
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Scientology

SEGNMPSS wants a medieval world

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Dearest Marty, my one and only, how are you?

Got the tree of my roof. Otherwise, not much going on.

As I said before, Israel should have thought of another way to handle Hamas than the war in Gaza. With this war, they stepped right in the SEGNPMSS trap. Instead of less antisemitism, there is a lot of more now. Just what still existing Nazis ordered.

I feel sorry for those Palestinians who wanted to live in peace with Israelis and others and didn’t vote for Hamas. But did you notice, Marty, that those pro-Palestinian student demonstrators ignore completely what Hamas, similar terror groups, and their masters, the SEGNPMSS, did to Israelis on October 7, 2023? They waged the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust by slaughtering babies, raping women, burning whole families alive, and taking hundreds of innocent civilians hostage. Since October 7, more than 1,200 Israelis have been killed. Terrorists are still holding more than 100 men, women, and children in captivity. Protesting wars is noble, but being hypocrites by not demanding from Hamas to return the hostages and demanding from other terror groups to stop their antisemitic behavior is not. I can clearly see the SEGNPMSS behind this behavior. Heil ear-implants in students. SEGNPMSS and its front groups (like Hamas) are rubbing their bloody hands. They like dumb students.

There is another thing that strikes me when I look at the Middle East and its radical groups. They want a Middle East that is backward and medieval. They want a medieval Europe in the Middle East. And that brings me back to the SEGNPMSS. I have asked myself a few times how old the hard core of the SEGNPMSS people are. I think they are of medieval age. Back in Germany, the media (all kinds of newspapers, magazines, TV stations) always attacked Scientology with consistently the same lines that the SEGNPMSS sent through the ear-implants of these reporters. Back then, I already struck me how medieval these lines sounded.

Just like what so-called religious Muslims say today. Sounds European medieval to me too. Since SEGNPMSS people do not age (based on technology that they have stolen and withheld from Earth mainstream), I think that the hardcore of the SEGNPMSS people are medieval barbers and butchers, who of course run psychiatrists and all other people born later right up to our present time.
However, in regards of the medieval world that radical Muslims and others want, one has to conclude that the SEGNPMSS medieval barbers and butchers are still very much at it to enslave the world. They were behind all world wars and work on number III. And when the world continues to ignore their existence, there will be never peace for anyone.

Yes, I know, I don’t have to lecture you. You know it. Just sometimes, I feel I have to put it into words.

Be kissed, my hero.
Always yours,

This is a AI generated picture:

Stalkers are not anonymous – their actions are giving them away – big time

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Dearest Marty, my unforgettable Prince, husband, and soulmate,

How are your days and nights?

Today I dreamed of a newspaper article in the SLT of all papers, on the third page, saying that you are wrongfully incarcerated and your parole was denied again. I looked at the date, July 2023. But then, someone took the paper away without that I could read any details. I searched to find the paper again but did not. Then I woke up.

From all those who I met while in Scientology, you and Ron are the only individuals replaced by impostors. The others are either still in “Scientology” or they left by attacking it or leaving it behind. Using ringers is not a normal operation within “Scientology”. I write it in quotes because it is no longer original Scientology.  

Anti-Scientologists, the media, and the internet always brings up that Michelle Miscavige is missing. I don’t think she is. I rather think that Dave and Michelle are divorced and remarried other people. DM could tell Michelle to make a public appearance but imo, he is afraid that she tells people like Remini that he was a bad husband and then it would be all over the internet and in the news. If you ask me, he prefers that nobody asks Michelle about his infidelities as husband. In typical manner of a non-Scientologist, His Cobness gives a rat tail if Scientology’s reputation has to suffer. Covering up his misdeeds is more important to him.

Yet, DM has not replaced her with a ringer. He could make an appearance with a hired Michelle ringer to fool people. Pretty much all would fall for it. They did and do with Ron’s and your impostor. That would get “where is Michelle” out of the way, which really must bug him as it follows him around.

In other words, DM is not calling the highest shots in an infiltrated Scientology. He is just a person who can be run easily by Germany’s secret services, if he knows it or not. However, Germany and its psych-run secret services found it necessary to replace Ron and you with ringers. And His Cobness and other non-Scientologists are helping them by keeping this fact and other facts of infiltration and alteration of Scientology under wraps.

