
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘lasers

Nothing but disasters

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful hero and Prince, how are you?

23,000 people died in the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, and nobody speaks out that earthquakes can be triggered by beaming lasers into fault lines. Just like the 225,000 people killed in the tsunami of 2004, I believe that those were intentional crimes against humanity by people who shouldn’t have a human body because they are animals without any human qualifications. People all over the world need to build villages with roofs and an infrastructure that don’t break in case of earthquakes, instead of building their houses on the unprotected surface of the world.

And then there is a large piece of the sun breaking off and scientists are “curious”. I hope they are finally figure out that this is done with a laser. Astronomers think that this is related to the reversal of the sun’s magnetic field. Yes, lasers are messing with that field too.

And the Great Salt Lake is disappearing. I bet you know the best solution for the situation, Marty.

This is what ChatGPT told me:

If you wanted to transport salt water from the ocean to the Great Salt Lake, you would need to build a large infrastructure that would include pipelines, pumps, and treatment facilities. This would require a significant investment in technology and manpower, and the cost would be extremely high. Additionally, adding salt water from the ocean to the Great Salt Lake could potentially harm the unique ecosystem of the lake and its surrounding area, so it would not be a feasible or responsible option.

But recently, ChatGPT told me a very wrong answer to another rather simple question.

I also asked ChatGPT about other ways to transport water from regions with surplus water to regions experiencing water scarcity or drought.

Here is its answer:

Pipelines: Long-distance pipelines can be used to transport water from one region to another, especially over land. This method is common in some countries, where water is pumped from rivers, lakes or reservoirs in one region to supply water to another region.

Canals: Canals can be built to channel water from areas of surplus to areas of deficit. This method has been used for centuries and is still in use in some parts of the world.

Barges and Tankers: Water can be transported by barges or tankers along rivers, coasts, or even across the oceans. This method is often used for emergency water supplies in times of drought.

Desalination: In coastal areas, saltwater can be converted into fresh water through desalination processes such as reverse osmosis. This method is becoming increasingly popular in water-scarce regions.

Cloud Seeding: In some regions, cloud seeding can be used to increase rainfall and improve water supplies. This method involves releasing particles into clouds to encourage the formation of raindrops.

Bing AI referred me to this article about Water Scarcity and Solutions.

Most regions of the planet (except Africa) have no water scarcity.

I love you.

Yours forever,


Yep, lasers can silently take over ‘voice commands’ and not just to smart speakers

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Lasers for sure also can be used to send silent sounds through ear- and body implants…

Dearest Marty, my awesome husband and wonderful Prince, how are you? 

Researchers from Tokyo and the University of Michigan published that they can take over voice commands from Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and Amazon Alexa devices by shining laser pointers or flashlights at their microphones.

I still prefer a door that doesn’t open to some crazy psychiatrist or “neuro-scientist” talking into minds and bodies of humans and animals.

My electronic devices often react as they shouldn’t. For example, when I use speech recognition, I often see a very different text (not even remotely related to what I really said). I would be an idiot if I wouldn’t figure out what is going on and that my voice commands are being high-jacked and altered. Speech recognition could be a time-saver but not for me who is a target of these lunatic psychs.  

I wonder what happened at your end of the world. I never give up hoping to see you again, Marty.

BTW, your impostor is posting again. A YouTube video of Kayne West – Jesus is King – Sunday Service Experience. He added the words: “Here is what can happen when a brother decides to replace attack thoughts with love.”

Well, what does this mean? He no longer has attack thoughts against David Miscavige because His Cobness ordered a lot of Scientology cash transferred to your impostor?

Neither Monique’s husband nor His Cobness are showing love to a brother by keeping you suffering wrongfully behind bars and the truth from mankind that Monique’s husband isn’t not YOU.

I love you, Marty.

Yours always and forever.


P.S. The Sukiyaki Song is not new and has sad lyrics, but I always loved the song and imagined positive lyrics instead when hearing it, Marty. Kyu Sakamoto’s version, the original is still the very best. Here it is:





SEGNPMSS is using lasers on heartbeats to harass people

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and husband,

How are you? My thoughts are with you.

I recently read that the Pentagon has a laser that identifies people by their heartbeats.

