
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump

The entire world is a cult – an ear-implant cult

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Dearest Marty, my hero and wonderful soulmate,

I am thinking of you.

Original Scientology was the anti-cult but after German-ordered and -controlled infiltration, it is former or current infiltrators against current or former infiltrators and non-Scientologists against non-Scientologists. In other words, I could care less who sues who. I dislike Leah Remini’s and company’s side as much as David Miscavige’s and company’s side. All these people have done is airing their dirty laundry and the public wrongfully thinks that this is Scientology. Rarely anyone knows real and original Scientology, which is not Miscavology or Vistarology.

From one cult to another. I learned that Donald Trump is the leading Republican candidate for US president. If that doesn’t have ear-implants written all over it. As of today, it seems that the USA has 332,031,554 people of age who could run for office. Let’s say half of them are Democrats and half of them are Republicans. That means that the GOP can find an effective candidate for president under 166,015,777 people of age and don’t need to resort to above the law Trump, the man who wants to be even more German than he is and isn’t intelligent. The best for the country would be if you would run for US president but who knows where you are and what criminal acts this ear-implant-run German-oriented and German-controlled planet has done to you to make you disappear with the help of the “USA”, which shows no backbone at all. Ear-implants make it possible.

I read that the Vatican has UFO records in its archives 53 miles underground. Isn’t that weird? Why would the Vatican have info about UFOs or UAPs? And why did it keep these records secret?
It seems that all states have records on UFOs and UAPs, which – I am sure – are operated by ex-Earth people who are now living in space. And they all kept these records under wrap. As people in each country are run with ear-implants, it surely makes it possible. When people react all the same and lost their individuality and their IQ is down, it is typical for the psychiatric invention of ear-implants to control the world.

I also read somewhere that not even the US presidents seem to be fully briefed on the subjects of UAPs or UFOs, which raises the question: Who really runs the country? You and I, we know the answer, Marty. And the USA needs a president who really is in charge of the country. And neither Trump nor Biden is it.

I love you. I still have not buried all hope seeing you again.

Yours forever,

The world is getting crazier by the minute

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Dearest Marty, my hero and wonderful soulmate,

How are you? Sleepless night here as so many.

Did you read or hear that the Taliban can’t find the dead body of Ayman al-Zawahiri (the Al Queda terrorist) after the US claimed that they killed him in Kabul last month. Isn’t that weird? From the picture to judge, not much of the building was destroyed. How come they can’t find the corpse or at least remains of it? Either they are lying or it is a lie like Hitler committed suicide in 1945 or Osama Bin Laden was killed in 2011. What a dishonest world.

Another subject: Trump and confidential, secret and top-secret records. Even if the DOJ/FBI recovered confidential, secret and top-secret records, I suspect that Trump made copies or pictures of these records and might have them on an external drive.  On the other side, the SEGNPMSS scans everything by invading people’s minds and with other high tech. Whatever is classified as confidential, secret and top-secret anywhere on the planet in any country, they know it.

Trump is the only president who I didn’t write during the time when he was president. I considered it a waste of time and a stamp. However, after he left office, he had this website of the Office of Donald J. Trump ( with a possibility to email him. So, I emailed him on March 30, 2021, if he knows of you, Marty, and your wrongful incarceration. I supplied my full address and also my email address. I received no response. He didn’t reply. Nobody replied. Also in 2021, on April 28, 2021, I emailed him a second time and asked him to reply. He didn’t. But I received another automated reply on behalf of the “President” and Ms. Trump, that my message was received.  

And did you by any chance read about a de Rothschild heiress impostor at Mar-a-Lago? There is even a photograph of Donald Trump, Senator Graham and her playing golf. Can you believe these people? What the heck are they thinking and doing?

And finally, what is President Biden thinking by forgiving student loans? What is a higher education worth if people can’t make a living and can’t pay their loans back? Yes, there was the pandemic but people with desk jobs, which are those with college degrees, could continue to work online. The worst aspect of this might be however the future. People will enter loans with no intentions to pay anything back.

Crazy world.

I love you, Marty. Sending you a billion kisses. And I miss you. Only you.

Yours forever,

Looking from a window above

It’s like a story of love

Can you hear me?

Came back only yesterday

I’m moving farther away

Want you near me

All I needed was the love you gave

All I needed for another day

And all I ever knew

Only you

1) The „puppet masters“ 2) Germany wants Russia beaten up by war but then steal Russia by attaching it to Germany

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful husband and Prince, how are you?