I read Scientology publications in the late 80s and started to wonder why so many people were awarded but you, Marty, so uptone, bright, and diligent, were not mentioned. I also wondered if you were wrongfully arrested in Spain. At the height of me wondering, suddenly, “Scientology” publications like mentioned “you” again. However, as more as I saw of your “doppelganger” as more I knew that Germany replaced you with him, just as they did with Ron. They replaced Ron with impostors to alter Scientology and turned it into a German cult. They replaced you to make me think that you are fine and that I should move on with my life.

German psychs think that they are sooo intelligent and get away with everything. They are not in the least. They think that they are total cause and their stalker victims are total effect. In their typical arrogance, they are forgetting that a person who is stalked can write a very big book about her stalkers. They are not anonymous to the alert person who makes conclusions as to why they are stalking and what their purpose is by interfering in her life. In a way, they are giving themselves up, only not in a way a decent person would do by simply coming forward. They are the most unimpressive creatures ever. And one day, rather sooner than later, they will step in one of their own many traps. Haha. Who says there is no justice?

I love you, Marty, be kissed. Stay alive.

Yours forever,


What applies to Russia and the Ukraine is this typical German saying: When two people quarrel, a third rejoices

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Dearest Marty, my hero and soulmate, never a day goes by on which I don’t think of you.

Despite that the USA is filtrated by people who serve Germany rather than the USA, the real USA is not rejoicing over Russian or Ukraine’s troubles. Just lunatics rejoice when two are fighting. And you and me, we know who the lunatics are. As Germany tries to make the deutsche Reich again bigger (it is now the 4th German Reich!), and it does it not just on one but all fronts and turns people against each other, I don’t believe that either Russia or the Ukraine has clean hands in the Russia/Ukraine dispute. After all, German psychiatrists have access to people’s ear implants and use loud and silent sounds to bring out the worst in just about everyone.

However, I believe that there are lots of Ukrainians and others who reject Russia’s ways as there are lots of Russians who reject the Ukrainians’ ways. Russia calls it “the west” and fails pointing with the finger to Germany and instead blames the USA. Despite that Ukraine has currently a Jewish president, the Ukrainian government is often accused of turning a blind eye to neo-Nazi paramilitary groups fighting Russia-backed separatists.

Putting myself in the shoes of Russians, I wouldn’t want to be overrun by Nazis either. However, as Russia does all this business with Germany including providing it with a gas pipeline that even bypasses other countries, I can’t approve of Russia either. These activities make its government appear as if does not want to reveal who really the Nazis are and rather supporting them.

Germany still tries to take over the world, and Russia is helping them as much as the EU and the USA does. Nevertheless, Germany, the horrible men/women behind it, are those who secretly are setting up war situations. Even if the gas pipeline from Russia to Germany might be shut down for a while, Germany plans to profit nevertheless by worming itself even deeper and deeper into Russia by mind-controlling its people into thinking that the USA and not Germany are the Nazis. Germany is re-writing history and transmitting it in the ears and minds of people.

Putting myself in the shoes of the Ukrainians, I wouldn’t feel easy if Russians would invade my world with the bad human rights reputation that the Russia is having. German-controlled ear-implants at play. Germany wants rverything to go down in reputation but Germany. The EU states are deep in Germany’s pockets. It even has a German president. A woman, so that the world does suspect anything. If no a miracle happens, Germany is getting not just the Ukraine but even more countries via the EU. Or/and Germany is taking over Russia using various means.

It is so easy for Germany getting rich by having their secret service psychiatrists and agents using ear-implants and manipulating minds with silent and loud sounds, whatever fits better, to make Germany always the winner. That crisis between Russia and the Ukraine would be entire preventable if both would recognize who rejoices: Germany, even if the pipeline should be blocked for a bit.

That much of the world condemns Russia is as much a German secret service plan as the non-stellar reputation that the USA is having. In case of Russia, Germany wants Russia to take losses so that false friend Germany can to rush in and hand them some bandages for its wounds. I am sure that you too noticed, Marty, that Germany is rewriting history by making Russia and others believe that the USA and not Germany are the Nazis. Germany played a big rotten number on Russia (and China too) by turning it into communists using German agent Lenin and other German agents to keep their economies small and suppress people.

