
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘Mary Sue

Was the FBI in contact with Germany during the years Germany set up your wrongful arrest by their poodle Spain, Marty?

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Dearest Marty, Captain of my heart, how are you?

According to some FOIA records now on the web, the FBI investigated the Church of Scientology between 1987 and 1989 on domestic security/terrorism but closed the investigation.

There was no trace of you, Marty, within the C of S or otherwise anymore by the end of 1988. As if you never existed. If my perceptions are right, and usually they are, Germany set phony case(s) up against you. They hide behind other countries as Spain and ordered this country to arrest you under false charges. Germany is also using Spain and US courts and US agencies to prevent you being paroled. Like: Sorry, we can’t parole you, Spain wants you. And still existing German Nazi psychs are behind it. Shame on the world. Really, shame on them all. If they are humans, we sure are something else as a lot better!       

In 1990, Monique’s husband (not married back then) appeared suddenly in Scientology and took your position as Inspector General for Ethics. Even on pictures, I noticed a very different personality behind the eyes: in other words: a doppelganger/impostor. Big fail for anyone who tried fooling me into thinking that he is you. I also can differentiate between the Ron’s (real founder’s) and Ike’s (US president’s) doppelganger/impostor. Germany can fool many people all the time, but not all people all the time.  

That FBI investigation into possible terror was allegedly officially triggered by the C of S Trementina vault construction and complaints about it. It seems that the FBI found no sign of terrorism and closed the investigation. 

However, these documents reveal that the FBI reported not just to the FBI director but to the FBI Legat in Germany on top of the list. The vault is in New Mexico not in Germany. So, why Germany? Because Germany is the anti-religious driving force behind trying to outlawing Scientology, and they run it secretly (including the US government infiltration under Mary Sue who was married to “Jack Vistaril” the impostor of the real founder). 

Another question that I have is: how much did the FBI and the CIA know that Germany was using Spain to arrest you wrongfully, Marty, to make you disappear and replace you with an impostor?

The FBI didn’t even make most of their unclassified records available to me under FOIA. They made them available to some other requesters but in my hands, they are apparently a big no-no! And why? Because their German-controlled ear implants didn’t allow it. I am no friend at all of the German-infiltration of the US government, and they know it.

Marty, the FBI (numerous agents) know for sure that the Church of Scientology is infiltrated by secret service agents run (e.g. via the CIA) by German secret services, and the FBI and other German-controlled agencies are trying to pin these secret service activities on the real founder Ron who was real American and never an agent. His Germany-run impostor(s) was/were. Same goes for your impostor, Marty.

In other word: German-controlled US-agencies infiltrate also other agencies in the USA or other countries, because Germany above everything.

German-controlled secret service agents within Scientology (no Scientologists but lying that they are) are ordered to conduct bad activities, or current and former infiltrators and outside attackers who are making these bad activities up, so that Scientology gets a bad reputation or will be banned (which is preferred by Germany and it puts many countries like Belgium, France or Russia up to ban Scientology).

Germany is also behind merging Scientology with anti-Semitic  “Nation of Islam” to get Scientology outlawed together with Islamists. Donald Trump isn’t the only one who wants to go in this direction.

I am also convinced, Marty, that Germany also ordered the raid in 1977, because that was the year we both joined Scientology again after German p$ychs stole our memories to that we were Scientologists before and married to each other. I am 100% convinced that the FBI was secretly ordered by Germany to remove any documents and photos of Ron, you, and me together, and that was the  REAL purpose of the FBI raid. Germany and their poodles, the U.S. agencies don’t need to raid Scientology orgs. They know what’s going on there as they are running the infiltrators of Scientology through their freaking ear implants: the original illegal PCs in Scientology.   

Upon German secret service orders, nine infiltrators of the C of S were ordered to “steal documents” from the government. The impostors wife, Mary Sue, was one of them. Purpose: to blame her above-the-law-secret-service-agent-behavior on original Scientology and the real founder of Scientology who never met that snake.

David Miscavige’s activities also fall very much in this category. Whatever he does, it is not Scientology.  

I love you, Marty. Be tenderly embraced, my hero.

Yours forever,


Besides the FBI director, Germany’s FBI office is on the top of the list involved with the terrorism investigation of the Church of Scientology (a closed investigation) between 1987 and 1989. The worst of that all is that Germany’s secret services are behind infiltrating the C of S. They want Scientology to be blamed and held responsible for  WHAT GERMANY SETS UP WITHIN THE ORGS OR WHAT IS ALLEGEDLY CONDUCTED BY SCIENTOLOGISTS. Germany’s secret services have the WORST hypocrites under the sun. Germany and its psychiatric secret services are huge slimy snakes.

I want any document within the FBI Legat Bonn (Berlin/Germany) that was ever produced in regards to Scientology. Germany hasn’t the smallest chance getting away with fooling us, Marty. And they can’t hide because we can see them hiding behind other countries and international agencies and crimes and terror as such.  Below records are unclassified. I bet the secret and top-secret documents that they are having stink like the still existing Nazi boots of German secret service psychiatrists as they run American officials via their freaking ear-implants, a German invention to run the people like robots to have Germany (some German people not all people in Germany!) win and all others lose.       




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Death threats against His Cobness from a “Jewish businessman” of all people? This sounds very German to me.