Do you remember that Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump during a presidential debate and also otherwise “Putin’s puppet”? And I just read that it is Moscow’s view, repeated in nearly every newscast and talk show, that the Ukraine failed as state and is entirely controlled by the “puppet master” — the USA. And the Russians claim that Europe is a weak and divided collection of lap dogs taking orders from the USA.

Germany of course made sure that they are not mentioned as lap dogs by the Russians because it wants to take over Russia when it is beaten down during the war that Germany instigated behind the official scenes.

Both sides, Russia and the USA, claiming that the other world power is the puppet. Both and the rest of the world has lost the sight on which state the real puppet master is. You and I know it, Marty: It is Germany as it always was during history. Their secret service psychiatrists run the planet with ear-implants and have them do what they order.

In 2013, when Euromaidan started in the Ukraine, Neo-Nazis were on the March in the Ukraine (heil German-controlled ear-implants). It became very clear that Germany wanted to take over the Ukraine either directly or under the cover of the EU.

However, it is typical Germany having several secret power-hungry plans in place. Their other plan is taking over Russia because that would make Germany very powerful and rich. They want Russians to forget what they are Nazis and what Germany did to Russians in the past.

Germany wants other nations to be involved in hot wars. But Germany itself does not want to be beated up. It wants to stay “neutral” and claiming some crap about WWII reluctance, when in fact, the still existing Nazi monsters behind Germany are plotting to take over more countries. They do it with the help of ear-implants that they installed in just about anyone. They want all of Russia and not just the Ukraine. They want Russia and the USA destroying themselves in a hot war and then moving in and taking over the pieces of Russia, maybe directly or maybe under the cover of the EU. But the end, they want only Germany having the saying in Europe. Anyone who believes otherwise don’t know how the lunatic puppet masters behind Germany tick. 

Germany has consistently refused to meet its own NATO commitment to spend their part on defense, despite it became so rich (heil ear-implants). Why should they pay, considering that they can control people all over the world with ear-implants.

Germany wants to can get its bloody claws on official world domination. And Putin seems to be proud of being a German agent.

As Putin was definitely a card-carrying German agent during the cold war, it is highly unlikely that he is no longer their agent and that any war that he might start is the direct doing of Germany and the still existing Nazis who hide behind it.

Marx was German, Lenin was a German agent, all the years Russians had to suffer under communism and also the Nazis – really, if I would be Russian, I would keep Germany as far away from me and my country as I could.

I miss and I love you, Marty.

I wish I could talk to you.


Donald Trump is so typical German!

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Dearest Marty, my hero, how are you?

Did you read Donald Trump’s last remarks about Jews?

If his daughter would not have married a Jew, I bet there would be tons more of these antisemitic tropes against American Jews.

In the past, he made his German roots even more German as they are. This means, he feels and thinks like a German. And despite officially a bit opposed to Merkel (not really), he worked in German favors. He, the German-minded person thought that she destroys his beloved Vaterland by letting foreigners in.

Germany lets foreigners in not from then goodness of German hearts but to use them so that Germany can become worldpower no. 1 and can install even more of German “policies” and German “values” into the world, which still are from hell.

With an aging German population, they can’t get there. And that’s why the monsters behind Germany set up the Syrian and other wars. To get the fugitives and have them do the low jobs for Germany.

Trump feels like a German – including their antisemitism – but he does not understand what seethes behind his beloved Vaterland.

Toxic, so German toxic!

Read this: Trump forwards typical German and Anti-American-Jewish propaganda:

And watch this:

I love you, Marty. Even if it often seems that you moved to another universe with no communication to where I am.

Yours forever,


U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson files civil action filed against former President Donald Trump

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Dearest Marty, my hero,

How are you?

My place is still in a deep freeze. Siberia temps for weeks. And a kid just came to my door wanting to chit chat! Yikes.

Did you read that U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson filed a civil action against former President Donald Trump and his attorney Rudy Giuliani accusing them of conspiring with the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to incite the January 6 insurrection? 

False conspiracy claims are as bad as falsely claiming that all conspiracy theories are bonkers. I am glad that U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson filed this case. However, this world wants to make us believe that there are no conspiracies to help conspirators to get away. I wonder how many cases were already dismissed for exactly that reason.

