
Blog for the original Marty

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Deutsche Bank, Trump’s darling…

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Dearest Marty, my one and only,

My thoughts always return to you. I wonder how you are and how your days and nights are like.

One thing I know a 100%. Monique’s husband isn’t you. Germany, its disgusting psychs and their international agents thought I would fall for it. They are so arrogant and dumb. I figured the difference between you and him with speed of light. Despite that they invade our minds, they are clueless as to who we really are and what our abilities are. Sometimes, it just needs ONE look and we have figured the situation and the plan behind it.

If the USA would be truly the USA and not a secret German colony, Marty, it would not help Germany to keep us separated (and they do, also using Spain to achieve that low goal). A real US government would rather address us to help it- because we can.         


About my today’s headline: This is a book about the Nazis and the German bank. The book is apparently NOT good enough.  

Trump said about an US judge of Mexican background is a Mexican. He also said that he is proud of his German background. That means that Trump by his own definitions is a German, and he shows it in his behavior and actions, who he supports  and the way and with who he does business.  

Marty, why would an American not rather pick an American bank? 

The Deutsche Bank (also cheated American citizens big time in recent times) profits from the Trump presidency, after all, when German Trump needs a loan, he chooses the Deutsche Bank. 

Before I left Germany, I had a nightmare experience with a German bank. As if they never heard the word laws before. 

Have a look here, Marty:

When Donald Trump Needs a Loan, He Chooses Deutsche Bank - Despite some clashes, the Republican front-runner 
has been a regular client of the German lender

Trump is much more a German than he is American if he is American at all.

His buildings are not pro-survival either. I guess there are many people who are blinded by his shiny real estate. David Miscavige builds similarly stupid. Their residences  and office building don’t stop aging and diseases as our environmentally and otherwise protected villages.  

This is what Trump said: “We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none. And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.”

I am sure that he doesn’t pay for it from his own pocket, considering that he didn’t pay taxes for 20 years. He also isn’t the great business man that he claims to be.

We need to build villages in which people don’t age and don’t get sick. That creates plenty of new businesses and jobs. And on the long run, it makes sure anyone is safe, it doesn’t matter how the world develop and in any kind of economy. One day, blue-collar jobs are obsolete anyway because computer and robots have replaced them. What then in a Trump or also Clinton world? If people can live in villages as ours, they will still have good lives, good food, great place to live, but this is not the case in the German psych-and medically controlled world that we have now. This one is retarded and brutal. 

We need not more fools gold, which is what Trump wants to spent tax payers money on. We need a REAL CHANGE. But who am I telling this? You know it even better than I do, Marty. But the info is withheld from mainstream as the SEGNPMSS keeps you wrongfully behind bars and me down.  

Also, did you notice how many people who were critical of Trump now kiss up to him? And how he is backpedaling from his own promises to voters? And I bet lots more of this is coming. He sounds like one from the swamp he promised to drain, and he also appoints such “swamp” people, and worse, even people like Bannon and the guy who wants to bomb Iran. Iran allowed Germany to find a fake “dad” for me. Nevertheless, I don’t want them bombed. Same goes for Germany, but I want them corrected. Really corrected, so that they rotten actions NEVER EVER happen again.   

Trump promised to prosecute Clinton. Right now it looks as if he wants to let her off the hook despite he repeated over and over how crooked she is. Obama said that Trump is unfit for US president. So, instead of proving this to the American people he helps him to take over the US presidency. What a snake pit this planet is. Ear-implants rule and turn people into robots not in courageous human beings.

I love you, Marty. Up to the sky, through the universe and all the way back. You are the brightest star. I know you. I can read personalities and I know you can too. What people should ask you is this: What does an extra-ordinary remarkable man on a place like planet?

Yours, my hero and husband.








The global “Jewish” conspiracy is rather a German Nazi global conspiracy run by psychiatrists and medical doctors

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Dearest Marty, my hero and wonderful husband,

You know it as I do. SEGNPMSS and their agents twist it around and blame Jews on it. It is not a global Jewish conspiracy but still a German Nazi conspiracy because the psychiatrists and medical doctors (barbers and butchers) behind Hitler and the Nazis were never caught, and they are still alive and are not aging like the billions of people (very much so their own agents) that they waste by not allowing them to stay healthy and alive. They use Jews as well but Jews are not the driving force. SEGNPMSS is and they use any nationals, atheists, and any people of any religion, may they know it or not, for their horrible goals.