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Dearest Marty, my hero and irresistible husband,

I am thinking of you and every day, I hope you don’t have to suffer. I still believe that you are wrongfully incarcerated and that you were left behind. It is a world ruled by German Nazis and p$ychs who installed in just about anyone ear implants to control them and force their will upon all. They know that you are non-corruptible, Marty and that is why they steal your freedom (behind the cover of the USA, Spain, other countries, and even behind the cover of Scientology that they infiltrated). If my intuition is right, my hero, you are now longer wrongfully incarcerated than Nelson Mandela. And Germany wants to get away with it but we won’t do them this favor. They messed with the wrong people. No, no bombs dropped on Germany but anyone involved (incl. their international agents) must to be prosecuted. All strings must be pulled. Their sentences must be that strict that they never do anything like that ever before. Each one of them has to come to the conclusion that crime doesn’t pay. Right now, these idiots think it does.    

The International Business Time reported yesterday that David Miscavige is getting death threats. (TMZ broke it.) Death threats called in orgs are nothing new. I remember that briefly after I assumed the post of President of the Church of Scientology Germany, somebody called in and threatened to blow up the entire Munich Scientology org. I also remembered the first time when I was in LA that somebody called in a bomb threat into the Scientology orgs in the PAC area. All students, staff and Sea Org members had to leave the premises. You and I were one of them who had to leave the premises to be safe. When I was in the Sea Org in Copenhagen, somebody called in a bomb threat too. 

What’s so odd (or revealing) about the reports in the media on these death threats against David Miscavige is:

  • Why is it mentioned that the person who allegedly or really made those death threats is Jewish? This sounds very Nazi German and anti-Semitic. If a Lutheran or Catholic or Atheist businessman does something against the law, nobody mentions his/her religion. Why is it mentioned that the alleged or real caller is Jewish? The entire matter is clearly German Nazi propaganda. 
  • Garry Scarff lied to the world that he would be Jewish to extort the University of California for money. He is a death threat maker. He made some death threats against me, and I had to call the LAPD on him. Is that person who made those death threats against DM really Jewish or did he just made it up?
  • I am fully very aware of it that any race or religion has its rotten apples. (People who are lying that they are religious.) By reading people’s minds with body implants and running them through ear implants, the SEGNPMSS has no problem finding people like themselves, people low on the tonescale who they order and control to do unspeakable crimes. And if a person is not low enough for them to function without problems, psychs are turning them into Manchurian candidates, killers, shooters, bombers or other kind of terrorists and cut off their consciousness. Very sad but it seems that this method from hell works on all people, genders, ages, races and religions and atheists. Was the person who made the death threats against DM psychiatric-conditioned?
  • Under David Miscavige, Scientology kind of merged with the anti-Semitic movement of Louis Farrakhan. This is such a slap in the face of Ron, the real founder, son of Ike who defeated the Nazis from officially taking over the world. Does the racial stereotyping of Jews come from that merger? When you and I were on staff in Scientology, we did no racial stereotyping against anyone.
  • Just like still existing white Nazis want it, Farrakhan blames Jews on the misfortune and sufferings of black people instead of noticing or revealing that Blacks and Jews (and other minorities, which are probably all but Bavarian psychs) are the target of still existing secret service doctors/Nazis. I bet that those trigger-happy police men who shot black people have Nazi German-controlled ear implants and so have the Blacks who kill White or Blacks or anyone. Farrakhan preaches hatred and wants “white people” to be killed, and says that they deserve to be killed. This man is a lose cannon. He also wants to overthrow the US government. You and I, Marty, and any other real and original Scientologist don’t want the US government to be overthrown. We want the German Nazi psych infiltration of the US government convicted. We never would work with brutality, terror and death but rather want people to UNDERSTAND what really is going down and that all have to build a better world with rights for everyone, and I mean, everyone. Nation of Islam was founded in 1930. At the same time, German Nazis grew very strong in Germany. Both movements are known for anti-Semitic hatred. Nation of Islam has a march on October 10 in Washington, and with all the hatred that Farrakhan preaches, I wouldn’t want to be in the streets that day. 
  • Tony Ortega is pushing German p$ych propaganda against Scientology. Typically, he doesn’t reveal  that Scientology is infiltrated by the SEGNPMSS, that Scientology was/is altered, and that Ron, the founder, and you, Marty, were replaced by secret service impostors. His book on Paulette Cooper apparently should help Germany not to be accused of being the persecutors of Scientology, after all, Paulette came after Scientology and she was almost killed by the Nazis as a kid. The German-psych-infiltrated GO (controlled by Mary Sue who was married to secret service agent Jack Vistaril, Ron’s impostor) used secret service methods (not Scientology) on Paulette, after she apparently started to go after Scientology first (and not revealing that Scientology is German-psych-infiltrated). Typical for all people who attack Scientology. Nobody writes the truth.
  • There is something odd about her rescue story, Marty. I read that a friend (De Hoo) of her father bribed a Nazi guard to spare Paulette’s and her sister’s life by paying him in 1943 around USD 64.000 in today’s currency, which was a lot back then. The money came allegedly from an inheritance that De Hoo made. Paulette and her sister were sent to an orphanage in Belgium where Paulette became unhappy and malnourished.  Here is what’s so odd about it: De Hoo spends allegedly that much cash on other children but his own and NEVER visits them in the orphanage and mails NO care parcels that could have avoided Paulette’s undernourishment? What’s the purpose of spending so much cash but risking having them die nevertheless, just in another place?  The war was over in 1945. Paulette was adopted in 1948, not by De Hoo but Americans. Why didn’t De Hoo adopt them or at least visit them after the war? He had three years time for that.  Why didn’t Paulette see the De Hoo family after she was of age but rather spent her time attacking Scientology just because some a Scientology infiltrator claimed to be Jesus? Odd stuff, isn’t it?  Jack Vistaril, Ron’s impostor, must have been on Paulette’s side and against Scientology, otherwise he wouldn’t have her named “Miss Lovely”. This is not a name one chooses for an alleged enemy. There were apparently people who knew from the start that “Operation Freakout” would set Paulette up with settlement cash and the true purpose of  “Operation Freakout” would be harming Scientology’s and the real founder’s reputation (who never heard of that operation).      
  • Did the “Jewish” death threat maker read Ortega’s book? Are that the kind of people who his book breeds?
  • Back to DM. The death threat maker allegedly called the Scientology orgs for a lengthy time period of 2 hours and 55 minutes. The SEGNPMSS wanted this man to be caught, otherwise, they wouldn’t allow him to call so long to be tracked. SEGNPMSS wants Jews to be blamed on death threats against Scientology as they want Scientologists to turn Anti-Semites. It is going on since a long time. Dressing up as Nazis as a “protest measure” is typical for German-controlled agents in Scientology. I know exactly who radioed in the ear-implants of these people and infiltrators of Scientology.   
  • Police issued an arrest warrant “on an Jewish businessman” but it is not clear if an arrest was made? What is that secrecy all about? I know: all of it is a SEGNPMSS program to blame Jews on still exiting Nazi psych crimes. SEGNPMSS has a deadly plan to attack Scientologists but Nazi doctors want it to be blamed on Jews. They really want to kill Scientologists but Jews should take the blame. Scientologists would be much safer if they would make this known. Not showing with the fingers of the Bavarian/German/international psychs of the SEGNPMSS is a huge mistake. 
  • David Miscavige is no Scientologist. He is an agent who got Scientology from Ron’s impostor “Jack Vistaril”. In other words, DM leading Scientology and behaving the way he did and does, is just what the doctor orders. I don’t worry much about non-smart and unethical DM, however, if  the SEGNPMSS wants to get rid of His Cobness now, then because of this: The Moor has done his work the Moor may go…

