
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘temple

Wouldn’t it be interesting to find out what Baalbek was before the Romans built their temple on it?

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Dearest Marty, my one and only,

Thinking of you. I am waiting for that conspiracy against us getting its motivator and breaking down. How far can we get when all obey to their psychiatric-oriented ear implant case officers and a Bavarian-controlled supercomputer? However, I know that our postulates are strong. Wish there wouldn’t be a “late” in the word postulate. Speaking about words: in our world, locker room talk is: Has anyone seen my other sock? 

On another note: I looked again at megaliths. The Romans obscured the original purpose of the Baalbek platform/structure and turned it into their Temple of Jupiter. Very suspicious, if you ask me. I think the Romans were used by the Bavarian barbers and butchers to build on this site, far away from Rome, to cover up who really built the base and why.  Bavarians and Romans were always joined by the hip.

The Middle East was home to many wonders and now is has very sadly such a bad reputation. And why? Heil ear-implants!

There is a stone that is even heavier than the Stone of the Pregnant Woman (approx. 1000 tons), which is also at Baalbek, Lebanon. (I read that Baal stands for God but some say that it means City of the Sun. I believe that this is rubbish. Nobody uses gigantic stones to let the sun in, rather keeping it out, e.g. to avoid aging.)

These red granite stones look like machine-cut but the “technology” used is unknown. These stones contradict the history books. Some think that giants inhabited the world once or that aliens were here who had the technology and then left. Maybe the lady was pregnant. But being pregnant doesn’t stop one from being able to cut and move heavy stones with willpower. Most beings can lift their heads, arms, legs, and I bet the farm that some could lift a lot more if not restrained by silent sounds. Christians shouldn’t be that shocked, after all, did Jesus not do all kinds of miracles?

These huge stones were moved a half a mile up a hill from a quarry and then piled on each other to form the gigantic formation upon which the Romans then placed their temple.

Some of the huge stones are still in the quarry. Were the architects/masons killed before they could finish the original construction? That is a question that I always have when looking at megalithic structures. Stonehenge and so many other structures look UNFINISHED to me. I bet these massive stones also served defense purposes.

However, the stones at Baalbek are looking as if very precisely cut with sharp machines or lasers. Can that be done with willpower? Why not? But not with x silent tapes playing in the subconscious mind, reducing abilities so that one is only able to lift own body parts or some daisies.    

Below mentioned author asks why the masons of Baalbek struggled with transporting 800 tons heavy stones a half a mile uphill if they could split the stones into smaller stones. My point: exactly. Who says anything weighs heavy when done with willpower?

Marty, I don’t believe that all thetans have the same abilities, some have less, some have more. However, all people would have more abilities if constant psychiatric tapes with silent sounds playing in anyone’s mind would not steal those abilities. I bet the farm that top SEGNPMSS psychs are sitting in rooms of which they think are not penetrated by silent sounds (secret communication carried by neutrinos) or which are indeed not penetrated by silent sounds, trying to lift and cut a tiny pebble with willpower but are not being able to do it. Lack of ethics is what is holding themselves down. That is the sure way to reduce own abilities and making oneself smaller.    

Of course, most people find the idea of willpower over matter ridiculous and unscientific. But what do they know? Constant tapes with silent sounds, reducing their abilities, are playing in their minds underneath the tinnitus. Scientists failed to figure that out too.   

I know Bavarian butchers and barbers. They are afraid of spirituality and abilities. Those subjects are causing panic in them as they fear that people as bad as they are dropping 1000 ton stone onto them.  And that is why fearful psychs came up with silent sounds send into anyone’s ear and other implants, instead of working to raise their ethics level and that of other people so that nobody resorts to violence anymore.    

You know these SPs too, Marty. It is such a shame that these people don’t work on themselves. The universe could be a good place if they finally applied ethics to their lives. And it is easy: they just don’t have to do things to others that they don’t want to be done to themselves. The easiest thing in the world!!!!