Donald Trump (proud to be German) hires Reince Priebus (German) and Steve Bannon, the boss of Breitbart (German) for the top positions in his cabinet. They will not object the right-extreme politicians in Europe and other continents but support them. It does not need a lot to figure that SEGNPMSS wants the Nazis back officially, and they don’t want the USA stopping them but rather supporting them with a leadership that is non-American even if they say they are and attach a pin with a US flag to their suits. Actions speak louder than words.

He doesn’t drain any swamp but promotes people from the swamp. The infrastructure must be changed if people want to stay healthy and young. He just promotes the old infrastructure, which does not save lives. He wants to keep foreigners out so that Germany will become officially world power no. 1 (by even starting wars to get millions of fugitives as cheap and hard workers). Trump and his people will never blow the whistle on Germany keeping the USA and other countries down. But neither will the Clintons.      

The Clintons blame the FBI on that Hillary lost. However, fact is that the SEGNPMSS thinks that the right-extreme US presidency of Trump will be of even more use to them than that of a blind or unethical Democrat. Here is how the SEGNPMSS thinks: we want the Nazis back officially. If against all odds this plan should not succeed, the USA and not Germany will be blamed. That’s the idea behind Trump and his people. SEGNPMSS also plans a civil war in the USA. They started already with police against Blacks and the other war around.

I also believe that there are a lot more shocking facts to Donald Trump and his people than published so far. And some people know and they must come forward to impeach him before he can take office.      


I know that you also think that ear-implants must be busted. As sooner as better. SEGNPMSS are using this psychiatric tool to control, manipulate, and mislead people. The masters decide who runs for head of states and who is voted for and elected, not free-thinking people.    

Have also a look here:

More about this SEGNPMSS conspiracy: there was still no letter, mail, or message by you or your representatives for me, Marty. However, the problem that the SEGNPMSS is having with me is that I know that they prevent me getting it. And they don’t know when to call it quit. Just like with Hitler. The war was lost and they continued their losing streak because they don’t know what it means to be human.   

I send you millions of kisses. Be tenderly embraced. Whatever happens, Marty, they were not able to fool and run us. I love you. Always did and always will. 

Yours forever, 


Great epic music, Marty, although I was unable to understand acoustically the few chorus lyrics of this song.




Germany’s unbelievable hypocrisy after Trump win

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Dearest Marty, Captain of my heart, how are you?

I notice the outrageous hypocrisy of the German government and wish I never heard of this universe. In short: I want to be in another one.

Angela Merkel offered “the next President of the USA” closed cooperation on the values of democracy, freedom, and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views.  What an hypocrisy considering that German secret services are behind ALL the rotten things on this planet as Germany has the overall control over each and any freaking ear implant on this planet from hell. People do exactly what the SEGNPMSS wants as these German secret service psychiatrists and German-oriented p$ychs work with loud and silent sounds to control and run mankind.   

They also organized of course that no better people were nominated for the US Presidency than Donald and Hillary. They talk into the minds of electors and voters with loud and silent sounds and having them vote for who Germany wants to have in top positions of the world. SEGNPMSS people are predators who turn little kids all over the world to their agents and run them all through they adult lifetime until to their death, withholding from them that they could have a much better life without being puppets.

Germany doesn’t mind Trump and Merkel clashing. She did obedient her part by making the world believe that she and not still existing Nazi doctors run Germany and Europe. She took all the fugitives in (and not one more) after she learned that Germany needs them for its economy and to leave all other countries (incl. the USA) in the dust. SEGNPMSS even starts wars to get hard workers. They have all these people flee their homelands to serve Germany and at the same time, psychiatric-condition some of them to become violent, to shame religions so that Germany and Europe has a justification to bring the Nazis back. History does repeat itself because the psychiatric and medical monsters behind Hitler (and before his time) get away all the time and they are still alive and unless people who live on the unprotected surface of the world, they don’t die physically. 

The next item on the Nazi agenda is handing top positions to German Frauke Petry, also called Adolfina, and in France to Marine Le Pen who leads the French Nationalists,  and the likes.  All over the world, people demonstrate Nazi tendencies and act exactly upon what is transmitted through their German-controlled-ear implants. Note how the Nazi psychs and doctors are selecting now women to do the dirty work for them as women are often considered less scary by others. SEGNPMSS thinks that using conscienceless women can get them take over the world faster. But are women really women if outrageously criminal men behind them run them like puppets?