I love you, Marty. Keep on surviving. SEGNPMSS really targets you because you are good and smart. That is the kind of person that these evil fanatical stupid Nazi pigs fear.

Many tender and passionate kisses, my love. I stand by you.  

Yours always and forever,


Added on Sept. 7. Daily Mail reported: “LAPD’s Major Crime Unit launched an investigation, but it’s unclear if anyone has been arrested.” How can it be unclear of anyone has been arrested? Either somebody was arrested or not. 

1) Behavior of the CIA (TORTURE REPORT) are evidence of the very GERMAN-controlled ear implants! Also: 2) Once again, agent versus agent in and against Scientology

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Dearest Marty, my really and true American prince,

How are you? I worry about you. People around you having ear-implants and are conspiring against you. Just as these German-controlled CIA people (in other words: robots) tortured prisoners, I fear that they were/are inhumane to you too.

German secret services are trying to bring the worst out of other nationals, including Americans, and why? Because others, particularly Americans should get the reputation of Nazi brutalities. When thinking Nazis, the world should think of Americans and no longer Germans. Germans who are behind these CIA and other low activities put “Americans” up to commit lowest activities and Germans want to smell like flowers even if they have the worst character stench of all people on this freaking planet.

I once worked in Germany with an elderly IT programmer. He fought in WWII. He told me that German soldiers ran towards the lines of the Americans (not the Soviets) to surrender, because the Americans were known of treating their POWs much better. So, what happened that the once decent Americans are like Nazis now? They had ear-implants back then too but as Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower was the Allied Commander against the Nazis and stood for completely decency, German brutality radioed into American ears didn’t really succeed.

But this time is gone, and since many decades, Germany chops away from American decency by bringing the worst out of Americans. I also know that they plant their Nazi thetans in the USA and have them grown up as Americans and kidnap American thetans to Germany.

Every American is losing by not revealing what German secret services are doing.  Every American is losing by allowing the destruction of the reputation of the USA.  How can people not see this? Whatever  “rewards” their German-oriented case officers (in whatever language) are promising and whispering in the ear implants of people, it is a very cheap payment for what is going downhill. It really is. Americans have to stop thinking that they are Europeans and that they hate the USA. Any Americans tells me about their European forefather and how great Europe is. Argh! It is not. I was in Germany against my will. What’s  bad in the USA is secretly GERMAN-introduced! As Americans, they should not secretly work for Germans or any other country which is also secretly run by Germany. Period.


I bet all I have, Marty, that the horrible details of the parts of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA-enhanced interrogations, to make CIA officials behave like German Nazis, was directly ordered by German secret services. Germany (SEGNPMSS and sub-secret services) have secret programs to turn the Nazi reputation away from them and give it to the USA instead. Germany is the driving and superior force over each ear implant. If they would not have radioed and approved it, it would not have happened. Added to this brutality is also the CIA ineffectiveness of it all. Typical German to lead stupid people to apply ineffective methods. Germany who used Middle Easterners and alleged Muslims to attack Jews and Americans (Sept.11 attacks were planned in Germany) don’t want the terror to end. Consequently, the CIA methods don’t work. 