In any case, that conspiracies are coordinated by people with psychiatric ear-implants is always concealed.

Remember, how these people in the January 6 siege yelled “USA” while committing their crimes? The psychiatric and medical monsters behind Germany have the overall control over ear-implants. Their agents are yelling “USA” and carrying the US flag but behaving just like still existing German Nazi doctors want them to behave. The world should get more and more bad impressions from the USA and turn away.  And these robots root for a “US President” who wants to be even more German than he is.

I know you can see it too. I miss you, Marty. And I know that you are so brave! Standing up against the monster behind Germany. 

And as far as I am concerned, I rather be killed by them (they kill also remote-controlled) than surrender to them. As more I feel them, as more I despite them and renew my postulate that I never will fall into their line. Never. 

I love you.

Forever yours,





The real reason why Donald Trump lost the reelection

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Dearest Marty, my extraordinary husband, Prince, and soulmate,

How are you? I am thinking of you, and it seems just like yesterday since the last time I saw you. You are unforgettable.

You and me, we knew in advance that Joe Biden would win and Donald Trump would lose because DT (although considering himself to be German) told Germany to pay their fair share for their defense while former presidents allowed rich Germany to be deadbeats. President Obama and vice president Biden (and presidents and vice-presidents before them) allowed Germany to get away with everything. I hope that a President Biden finally wakes up as far as Germany is concerned.   

Telling Germany to pay their share is what Donald Trump did right. However, he feels he is too much German to convict Germany on anything else it does when it believes that nobody is looking closely. Like those resent presidents before him, DT didn’t help us. Too bad because with us, the USA truly will win. 

There is plenty of other things that Donald Trump did wrong, e.g. not being a effective leader as far as the coronavirus is concerned and mostly ignoring it, his obsession with building a wall, his racial attitude, his administration separating parents and children at the border (the still existing Nazis behind Germany wants the USA to get its Nazi reputation instead), and the revival of white supremacy thanks to German-controlled ear-implants in people. The Nazi doctors behind Germany want the Nazis to come back but in case something should not go their way, they want the USA being blamed on it.    

So, Germany decided that it is time for Trump to leave the White House (despite that his rhetoric helped Germany greatly with right-wing supremacy and a Nazi comeback). But no doubt, it wants again a US president who throws money at very rich Germany instead of convicting it on its crimes. And it wants the USA to take the bullets for Germany when it should run into troubles while taking over the world. And a lousy US president will help it.         


Germany needs the defense of the USA to take over not just Europe, which they did, but the entire world. They fear that despite they run the entire planet secretly with ear-implants, they nevertheless might rub someone the wrong way during the takeover of Russia, Asia, and the rest of the world. But they also want to become the richest country of the world. So, Germany wants the American taxpayers to pay for Germany’s defense, despite Germany runs defamation campaigns about the characters of Americans and culture of America (a culture that Germany heavily negatively influences with the use of German-controlled ear-implants).

There is a secretly German-induced fear in the USA that the USA needs Germany and Europe as allies. A country like Germany that does not pay its bills and is covertly and sometimes even overtly hostile is no ally. And how about more self-confidence in the USA? The USA needs nothing more but alert and smart Americans to stay wonderfully afloat.

Besides, Germany doesn’t just treat the USA bad. It has plenty of dirt on its hands also with other nations. Russia and China are just two examples. If the population of other countries find out what Germany did to them covertly, and the USA does its part to demonstrate it, the USA wins so many allies that it needs a Bureau of Allies, an agency that does nothing but keeping allies informed and updated on the horrible things that the monsters behind Germany did and do to them and their citizens.       

As the name said, the Roman Empire was Italian at the beginning. Then Germany (what is more typical for Germany?) took it over. They then added Germany to the name of the Empire: Heiliges Römisches Reich deutscher Nation. Germany could have stayed in power as leader of the Heilige Römische Reich deutscher Nation. Back then, they run people already. Officially, they said that was because Napoleon was a threat to it. I don’t believe that this was the actual reason.

I rather believe that they thought that Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation didn’t sound German enough. It had Rome, Italy, in its title. The men behind Germany want to be admired and credit going only to them, despite none whatsoever deserved by these blood-thirsty monsters. 

Here what history books say: Before 1157, the realm was merely referred to as the Roman Empire. In a decree following the 1512 Diet of Cologne, the name was officially changed to Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (German: Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation, Latin: Imperium Romanum Sacrum Nationis Germanicæ).