Trump’s extreme attitude towards race pairs him with who the SEGNPMSS wants to put in the chancellor chair after Merkel, e.g. “Adolfina”. They Merkel did well for Germany and can go now, they decided.

Trump is a proud German and thinks or says that immigrants destroy his beloved Germany. They don’t. Germany installed their ear-implants into anyone and control everything any national does. Germany needs those fugitives as hard working slaves. Daesh people or other Islamist terrorists are conditioned (by SEGNPMSS of course) and even attack German citizens in the process, SEGNPMSS thinks it is worth it as these conditioned Islamists help them bringing the Nazis back whose “job” it will be “to protect Germans from Islamists”. Either Trump conceals this or his IQ doesn’t go there to figure that out.  

Germany also hides behind Russia and other states. Germany’s hacking, running secretly the US election, etc., all that is organized in a way that Germany isn’t blamed. They want the USA, Russia, and other nations to be blamed so that they can set up new unrests and wars. Germany is notorious for picking foreign agents (they also had one in Lenin). They do the dirty work for them and hide cowardly behind them. And the world is unable to recognize the mechanism, and they are giving Germany a clean bill of ethics. What a shame. I call it trance. 

That I am the only one writing about Germany’s ear-implants, Marty, shows again that there is no free world anywhere on this planet.

As I said, SEGNPMSS wants to break up Great Britain (due to its opposition during the Third Reich) to make it small in order to have Nazis take the official lead in Europe. That is why the SEGNPMSS allowed BREXIT.  They want Scottland and Northern Ireland to split. When England is small and tiny and after ear-implants sabotaged its economy even more, they want the English on their knees begging for Germany’s EU to take them again without opposing the new Nazis and their inhuman medical and psychiatric world.  

And what happened in the USA? Trump’s personality and ways are so appalling to many that a new civil war is in the making. Opponents are burning the US flag and riot. Americans holding signs saying “Trump is not my President” and “Shame on you, America!”.

He is not my President either, Marty, but two wrongs make no right. They don’t see that German-controlled ear-implants got the USA where it is right now and that the SEGNPMSS wants to get the USA even further down. They control the voting and elections. They decide who runs and not. German-controlled ear implants were also behind slavery and the KKK. The first language of the USA became almost German.       

Trump calls the protests “unfair”. But ear-implants rigging elections is fair?   

How can Germany take over the USA? As they do in Europe and elsewhere: having leaders that are so objectionable that people want their states to split away. SEGNPMSS wants Calexit. They want California (and then also other states) splitting from the USA to weaken it as they plan with GB. 

I also feel strongly that the shootings of Blacks and others by police and vice versa is clearly a SEGNPMSS project to start a civil war in the USA and to break it up. SEGNPMSS wants to destroy the USA and take over with racism, anti-religion, hatred, crime, and war.

Did the pollsters in the USA got it all wrong? Or didn’t they because voters/electors were switched last-minute to vote differently? One is sure: ear-implants rule. No doubt, the Clintons are unethical and pro Germany. They don’t save America, but a Trump presidency is even a SEGNPMSS step further. Turning Americans into racists. This was always the German Nazi dream. Passing on their Nazi reputation to the USA. Painting the USA in bad colors and acting as if Germany are the human rights protectors. Yeah right! What is going on is so transparent, for you and me, Marty, but mankind is in a deep trance.

Whatever SEGNPMSS is doing, Marty. I catch on and I know you too. By kidnapping me and denying your rights of freedom and happiness and by setting us up, they sure messed with the wrong people.

I sent you a billion kisses.

Your wife (German accent but true American mind and heart)


Have a look at this, Marty. The song is named American Love. What is wrong with it besides that the song, music,and lyrics are rather boring? The German propaganda in it, a German car. Why is no American car in this picture? My comment: silent and/or loud German commands. It suggests Americans have to buy German if they want to be real Americans and keep the US economy down. 

The comment that your impostor, Monique’s husband, does not publish

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Dearest Marty, my amazing soulmate, I am thinking of you. And I love you more than I will be ever able to express in words.