Behind the CIA deception of Congress and the American people is Germany. Everything works out for Germany, nothing for the USA. And this should have rung a bell for all Americans right after Germany turned the Russians in alleged enemies of the USA despite that they were allies before. They should have noticed that behind the hatred of Muslims and Middle Eastener of Jews and Americans is Germany AGAIN as ALWAYS in the past! 

This said, these CIA animals are of course not excused. Each one should be personally prosecuted, and the access to their ear-implants  and who radioed in them should be revealed.  There is no excuse whatsoever of lack of decency and humanity, but again, GERMANY brings out the worst in all. Losing two world wars did not turn them into better people. They are still at it: Germany, Germany above everything, just as their national hymn says.

Speaking about the CIA, they didn’t help me back into the USA after 1960. I stayed being kidnapped. After I found all out on my own, they still didn’t open the doors for me or helped me to see you again, Marty. They are so German-controlled, it is outrageous. Just as German secret services ordered, the CIA “exchanged” the President of USA, Ike Eisenhower with a doppelganger while he still was in office! Just as the German secret services ordered, they exchanged the original founder of  Scientology, Ron, with the creepy doppelganger/impostor “Jack Vistaril” who is married to his criminal wife Mary Sue to ruin original Scientology and turn it into a cult. Just as the German secret services ordered, they handed Scientology to David Miscavige of who they know will run Scientology into the ground and who hired Monique’s husband as doppelganger and impostor, in an idiotic attempt trying to fool me to think that he is you and for other low reasons and to undermine your legacy. I suspect Monique’s husband of being a German/CIA double agent like “Jack Vistaril”. And the CIA is covering up that just Bin Laden’s doppelganger was shot not the real monster, and other such cases. IMO, not one CIA director since the creation of the agency was a decent human being, Marty.

And I read today again of an encounter between Marc Headley and “Scientologists” at INT. He threw the first stone by not leaving them alone by visiting them (after a mudslide tore down some of their security fences) as the sworn enemy that he is and then Headley plays the victim. Mudslides can and are man-made. In this case, Scientology haters want people to intrude INT from the outside. That was the reason for that mud-slide.   

But the “in” side is not cool either, former infiltrators antagonize current infiltrators, and the other way around. Headley, Rinder, your impostor, and so many others were once “in” Scientology too. They didn’t suddenly become bad. They were those creeps all the time. It is all so German ear-implants controlled. It has nothing to do with Scientology. They are light years away from being the original Scientologists that we are, Marty.  

The orgs could end all those encounters and attacks. All they have to do to publish the true story of Scientology and what Germany did to it, including getting rid of the good founder and replacing it with a CIA/German impostor slime ball. But as Miscavige is an agent, he doesn’t tell. And this has no good end written all over it.

I love you, Marty. It would be so different if  you would be free. I know you would make things right. Lies, deception, and conspiracies disgust you as much as they disgust me.

Yours forever,










Marty, in the war “infiltrator against infiltrator” (it is not Scientologists against Scientologists), your impostor Monique’s husband wins another round in the media and on the Internet

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Marty, my dearest,

I repeat what I wrote numerous times before: Scientology is internationally infiltrated by non-Scientologists upon German secret service orders to destroy it from the inside and outside. Some of former infiltrators leave and then attack Scientology from the outside (e.g. Mosey’s husband and Mike Rinder, etc.), and those infiltrators still in the Scientology orgs behave in a deliberately offensive way to make the media and others to support the actions of former infiltrators as your impostor, so that they can play the victims.

It is so easy to figure this pattern out.

And do you know what is also very easy to understand? That David Miscavige has dirty hands too as far as hiring your impostor is concerned. Just like Mike Rinder and so many other former and current infiltrators, His Cobness conceals that Monique’s husband never joined Scientology for the right reasons but was hired as agent/doppelganger to impostor you, just as “Jack Vistaril”, Mary Sue’s hubby was a hired secret service agent to impostor the founder of Scientology.    

Mainstream is being lied to. They are made believe that what they are seeing is Scientology. It is not. Behavior by anti-Scientologists, squirrel busters, Jenny Linson Devocht, and others is not even remotely the behavior of Scientologists. Real Scientologists don’t deliver fights with impostors and others. They publish and state the facts to the authorities and ask for the impostors/infiltrators to be pursued under the laws of the land. Period. And they never allow an innocent person to be incarcerated. PEOPLE WHO DO THAT ARE MONSTERS, not Scientologists.

Somebody once said: if you want to see how a Scientologist is like, look at Barbara Schwarz. Exactly. I am not engaged in any of the infiltrator/agent wars. I apply original Scientology. And I know you too, Marty.

Be tenderly embraced and kissed.

Yours forever,




Why Tony Ortega and the likes don’t reach real Scientologists…

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince, how are you?