The SEGNPMSS is not just using a similar tech to just read heartbeats to ID people, it uses lasers to cause pains, heart disease, and kill people with it. And their “technology” goes through walls.  

It is no science fiction. Have a look here:

“As MIT Technology Review reports, the Pentagon has developed a laser that can identify people — from a distance — by their heartbeat. The technology, known as Jetson, uses laser vibrometry to identify surface movement on the skin caused by a heartbeat, and it works from 200 meters away.”

SEGNPMSS uses lasers from much further away than 200 meters and that not just skin-deep.

Interesting is also that they use the word meters and not US measurement yards, isn’t it?

The reporter missed what still existing Nazi doctors do to the hearts of people with this and similar technology.  

I love you.

Yours forever,

Thinking about the alleged worst year to be alive

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Dearest Marty, my awesome husband and soulmate,

Too bad, another Thanksgiving that we can’t celebrate together. I am thankful for your existence, Marty. I can’t imagine a world without you. And I don’t want to imagine it. It would be like a billion times the year 536 all over.

A medieval historian declared the year 536 to the worst year ever,  worse than 1349, when the Black Death wiped out half of Europe and worse than 1918, with its 50 million to 100 million dead people. 

Guess it is all relative. Jews who were gassed in the 1940s and lost all their family members thanks to the Nazis and the doctors behind them, consider these the worst years. People who fall victim to terror acts or wars today, consider these years the worst ever. Due to the fact that humans are physically immortal if they are allowed to live in certain environments, any year in which people die, may it on a disease or “old age”, is the worst year to be alive.    

I am certain that barbers (the today’s medical doctors and psychiatrists) knew how to inject rats with plague and spread flu germs to eradicate millions of people in the middle ages, and before and later on. Because they control everyone’s ear-implants, the truth does not come out, and everyone loses.

However, the “mysterious fog that plunged Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia into darkness, day and night—for 18 months” made me ponder.

What was the purpose of that? It sure wasn’t natural. Was the purpose to keep fog and ashes over the world to erect and display the fake universe unseen of which our modern people think that it is real? Or did this fake universe exist already before and the fog and the cold was created for no other reason than torturing and killing people? Or was the fog used to cover up a lot of ear-implanting and hypnotizing or steal riches, properties, and inventions? 

A team of scientists thinks that the fog had something to do with a cataclysmic volcanic eruption in Iceland that spew ash across the Northern Hemisphere early in 536 and was followed later by two more eruptions. Might be very well that the eruptions helped the mess, but lasers might be as old as history itself. Looking at the precision cutting of many megalithic stones makes me think of lasers, Marty. Not that the barbers and butchers invented them. But they stole them. Directing a laser in a volcano would be one way to heat up the magma and send lava and dust over parts of the world. 

But do three volcanic eruptions in Iceland explain 18 months darkness all over Europe, Middle East, and parts of Asia? Or were other horrible men-made matters involved to enslave mankind?

Here is the article:

And I read that Titanic II is being built. I find it rather creepy. What is behind that? That people are not interested lifting the real Titanic from the sea so that it never will be revealed that there is a German missile in the belly of the ship and that not really the iceberg but the missile brought it down?     

I love you. Be kissed, Marty, I think of you and also your family.

Yours always,


My supermarket is not that entertaining as this one here.

Too bad that surprise music or dancing, a lovely idea that started in the USA got the name “mob”. SEGNPMSS is behind giving nice things bad names and turning some of these events even in violent ones. Heil ear-implants.   


The bridge, a few thoughts about the collapsed bridge

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful husband and Prince, how are your days and nights?

As you know, love is more than words. I don’t think that I ever will be able to describe how much you mean to me. I will forever cherish what was between us and all of it was wonderful.

Thinking that Germany has filed a case against you behind my back makes me even more determine to kick their still existing Nazi butts. The OT abilities that they tell the world through their agents would not exist, do exist, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to know what I know.   

And how you differ from your impostor, Monique’s husband who you hopefully sued for stealing your life and ruining your reputation by admitting to crimes that HE but NOT YOU committed.

I watched the man during all his flip-flop phases: your impostor in the orgs, then allegedly Anti-DM, then allegedly an “independent Scientologist”, then  a German collaborator and officially a non-Scientologist, then a Scientology-hater on the Internet, and in the media, then even flirting with running a “deprogramming course”, and then, helping DM and Miscavology again. And I was thinking in all his different phases: How can anyone who knew you, mistake him with you???? Impossible! You and he are different like night and day.   