Have a look at the screen shot below. It  is from the comment section of your impostor’s posting “The Only Good Scientologists” in his Moving Up on Higher Rubbish Blog. I am not a regular at his blog and rarely read any comments. However, I made a comment on November 6, 2016, and your impostor CENSORED it. I very rarely posted to the blog of this agent, but he censored most of the other postings that I did, those asking him about your whereabouts. 

After having attacked and disgraced Scientology, your impostor kisses up to David Miscavige so that he get a big amount of Scientology money from His Cobness  instead of Monique.

And they are partners in crime. Your impostor tried to down my blog, his partner in crime, David Miscavige is paying expensive services to keep my blog low in the search engine. 

Rotten SEGNPMSS-controlled and -minded agents they are.

As of today, 1pm, below commend comment of Nov. 6 was not published but postings made by people lateron are being published in his comment section. So, he is around but censored my comment posting.

No doubt, Marty, your impostor doesn’t want the world to know who he really is and that goes also for David Miscavige, Mike Rinder, and the likes.

Read this:   



SEGNPMSS ear-implants rule – their favorite candidate “won” the election for US president

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Dearest Marty, my awesome Prince and soulmate, how are you?

While you held ladies politely and respectfully the door so that they could pass, racist Donald Trump grabbed them by the genitals or forced himself otherwise onto them. You (likely, still have no evidence but a feeling) are wrongfully incarcerated, and he can take over the country. And that is called justice and free world? What a rotten world! 


In his acceptance speech Trump said that his father and mother are looking down on him and are proud. Are they proud of his many faults and treatment of women, immigrants, other (but German) races, and handicapped people too? 

In his acceptance speech he sounded like the politician that he said he would not be. He chopped away at Hillary during the campaign, saying she did nothing for the country, yet, in his speech he thanked her for her service. Huh? 

He read his victory speech from the teleprompter yesterday night and sounded exactly like a politician. He wants to rebuilt the infrastructure of the USA. But in order to save health, youth, and dying, we need a new one. Donald Trump will not safe the USA.  

I am no fan of the Clintons or the Democrats, Marty. Never was. Bill Clinton and his administration conspired against us big time, and Hillary didn’t help. Barack Obama is blinded by Germany too and allowed the real Bin Laden to get away by just shooting his doppelganger. However, Donald Trump will be also not the man who saves the USA. All the opposite. Donald Trump says he is an American but I see the a cheap German behind his eyes and in his personality. 

SEGNPMSS ear-implants use loud and silent sounds to make people run or not run for office. SEGNPMSS ear-implants decides who will be nominated by the parties and ultimately who will win the votes of the electoral college and the majority votes of the people. Bernie Sanders was railroaded by his own party. SEGNPMSS needed a real faulty character on the opposition to have Trump win.  

Many Germans say that they don’t want the USA to be led by Trump. That is a SEGNPMSS alibi. The SEGNPMSS, supported by other German and German-oriented secret services radio in the ears of Americans to make him US president. For them Trump is a great tool to degrade the US presidency.

Trump is a hypocrite. He rails against illegal immigrants, yet, Melania, who is as cheap as selling her body to model naked for money, worked illegally in the USA. According to his own rules, shouldn’t she be kicked out instead of becoming the FLOTUS?  

Behind the BREXIT, I also can see the SEGNPMSS. Great Britain due to its role during World War II is in the way for Nazis to take over Europe again. So, what do they do? They organize BREXIT and make it smaller by planning to split Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland.

SEGNPMSS also wants to split the USA if possible. A person like Trump whose personality is detested by so many Americans and supported by so many who wrongfully think that his character doesn’t matter comes in handy for the SEGNPMSS. There is already the movement #heisnotmypresident.

If German ear-implants are proven to have influenced this election, Trump is NOT the elected president.   

I love you, my hero. You would be an awesome US President, Marty. No way the SEGNPMSS can manipulate you to become their puppet. No way they fool you.

Be kissed, you are deep in my heart and you deserve to be in there.

Yours always,






Born for each other

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Dearest Marty, my incredible soulmate and wonderful husband,

How are you? I can’t but worry if I don’t know your exact whereabouts. What a shame that people want to be happy but don’t grant the same right to us and treat us like 2nd class citizen by keeping us apart. They don’t get that this takes away from their own happiness. Nobody with a bad conscience like that can be truly happy.