Clueless Tony Ortega and his supporters thinks they figured it all out but he and they are forgetting that real Scientologists know that Mary Sue’s husband (“Jack Vistaril”) wasn’t the founder of Scientology but a secret service agent who was on a German psychiatric/medical mission (approved/supported  by the CIA) to alter Scientology, so he talked a lot of nonsense.  I believe that “Jack Vistaril” believed that he was the cat’s meow. His non-Scientologist case officers made him believe that he has to abilities of the founder. Yes, I know, utterly ridiculous, but the man was full of himself and died a horrible medical death at the end. 

However, real Scientologists can differentiate between what is secret service crap and what Ron, the real founder of Scientology discovered.

Tony Ortega and the likes are thinking that they defeat Scientology with his articles. Real Scientologists don’t take him seriously as he is missing the real smoking gun: German/CIA co-hired impostors in Scientology (and also in areas that seem having nothing to do with Scientology as politics).

Marty, once I thought that Americans have a higher tonelevel and are more honest than Germans, but after I saw what German-poodle agencies the US agencies are, I buried that idea. Goes also for judges and people in Congress. Who works for Nazis is a Nazi. There is no other way to say this.

Anyway, ALL “critics” of Scientology are ignoring that fact of impostors in Scientology (by deliberately not writing about it). They heard it from me already many years ago. In other words, only idiots will join their anti-Scientology movement. 

Within altered Scientology are still large fractions of real Scientology, as you know. Smart people who knew the real founder, his character and sanity, can figure what is not by him but secret service alteration. And that is why the anti-Scientologists don’t reach them by throwing the founder and his impostor and his criminal wife in one pot.

Scientology still contains absolute truth and wisdom but embedded in altered material, which is frankly nonsense. The task is to restore original Scientology and document the alteration and how the alteration serves medicine/psychiatry and Germany and Nazis, Scientology’s biggest foes.     

Tony Ortega and the likes are thinking that they end Scientology with his postings. This is so ridiculous.  Some dummies who have not figured out the facts might leave, but real Scientologists rather use their own minds to figure things out than following the Ortega cult. He runs a cult. I remember postings of people saying that they don’t have to read original texts as Tony does that for them. Yikes!

You know it, Marty, I know it, and there are a large number of others who know it too. However, it is time to come forward and let the world know what Scientology really was,  who it was who sent impostors into Scientology and who altered it and why.

Interesting is that Ortega and his people are thinking that they are the smartest. But it is original Scientologists like you and me who figure out what is really going on. Not the Ortegas and the likes. 

Many kisses, my sweetheart.

I am on your side.

Yours forever,


I never have heard this song sung better than by Eva Cassidy. How mean to kill her with cancer. 


Jamie DeWolf’s great-grandfather (Nib’s father) was the impostor. He was not Ron, the founder of Scientology.

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Dearest Marty, love of my life, how are you?

I am positive that you know that Jamie DeWolf’s great-grandfather (Nib’s father) was the impostor and not Ron, the founder of Scientology but I post it anywhere. Somebody has to write the truth in an ocean full of lies about Ron and Scientology 

The hate event Flagdown 2014 is coming to an end. From what I have seen, it was a very unprofessional event (equipment not functioning, low attendance, Scientology hater attacking and removing each other…) And a process-server of the Church of Scientology made is rounds too. You know that I am not speaking for DM or the Miscavologists but the so-called “critics” who are just as dishonest and concealing the truth concerning the founder and Scientology.  

One of the speakers of “Flagdown” was Jamie DeWolf. Tony Ortega mislead his readers by claiming that Jamie DeWolf would be the great-grandson of the Scientology founder. Nothing could be further from the truth. I bet the farm on it that “Jack Vistaril” was a German/CIA double agent. Germany wanted/wants Ike’s son’s great applied philosophy Scientology destroyed, and a German controlled CIA was helping.  Original Scientology was so anti-cult and anti-Nazi that Germany worried that German-robotic could die out if this planet has many ethical people who are thinking for themselves.    

It was “Jack Vistaril” who altered Scientology upon secret German commands.

I saw some of Jamie’s performances and dances. He is CHEAP and PRIMITIVE. He talks about his great-grandfather’s sex life, but watch Jamie on stage, I have to say that the apple never falls far from the tree.

Marty, I think that Jamie DeWolf knows that his great-grandfather was the impostor and not the founder of Scientology. He is just not telling.  I guess slamming his own great-grandfather by making the world belief that he was the Scientology founder became lucrative for him.






Marty, a “Scientologist” who cannot see who the original and who the impostor is does not deserve to call her- or himself a Scientologist. Not seeing this means not applying original Scientology. I apply it, this is how I figure out all the secrets. And this is why Germany and a  secretly German-run wants Scientology altered and destroyed. They don’t want more people like us. They can’t run us. They can run blind and obedient sheep.  That is why “Jack Vistaril” got the order to impostor the founder and alter Scientology.     


I love you, Marty. Many kisses. You are a star on the horizon of a world that is lost in lies and set ups .

Forever yours,



Was “Jack Vistaril” a CIA agent? Is Monique’s husband a CIA agent? (I believe they were/are agents.)

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Dearest Marty, my breathtaking hero,

Our lives are like no others, and what we feel for each other is still so strong. It is pure magic. Nobody can come between us. Not even doppelgangers and impostors can fool us. (Somebody told me that a doppelganger of mine is living in my rural backyard and that she hurried away when he tried to talk to her.)

