
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Ron Miscavige Senior

Church of Scientology appeals Appeals to California Supreme Court…

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful soulmate, how are you?

I don’t know Danny Masterson. I never saw a movie or show with him. As his name unfortunately became a synonym for Scientology, I read an article in which he “defends” Scientology in a very primitive language. Does more harm than good. So, no, I am no fan of his.

I wonder if they sec-checked him or not and if, who did the sec-checking?

As I wrote so many times before, Marty, I always had the suspicion that Germany used RB to file bogus charges against you. But I still have no shred evidence of it. Just my intuition, which never gets acknowledged as being correct by anyone. However, I know that I never accused you of anything but being a total gentleman.

I read that David Miscavige helped his father to avoid a rape charge. And now, the Church of Miscavige helps Danny Masterson in his defense against rape and appeals to the California Supreme Court.

If you, Marty, were accused of rape (and I am the best witness for you defense because you didn’t do it and unfortunately, nothing physical happened between us at all in the 80s), why did the orgs NOT defend YOU? They never contacted me and told me about any predicament. The opposite happened.

They replaced you with a ringer, making it look as if everything is ok and you are fee and well. They however could not explain that Mosey’s husband had a very different tonelevel and personality compared to yours. As alleged Scientologists, they should have known that. But they are infiltrators and no Scientologists and that is why they don’t use and understand the technology. And that goes particularly for the likes of David Miscavige and Mike Rinder and others. What kind of hypocrisy is Miscavology?

The orgs under Miscavige are not building a better world and they will never safe the universe from evil. When I look at what psychiatric and German-controlled ear-implants and Jack Vistaril and David Miscavige turned Scientology into, the lyrics “Look what they did to my song” comes in mind, sung by Ron, the real founder of Scientology. Despite the real Ron said that they might never get again the chance to live in a truly free universe where people can trust each other, they are wasting this chance because they let evil win by saying they don’t. Yeah right.

Be kissed, Marty, I love you.

Yours forever,


I wouldn’t want Ron Miscavige as my father nor David Miscavige as my son

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Dearest Marty, my hero and Prince, how are you?

Both (Ron Miscavige senior and David Miscavige) function as desired by Germany and international psychiatrists: bad PR for Scientology. Both are no Scientologists and both are smearing Scientology with their behaviors. David Miscavige creates personal enemies (his former friends, executives, and family members) because he does not apply Scientology. His father doesn’t apply it either. He could have been an adviser to his son to be ethical but Ron Miscavige senior doesn’t apply Scientology ethics either, so both pulling are getting in troubles ethic-wise.

Although Scientologists should have the right as anyone else to choose who they want to be with, the “disconnection policy” (implemented by the founder’s impostor “Jack Vistaril” but later cancelled and then reinstated by DM and his secret case officers, the non-Scientologists behind DM) has problems written all over it.   

Ron Miscavige senior admitted on TV being no Scientologist. His father said that “power” corrupted his son, and he writes a mean book about his own son. What a “lovely dad”, but also what a “lovely son”. Both no Scientologists, but thanks that the SEGNPMSS has catapulted this dysfunctional family to the top of Scientology, Scientology is being blamed by the public on their behaviors.

Ron Miscavige is/was abusive to his former wife in front of DM and his siblings. His son David Miscavige is accused of being abusive by many. BEING VIOLENT IS NO PART OF SCIENTOLOGY WHATSOEVER. DM is a Miscavologist and no Scientologist. If he wants it or not, he IS his father. 

Ron Miscavige joined Scientology for the WRONG REASONS, to cure disease instead of studying our RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY. That is the reason we joined it, Marty.

I haven’t read Miscavige book, but here is an excerpt: DM helped his father out with a rape charge! When Ron Miscavige senior was living in King of Prussia, he was a suspect in an attempted-rape case. He called his son, and the next day the church’s attorney Michael Hertzberg showed up with a suitcase filled with cash for bail. Eventually, at the first hearing, the woman looked at Miscavige and said she wasn’t sure if he was the man who attempted to rape her, so the case was dismissed.

What I want to know is if DM used Scientology cash to make the woman say that or not.  