During WWII, when Russia recognized that Germany is a highly poisonous snake, it should have ditched communism as well. Because communism is another brutal German system. If Russia would have ditched communism, there would be no NATO. Right after the Nazis were officially defeated, Germany used former US alley Russia against “the West”, and Germany of course, were on both sides, West Germany and East Germany. However, the dices rolled, which system worked better for them, communism or capitalism, they made sure that they had a way to take over, either with East or West Germany.

And with the EU, we have the same thing. Under the cover of the EU, Germany wants to take over the Ukraine and by allegedly befriending Russia (the pipeline, other business between Germany and Russia, we are not delivering weapons to the Ukraine, etc. etc.), the German snake worms its way into Russia.

Whenever, I hear Munich Security Conference, it makes me… I don’t even have a word for what it makes me, Marty. But here is the German idea behind it: Tons of sand in the eyes of the people, making the world believe that Germany wants peace and is not still the secret driving force between war and all evil that comes with it and more. The Munich Security Conference is an alibi, a cover up, for what Germany and its SEGNPMSS (whatever they call their secret service who attaches little kids in school all over the world to turning them into pro German agents) is really up to. And that is not all Germany is doing. It is even much worse.

Germany milks the US taxpayers on a regular basis by setting up situations in which US officials feel they have to fight a war or pay for it or the defense. And Germany laughs up its greedy sleeve because they profit from it one way or the other when the USA wastes its money for secret German set ups. As far as I know, the USA gave billions of Dollars aid for the Ukraine, and Germany will profit from it as the Ukraine belongs to the EU and the EU belongs Germany.

On the other side, Germany itself does not want to pay assistance to the Ukraine, except some 5000 ridiculous helmets and maybe a hospital because they want their doctors to be glorified on the entire planet and they hope that Russia will allow them to be its official master in the future taken by lying into the ears of the Russians that the Americans are the Nazis and not Germany. And when all is taken over, there will be nothing but Nazis.

A peaceful solution would be if the Ukraine voluntarily waves to become a member of NATO, unless Russia does not leave them in peace. If Germany is busted behind issues of the Ukraine and Russia, it would help the peace for the Ukraine and Russia a lot. They would have a true common ground.

Also, Russia could be asked to become a member of NATO. That should make it feel easier. And as member of NATO, like the other members, it should not drink Germany’s cool aide and be peaceful and vigilant.

In anyway, the German still existing Nazi snake behind all of that needs to be busted. If not, this planet will never see peace. If the entire planet would become German, it would be no recipe of peace because Germans are known to go after their own too. People seems forgetting this.

Marty, on another subject, I watched the TV series Homeland. It has quite some moments of suspense but I never seen any TV series that is so blatantly pro psychiatry and also pro Germany. Here is some of the dulling for the world: Carrie Mathison, a CIA agent, is only not crazy when she gets e-shocked and takes her psychiatric medication. Her sister, a psychiatrist is almost a saint. Carrie gets always in troubles, except when she is in Germany and takes drugs and gets her e-shocks. She recovers in Germany from being a CIA agent and suddenly in Germany (what a suprise!) she is good mother, which she isn’t in the US. In the US, she wanted to drown her own child. Yes, what a horrible crap! Her then boyfriend, a German lawyer, is shocked when he finds out that she ordered an air-strike on almost 300 people in the Middle East but of course. “How could you!” he says but he is so stellar and does not to dump her. Unbelievable pro-German propaganda. Although, considering that she is a mass murderer, what does that say about him wanting to stay with her? But this is not how this TV show wants you to think. It wants you to glorify Germany. A German billionaire in this TV show is also saintly. Always there to help as philanthropist and showing the world how generous and great Germans are. In real life, this is exactly what Germany not is: generous. His only fault is that he loves Carrie Mathison so much and that he is a bit jealous which he overcomes at the end. This TV show is dripping with dumb German propaganda. A female German secret service agent drops her job for no other reason but to nurse an US agent back to health. And of course, the US agent causes her death soon after. It is a US TV show but full with anti-American propaganda. And this almost killed me: While the CIA is portrayed as horrible organization, except when agents take their meds and get their e-shocks, the only dirt that the BNA, the official German secret service has on its hands is making a shortcut around a privacy issue. Otherwise, they so clean in this TV series. What is going on with those writers? What are they smoking? Clueless as clueless can get.

