go away.

I wonder if her attorneys really don’t have to be paid if Miscavige and your impostor arranged that Monique won’t be paid but your impostor instead? I also wonder if Monique thought this through. If you make a public appearance, Marty, will your impostor run and hide and with him the money? He published that Monique wasn’t paid. But not that he wasn’t paid. 

Remember all the hostile things that your impostor said about Scientology and also Ron, the founder? Miscavology answered with the idiotic “squirrel busters”, which created nothing but bad PR for Scientology and gave your impostor grounds to have his wife sue the Scientology orgs. Your impostor didn’t just do his series with the Tampa Bay Times or made his “movie” or worked with Louis Theroux on his crap (boring) movie, or participated in the HBO Going Clear garbage and delivered his brand of “Scientology” by trying to get org public and staff coming to his “shack” for “services”, and all the other Scientology-harming stuff that your impostor did, he even traveled to Germany to support Germany against Scientology!

And if the above is right, Miscavige paid someone with Scientology money who worked with Germany to ruin Scientology! 

So, the purpose of smearing Scientology was archived and now Miscavige pays him?

How Miscavige comes away with claiming that he is a Scientologist is beyond me. Except for building empty orgs (not of the type the founder would approve) and squirreling Scientology together with Nation of Islam to make it easier for the psychs, Germany, and other countries to outlaw Scientology, and having his own family members smear Scientology, whatever did Miscavige do for Scientology? Just about anyone would have done a better job for SCN than he did. 

In earlier times, people like Miscavige were routed off as heavily PTS or SP. It is outrageous that he still is on top of the orgs. Psychs and Germany knows how bad he is for Scientology, that’s why he is still “in charge”. 

A worse leader for Scientology than Miscavige is hard to imagine.

Jack Vistaril (Ron’s impostor) who left Scientology to Miscavige was a German/CIA double agent. The CIA has quite something to answer. They all thought they would get away with it. They never counted with us figuring it all out, Marty. 

And Miscavige makes also another situation WORSE for himself. And that is that Miscavige didn’t just support your impostor in 1990 – 2004 but, if it is correct that he got money from Scientology through Miscavige, the latter still supports your impostor in present time.

Well, we are not going away. I assume that Miscavige and your impostor hope that we evaporate, but we won’t do them the favor. And then they have to answer to us in the legal arena, and we won’t buy any of their crap. 

If you would make a public appearance, Marty, both of them would probably go into hiding. Until the day someone blows the whistle on them…

Only clean hands make a happy life. They heard it and didn’t apply it.  

I love you, Marty, and I am sending you a million kisses.   

Yours forever,



Plant Mimosa Pudica loses conscienceness when put under anesthesia

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Dearest Marty, you are wonderful. I know so because I can read personalities. You allowed me to see your inner world. It is so rare and so magnificent. 

Long before others, Ron researched plants as you know. (German/CIA double agent impostor “Jack Vistaril” made a spectacle out of it by posing with tomato plants and the e-meter.)

Plants are all around us and most people don’t know really what they are or what that motion/energy is that was started once and comes back again and again. It is genius. The creation is postulated once, and in order not to do the same job over and over again, it is postulated to come back on its own. But also here, like with the creation of the human body, it is not just creation. Experimentation not by the creator were done to the creation and also some evolution happened to the creation. I can see all of that: creation, and then by others: experimentation/alteration/destruction, and evolution.  

Some thetans go into plants and probably stay there. Applies particularly to plants that are a mixture between plants and animals. Would bore me to tears but whatever rocks one’s boat. They are not the creators, they just inhibit, like thetans inhibiting human bodies but didn’t originally create them. They reproduce them. Like someone invented the copy machine and they are just pushing the button to make it go. 

However, it all boils down to that plants are a postulate. A capable being postulated plants and put a part of himself into nature. (Makes mowing the lawn brutal but my city would ticket the hell out of me if I wouldn’t mow my place.) 

That’s why we can see thetan characteristics in plant. Plants like music, they grow better when they feel love and even fear when pinched or burned. 

Altered Scientology (altered by the SEGNPMSS and their agents) describes the genetic entity, or GE, as some sort of low-grade “soul” (Ron didn’t use that term in SCN) that passes to a new body when the old one dies. According to my observations, there is nothing low-grade about the genius who postulated that pattern to create the continuation of human bodies or plants without the need to re-create each body from scratch.

These days I am thinking about how, from which direction (likely all) exactly this universe and its details (e.g. planets, human bodies, plants) were technically postulated. And was this universe created WITHIN the mighty creator thetan who offered it as playground for other thetans who (evidently) didn’t keep his ethical rules of decency and fairness?    

Ron worked with the e-meter to scientific explain what plants are. Long after he did it first, some others became interested.   

I think you know a lot about plants, Marty. One really interesting plant is the Mimosa Pudica. When it is touched, it closes the leaves. It doesn’t want to be touched. Here is a video of it.

Each one of these plants reacts like this. Does it means that a thetan is in each one of these plants? I rather think the original postulate of the creator in which he put a part of himself is shown more dramatically in some plants. Some researchers put anesthesia on a Mimosa Pudica and it went to sleep. Became unconscious like a thetan under anesthesia.

The best feeling in the universe is kissing you for the first time considering for how long I really wanted to kiss you. I love you, my heart throb. 

Yours always,


Love is all, very nice music, although I don’t like the “kill” lyrics. I noticed that when the music is good, the lyrics are often not entirely cool. When the lyrics are nice, the music often isn’t good. Did you notice this too?