From the pictures that I have seen, Ron Miscavige had a good life at the INT base and because being the father of DM, he was rather treated as a spoiled celebrity. He was arc-broken because DM yelled at him for 55 minutes in front of others. DM is an idiot. Period. As I said, DM is no Scientologist and creates his own enemies.  

Leah Remini is another example. She wanted to be “on the cool table” and see Michelle Miscavige.  MM is no Scientologist in my eyes either, but what is the big deal letting these two women talk? Tells me that DM doesn’t want Michelle talk about his infidelity to Leah or others. That he avoids people to talk to Michelle shines the spotlight very much so on infidelity. Besides, Laurisse Stuckenbrock  had her hand possessive on the back of Miscavige in public in a way no woman touches her boss. Nobody gives himself better away than DM himself. Again, Scientology ethics, this time on the 2D, NOT applied by His Cobness.

Lisa Marie Presley is another person who allegedly choose Ron Miscavige senior’s side. Gee! Where are her eyes? I would choose none of them. Real and original Scientology is what you and I choose, and that is not applied by any of the Miscaviges.  

DM buys his non-Scientology father a house with 100.000 Dollars of Scientology money!

Ron Miscavige allegedly does not blame “Scientology” but the “organisation” and “the church”. His son “IS” the “organisation” and “the church”. What he does not say is that non-Scientologists and secret service agents (SEGNPMSS) are the men behind his son who allow him or put him up to behave in ways that they hope will destroy Scientology or alter it so much that it is a cash cow for Europe (Germany). According to my intuition, DM didn’t transfer the Sea Org reserves back to the USA after Scientology was declared as non-profit.

What do you think about my intuition and ability to make the correct conclusions? Like you, I don’t think flat but in layers and all dimensions. That is how I figure things out, and I do figure the things out. And I know you do too.

 I love you, Marty.  Be kissed my darling. In the non-Scientology world, even family members attack each other, but in the real Scientology world, in our world, we are true and loyal. No scandal and dirty love, only true love, truth, and decency. 

Yours forever and always,











1) Leah Remini has claws like a wild animal 2) Your impostor and his wife’s latest legal actions

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Dearest Marty, my hero and awesome soulmate,

Leah Remini has claws like a wild animal. See picture above. That’s her hand on DM’s dad’s shoulder. Makes me wonder what she was in her past lives. How can she pick up a thing with those nails? Someone with such fingernails must be handicapped in anything she does. Except for ripping somebody’s skin off. Could grab painfully in any shoulder at any time. 😉 It is like Chinese foot binding just for the hands. Okay, it is not my business, I admit. Just saying. 

Monique, the wife of your impostor complains about her own lawyers in the case against the C of S.  The “we-hate-Scientology-people” ran a campaign on the net, calling it Monique’s lawsuit, despite videos on YouTube showed clearly that she does everything her husband tells her to do. Without him saying so, I am sure she never would have sued. However, now they are indicating more and more that this case for money was/is his case. 

Anyway, it looks that this case ends in a withdrawal. Let’s see if David Miscavige throws money at your impostor and his wife despite not even necessary. 

You make my heart beat faster and at the same time, Marty, you make me feel peaceful. Nothing has changed. It is the same wonderful exciting feeling and the knowledge that you of my kind.  You are wonderful, Marty. And I love you.



This is a pretty song. Hey, someone without crazy fingernails. 😉


More bad PR for Scientology by non-Scientologist David Miscavige and family (also non-Scientologists): no meaningful relationships and dirty laundry

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Dearest Marty, my one and only, how are you? I would like to know this more than anything!

If David Miscavige would be a real Scientologist, he would (due to his wrongful actions and his PTS situations) have removed himself a long time ago from heading Scientology  to allow real Scientologists to lead Scientology. In earlier times, people with just one family member of the sort DM has more, was enough routed out of not just the Sea Org but any org, mission or group as PTS C.

