
Blog for the original Marty

Archive for March 2017

Your impostor and David Miscavige are working again together?

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Dearest Marty, my awesome husband and soulmate,

I wonder what you are thinking about this. I bet you are shaking your head.    

It seems that more and more people now come to the conclusion that David Miscavige paid your impostor to make “Mosey’s case” go away.

I wonder if her attorneys really don’t have to be paid if Miscavige and your impostor arranged that Monique won’t be paid but your impostor instead? I also wonder if Monique thought this through. If you make a public appearance, Marty, will your impostor run and hide and with him the money? He published that Monique wasn’t paid. But not that he wasn’t paid. 

Remember all the hostile things that your impostor said about Scientology and also Ron, the founder? Miscavology answered with the idiotic “squirrel busters”, which created nothing but bad PR for Scientology and gave your impostor grounds to have his wife sue the Scientology orgs. Your impostor didn’t just do his series with the Tampa Bay Times or made his “movie” or worked with Louis Theroux on his crap (boring) movie, or participated in the HBO Going Clear garbage and delivered his brand of “Scientology” by trying to get org public and staff coming to his “shack” for “services”, and all the other Scientology-harming stuff that your impostor did, he even traveled to Germany to support Germany against Scientology!

And if the above is right, Miscavige paid someone with Scientology money who worked with Germany to ruin Scientology! 

So, the purpose of smearing Scientology was archived and now Miscavige pays him?

How Miscavige comes away with claiming that he is a Scientologist is beyond me. Except for building empty orgs (not of the type the founder would approve) and squirreling Scientology together with Nation of Islam to make it easier for the psychs, Germany, and other countries to outlaw Scientology, and having his own family members smear Scientology, whatever did Miscavige do for Scientology? Just about anyone would have done a better job for SCN than he did. 

In earlier times, people like Miscavige were routed off as heavily PTS or SP. It is outrageous that he still is on top of the orgs. Psychs and Germany knows how bad he is for Scientology, that’s why he is still “in charge”. 

A worse leader for Scientology than Miscavige is hard to imagine.

Jack Vistaril (Ron’s impostor) who left Scientology to Miscavige was a German/CIA double agent. The CIA has quite something to answer. They all thought they would get away with it. They never counted with us figuring it all out, Marty. 

And Miscavige makes also another situation WORSE for himself. And that is that Miscavige didn’t just support your impostor in 1990 – 2004 but, if it is correct that he got money from Scientology through Miscavige, the latter still supports your impostor in present time.

Well, we are not going away. I assume that Miscavige and your impostor hope that we evaporate, but we won’t do them the favor. And then they have to answer to us in the legal arena, and we won’t buy any of their crap. 

If you would make a public appearance, Marty, both of them would probably go into hiding. Until the day someone blows the whistle on them…

Only clean hands make a happy life. They heard it and didn’t apply it.  

I love you, Marty, and I am sending you a million kisses.   

Yours forever,



Gee, when does the CIA finally figures and admits that Germany channels in their ear-implants with loud and silent sounds to conduct actions to shame the USA?

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Dearest Marty, most precious Prince in any universe, how are your days and nights?

I assume you read the news today. Wikileaks (which never reveals the ongoing high crimes of Germany’s government and secret services) published today the entire hacking methods and tools of the CIA.

Hacking tools and methods? What do they need criminal crap like this for?

If they want to protect the USA, they should point with the finger to the SEGNPMSS and tell the world that they order ear-implants installed in each baby/small child and often already unborn babies so that Germany’s psychiatrists can  control them. EACH ROTTEN, DIRTY, BRUTAL, INHUMAN, PERVERTED, APPALLING ACTIVITY ON EARTH AND BEYOND IS ORIGINATED AND APPROVED ON THIS GERMAN, PARTICULARLY BAVARIAN SECRET SERVICE LEVEL.  