Be kissed, my hero. I am watching the presidential debates and always think what a loss for the world that you are not the US President yet. You got all it, Marty. The intellect, the ethics, the courage, the knowledge, the vision, and the clean character.  

I love you and will be always with you.






The pyramid in Palenque, Mexico, protected a water well to help the living not the dead

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Dearest Marty, my dashing Prince and awesome soulmate,

How are you?

Scientists all over the world want to make us believe that great historic structures as pyramids were built to “worship the dead” because they found skeletons or coffins inside. I rather think that these skeletons or coffins and inscriptions were added later, after an attack by SPs killed the leaders and destroyed or started the destruction of the rest of the civilization.

Recently, scientists  found that underneath of the Pakal pyramid is a spring, in other words, the pyramid was built on top of a spring. Apparently, these scientists are completely forgetting that there were/are people who poison wells to kill others and that wise rulers protect their clean source of water for others and themselves.

They found that the water tunnels under the pyramid direct water from the well to the front of the pyramid to an esplanade, allegedly to assist Pakal’s spirit to find a way into the underworld. Baloney! Spirits find their own ways. The well water, likely even additionally purified on the inside of the pyramid,  WAS LEAD TO THE OUTSIDE TO GIVE ALL OTHERS ACCESS TO CLEAN WATER. Nothing is more important for health and longevity than clean water.  

That’s also why the Great Pyramids and the Taj Mahal have wells inside. Built for defense reasons and keep the water source save. The idea was keep water and people safe. That’s the story.

Unfortunately, there were always traitors on the inside who for personal gain assisted the SPs from the outside. Or barbers and butchers kidnapped people and hypnotized them to let them in. They opened the doors to the monsters and the good leaders were murdered. That is why no great civilization survives. Lack of ethics and stupidity. These two are joined by the hip. And hypnosis and mind-control was used too to bring civilizations down. And all of that is still in use today in form of terror and war. 

I know you figured it too, Marty. You know what kind of hellish planet and universe this is. Most people don’t even know that they lived before and come back. Yikes! 

 Because psychs and their dumb agents suppress all scientific facts hereto.  And that is why they don’t create truly safe futures. They think they are not around. And Ron’s original Scientology is infiltrated, altered, ridiculed, and defamed, who said it so clearly that people inherit the world that they leave behind. Even if they don’t remember it, they come back into their own hell that they failed to make better.

Many people believe that they just live one lifetime because they can’t remember their past lives. Yet, they can’t remember their times as newborns either. Most say that they can’t remember anything before age 3. If they can’t remember all of this lifetime, how come they find former lifetimes absurd? Denial of the existence of past lives must be also that they subconsciously don’t want to face what they did and what happened to them in these former lifetimes. Non-confront. 

 I am sure, Marty, that “childhood amnesia” are SEGNPMSS tapes in all languages played in the subconscious minds of all to forget.  We live in a secret psychiatric world, and these psychs are the dumbest people ever, because also they sooner or later step in the traps they created for others. 

I love you, Marty. I am so glad that I know of your existence. I  can read personalities.  Not like a psych, invading personal thoughts by not even getting smart reading them… They are reading ours word for word thought since centuries and still haven’t figured us out. Lol. They are arrogant and superficial. And deep down, they are afraid. Afraid of us who want good lives for anyone who is peaceful. Yes, they are that stupid. 

Like you, Marty, I can sense the personality of a person. Knowledge of tonescale of course but also sensing intentions, withholds,  knowledge, ethics levels even their past lives…  I don’t do it deliberately, like “Now I am analyzing this person….” No, it just comes to me. And what I sensed around you, what came to me from you, was simply amazing. Wonderful! Your beyond words wonderful personality.

 I could not live without these abilities. They brighten up dark times.  If we, you and I, would not have these abilities, we wouldn’t have figured what we did. Yes, after a billion lies, we still are convinced, more than ever, that we are the soulmates that are supposed to be together, against all odds, surviving even the thickest conspiracy.

Keep on surviving, Marty. You are remarkable. Absolutely unique, and completely irresistible.        

Your forever,