Marty, I remember in the late 70s, RB being angry that I couldn’t spend my vacation time with her in Yugoslavia. She called the Munich org and threatened that if they don’t give me the vacation, she will picket the Munich org. This alone was reason for the Guardian Office to route me out of the GO. I was labeled PTS C. I had to work hard without disconnection  to get back in. RB constantly was high maintenance. The “situation” always came back when I was not around her. Others pushed her buttons while I wasn’t around and her suppressive character and insane fears were unleashed again in the mid 80s.  

As DM grabbed Scientology from the founder Ron’s impostor, he can get away with anything. Even the worst PTS sits. David Miscavige’s family members do not just threaten. They attack Scientology constantly in the media or in publication. 

As the “leader”, he has to be informed about attacks against Scientology. That is not really disconnecting from the stuff his own family claims and does. So, it will influence him. DM is heavily PTS, no doubt about it, and he pulls in more and more motivators for himself and Scientology. Just as Germany and p$ychs want it. 

His Cobness’s attorney addressed St. Martin’s Press, Miscavige senior’s U.S. publisher, indicating that if his father’s book would be published, DM would sue and that DM had “no meaningful relationship with his dad since age 16”. Is DM really that stupid not knowing what people will think when they read this? They will blame Scientology on it. He (and the non-Scientologist secret service case officers behind him)  don’t apply Scientology, otherwise he would have meaningful relationships with his family! Or does DM not care what people think about Scientology as long as he can run it, has a luxurious life and call the shots? Both applies if you ask me.  

DM and his father (and other members of this clan of non-Scientologists) were both in Scientology at the same time for decades. How come they didn’t have a meaningful relationship during those times? A “family of Scientologists” has no meaningful relationship? People will think that if not even the leader has good family relationships, so what is Scientology worth? They would not want their family members join as afraid that they get a family like the Miscaviges! Who wants THAT? 

As you know, the second dynamic does not just consists of the first part. It has a second part too: family relations. It is not an inferior part either. In original Scientology it is as important as the other dynamics. Under infiltrator, impostor, and secret service agent Jack Vistaril (who passed Scientology to DM), the second part of the 2D became already worth less and Miscavology took it to another (bad) level. 

People ask, if Scientology is so good, how come the leader’s relationship with his family is so dysfunctional? How come he was not able to create a good relationship with his family if Scientology has the tools?

They will think that Scientology does not work. It does work but DM and his family doesn’t apply it.

The rumors about Shelley Miscavige’s “disappearance” don’t die either, Marty. Police said that she is alive and on her own free will in SCN.  However, that DM doesn’t ask her to make an appearance to end these rumors means imo only one thing: he is afraid that she could talk about his infidelity to others. He doesn’t apply ethics to his own life as he is no Scientologist, and he is hit by one motivator after the other. Behind him, the secret service men in this secret German and psychiatric world leave His Cobness on top of Scientology as he brings it down.

It was never difficult for you and me to explain  DM’s actions. And I also don’t believe that your impostor walked on his own into Scientology and took over your job and life. I am certain that DM, Mike Rinder, and others were in on this. Leaving you, an innocent person behind, and exchanging you with an impostor (Monique’s husband) is ultimate non-Scientology of never leave one behind! But they are typical German and psychiatric methods!

David Miscavige v. Ron Miscavige is once again not Scientologist v. Ex-Scientologist but agent/infiltrator v. agent/former infiltrator. Secret service psychiatrists and Germany, behind trying to get rid of Scientology and ruining it, are rubbing their blood-crusted hands. However, they are forgetting that not just Miscaviges but also they will get their motivators. They will not have the last laugh. Truth will come out. They all fail to apply Scientology, otherwise they would see it coming as we do. 

I love you. Many tender and passionate kisses, Marty. Can’t wait to put my arms around you. You never should have been locked up. Time for guilty people to experience hell behind bars.   

Yours forever,









How can two men unravel Leah Remini’s faith? If two men were able to do it, she was never a real Scientologist to begin with

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Dearest Marty, my Prince and one of a kind soulmate, how are you?

I miss you and would give the world to know where to find you.

Leah Remini blames David Miscavige and Tom Cruise for leaving Scientology.