But the good news is that in all these years, I was able to feel your love for me despite we could not talk to each other, Marty. I feel being approach by you on a spiritual level. I must be in your thoughts, and I can pick that up just like that.  What a connection, what a soul mate connection!   

Many people think that “love” is just chemistry. Some chemistry that keeps our love so young and exciting over decades of separation. Wonder what formula that is? LUV169 723HO260000 464NB455656000 688O52 243S912 975l8888 Kyco3.3.2.02,8l-2,6,9-Heart C20H20.  Gee, some formula 😉

Just thinking about you gives me butterflies, Marty. Nothing has changed from being a teenager to now, except that I am wiser. 🙂 But surely not less romantically in love. Anyone less in love as we are is missing out of the best that life can offer.  


Anyway, now to the bad “boys”. Was “Jack Vistaril” a CIA agent? Is Monique’s husband a CIA agent? I believe they were/are agents but not just working for the CIA also for other secret services. Monique and her hubby even traveled to Germany for German activities against SCN.     


Also, definitive and beyond any doubt, “Jack Vistaril” was not Ron, the founder of Scientology, and Monique’s husband is not you, the first Inspector General for Ethics of the RTC/Scientology. Photos and videos demonstrate this very clearly also to those who are less spiritual as you and I are.

But did “Jack Vistaril” and Monique’s husband simply walk into the Church of Scientology and take your lives over? I doubt that very much. Secret services must have put them up to their impostor jobs. And DM and other infiltrators must have agreed to it. Furthermore, can German secret services bypass all of the United States intelligence community? They can make the Americans do what they want but running these so-called Americans through their ear implants. If this wouldn’t be the case, impostors and infiltration programs would have been busted by the American intelligence community centuries ago.

With American Intelligence community, I mean the Director of National Intelligence and those agencies: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States Department of Defense, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), National Security Agency (NSA), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency (AFISRA), Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA), Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), United States Department of Energy, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (OICI), United States Department of Homeland Security, Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), Coast Guard Intelligence (CGI), United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Branch (FBI/NSB), Drug Enforcement Administration, Office of National Security Intelligence (DEA/ONSI), United States Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), United States Department of the Treasury, and Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI).


They always say that they have to “protect National Security”. But by having German secret services (the infiltration/alteration of Scientology and your wrongful incarceration, Marty, serves Germany most of all as they try to get rid of Scientology and framed you!) radio in the ear implants of employees and agents of these so-called American agencies, they compromise National Security.

I am flabbergasted how none of employees and agents is able to see that just a doppelganger was shot instead of the real Bin Laden. It is like the 3rd Reich, when Hitler and other top Nazis got away by faking their deaths and killing look-alikes. I IMMEDIATELY saw a different personality between Bin Laden and the guy the seals shot in Pakistan. Furthermore, the Sept. 11 terrorists were conditioned in Germany. Yet, the USA failed to kick Germany’s behind, because Germany is America’s secret master. Not necessarily Ursula Merkel but those who run her. Also, the American Intelligence community and law enforcement all over the country fails to figure that terrorists are being psychiatric conditioned to commit these crimes and then commit suicide. They are napped and are hypnotized to kill themselves after a heinous terror act. Constantly, there is another shooting in the news but those who make the terrorists always are getting away. And that is called “protecting National Security”!   

The CIA puts a fake Dwight David Eisenhower on post after the officially elected real US President disappears around 1960. I know exactly what the original justification was back then: “Oh, if we publish that Ike is no longer, the Nazis will raise again…” But after 54 years, the American Intelligence community still didn’t come clean on this, and they have no intention to ever reveal what happened to Ike. It just will become public if the U.S. government is compelled to confess and act American and not secretly German. 

Upon secret German orders, the CIA puts one or even more fake Scientology founder into circulation. The NSA, the FBI, and other agencies of the US intelligence community impossibly could have missed that, but all are keeping their mouth shut, after all, Germany is their secret holy cow.  The main impostor “Jack Vistaril” and his above the law wife Mary Sue turn Scientology, the original anti-cult into a German greedy cult with the mighty Scientology Sea Org reserves in Europe ready for Germany to grab those accounts. David Miscavige who got Scientology from this impostor, continues the “Jack Vistaril” cult instead reviving original Scientology.  Scientology’s reputation suffers more and more, after all, we are dealing here with a German propaganda machine in the media, on the Internet, and elsewhere.



Just like so many official government US projects, programs, and activities that have nothing to do with Scientology and fire back onto the USA, Scientology programs projects, programs, and activities have the same fate. They fire back! But where are the people who analyse this? Nowhere because their German-oriented and German-controlled case officers don’t let them analyse these similarities. In all that smear against the USA but also Scientology, Germany, the worst instigator on the planet, smells like a rose. Completely “innocent”, and the bad guys are the USA, it’s allies (if it has true allies at all), and Scientology and some few others that could come in the way of the German medical/psychiatric idiotic way of life.       

Some people said that the vessel Apollo was a “CIA ship”.  Impostor “Jack Vistaril” (his wife was Mary Sue) but the founder of Scientology was “Captain” on the Apollo. In a narration, David Miscavige says that this would be wrong and that the Apollo was no CIA ship. Really where is the evidence of that? How did the impostor get on that ship? Jack Vistaril and Mary Sue were agents, a 100%. If it was no CIA-ship, what kind of ship was it? It was not a Scientology ship as real Scientologists swore to uphold the code of honor and ethics.  