The reasons why nobody busted the obvious, Germany behind ear- and body implants as control tool is because they control people not to reveal this and people who do not think for enough protect this system where one conspires against the other and at the end, nobody wins anything bad a bad conscience.   

Germany tries to shame the CIA, other agencies, and the USA, and they allow it instead of busting the retarded ear-implant system. Sheesh. 

However, Germany also might shoot itself in the foot with this. If hacking and spy methods unknown to CIA were/are used, SEGNPMSS might go even deeper into hiding if they can’t blame it on the Russians or the Chinese or even the North Koreans. But usually, they use nationals from other countries and hide cowardly behind them. That is what they do best and constantly. 

So, the entire hacking arsenal of the CIA is open to the public know and can be used by anyone to cause problems. 

It is really time to publish the entire ear-implant system, which is made in SEGNPMSS and installed in each freaking ears and other body parts of anyone on the planet. Secret services of any country use this system too but Germany, particularly its secret capital Munich, has the upper hand, supervises anything, came up with this system and turned mankind into robots. This is hard to beat. That is why the USA is constantly shamed and Germany which put them to it is not. Hail ear-implant. Hitler and the Nazis had them too as you have figured for sure, Marty.

Sending you kisses and hoping to find you soon.

I love you.

Yours always,


German hypocrisy and set ups against Scientology (Bavaria’s beloved Nazi heritage Haus der Kunst)

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Dearest Marty, my remarkable soulmate and irresistible husband, how are you?

Germany blames Scientology and “Scientologists” on doing what Germany does to Scientology and the entire world: infiltrating. 

In regards to Germany, particularly Bavaria, one thing always comes first in my mind: them blaming what is wrong with them on others. That is typical and they do this systematically. They commit unspeakable crimes and are the first to blame others.

Currently, Germany says that “Scientologists” infiltrated the Haus of Kunst in Germany. The Nazis built it and Bavaria allowed it to stay. It was the showcase of the Third Reich.  This says a lot about Bavaria and Germany that followed the Nazis right there: the same!

The German Nazis transmitted in the ear-implants of other nationals and also Jews to create horrible art, ugly stuff, which the Nazis then used in the Degenerate Art Exhibition of the Haus of Kunst in Germany against the Jews and other nationals. They still do stuff like this in modern times. Ear-implants is a German psychiatric invention that makes it possible, and that Nazis win over and over again.  

Each race and nation has bad apples but Germany and Bavaria has most. In addition, there is the “unofficial exchange program”. If somebody great of another nation dies (or better is killed with their remote-controlled germs, micro-weave lasers or otherwise), Germany/Bavaria kidnaps that thetan before or after birth (and we know some of these methods) and exchanges them with one of their own. To bring Germany/Bavaria up and other nations down. Numerous Nazis who would of course reincarnate in their beloved creepy Germany/Bavaria are now Americans or other nationals. Americans and other nationals who would normally pick up a body in the USA or another nation are born as “Germans” in Germany because Germany/Bavaria doesn’t want the USA or other nations to have them. Since the world is kept blind in regards to that being born again is a scientific fact, it doesn’t look into these things, but should very much so. They don’t even look to get their own family members back, except we original Scientologists.

Back to the “Haus of Kunst”: Again, Nazis (and very much so the psychiatrists behind them who came up with controlling people in any form and shape) transmit in the ear-implants of Jews and other people (using silent and loud sounds) to produce ugly art so that Germany/Bavaria, its Nazis and psychs have a justification to showcase the ugly art with the words: See how degenerate they are? See how insulting this is?Do you want this in your living room? Do you see how little artistic they are? Do you see why we must be Nazis and do something against them?

And no word of course that many of the artists that they on the other side promote weren’t/aren’t even Germans as they are stolen other nationals. And that goes for all artists, sculptures, painter, actors, singers, musicians, writers, you name it, statesmen, discoverers, sportlers too, etc. And they do it still. I still see and hear “art” of which I can swear that still existing Nazi psychs made it happen to shame the USA or other countries.