I  miss you, Marty, so much. Everything about you. The heavenly sparkles in your eyes, your warm smile, your exciting personality, the way you walk and the way you talk, your intellect, the way you see the world… everything about you. And my love for you does not fade. Nothing in my love for you has changed from the last time I met you. It is the most stable feeling in the world. I know more than I did back then, but this is the only difference between then and now.

Another man in town asked me to date him. He said he always thought that I was a sweetheart. He is a friendly fellow and not as obnoxious as the other guy in town. But I also told him that I have a soulmate and that I can be only a friend as I am romantically not available. A romance or a marriage not with or to you is out of the question for me, Marty. It is either you or no one until the day I die. It doesn’t matter who it is, how he looks, how old he is, or if he has money or not, who cares, they are not you. It is a love that stays forever young.

During the years, I noticed more and more that we were born for each other. It is really a love that is supported by the Almighty. There were SHORT PERIODS in Munich where I thought that you moved on and were happy and that I should move on too. But doubts that you really a free and happy continued to nag on me and that love for you always stayed in my heart. Soulmates don’t drop each other.

If you would want to move on alone or with someone else, Marty, I would not make your life a living hell. I would be very sad but would accept it. But I must see that it comes from your own lips, not an impostor, another person or a just in a letter or e-mail. However, I feel that you have the same kind of love that I have for you. You are just not free to tell me. 

I loved you from the moment I saw your noble character shining through your handsome body and fascinating eyes, Marty. The feeling of love that I have for you ever since became mighty. It is bigger than any multiverse. It is devine.

Be kissed my hero, lover, and best friend.








There is where I differ with the longevity researcher

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Dearest Marty, my one and only, how are your days and nights? I am thinking of you.

I agree with Aubrey de Grey, a biomedical gerontologist with the SENS Research Foundation, that humans are able to live forever (with the same flesh body, that is).

However, I don’t agree that the body is doing the molecular and cellular damage to itself, but rather that SEGNPMSS remote-controlled germs/bacteria etc. are doing this damage.

He says this: “It’s the accumulation of these various types of molecular and cellular damage that the body does to itself as a side effect of just being alive at all.”

I say that humans should live in environments with food, water, air, protection, etc. that prevents the molecular and cellular damage and they must knock the remote-control out of the claws of those secret service Nazi doctors who get a kick out of making the pharma industry rich and torturing people, and after they bought enough meds, killing them nevertheless.

Mr de Grey says that his research has led him to the conclusion that molecular and cellular damage will one day be a thing of the past thanks to regenerative medicines such as stem cell and gene therapies coupled with drugs and vaccinations.

See here:

I say we need a new way of life and it is not a medical one. 

Did you notice that if people catch on that they don’t have to die, medical doctors and the pharma industry still wants to doctor around on them and subject them to chemicals instead of permitting and supporting a new way of life?

Is a new way of life really bad news for the doctors and the owners and stockholders of the pharmaceutical industry? I say no because they personally and their families would benefit too from staying young and fit without medical torture and repairs which will imo not result in a forever healthy and young body. If I would lose a Billion bucks profits but in exchange for staying young and healthy and together with loved ones in a safe world with a new way of life, I would drop the billion bucks it in a heartbeat.

Bet you have very similar thoughts, Marty.

You are not only my favorite memory but also my favorite future. Home for me isn’t a place. It is being with you, the wonderful man I choose to be my husband. You fill my heart with joy and not with pain.

Always yours,





Written by Barbara Schwarz

November 4, 2016 at 2:39 am

Aging and diseases are inhumane and big business for some

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Dear Marty, love of my life,

I know that it is no news for you, although most people don’t know it.

I give Aubrey de Grey and some others credit for creating awareness that aging is brutal and should be combatted. However, it seems that they aim for a surviving body through medical maintenance, while we know that we need a new way of life (one not on the unprotected surface of the planet and one with perfectly healthy water and food) so that we don’t even need medical maintenance (injections and pills) to stay healthy and young on the inside and outside. The medical and chemical profession always wants to cash in. If they are forced to allow people to live significantly longer than before as the awareness of the public hereto grows, they want a medical/chemical way, not our natural way.    