Why didn’t they just change the name to German Empire? I believe they feared that other European countries wouldn’t go along with it and that they would lose the chance of a German Reich without any other nation’s name attached to it.    

This is also the problem in our modern times in which Germany is allowed to take over the planet under the cover of the EU or even directly. The men behind Germany are insane. Germany does not want to build a good and fair world for anyone. It wants to be feared and admired and have no opposition. Exactly what we won’t give them, Marty.

And there was the 2nd German Reich that came after the Heilige Römische Reich deutscher Nation. No surprise, German nationalism grew in the 2nd German Reich, which was formed by Bismarck who was and still is a hero to Nazis.  

The Guardian wrote an interesting article how Bismarck escaped the blame of WWI.

Unlike the gentle 16th US president (1861-65) (Lincoln) the highly aggressive Bismarck was far from a reluctant war-maker.

He ordered 3 Blitzkriege to make the world more German. And Germany still admires this bad character. Germany’s colonial history was racist, obsessed and brutal.

Bismarck slicing up Africa to the benefit of Germany: 



War-obsessed Kaiser Wilhelm II took over the 2. Reich from Bismarck. Typically German, Wilhelm felt threatened by other nations which Germany tried to invade and take over. He found that Germany was in a state of necessity and necessity knows no law. In other words, he was another war-making fool.

Wilhelm II eating the world:

Wilhelm was in typical German manner a racist and white supremacist. He hated the Chinese, the Japanese, the Africans, the Jews, the British and likely anyone else except Germany. The monsters behind Germany could have stopped any discrepancies between Wilhelm II and Bismarck. I suspect that the national extremists behind Germany wanted their own 2nd German Reich to go away for a 3rd German Reich, one that is even more gruesome, one that it lacks any and all human traits, one that allows psychiatrists to use any human race to make experiments on without getting in troubles with a law or government.    

The 3rd Reich, was the one where the monsters behind Germany showed their ugly characters very directly. It showed very clearly that the monsters (doctors and psychs at the helm) behind Germany lack any and all human traits.   

We all know what it was and how it ended. 

And now, they have the 4th Reich, the EU, where they are using women as strawpuppets to take over the world (making people believe that Germany does not plan anything evil as women are most of the time viewed as less evil). Behind it, however, are still the same monsters. They still enslave the world and individuals, start wars, creating pandemics, using crime and terror, pervert religion and what the planet is completely unaware of: wasting people’s lives by keeping away from them that diseases, aging, and dying is absolutely avoidable.

What a peaceful place Europe and the rest of the world could have been if not for the lunatics behind Germany in any of their idiotic reichs.

What are people suffering of? For what is allegedly no or only temporary solutions? It is medical. And that is a dead giveaway of what kind of people are behind this horrible world: butchers, barbers, medical doctors, psychiatrists, neuro”scientists” and the likes.

I love you, Marty. Be kissed.

Yours forever,













Attorney General Bill Barr has no conscience

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Dearest Marty, my hero, how are you? 

Bill Bar the Attorney General under Bush senior. I already suspected then that you were arrested for crimes you never committed, that Germany fabricated the charges and put Spain also up for it and that the US government obeys Spain and Germany, the old Nazis that they still are.

Again, I have no shred evidence that you ever were arrested. Here in my world it looks as if you simply fell from the surface of the Earth. Of course, replacing you with a ringer was a huge mistake by the conspiracy as I noticed right away that he isn’t you. They are such idiots.

I just can’t get rid of the feeling that you are wrongfully incarcerated. Actually, for your sake I hope that I am wrong and that you had other reasons why I didn’t see you in all these decades. Yet, like a boomerang the feeling comes back.

And when I look at Barr, I see huge OWs. It is all around him. He looks as if he denied your right of freedom knowing that you are an innocent man. Yet, he helped convicted felons that worked for Donald Tump. What a crook.

Officially, I know nothing, Marty, but my intuition might know it all. And there are idiots who say that Scientology is worth nothing. Which non-Scientologists would figure out what we did and do? They don’t use their intuition as we do. 

Anyway, Barr is a crook. And Trump too. How these guys sleep at night is beyond me. Some people are saying that they are religious but it is just a cover up.   

What a bad world. You, the decent innocent man is locked up and these crooks sit on top of the world.