To make their outrage of “Degenerate Art” look sincere, the Nazis burned later thousands of such “art pieces”, however, made it happen that the USA revived that “art”. Another way to keep the ugly (ordered secretly by the Nazis to shame) going and of course the USA behind the revival. 

Still existing Nazis and the psychs behind them even run a secret campaign saying that Picasso of all people was a Scientologist. The hell he was. That stuff he painted has active German/Bavarian ear implants/loud and/or silent sounds written all over it. Same goes for Dali and the like. 

They defined “Degenerate Art” as creations that would insult a German feeling or destroy natural forms or not being artful. 

And again, it was the Nazis and the psychs behind them who radioed with silent and loud sounds into the minds of Jews and others to create ugly art so that Germany/Bavaria has something to bitch about against them. They still use the same strategy today, particularly with the USA or also with Scientology. All scandals against it are committed by their very own agents not by original or real Scientologists.

I am writing this, because I studied Germany, particularly Bavaria by being there. They surely kidnapped the wrong person by kidnapping me. Who says there is no justice? They deny the OW sequence because they are cowards, but they sure pulled in what I am writing about them.        

A person who asks herself: why was I born in Germany of all places, is very likely not a past life German. And I know there are quite a lot. While being on staff in the Scientology org Munich, I heard that a couple of times. I also noticed that they (who were Americans or English in their past lives) spoke English a lot better and more like English-speaking nationals that a real German.

Now, Bavaria claims that Scientologists infiltrated the Munich Haus of Kunst. See how they still whine around their Nazi heritage? It is reported that the Bavarian state security agency is investigating claims that a longtime contractor at Munich’s Haus der Kunst museum has ties to Scientology. SEGNPMSS of course keeps it a secret that they infiltrated Scientology to destroy it as the study of original Scientology results in more minds that they can’t fool.  

Besides, they infiltrated Scientology also to “infiltrate” their own places (always controlled that no real harm will be done to their Nazi heritage) so that they can blame Scientology on what THEY do. A person who supports a Nazi heritage as the Haus of Kunst is no Scientologist as he does not apply Scientology ethics. It is so easy for them to hire an agent have him or her enter do some Scientology courses or even join staff or even sit on the top and making him or her commit what psychs want through his/her freaking ear-implants and then blame it on Scientology to ruin it for the world. And much of the world really falls for it and doesn’t figure out what’s really nagging at the world.   

Just like the old Nazi, new Nazi Bavaria demands having to reveal affiliation with Scientology if one applies for office. I don’t even want to be buried in Germany, Marty. This is how I despise it. It gives me the goosebumps. It creeps me out. I despise it.

Have a look here:

And I love you with any fiber of my being. I am so glad that I found you. I am glad that you are nothing like them, Marty. Everything about you is different from a German/Bavarian psych. There are light years between your character and their characters. They are not worth to kiss the dust on which you walked billions of years ago. That you and they are on the same planet or even in the same universe is had to believe. And if this world and universe allows them to go on like this, Marty, we should seriously consider immigrating into another universe in which we have rights. And if it does not yet exist, it must be created in a dimension to which they have no access. May sound crazy to anyone but us and physicists.   

Yours, my darling,











Germany does not just spy on reporters – it spies on anyone

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Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and Prince,

Remember when Germany shamed the USA before all the world on spying? That Germany spies itself on “friends” (has no real friends just slaves who in part don’t know that they are Germany’s slaves) is just a footnote. Besides, if Germany wouldn’t run Americans and other nationals through ear-implants, what Germany did and does, would not just be a footnote but Americans and other nationals would bust them, and this time for good and not just a little bit and pro forma as in 1917 and 1945.

The only reason why they always come back on their feet and continue their atrocities is because their psychiatrists trap the unripe minds (children) and attach them to their supercomputers and turn them into their robots. I know you figured them out as well, Marty. 