I love you, Marty. Bunches. Be kissed a million of times. Be safe. I know they want us dead but the price of freedom is to fight back with words that are true.

Yours forever and ever,


The Nord-Stream-2 pipeline is another example how Germany uses the USA to take over

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Dearest Marty, my Prince, soulmate, and husband,

I am thinking of you and wish I could be with you.

This pipeline is another example how Germany uses the USA but also the EU to take over the Ukraine and then the 21 republicans of Russia and then China and then the rest of the world. Germany is hiding behind the back of the USA and other countries. Germany is the force that secretly invades all countries by installing ear-implants into all people when they are kids with unripe minds so that they do what Germany wants and that it can become the official world leader.

Yes, they run Russians secretly too. Communism is another bad German invention, but Germany hurt so many countries and international families in the past, that it has to cover its invading activities up and hide behind the broad back of the USA.

Despite that the psychs behind Germany manipulate also Russian minds via ear-implants, Germany can’t take Russia over in one move and piece. That it does not immediately backfire, Germany has to invade gradually, republic by republic, unless it can manipulate the USA and Russia to fight a hot war, with Russia being defeated and the USA exhausted. Germany would then make its move and take over all of Russia, either under the disguise as EU or directly as Germany.

Neither the USA, Russia, China, and any other country see that Germany is the instigator and the dangerous force. Accordingly, Russia and China accuse the USA and the USA accuses Russia and China of bad things happening. Exactly as written in SEGNPMSS’s playbook.

They can’t fool you and me, Marty. The planet is so horrible because the still existing Nazi doctors behind Germany control it. Heil ear-implants.

The Biden administration does not want to sour relationships with Germany. Good grief! No backbone! No courage! No truth! Germany is not USA’s friend but its covert enemy. How gullible this and other administrations are! The “USA” helps still secretly existing Nazi Germany to take over more and more countries and uses US taxpayer’s money to pay for it.

“Under the draft agreement, the USA and Germany would seek to promote investments of as much as $1 billion in a so-called Green Fund to help Ukraine’s transition to cleaner sources of energy. Germany would commit to an initial $175 million investment in the fund, the text says.”

When does the USA stop paying for its enemy Germany? On another subject, Marty, have a glance on the List of emerging technologies.

Head transplant? What the heck? And have a look at this: Seems everyone is beautiful, unless she is allergic to makeup:

I never stop loving you. Even with a head transplant (wink wink) I would keep on loving you, because you are wonderful and I know you.

Yours forever,

The Symbols of the One Dollar Bill

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Dearest Marty, my hero,

How are you?

I wonder what you think about the symbols of the One Dollar Bill. Yes, there are various conspiracy theories, and I believe the government’s response is that those are just symbols and the year 1776 on the bill is because the United States Declaration of Independence was crafted this year.

Fact is that cults are a German invention: Scientology and other religions were altered after German-ordered infiltrations, the Illuminati is a Bavarian cult, Rosicrucian is from Germany, the Skulls and Bones founder studied in Germany, the KKK has a German name, and of course, the worst, the Nazism is a German cult, and I am sure the list of German cults goes on and on.

Back to the symbols on the One Dollar Bill: I learned that the owl and the eye is a Bavarian Illuminati symbol and the 13 stars, the 13 arrows, the 13 berries too. I learned that the Latin phase “Annuit coeptis” says: “Favors [our] undertakings”, and the Latin phrase “Novus ordo seclorum” says: “A new order of the ages (is born).” This is a slogan of the Bavarian Illuminati. And then, “1776” is also the year when the Illuminati were founded in Bavaria. Are these just coincidences?

The Illuminati were founded a few months earlier but spies as they are, they knew in advance that the Declaration of Independence was in the making. Adam Weißhaupt, the official Bavarian Illuminati founder, tried to get his cult into the USA. I assume his cult should distract from the superior cult behind it, the SEGNPMSS. As I wrote before, all these German cults, the Bavarian Illuminati included, are SEGNPMSS cover organisations.

I don’t know when the SEGNPMSS “was founded”, Marty, and what they call their own worldwide monster organization. I refer to it as Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists’ Mindcontroller Secret Service to make the point that they were around during the time, when Germany showed it ugliest face, the Third Reich, and that they are psychiatrists, doctors, and mind-controllers. I have all reasons to believe that the SEGNPMSS was already active during the Middle Ages.