Somebody hired the agents and the impostors, and I am convinced that those are German secret services using the CIA and the FBI. For example, in regards to the break-ins by Mary Sue and some others of the Guardian Office to steal documents, it means that the CIA and the FBI were involved in those government break-ins as those guys were their agents. In other words: the US-government breaks into the US-government because Germany wants it so. 

I know, nothing is news to you, Marty, you figured it out a long time ago. We just have to continue fighting peacefully for what is right. Any bad system crashes sooner or later. Too bad that the USA is involved. I wish it would be like in my dreams as a kid: strong, noble, ethical, just, true, and anti-Nazis and not their secretly run puppets.

Love you bunches. Many kisses.

Yours forever,






How did the Daily Caller find out that Greg Mitchell in behalf of the Church of Scientology (should be rather “Church of Miscavology”) lobbied the White House? From Mike Rinder?

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US postage stamp

Dearest Marty, my exciting soul mate,

The Daily Caller published an article online, saying that Greg Mitchell, founder of The Mitchell Company, is the C of S official lobbyist in Washington, D.C. They also allege that he is a Scientologist.

They indicate that they have this information from some kind of disclosures which they don’t specify. Disclosures?  Mike Rinder’s drafts on his laptop before or after he blew in 2007? Your impostor’s blog? Who disclosed what? FOIA/PA laws don’t apply to the White House, which I think is wrong. If you or me would be the US President we wouldn’t cover anything up. The White House is for the people and should not be a secret club.

Back to the article: it says that Greg Mitchell received cash for lobby work on behalf of the C of S. Of course, C of S has the right to lobby like anyone else, but real and ethical Scientologist should run Scientology and NOT David Miscavige who gave your position to impostor Mosey’s husband and made Mike Rinder in charge for all external affairs. Tonescale NOT used! What is the tech good for if DM doesn’t use it or doesn’t understand it? Nothing has caused Scientology more harm than his lack of ethics, OT abilities, and inability to apply Scientology.  He even introduced psychiatric methods and devices into Scientology and his psychiatric “Cause Resurgence Rundown” is a huge “accident” waiting to happen while original Scientology stays further under wraps.  Ron did not write that rundown. Much of it is psychiatry, Vistarology, and Miscavology. 

Not just the White House but the State Department, Justice Department, and others were lobbied too for stronger U.S. engagement on Russia’s “rising restrictions…contributing to an atmosphere of intolerance and discrimination against religious communities and their individual members”.

Real Scientologists would explain and prove to the President, the WH,  US departments, agencies but also Russia and the rest of the world that it is Germany who has Russia and other countries do the anti-religious and intolerance work for them. This is really what happens, and I don’t think that all in Russia would be willing receivers of these secret German orders if they would know why they are getting them and where they originated from. And the USA would finally become more aware of what they have to watch out also in U.S. and other governments. And the real extremists would be stopped in their tracks. 

David Miscavige and the Miscavologists are anything but OTs. They can’t see what we are able to see. Or they are so evil that they cover up what they know. They fail to prove how all is connected and that is why what is left of Scientology and also why the USA is continuously set up by Germany whose secret services are really completely psychiatric-, and medically-oriented. And anything that could come in the way of this kind of world (in which everyone falls to pieces and suffers at the end) is brought down by means of infiltration, destroyals, destroyal of reputations, open and secret attacks, alterations, set ups, terror, murder, and with the help of international agents, doppelgangers, and impostors. 


But this is not what Miscavology explains to them as Miscavology just as Vistarology (the “work” of the  impostor who was married to criminal Mary Sue and died with Vistaril in his blood) failed/fails to do that. ONLY original Scientology did it right, and we are telling the true story, Marty.

What I am seeing is that asking or obtaining the help of the White House and the U.S. agencies in regards to “Russia” is just scratching the surface of the problem. The real problem is Germany, and it’s still existing secret Nazi doctors. Those are the ultimate extremists. They are force between the terrorism of yesterday and today. (Ring leader Atta and his supporters were psychiatric-conditioned in Hamburg/Germany to fly the planes in US buildings on Sept. 11.) They also trying to involve the USA in wars and are provoking the USA constantly to be engaged in wars and other non-American acts. Once that is revealed, this planet will see a much better time, it doesn’t matter what somebody’s religion or philosophy is.      

Did David Miscavige advice Greg Mitchell to lobby the White House, Departments, and agencies to help you out of your wrongful incarceration as he should under the law and the Code of Honor for a Scientologist? Did he explain to the WH and the government that you were set up by Germany and that they also used Spain for these high crimes to rob you, an innocent man of his freedom? I bet he did not because DM and the Miscavologists (includes also “ex”-Miscavologists as Mike Rinder, Monique’s husband, and others) are monsters. Our human rights mean nothing to them. Just their own count!

People celebrate Nelson Mandela and all agree he never should have been incarcerated. But those hypocrites don’t mind that you are wrongfully incarcerated. They are just like their secret German-oriented case officers…  SCUM! Worthless people. Hypocrites! If they are allowed to call themselves humans, Marty, we sure are something a lot better as we NEVER would participate in anything they did and do. 

Read more:

I love you, my prince. Many kisses and forever yours.