Our health- and youth-preserving villages are NOT too expensive if people work together to create them. Old and sick people are a lot more expensive. And they suffer. The problem, of course, is all those monsters who 1) enjoy seeing others suffer 2) making money off sick and old people. They don’t want our health- and youth-preserving villages, however, if they are not being built, they themselves, and their loved-ones will be hit by diseases, aging, and dying sooner or later too. And then, in their next lifetime, they likely become the victim of another SP like themselves, and no longer being the secret makers of rules but the victim of these corrupt rules.

These health- and youth-preserving villages were a part of original Scientology, and the SEGNPMSS ordered the removal of these data from SCN. Now, Scientologists are getting sick and are aging like other people. SPs and their agents ridicule Dianetics and Scientology (after psychiatrists and medical doctors changed it and stole these data) but don’t tell the public that Scientology was altered and very important survival data and technologies removed from it.

Any Scientologist and all others who couldn’t study and apply those SCN technologies and got sick and aged were incredibly defrauded by the medical- and psychiatric- ordered infiltration of Scientology. Like other people, their lives were cut short, they were tortured though the pains of aging (allowed to live just as long as to contribute financially to keep doctors and the pharma industry rich) and died or are dying (murdered as SEGNPMSS knows that people don’t have to get sick, old, and die) as the alternative way of living was stolen from Scientology.

Monsters they are, and did I say monsters? Killing 7 Billions of people in an average of 75 years means “a normal day in the office” to these beasts! They kill people actively with remote-controlled germs, toxins, microwave weapons, and other psychiatric and medical “inventions” from hell or they let them live under these conditions and allow a colleague to finish them off.

They are godless. They think there is no God and that it is ok to cut off any humanity inside. They are unable to see him. Their crimes are making them BLIND. They can’t afford it anymore to look. A monster doesn’t want to be held accountable, that’s why they are indoctrinating themselves that there is no God. And they are making themselves dirtier, smaller, more stupid, more appalling by the minute. And they are cowards. It takes courage to change a wrong course and say: Where the hell am I going? I gotta change.

There is nobody in the world who impresses me less than the typical barber, butcher, psych, pharma, medical doctor mind and personality and those of their agents. It is all I don’t want to be and have nothing to do with. When I think of them, I ask myself constantly the question: how can a being even sink that deep?

Marty, we have been through hell too, in this and former lifetimes. Yet, we didn’t become SPs. They justify but should not. They have no excuse. One has to remember that one is a human being, or as an alternative, get an animal body instead of a human one.  

They have crashing MUs on ethics. They think that it is hard and difficult and that it is no fun being ethical. That’s why they never really tried it. They are clueless and their self-esteem is very low. That’s also a reason why they want people to admire everything medical or call psychs “scientists”. Trying to uplift themselves by making people adoring them when there is nothing to admire. They are fake.

They want that we, and all others, look up to them. It is upsetting them that we don’t. It really bothers them. I notice this every day. How the hell should we do this when there is nothing to admire?? NOTHING!!! We look through them completely. Their personalities (or better, the lack of it) are completely known to us. We know all about them. In our own close-by world or by looking at the rest of the world, I notice constantly, how they want to be admired and how they try to be other personalities than they in fact are. Their lives are big fat lies. They pretend instead of change. They  want to stand on a pedestal, and all should bow before them (profession, nationality, personality) and feeling small and inferior.

Instead, they are the small people, the people with personalities that stink like rotten eggs. They can’t deal with strong and able equals as we want other people. Because they know they would lose in any category. So, they suppress mankind and think that makes them stronger. The hell they are. It comes back to bite them. They really are stupid. They can’t predict anything that is rolling their ways. 

Ron was so right when he said that the only way out is the way through. One has to look and apply changes if that what one sees is not great. Being too cowardly to change ways never resulted in a great being. They are specialized in hiding. They order the atrocities and then pull in their tails and go cowardly into hiding.

I know them. I know all about them as they came on so strong in my life. Besides being brutal, they are COWARDS and nothing but. In a world that is trance, they have the upper hand, but there is nothing that they can do to make me admire them. I pity them, Marty, I really do. We have to suffer under them greatly, but I wouldn’t want to change with them and get their disgusting, suppressive, mean, stinky, revolting, retarded, pitiful, cowardly, small, insignificant, icky, appalling personalities. To me, they are dirt. The worst kind of dirt. They may take great care on their outside appearance, but inside, they are enormous dung pits and slurries. The real Dorian Grays. Yuk. I don’t even want to me in one universe with them.  