All I know is that they love Germany, doctors, and psychs, and hate us. Which is ultimate insanity as we always had the best intentions towards any living being.

Still, why are Illuminati symbols on the One Dollar Bill?

I miss you so much, Marty.

And where are you? I love and kiss you.

Yours forever, Sarah/Barbara

Your birthday is around this time, Marty?

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But numbers were never my strong suit, Marty, my hero, Prince, and husband.
Yes, you touch my hand, and I am a princess.

I wish you freedom, justice, and redemption. And the best year ever.
You are amazing, wonderful, one of a kind, incomparable, incredible, and these are just a few characteristics that make you so special. I wish I could spend your birthday with you and all other days too. I would treasure not just every day with you but also every moment with you.

I love you even more than the many decades ago when we met. I love you eternally with uncrushable divine dedication, BECAUSE I KNOW YOUR WORTH, Marty. You are not a worthless pebble on a beach. You are soooo rare, having such a stellar character that any Nazi, Nazi doctor, and Nazi agent is totally jealous of you. (Yes, these idiots should work on their own characters instead of being jealous of who you are.)

I can’t even imagine my life without you. I am so happy that you exist and that I can read characters and characters on the tonescale. I thank heaven that I met and recognized you.
What I with most, is seeing you again.

So, I wish you that your happiest years are coming finally now and that we are united.
Be kissed, tenderly, passionately, and all over, and all again.

Yours forever,


We believe in true love and real magic.

Who is behind the psychs

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Dearest Marty, my hero and captivating soulmate and husband,

How is your life?
You are in my thoughts every day. And every day, I tried to understand what your life is like and where you are. I am so grateful that I have met you. I admire all your personality traits because they are good and remarkable. For me, you are entirely irreplaceable. I wish I could be also physically with you, talking and laughing with you and hold you in my arms.

Reuters developed a graphic with a timeline of mass shootings in the USA and updated it yesterday. At least 2,000 people have been killed or injured in mass shootings since 1999.

And since Columbine, lawmakers, law enforcement, and all other people whose job and duty it is to prevent such violence from happening are not doing anything effective to stop it.
Ron said: The price of freedom is to fight back.

But the people that I mentioned don’t fight back. They don’t get that terrorists are being made and who makes them. Psychiatrists or neuro”scientists” or whatever these barbers and butchers are calling themselves are conditioning these people and run them via ear-implants do commit the atrocities and if possible, turn the gun on them, to get rid of the evidence, which are psychiatric altered minds.

Law enforcement says always the same: acted alone, mentally ill…

They didn’t act alone, and the monsters who set the shooters or terrorists up come away all the time. Because the USA DOES NOT FIGHT BACK. And with fighting back, I don’t mean to be violent as well. With fighting back, I mean pulling strings until those are being found and prosecuted who create shooters and terrorists.

In the very early 80s, Marty, a GO WW mission came to the Munich org. They researched who is behind the psychs. Psychs commit and committed so many crimes against the humanity that not many asked the question: Is there another suppressive force behind the psychiatrists, and if yes, who or what is it?

As you know, the GO was infiltrated by non-Scientologists. Mary Sue and Jane Kember are just two examples. Of course, they allowed themselves to be led in the wrong direction.
This GO WW mission investigated the Freemasons.

To me, Marty, the Freemasons are a squirrel group of Ron’s attempts in earlier centuries to get Scientology off the ground. Through all his lifetimes, he tried to create schools that makes people into better people.

Actually, the Jews founded the first Freemason branch in 1885 in Berlin. Naturally, a German-infiltrated GO “investigates” the Freemasons as the “who” behind the psychs, instead the Germans.

I am sure beyond any doubt that “behind the psychs” are not the Jews but Germans, although Germans bring also out the worst in so many Jews and enough Jews are psychs.
According to Wikipedia, psychiatry is not a German invention. They say it came from Egypt, Greece, Iraq, Iran, England and France. Sure, when something has a bad reputation as psychiatry, Germany likes to wash its dirty bloody hands in innocence.

The monsters behind Germany secretly run all other nations. They also plant and alter writings. Nothing new about this.

In the very early 1800, a German coined the term “psychiatry” and the world became even more hellish afterwards.

The force behind psychiatry are German barbers and butchers who are still alive and have no real education at all. Yet, they run secretly the world.

I love you, Marty.