Gee, if two men can steal her faith, she couldn’t have much of a faith to begin with. Leah like David Miscavige or Mike Rinder didn’t search and find Scientology on their own, which could mean that they were all lacking interest in philosophy from the start and never tried to understand Scientology. The parents (and a Church of Scientology that is infiltrated by other non-Scientologists and agents) failed to explain Scientology’s deep philosophical values (not just how to become successful in the professional world) to their offspring.

Her mother Vicky (what a mother is that anyway who is rarely home and leaves children to themselves or anyone who joined the Sea Org?) apparently never was a Scientologist either and had other motives to join Scientology like Ron Miscavige, and others.

I watched Leah’s interview with 20/20. I agree with her that David Miscavige is bad for Scientology, but not with much more. What a person leaves her philosophy (of life) just because two men in the Scientology orgs allegedly or really upset her? What a flat and tiny world’s view is that anyway? Two men can undo 30+ years!? What does that say about Leah and her family? Like Katie Holmes, she registers her daughter with the Catholic Church. The many pedophiles in this church apparently doesn’t bother these women. Shocking!

She picked her husband (unfaithful to his then-wife) outside of Scientology. Another indicator that she wasn’t a Scientologist. A real Scientologist wants to share her advanced Scientology knowledge and reality with that partner, and we all know what a wealth of knowledge it is. Picking a non-Scientologist means that he/she might never get there, which means that the Scientologist would be lonely in this marriage. Why would a real Scientologist make such a mistake? If the “Scientologist” doesn’t feel lonely in a marriage with a non-Scientologist than because that “Scientologist” isn’t one.

Leah wrote in her book that she slept around a lot. Yikes! She did not apply Scientology ethics to her life! What a real Scientologist sleeps around? None. I was/am completely different that she.

Scientology is taken over by David Miscavige and the non-Scientologist men behind him. His family members are not just no Scientologists but Scientology attackers. He gets an affidavit by Ron’s impostor “Jack Vistaril” and takes Scientology over and makes one bad decision after the other with the result that Scientology is shrinking and getting a bad reputation. Leah says she tried to save Scientology from the bad decisions that DM or others made. Really? If this is true, how come she didn’t stay a Scientologist outside of His Cobness’s reign? She threw all of Scientology away but because of two men. That is not what a real Scientologist does.

Quite revealing is that two catholic women (Katie Holmes and Leah Remini) who do not apply Scientology upset each other in Knowledge Reports about some wedding stuff. This is so superficial and not Scientology. In all my years in Scientology I never wrote a Knowledge Report about a personal upset as Katie Holmes did. If Holmes apologized to Leah Remini now, it couldn’t have been much of a problem in the past, so why did Katie Holmes tattletail on Leah Remini in the first place? It was Katie’s  and Leah’s decisions to fight in Scientology, which apparently never was the religion of these catholic women.

For me, writing a Knowledge Report was about a problem that needed the assistance of the group to be handled and nothing that I can handle alone. KR’s are no means to be evil, third-party, tattletails or complain about ridiculous stuff. So, if Katie or Leah would upset me, I would handle it with communicating to her, the Scientology way, until it is resolved.

Leah Remini fails to make a difference between real Scientology and the non-Scientologist infiltration of Scientology. She also never complained about the impostors that are sent in Scientology to replace the founder or you, Marty. And that is a reason to complain about and write KRs about! (Same goes for Katie Holmes and so many others.) 

Among other things, Ron, the founder said: “When children become unimportant to society, that society has forfeited its future.” Does this statement or other statement by Ron say that kids should be left to themselves with the parent never home (Vicky), or that they should get an inflated ego or be treated like an adult? No, it does not. But Leah does make it look that way. Real Scientologists are very good parents. They treat their child AGE-APPROPRIATE with lots of love but not with disrespect.

I once said to Scientology-hating RB that I have rights too, Marty. She answered: “You, rights? Bwahahaha!” That is what I mean with disrespect. Kids have rights and anyone who doesn’t apply Scientology correctly isn’t a Scientologist and doesn’t bring up kids the Scientology-way.