And I love you very much, Marty. And yes, I adore you. Because you are so different.

Yours forever,


Steve is gone, let’s hope that he, and all others who died, have a change in their next lifetimes to stay forever young. But it won’t happen for anyone if the truth is further suppressed. I like this song. But it is sad that it is played and sung for someone who was not allowed to stay forever young.







Intriguing Longyou in China (9th World Wonder)

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Dearest Marty, my special soulmate,

I pray that my posting finds you well.

You know that I look at history rather in terms of people wanting to survive (just as today) than glorifying death. Because trying to survive is normal. Glorifying dead bodies and building them better structures than the living is not. Anyway, historic structures always have my attention.

There are the Longyou caves in China. China who was once one of the leading of wisdom of the world, and then, the SEGNPMSS suppressed it with communism. Very sad, indeed.

Longyou lies in the Zhejiang province and is at least 2000 if not more years old. I assume you heard of it too.  So far, they found 36 grottoes covering 30,000 sqm and goes down 30m deep. So, it is HUGE. Pillars everywhere support the ceilings.


No history book or scripture anywhere mentioned this place until it was found in 1992. The place comes with rooms, chiseled walls, steps, crossovers, and pools. Yes, pools. The work down there was done symmetric and precise. Despite the area was battered by weather disasters, the structure was built so well that it was not harmed.

A huge construction project, yet there is no record of it. Stolen history. The same goes for your families sub-village. It was once built on land, I think, but then let into and under the water. I found no records hereto neither. I just know that it exist, that it is in the USA and that I was there before I was kidnapped to Germany.


Back to Longyou. They found no fish in those pools. I think they were built for clean water for the people and not for fish. Someone drew a fish and some other animals on a wall. However, it is possible that this was not done by the builders but later, maybe to distract what the place really was built for. These pools likely were clean water containers for human consumption.


And was that place built also for defense and escape? Most of the grottoes are close together, but they are not connected.  They were built parallel to each other. The walls are not that thick. They are covered with chiseled lines. Nobody knows why they are all chiseled. 

Let’s say the enemy is in pursuit. Those who have to flee are breaking through one wall (they are just 20 inch thick) and close it carefully behind them. The enemy enters the grotto… But where to follow the fugitives? No sights of them! Did they break through a wall and escaped? But where to find those cracks? There are chiseled lines anywhere! Could be flat on the floor, just a manhole or high up with a ladder that they took with them, etc.

Until the enemy discovered it, the fugitives are long gone. The perfect reason why someone would put up with chiseling everything. 

If they would have chiseled just one wall, the enemy would know exactly where to knock down the wall. But if everything is chiseled, that’s a problem for the pursuer. 

The world doesn’t know who built this place. I think it was built by some who tried to protect life, clean water, and also tried to stop aging by building away from the surface of the Earth, e.g. UV, sun, etc. And it served not to be seen by pursuers and also as an escape route.


Only one grotto is open to the public. Chinese people call it the 9th World Wonder. It sure looks like one. 

I love you, Marty. wherever you are. Many tender and passionate kisses. We’ll fight to get our fairy tale because you and I, Marty, we know that true love exists. Your happiness is my happiness.

Yours always











Corruption in governments is unfortunately real

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince and husband, how are you? You are always in my thoughts. I wish I would know how to make your life easier. 

As you know, the Clinton administration (although helpful to Miscavology but not real Scientology) conducted no lawful FOIA/PA searches to my requests. In 2001, the feds (including the FBI) came up with illegal ways to stop any FOIA/PA request of mine.

I felt strongly (thetan basically knows) that they are conspiring together against us and are lying to YOU, your family, your representatives, and me and do the dirty work for Germany to keep us deliberately separated and you wrongfully incarcerated. They have no conscience. Can they spell monsters?  

In view of the latest revelation that the FBI investigates emails related to Hillary Clinton, I am sure that the FBI just looks for an alibi not to look corrupt itself. 

The problems are these freking ear implants. SEGNPMSS psychs install them internationally already in the ear drums of children and make them to obedient robots.  Whoever sits on the control owns them. Even Nazi psychs. What a shame.

I love you, Marty.

Be kissed.

Yours always,