Yours forever,

Actually, I have a lot more than just a crush on you. 🙂

The planned $2 trillion bill for the “infrastructure” in the USA

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Dearest Marty, my unforgettable husband and Prince, how are you?

There is not one time before I go to sleep when I don’t think about you and how life is. Sometimes, I think I have figured it out entirely. Sometimes, I think I haven’t figured out anything. But deep down, I feel that I know exactly what the situation is. We are being conspired at by the psychiatric and medical monsters behind Germany who have their mind-controlling grip deep in any country including the USA. Heil ear-implants! That is how they control the people and keep us apart. With us, everyone would win, and this is what they don’t want. They are SPs.

I read the news that President Biden wants $2 trillion to fix the infrastructure in the USA. Sure, you and me, we also don’t want collapsing bridges or dangerous roads.

But anyone who conspires against us and stops us from finding each other so that we can build safe and life-preserving villages in the USA and instead is wasting trillions, billions, or millions of USD for an infrastructure in the same old unhealthy and unsafe world, should pay the wasted trillions, billions or millions of USD back from their own pockets or try to get the cash from their SEGNPMSS case officers.

I am so tired of seeing waste and investments on the unprotected surface of the world. It is like nobody is thinking deep enough how life could be better, safer, and healthier. I often have the impression that when people think, they just scratch the surface of matters. They don’t think in layers. They don’t figure what lies underneath, above, beyond something as we do it. That is why they don’t figure out what is going on. This also includes the many conspiracy theorists, who come up with all kinds of theories but don’t get to the bottom of who really conspires and why.

We need villages for all people like the one that I remember against all odds. And it was NOT EASY to remember it, Marty. Germany’s medical and psychiatric monsters removed it from my memory and I just was able to see it again because the Almighty is on our side.

Not investing in those villages is an enormous waste of money. You and I know that the coronavirus pandemic would have never become a pandemic if many of our villages would exist. All the deaths and costs of the pandemic could have prevented if the USA and the world would build our villages. And another problem is, the medical and psychiatric monsters has numerous other viruses in their labs that they unleash onto the world. When does mainstream finally hit back against them instead of doing what they transmit with loud and silent sounds into their ears?

I love you so much, Marty. I have lots of work. In addition, the house and my lots need lots of attention in spring. Living in one of the villages would be soooooo much better and easier!

Be kissed!

Yours forever,


P.S. I still can’t get over it that WordPress is in the business of writing but has no spellchecker for the blogs. Smells German to me. It develops backward instead of forward. It once had a spellchecker.

What do you think of the Dashka Stone?

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Dearest Marty, my unforgetable soulmate and wonderful Prince, how are you?

Nothing new here. Handymen are hard to find here and due to Covid, I decided to replace some of my electrical outlets myself. I switched off the breakers before I replaced them. Never learned how to do that, except from watching how to do videos on YouTube.

The only outlets that I could not replace were such where the former owner or handyman or electrician drew the screws so tight that I could not loosen them or when the wires were so short that I couldn’t get the receptacle out from the wall box. But those which I replaced work just fine.

I read today about the Dashka Stone. It was discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia 1999 and weighs a ton and some say it could be 120 million years old. It shows a map and is also called “The Map Of The Creator”. It shows not just the environment of these mountains but almost 7500 miles of channels and dams plus hieroglyphs, which were not deciphered but could be an old form of Chinese. And here it comes: It is said that the map is very accurate and could have done only from an aerial viewpoint.

Some people think it is a forgery. They wonder what a purpose such a map has. Well, if someone is exterior, he sure can overlook an area and provide a map for those who does not have this ability. However, a problem is how to date the lines and hieroglyphs. Even if a stone is dated as very old, can that be said for the carvings in it too?

For example, I am 100% convinced that some of the stuff that I have seen scratched into the Neolithic stones at Gobekli Tepe was smeared there rather recently. Also, imo, the Nazca lines were carved into the stones with a laser, and not that ancient at all.

Be kissed, my hero. I think of you and love you.

Yours forever,


Look at the screenshots, Marty

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Munich beer hall, yes, that is what happens when people have German-controlled ear-implants.

And look at this primitive Trump supporter. Cults are indeed German. The GOP is destroyed like Scientology. One hardly recognizes anymore what it was before.

I love you, Marty, and will be back soon.