What really gets me is that other nationals think that their satanic characters just evaporated and doesn’t exist any longer. They are not capable to quit their atrocities. A monster does just turn miraculous into a bunny because it lost two word wars. It is much easier to think that they are not there and not doing what I write for so long, but it is not the reality. The only thing that will ever save the world and this universe is to bust these monsters. And this time also their ear-implant system, which by the way helped them eliminating Jews and other nationals and helps them to set up terror, war, crimes, conspiracies, and insanity. 

The Russians are used by Germany like any other nation. As Germany wants the USA helping Germany to take over Russia and at the same time taking over the USA and other nations behind the cover of the EU, Germany approves of not just the bad relations or a cold war between Russia and the USA but they also hope for a hot war between the two nations, while Germany gloats and plays the innocent and the alleged peaceful nation.

It is as if I stand in their room with them and watch their secret meetings, Marty. They despicable activities are that available to me because I know their minds without ever installing anyone implants. And that is a huge reason why they infiltrated and changes Scientology from what it was originally as we  real OTs are their nightmares. Lol!        

Russians may indeed have influenced or tried to influence the US election, but Germany radioed in the ear-implants of just about any voter, may it with loud or silent sounds, to vote for Trump. And they are also behind that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans can come up with ethical candidates or booting candidates that don’t came with the baggage as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Whatever the Russians did (put up by Germany) to the US selection, it is a child’s play in comparison of the nations above all others (Germany).      

If they would only to that….

But they don’t.

Another subject, Marty, I read that the temperature at the Antarctica claimed to more than 60 F. Made me think of a a futuristic novel to write. Due to global warming or whatever, the temperatures on all other continents became so hot that all of mankind tries to cram into the Antarctica, which compared to the other continents isn’t so toasty yet. Can you imagine that kind of panic and a then government that tries to build a wall around it and deports and sends the people back into hot hell?   

Fiction aside, in reality, if this planet gets too hot, you and I, and a few others, would know how to build protected villages so that the heat can’t harm people. Trump on the other side plants to put 1 trillion Dollars in his kind of infrastructure, which is so yesterday, it doesn’t matter if it sparkles. His infrastructure will not protect youth, health and lives. And the governments of other heads of state don’t either. The reason why people didn’t come up with a way of living to protect are ear-implants and Germany who is force behind barbers and butchers, e.g. medical doctors and psychiatrists. They earn big time on this STUPID way of life on the unprotected surface of a planet.  

I may sound repetitious but it is an important issue that is simply is ignored by the world and all have to suffer.

The worst are the governments and the doctors whose responsibility the protection of life should be and the scientists who research all kind of crap but not the obvious.        

I love you from the bottom of my heart, Marty. Keep on surviving.

Yours forever and ever,

Hopefully instead of hopeless romantic…




Only 19 disconnections in Scientology since 1954 (or earlier) on Tony Ortega’s blog

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Dearest Marty, my one and only and wonderful husband, how are you?

Disconnection has not just one side.

 Ortega’s mentions a list of 19 disconnections.

Miscavology introduced disconnection.  We didn’t disconnect at all while I was on staff in Scientology orgs. We handled our problems.

I think there are some people who just disconnect in order to get rid of nagging family members (as it happens a million times in families that have nothing to do with Scientology or any religion at all), simply because they think they are entitled to their own lives without criticism of family members. And nobody accused them of breaking up families.

I wouldn’t want to be related with anyone of the nagging people on Ortega’s list.  I bet they would disconnect also if they never came in contact with Scientology. 

On the other side of the token, something is wrong with families that disconnect. If they can’t get their acts handled, they don’t apply Scientology. Particularly if they were once together in Scientology. 

Disconnection is not original Scientology.  Original Scientology is so great that nobody wanted to disconnect. The original problem, as you know, was not to be overrun by people, and not people leaving. The latter is Vistarology and Miscavology, thanks to Germany and their international psychs and their secret services. 

Be kissed my darling, I love you. 

Yours forever,