There are Scientologists and the Rinderists and Miscavologists. While Scientologists will testify the truth that Monique’s husband is not you, the first Inspector General for Ethics, I doubt that a lot for the Rinderists and Miscavologists who hang or hung out in Scientology but never became Scientologists. Some “bridge” with the latter two… 

Sometimes I wonder what the CIA and the FBI says to your and Ron’s impostor. “We had no idea that there were ringers with the same names and look that were assigned to you and the founder of Scientology for security  reasons?” Yeah right! Whatever the justification is: Germany is behind it and the master of all ear-implants to control the world. And “American” officials and judges are their helpers. You wouldn’t suffer for decades if the world (incl. and very much so the USA) wouldn’t be controlled by them via freaking ear-implants.  

There was this horrible bridge accident in Florida. Some terms make me do comparisons: “bridge”, “bridge collapse”, “Florida”, “…water”, “stress test”…

Several people are dead and $14.2 million were wasted. On top of it, it seems that the FIU President Mark B. Rosenberg is Jewish.

I think that the SEGNPMSS, which doesn’t want to be discovered, lasered in vulnerable areas of that bridge to bring that bridge down, and that they plan to bring another “bridge” down. 

I learned that in 2014, another bridge in Miami crashed but without human fatality. Guess this was the test crash. 

Most of the time, before the SEGNPMSS conducts an atrocity, it prepares an alibi, e.g. they crack the material a bit in advance but transmit with loud or silent commands into the ears of people responsible that it isn’t a problem, or they transmit loud or silent sounds into the ears of people to make “human error” so that these people can be blamed later, who they preferably kill during the terror act, or arrange low quality material be delivered, accepted, and used, etc.  

Technicians said before that this crack did not compromise the structural integrity of the bridge. The FIU said that it meet with the contractors and determined that the crack did not constitute a compromise the structural integrity and the State of Florida, the DOT apparently did not object. Again, we are speaking about the SEGNPMSS and that the FIU President Mark B. Rosenberg is Jewish.

I am far from saying that Jews are infallible or above ear-implants. Unfortunately, they not, like any other race. However, the SEGNPMSS is advancing bad apples in the Jewish race to bust them later (they don’t do this to Germans, particularity not to Bavarians) for the purpose to make anti-Jews and pro-Nazi statements, or they are setting Jews otherwise up as in this bridge and for sure thousands of others incidents. Why am I so sure about this? Because I know the Germans, and particularly the Bavarians.    

According to the media, there were 800 such bridges and none collapsed. The engineers and technicians of that Florida bridge are stunned. The prefabricated main bridge span was installed, but pylon and suspension cables were not. The drawings of the bridge are possibly were not correct either. Some reports say that the bridge crashed while the cables were tightened. A bridge worker was killed by working on the bridge. This might be all the case, however, I am convinced that there is SEGNPMSS foul play involved. Usually, the SEGNPMSS has some alibis in place on which the disaster can be blamed while they stay cowardly in hiding.   

Loud or silent commands sent into the heads of people to makes mistakes it typical for the SEGNPMSS. And then, they do “the rest”, e.g. using lasers to bring down a bridge or other constructions.

Shouldn’t it be possible to use high-tech devices to detect laser beams in the footage before the bridge crashed?  I think one or more SEGNPMSS lasers could have been involved. Nazi terrorism.  

I am convinced that a laser was used by some SEGNPMSS terrorists in spring of 2011 on my house, and a part of it crashed. It was costly for me. They constantly want me to throw the towel and return to Germany. But as they are just psychiatric-“smart” and not real Scientologist-intelligent, they are getting the exact opposite from me. Marty, I am telling you, we couldn’t even afford their kind of stupidity.       

You will be always in my heart, Marty.  I saw your personality. There was really great news for me and the world. You have an awesome personality. No wonder that I just have eyes for you.  This is really no wonder. You will be forever my stable bridge and I am yours.  


Infinitely yours,



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Dearest Marty, my awesome Prince and hero,

I don’t think that inventors who invent for the sake of earning money do always the best job. There is so much stupid stuff on this planet and mainly serves that people step on at night and hurt their toes.