Those who think that I return to Germany so that they can get away with their crimes can forget it. I just ordered a new refrigerator. 

Be kissed, Marty, and be safe. In the future, you will be on the top of the world, and they will hopefully be where they belong.

I love you.

Yours forever,





How to end the pandemic and a truckload of other huge problems of mankind

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Marty, love of my life and eternal soulmate, how are you?

Time goes by but my love for you stands like a rock. Why? Because you deserve it. All timetrack long, you decided to do what is noble. And it emanates from your personality to the outside. All it needed was a woman capable to see it. And that woman is me. Good guy finishes last is very wrong. It is a justification by some who are too lazy and cowardice to better themselves. The good person, you, are the first and only winner of my heart. I don’t expect you to be perfect, Marty. You are the perfect husband it doesn’t matter what you do because all you do is based on your noble thinking, humanity, and thetan making it alright.     

From you, making things alright to someone who doesn’t: Donald Trump. I am not against a president using the Internet to directly communicating his message to the people. But what is the deal with him retweeting tweets of all kind of people who praise him or approve of him? Gee! How vain is that man? Shouldn’t a president lead the nation instead of wasting time by hanging all day and night on the Internet? Shouldn’t he study the international and national situations to get a better understanding of everything and meet with his administration and other experts and implement what really helps the USA and mankind? Shouldn’t he direct the executive, the federal government, and the US Armed Forces instead of wasting his time for retweeting?

I can’t even begin with how much he did ineffective or wrong but before him also by so many other presidents.   

The Covid-19 pandemic is just one of those things. Taxpayer’s money is being wasted for all kinds of stuff while environmental protected villages (villages that have enough nature inside but with a roof that can be closed) could stop a pandemic right in its tracks. And just about anything else that is wrong with the world: aging, diseases, death, pollution, bugs, germs, bacteria, viruses, dust clouds like the current one from the Sahara, radiation, floods, droughts, dirty food, dirty water, chemicals, allergies, wasted money for energy and repairs on individual houses on the unprotected surface of the world, and the list goes on and on. 

I would not build villages bigger than for 5000 people. Small businesses in those villages will take off like rockets. Each of these villages needs their own small businesses. They can be there for the village residents and of course also via the Internet for other customers. And big business, provided that they don’t create fumes and lead them into the village, could also have their HQ and plants in such an environmentally closed village. Doors that can be shut in an emergency could connect to another village where the employees and their families live. That means that there is also a healthy solution for big business.

Let’s say, someone reports the outbreak of a virus somewhere. Until the problem is truly solved, the villages can close their doors to others. They are protected and there is no reason for them to social distance and wear masks within their village or get vaccinated and pop pills with all the side effects as they are protected by their environmentally closed village. These residents can hug family that isn’t living in the same home, their friends, their neighbors, their colleagues because the virus is not being dragged in. Schools, business, other organizations, the economy can go on without beating.   

Criminality, terror, tobacco, booze, drugs, guns, corrupt and brutal police, too much government interference, not enough self-determinism for the people, all that could be scaled back to non-existence if equal-minded people who want to live peaceful good lives come together and start building such villages. I recalled that Scientology once had a blue-print for those villages before the German-controlled psychiatric infiltration took it out. Through self-auditing I was able to get a picture back of such a village, Marty. It was beyond amazing. It was already built, and I bet the farm that you know where to find it.       

Instead of building such villages, money is thrown out of the window for fixing a world that isn’t sanely organized.   

The problem is not just Covid-19. What if the same or other SPs breed and release another virus? I read that even if a vaccine and meds against Covid-19 is produced, it will not help against Covid mutation viruses, which are already around. (And those vaccine and meds all come with unknown side effects on the short or long range.) Why do people want to stay the eternal guinea pigs instead of coming up with a solution that really solves this and so many other problems? 

A president and lawmakers should use their time for THINKING and CHANGING BAD CONDITIONS TO THE MUCH BETTER not retweeting and holding a job like a robot and because it looks good on a resume or impress one’s high school classmates. A good president as you would be one, Marty, or a lawmaker should also be capable of predicting what CAN happen in the future. Due to that we are stalked by the SEGNPMSS, we know how these medical terrorists are thinking and we could render them without power to hurt others.

