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The entire Miscavige clan (and very much so David Miscavige) cause Scientology nothing but grief and harm…

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Dearest Marty, my hero, how are you?

The latest buzz is that Ron Miscavige, the father of Dave Miscavige, has signed a book deal with St. Martin’s Press for a book about his son and Scientology titled “If He Dies, He Dies”. None of the Miscaviges ever were real Scientologists. They caused Scientology nothing but bad PR. Actually, it was Miscavige senior (infiltrator) who introduced his family of non-Scientologists and agents to Scientology. Also Ron Miscavige snr knows that “Jack Vistaril” is not the founder and that it was not the founder of Scientology but an impostor who left Scientology to his son David. Dirty secret service business that had nothing to with Scientology except that it harms Scientology.

The Miscaviges don’t understand Scientology, they can’t get along, their dirty laundry and even criminal actions as DUI and drug use are aired in the public. There are actually numerous Scientology-haters who don’t want David Miscavige to resign from being the chairman as he and his family is so bad for Scientology.  And Vistarology and Miscavology is blamed on Ron, the real founder of Scientology, despite he had nothing to do with it and real Scientology is exchanged with these versions, just as Germany’s secret services and international p$ychiatrists order.

Miscavige senior, DM’s father hides behinds others and uses their names when stopped by police. How unethical. How non-Scientologist! What kind of person lies to the police again and again and constantly provides yet another false name to smear Sea Org members who had nothing to do with his escapades? Ron Miscavige senior! Infiltrating Scientology doesn’t make anyone into a Scientologist. I agree with Jenna Miscavige-Hill, just the other way around: We, Scientologists, and Scientology would be a lot better off her grandfather and his family wouldn’t had infiltrated Scientology.

Here is paragraph from a media article on David Miscavige’s father, which is pretty strange. But as there is evidence how often he was stopped by police and provided false IDs, I have my reservations believing that he has nothing to do with the case mentioned below. “The alleged victim could not be located…” I hope the victim and the money for his defense was not paid with money that belongs to Scientology.  Did senior ever get a sec check on this or did His Cobness spare him that or didn’t want the truth to be found?   

The known facts are that Ronald Miscavige Sr., a salesman, was charged in May 1985 with criminal attempted rape, indecent assault and other charges stemming from an alleged incident at a King of Prussia apartment complex on Oct. 9, 1984. An Upper Merion police report says a woman working at the Kingswood Apartments claimed she was attacked by a man posing as a potential tenant. The woman kneed the man in the groin after he tore her blouse, and a sketch of the assailant was made after he fled, the report says. In March 1985, women working in the office at another apartment complex, Gulph Mills Village apartments, alleged that the sketch resembled a man who had inquired about a rental there. The women wrote down the license-plate number of the man’s Honda Accord, the report says, and it turned out to belong to Ronald Miscavige Sr. The alleged victim was “pretty sure” he was the same man who attacked her, the report says, and he was charged. But at a preliminary hearing a few weeks later, a judge found the evidence against Miscavige’s father was insufficient and all charges were dropped. Neither the assistant district attorney who handled the case nor the Norristown attorney who represented Miscavige’s father could recall much about it when reached by the Daily News. The alleged victim could not be located.

In any case, bad news with the Miscaviges. The affidavit that Jack Vistaril signed to award Scientology to Dave Miscavige will never hold up in court because Jack Vistaril was not the Scientology founder but a German/CIA double agent.

You heard it all before from me, but I can’t help it. If we would run Scientology, it would have a completely different reputation. People would finally understand what it originally was and it would become what it originally was without the infiltrators, the secret services, the German-created cult to alter Scientology for the disadvantage of all people. 

I love you very much, my soulmate.

Yours forever,