I have a young friend around here, Marty. I don’t think he would come to visit me that often (whenever he can) if I would not treat him age-appropriate but also with respect. Do I treat him like an adult? Of course not as he is not an adult. Do I set boundaries if things could be dangerous for him? Of course. For example, I don’t allow him (and any other kid around here) climbing my big trees because I don’t want him to fall. With respect, I mean, I ask him for his opinions and I listen to what he is telling me. He knows that I look out for him when he is around, he can’t get away with doing anything dangerous but he can be himself when he visits. The hugs that I get at the end of his visits tells me that he values the way I treat him.

I love you, Marty. This planet sucks but you don’t.

Be kissed.

Yours forever,



The entire Miscavige clan (and very much so David Miscavige) cause Scientology nothing but grief and harm…

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Dearest Marty, my hero, how are you?

The latest buzz is that Ron Miscavige, the father of Dave Miscavige, has signed a book deal with St. Martin’s Press for a book about his son and Scientology titled “If He Dies, He Dies”. None of the Miscaviges ever were real Scientologists. They caused Scientology nothing but bad PR. Actually, it was Miscavige senior (infiltrator) who introduced his family of non-Scientologists and agents to Scientology. Also Ron Miscavige snr knows that “Jack Vistaril” is not the founder and that it was not the founder of Scientology but an impostor who left Scientology to his son David. Dirty secret service business that had nothing to with Scientology except that it harms Scientology.

The Miscaviges don’t understand Scientology, they can’t get along, their dirty laundry and even criminal actions as DUI and drug use are aired in the public. There are actually numerous Scientology-haters who don’t want David Miscavige to resign from being the chairman as he and his family is so bad for Scientology.  And Vistarology and Miscavology is blamed on Ron, the real founder of Scientology, despite he had nothing to do with it and real Scientology is exchanged with these versions, just as Germany’s secret services and international p$ychiatrists order.

Miscavige senior, DM’s father hides behinds others and uses their names when stopped by police. How unethical. How non-Scientologist! What kind of person lies to the police again and again and constantly provides yet another false name to smear Sea Org members who had nothing to do with his escapades? Ron Miscavige senior! Infiltrating Scientology doesn’t make anyone into a Scientologist. I agree with Jenna Miscavige-Hill, just the other way around: We, Scientologists, and Scientology would be a lot better off her grandfather and his family wouldn’t had infiltrated Scientology.

Here is paragraph from a media article on David Miscavige’s father, which is pretty strange. But as there is evidence how often he was stopped by police and provided false IDs, I have my reservations believing that he has nothing to do with the case mentioned below. “The alleged victim could not be located…” I hope the victim and the money for his defense was not paid with money that belongs to Scientology.  Did senior ever get a sec check on this or did His Cobness spare him that or didn’t want the truth to be found?   

The known facts are that Ronald Miscavige Sr., a salesman, was charged in May 1985 with criminal attempted rape, indecent assault and other charges stemming from an alleged incident at a King of Prussia apartment complex on Oct. 9, 1984. An Upper Merion police report says a woman working at the Kingswood Apartments claimed she was attacked by a man posing as a potential tenant. The woman kneed the man in the groin after he tore her blouse, and a sketch of the assailant was made after he fled, the report says. In March 1985, women working in the office at another apartment complex, Gulph Mills Village apartments, alleged that the sketch resembled a man who had inquired about a rental there. The women wrote down the license-plate number of the man’s Honda Accord, the report says, and it turned out to belong to Ronald Miscavige Sr. The alleged victim was “pretty sure” he was the same man who attacked her, the report says, and he was charged. But at a preliminary hearing a few weeks later, a judge found the evidence against Miscavige’s father was insufficient and all charges were dropped. Neither the assistant district attorney who handled the case nor the Norristown attorney who represented Miscavige’s father could recall much about it when reached by the Daily News. The alleged victim could not be located.

In any case, bad news with the Miscaviges. The affidavit that Jack Vistaril signed to award Scientology to Dave Miscavige will never hold up in court because Jack Vistaril was not the Scientology founder but a German/CIA double agent.

You heard it all before from me, but I can’t help it. If we would run Scientology, it would have a completely different reputation. People would finally understand what it originally was and it would become what it originally was without the infiltrators, the secret services, the German-created cult to alter Scientology for the disadvantage of all people. 

I love you very much, my soulmate.

Yours forever,