However, inventions out of a real need, are the best. I always wanted to invent a water machine. None that filters or treats recycled water. A machine that invests healthy water from scratch. I researched how this would be possible. 

Never tried it in a lab or at home but the right amount of hydrogen plus oxygen could create water.  I bet you know a lot about it, Marty, how to get really clean water.

This is what I read in how stuff works:

Water is made of two hydrogen atoms attached to an oxygen atom. This seems like pretty basic chemistry, so why don’t we just smash them together and solve the world’s water ills? Theoretically, this is possible, but it would be an extremely dangerous process, too.

To create water, oxygen and hydrogen atoms must be present. Mixing them together doesn’t help; you’re still left with just separate hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The orbits of each atom’s electrons must become linked, and to do that we must have a sudden burst of energy to get these shy things to hook up.

Since hydrogen is extremely flammable and oxygen supports combustion, it wouldn’t take much to create this force. Pretty much all we need is a spark — not even a flame — and boom! We’ve got water. The hydrogen and oxygen atoms’ electrons’ orbits have been conjoined.

And then, I wish I would have these toys when I was a kid. And it is not just for kids. These small electronic pieces (open source electronics) snap together with small magnets. Each of these bits fulfill a certain purpose, and they can be set together for all kinds of prototyping and intentions. The entire library is USD 4000, quite pricey, but the idea is great. For all kinds of inventions, these small circuits don’t have to be built anymore as they are already built. The invention can go right to the next level.

How are you, Marty? I miss you every day and night too. I play through my head the reasons why I don’t hear from you. And the answer that I get is always the same: Germany uses not just Germans but also other nationals as their international ear-implant robots to deny our rights. These people are so stupid and load such atrocities on their consciences. They deny it for sure, but you and I know that crimes like these nag on their feeling of self-worth. They throw away what’s most important: a good character for some MEST, which is taken anyway from again soon after.  That is what their secret service masters are thinking and that is what they with them:  The Moor has done his duty the Moor can go. And when they “go”, they can’t even take a good character with them.  Being conditioned to be run by ear implants and a bad character is no good start for the next lifetime.  

I love you, my sweetheart. BTW, when M was on Bali, one of their volcano started to act up. Typical, isn’t it? Someone should knock the lasers out of the dirty claws of you know who! She is still in Australia. 

Yours forever,


Pompeii and (man-made) volcanic eruptions

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Dearest Marty, my one and only, how are you? My thoughts are with you!

People who do not think deep enough (or maybe are afraid to face reality) reject the idea that this planet is kept deliberately uninformed for centuries as far as technology is concerned. And they reject this idea despite numerous structures on Earth point clearly to advanced technology in ancient history, technology that suddenly disappeared from Earth. “Disappeared” is another word for stolen.

As you know, approx. 2000 residents in the historic Pompeii were killed by the erupting volcano Vesuvius. 

Most people believe that volcanoes erupt at random and that density and pressure is a normal natural event. I beg to differ. I am convinced that lasers and underground explosion and exact calculations made/make volcano to erupt and that past and current eruptions are environmental terror with the intent to massmurder. Same goes for earth quakes.  

These terrorists always are getting away, because there is no awareness (or honesty) that they exist.

Pompeii, although FAR from a perfect civilization, far from a civilization that would attract us, Marty, it was one the SEGNPMSS was jealous of. That’s why it had to go. It is always the same. Although not really ethical, Pompeii was wealthy.   

Instead of working on themselves, the SEGNPMSS acts out of jealousy and destroys. If good people want to outdo something or someone, they try to create something better.  They don’t try to eradicate what they envy. They are using what they admire as an inspiration to build something even better. That is the difference between good people and insane scum.

Be kissed, Marty, and never forget that I love you.

Yours forever,


And virtual hugs for you, my Prince!



1) These of gravitational waves are man-made to fool people into believing that black holes are real 2) Lasers used to target aircrafts

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Dearest Marty, my brilliant husband and soulmate, how are you?

“Science” made a “huge” discovery: “gravitational waves”.

Here is the definition: In physics, gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime which propagate as waves, travelling outward from the source. Predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein on the basis of his theory of general relativity, gravitational waves transport energy as gravitational radiation.