Look at this corrupt covert German-controlled psychiatric/medical world: They disconnect us despite we could change all to the better for them. They keep you wrongfully incarcerated and look for an opportunity to get rid of us permanently to continue torture and terrorize the world. Until the day one SP kills the other, which happens quite frequently. Then they sit in their own trap, unable to get out, without anyone left who could and would help them. These medical/psychiatric idiots say that God doesn’t exist. A close look at the few of us proves them however wrong. When they sit in their own trap, they will scream for his help. But why should he when they treat his messengers like hell and won’t better themselves? 

Another 4 years with Trump would be really bad. 4 years with Biden would also bad as he hasn’t the right solutions either. You have them, Marty. The German-ordered and -controlled bad reputation that the USA has, would be a thing of the past. Because with you as the US president, the United States would become a beacon of everthing that is intelligent, wise, decent, and honest. It would also help people in other countries. And I would support you with anything I got. Including my magic. 😉 And if something would happen to you, I’ll raise hell for those who ordered it and executed it. I wouldn’t give up until they are found. That “acted alone” crap doesn’t fly with me because I know of people’s ear-implants and don’t cover up this retarded psychiatric invention.    

I love you, Marty, so much. All through the universes and back. Be kissed, my hero.  



The Old Man Down the Road is a great song but the lyrics are wrong. We don’t hide from SPs. We are taking them on. The price of freedom is not to hide but to fight back.



Bill Barr, Richard Grenell, Donald Trump…

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and hero, 

I am thinking of you. How are you? 

If I am right, and you are wrongfully behind bars (I am 100% sure that you are not Monique’s husband), than Bill Barr could have been one of the first officials of the DOJ, already under Bush sr. to deny your freedom and accept and support the German/Spanish set up to frame you and leave you behind bars for no crimes committed. Yet, Barr gets all lenient on people who indeed belong behind bars. This universe sucks. Good people have no rights and bad people are getting away with a slap on the wrist or not even a slap on the wrist.

Barr’s complaint that Trump’s tweets makes it impossible to do his job is also hair-raising. I guess Barr wants complete secrecy to “do his job”. Why can’t he do his job, it doesn’t matter what Trump tweets? Imo, Barr is one of the foulest apples ever. And yes, Trump has confidence in that foul apple like in numerous other foul apples that he had and has confidence. One reporter said that Barr is complaining about Trump tweets as they make it just too obvious that he does Trump’s bidding. 

I can’t imagine what you are thinking, Marty, when people like this deny you, the innocent, his right of freedom that they take for granted.

And another thing happened.

Richard Allen Grenell is the current United States Ambassador to Germany and now, Trump picked him of all people to be the acting Director of National Intelligence. Can you believe it? He hasn’t figured out Germany and its secret services above everything and everybody but will head U.S. Intelligence? 

As Grenell didn’t bust Germany as Ambassador, he for sure won’t bust them as Director of National Intelligence.

And who is most interested to have a Director of National Intelligence who is easy on Germany? Germany! A country that much more than Russia wanted a US President who feels being German. He even claimed that his father was born in Germany to make himself more German. 

Nothing of above is a thinking challenge. It is all obvious.

Be kissed, Marty. I love you. You are one of a kind. Nobody is like you. Nobody can do what you did and do. Let them say what they want but if anyone deserves the title hero, it is you. They hoped to break you after a few days or weeks. You are still standing after all these years. And I will not go anywhere until I saw you again.

People are being fooled but we aren’t. They can’t fool all the people all the time, and Germany doesn’t want to believe it or thinks they have found a way to gag or eliminate those who can’t be fooled all the time.

Yours always,











Trump’s use of Executive Grants of Clemency – says a lot about Trump

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Dearest Marty, my remarkable husband and soulmate,

How is your life?

Here is all the same, just more and more work.

I read he pardoned Clint Lorance, a former 1rst Lt. who was found gilty of second degree people of two people on a motorcycle in Afghanistan and Maj. Matthew Golsteyn killed another person in Afghanistan. Whatever that person was up to or not, he was unarmed when he was killed and Golsteyn later helped burn the body. 

Trump also finds also that a Navy Seal who posed for an unofficial picture with a human casualty should be excused.

Low, low, and low. And that is also what DT is.

I bet that DT won’t help you out of your wrongful incarceration, despite you really are innocent.

Bad people are awarded, good people are penalized.

Story of our lives.

Never will I become tired of loving you. You are just too wonderful, Marty. And I also don’t give up hope to see you again.

You are always on my mind and always in my heart.