This is from the New York Times:

Einstein was not quite sure about these waves. In 1916, he told Karl Schwarzschild, the discoverer of black holes, that gravitational waves did not exist, then said they did. In 1936, he and his assistant Nathan Rosen set out to publish a paper debunking the idea before doing the same flip-flop again.

And here is how they were “detected”:  The waves vibrated a pair of L-shaped antennas in Washington State and Louisiana known as LIGO.

And here is how they sound like:

And here is what I am thinking: That deep universe that our telescope and our astronomers are seeing is a fake German projection. Behind it is the real universe covered up before our eyes. I am certain that the deep universe has the same physical laws as the near universe (near to Earth, that part of the universe that is real).

So, how easy is it to vibrate the antennas on Earth with a nearby laser? Very easy. Black holes and the “expanding universe”? Created to stop Earth nations from exploding space, nobody may explore it until all creatures out there are attached to German psychiatric ear-implants and controlled by Germany’s secret service psychiatrists and mind-controllers.

With Albert Einstein, Germany wins (so they think) laurels anyway things are moving. Right now, they claim that he is German who was born in Germany (although Einstein didn’t want to be German) and that Germans are the brightest people ever. If what he said or what he did should be revealed as average, wrong or controlled, they will say, hey, he was a Jew, what do you expect?      

Yes, there are waves, but they are German-made. I am convinced that there are no black holes in the real far universe and I bet you think so too, Marty.

With their freaking computer-projection, Germany is pulling everyone’s leg. They tell people a billion of years ago, two black holes circled and then collided and merged and “ringed down” (merged) and sent gravitational waves, which we now can measure and hear on Earth with LIGO, two antennas 1900 miles apart. Last year in fall, they both recorded a “billion year old echo of the black hole collision”.

Lol. What a crap. From a satellite, they uses a laser to touch these antennas making the world believe that the German invention of black holes are real. Who are they kidding? Surely not us, Marty.

And here, other laser news: International Business Times, reported this yesterday:  On Sunday (14 February) a Virgin Atlantic plane bound for New York was forced to turn back to London Heathrow Airport after a pilot was injured by a laser shone into the cockpit. The incident is far from isolated. Between January 2009 and June 2015 more than 8,998 laser incidents involving aircraft across Britain were reported to the UK Civil Aviation Authority.

You and I know that it is terrorism. Some lasers are visible, others are not. Lasers can pinpoint matter, cut through matter even metal, generate very high temperatures, and also blind pilots or cut their consciousness off and make them down planes. There are numerous other terror ways than just a bomb on board to make a plane or helicopter crash. And Germany’s psychiatrists, the men behind Hitler, order this and other kind of terror.

I love you, Marty. Hope to see you against all odds soon.

Yours always,



I can’t believe I could possibly say these words
Far beyond the most precious good, there you are
Far beyond the most ambitious dream, there you are
Far beyond the most beautiful thing
Far beyond the stars, there you are
Far beyond, there you are for me, for me, just for me
Far beyond the deepest sea, there you are
Far beyond the limit of the world, there you are
Far beyond the infinite time, far beyond life
There you are, far beyond, there you are for me










The creepy medical (German-controlled world): children of three biological parents

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Dearest Marty, my soulmate and love of my life, how are you?

That picture above is an “embryo transfer”.

How easy it is to impregnate a woman with an embryo of several biological parents that was made in a tube by German-controlled med students or doctors. I bet the content of the world bank (if it would be mine of course) that the SEGNPMSS produces secretly children of three or more biological parents SINCE CENTURIES.

It is not a complicated technology, it is just a creepy technology. And they are hiding cowardly behind other nations making such “ok” announcements, like the USA or the UK,as they want to get away with these crimes.

As a sum, here my thoughts. Marty:

A) It is done frequently since centuries, and most parents and children have no idea. A lot can happen when a woman visits a gynecologist that she can’t see or control.

B) It is not just done on boys.

C) It is done because these medical people are suppressive and full of themselves. They love those medical experiments and that they can say that it was them who did it to somebody. It is not done to keep diseases at bay as mitochondrial diseases, etc. International medical students and secret service doctors (all are hanging on SEGNPMSS ear implant strings) use lasers to mess with the health (physical and mental) of all kinds of people, including the unborn. Why do they do it? You and I know it: no ethics and wanting to be superior to others (typical German, particularly Bavarian).

D) Subjecting people and the unborn to remote-controlled germs, sneaky secret laser applications, and not allowing mainstream to live in really healthy protected environments etc. results in diseases and aging.

E) FDA and the medical agencies of other countries do the dirty work for still existing German Nazi doctors (ear implants make it possible) by approving their “work” instead of finally telling the people of this world that they needs a new way of life (and busting the SEGNPMSS) to be and stay healthy and young. It is so easy to figure that all out for somebody who doesn’t hang on that freaking string that sucks intelligence right out of people like a sponge.

F) Some are saying that making children of three biological parents would be playing God. No, it is not playing God. God wouldn’t do anything like that. People involved in that are from hell.

                                       I love you, Marty. Glad that we both are two parent people.

                                              Yours always and forever. Sarah/Barbara 2

Yep, cosmologists need to rethink their models of quasar evolution and the formation of the most massive structures in the universe like this: a secret service “far universe” computer projection is fooling us

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Dearest Marty, my rockstar, how are you?

Before the 60s, cosmologists “discovered” the quasars. Very bright objects on the fake “far universe” projection.

They think that quasars are big black holes that swallow gas and blasting energy.

If you and I would have studied cosmology or astrophysics, the alleged existence of “black holes” in “the universe” would made the both of us (and maybe some few others) immediately suspicious as to that they are “inventions/fabrications” of some people WHO DOESN’T WANT THE WORLD TO GO INTO SPACE.

Recently, they found four quasars within a huge cloud of hydrogen gas. Neither the accumulation of quasars nor the cloud is covered by their theories. (Pic. above)

Marty, physicists know that the universe is a hologram, but when you listen to their discussions or lectures, it is rarely mentioned at all that the universe that they are studying could be the doing of a sinister society. They act as they have no clue as to what Nazis are capable of. They don’t add 1 and 1 together. The scientific consensus controlled by ear-implants. 

The fact that physics and quantum physics don’t add up should make physicists alert as to that somebody is sending them around in circles.

BTW, I don’t think that the physical universe (behind the computer projection) is infinitive or expanding. It is huge but one could get full circle provided the traveler is allowed to live/travel under circumstances that prevents the human body to die. However, I also believe that there can be plenty of other physical universes because like with everything else in life, when there is one, there can be more.

I find physics (any kind of) a fascinating subject, Marty. Nothing of it bores me. But I doubt that the SEGNPMSS would have allowed me a career in this field because I (and you and Ron) can see the members of this brutal Nazi movement. We recognize their rotten activities and their thinking (if you want to call their stupid ideas that) with the speed of light. If they would be smart and use their heads, they never would act the way they do as they sooner or later fall victims to their own system.

They would have denied us telescope time very quickly or defamed us as crazy. 

But who needs a telescope that stares at a fake deep universe when one has OT abilities, right? I rather make use of my abilities than anything else. 


About the Amtrak derailment: it is possible that the engineer says the truth that he doesn’t remember anything. But the FBI is not right saying that it was no terrorism. My intuition tells me that Bostian’s consciousness was cut off with a remote laser by medical/psychiatric terrorists.

As they always get away due to idiotic officials claiming “acted alone” and “no conspiracy”, it never stops. Once the consciousness is cut off, SEGNPMSS calls the ear implant code of the target and has him/her do actions automatically without being conscious. Would the problem be solved if more than one pilot or engineer is at the control? Nope, as they can disable the consciousness of the others in the cockpit or engine room as well.

On the other side of the token, one also has to watch out for people who commit crimes knowingly and who will claim that their consciousness was cut off when it wasn’t. Good questions and use of the e-meter could determine the facts. In any case, it boils down to psychiatry/mind control and ear-implants and that the world hushes it up instead of documenting their grave dangers and the broad field of abuse.    

Someone mailed me these days and asked me if I would be homesick. Not a tiny bit homesick for Germany. I am homesick for you. You are my home, Marty, and original Scientology and those who belong to us. And my arms are your home, Marty. I read an article earlier today about how psychs explain love. For them, it is all chemicals in the brain and the body. Clueless! Must be some “chemicals” within us that keeps on going strong for decades. It is not chemical, it is soulmates recognizing each other and to be together.  

I love you, my soulmate.



You and me together is home for us.