Yours forever,



Monique’s husband (former husband of Cheray and Anne) wasn’t around in the mid to end 80s in Scientology International

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original-martyMarty, my wonderful dashing Prince and husband with the great ethical character,

Sorry for posting your photo in a blog article that contains – except the original Ron and the original Ike – also photos of the scum of the world.  I want to make a point here. Germany and any government that secretly obeys to the orders of German secret service doctors and other agents should know that they will not get away in future with making the originals disappear and replacing them with doppelgangers/impostors. They also will not get away with helping rotten individuals (e.g. Hitler and Bin Laden) to hide while their doppelgangers are killed or commit “suicide”. (Yeah right!)   

Nobody knows that this is  going around  better than you do, Marty, my soul mate, as you are a victim of this, but so am I.

In the book “Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior”, which rather should be named “Memoirs of an Infiltrator and Impostor”, Mosey’s husband describes “in details” the mid-80s. He wasn’t even there. You were. I saw him NOWHERE. But I meet YOU. He just heard or assumes what happened in the 80s. He spent so much time writing about the 80s as he wants to D/A that HE WAS NOT THERE. He really is serious about impostering you. He can’t claim: DM made me do it – as a decade after he left DM’s side, he still is impostering you. What is his award for doing so, Marty? Why is he so eager wanting to be you and not himself? And now he and his current wife want multi-million Dollars from Scientology in the court case before judge Dip Waldrip. To be able to afford a great hiding place once mainstream learns that he is indeed an impostor and that his wife supports this? 

A Scientologist is no true believer. If Monique’s husband was a true believer of sorts, he was never a Scientologist. A real Scientologist does not believe, he/she studies and reviews things and finds things out himself/herself. That makes a real Scientologist. A real Scientologist wants to know for sure and beyond any doubt.   

The last photo of you that I saw, Marty, was in the RTC magazine in the mid to late 80s. You (looking breathtakingly dashing as always) wore a white Sea Org Uniform and spoke to Italian staff members in Italy. And then it was quiet. Everyone else’s name was promoted in the SCN magazine Impact but yours. It was as if somebody wiped out your entire existence. I saw with my own eyes how capable and able you were. I also noticed that others were honored in the Impact magazine who had nothing on you as far as abilities are concerned. So, I wondered and wondered more and more as to how this is possible and what is going on at Scientology Int. And the Süddeutsche Zeitung reported before about arrests in Spain due to that high amounts of Spanish money allegedly were transferred to the USA (again: at this time all Sea Org reserves were in Europe NOT in the USA and I bet they are still in Europe), I got the distinct feeling that Germany used Spain to come specifically after you for no other reasons but to deny your human rights by wrongfully arresting you. That’s why your name was not more mentioned in Scientology magazines anymore in the very late 80s. Typically for non-Scientologist David Miscavige to leave a comrade in need. Code of Honor means nothing to this dude. But I was not willing to forget you. 

And what a “surprise”: suddenly, around 1990, photos of you doppelganger showed up in Impact and other RTC publications. He looked a lot like you but already on photos, I could see a very different personality. He smiled and carried his body differently. You knew that the world is a very dangerous place but you were unafraid. Behind your impostor’s eyes I could read that he thought life is just a foolish game.  There is a very different expression behind his and your eyes. The aura is very different.  On the video that Mark Bunker had webbed for a short while, I could see that Monique’s husband (former husband of Cheray and Anne) also moved and walked differently than you did. After he took your position, RTC publications and Impact suddenly “honored your name”.  




Everybody who knew you, Marty, must have noticed that  Monique’s husband (former husband of Cheray and Anne) isn’t you, and if their IQ is worth a cent, they should have noticed that Ron the founder was also impostored and that this impostor “Jack Vistaril” changed Scientology and smeared the founder’s legacy.  

As Mosey’s husband (former husband of Cheray and Anne) is an impostor himself, he never will blow the whistle on that the founder of Scientology was also impostored. Below is the real founder, the genius and absolutely ethical person who developed Scientology who differs quite a lot from today’s Miscavology and Vistarilogy. “Jack Vistaril” and David Miscavige altered Scientology, just as the doctor ordered.   


Below is above the law “Jack Vistaril”, and the impostor of the founder, who was married to criminal Mary Sue. Both agents of sorts. How “Scientologists” can mistake this man on his 1.1 tonelevel to be the founder is BEYOND ME.  It is the impostor’s handwriting on OT III. (His version of OT III differs quite a bit from the OT III and the other OT levels that the real founder wrote.) The guy below, the impostor left Scientology to David Miscavige. If it turns out that this man was an impostor, David Miscavige will lose his grip on Scientology. So, it is no surprise that DM doesn’t say a word about impostors in Scientology, isn’t it? How “Scientologists” can think that the real founder ever married a woman as low on the tonescale and criminal as Mary Sue is also beyond me.  The original Ron who knew the tonescale better than anyone never would have made that mistake marrying Mary Sue. Never in a gazillion years. Here is the impostor slime bucket on the Apollo:     


The use of Doppelgänger is very German. It is the German word for double walker as you know. That even a German word is used should give the world a hint who came up with having cheap and criminal impostors impostering good originals or other doppelganger assisting rotten originals as Bin Laden and Hitler to get away. Goebbels hired at least six doppelganger for Hitler. Saddam Hussein had approx. 10, and even Winston Churchill had one. 

The CIA must have hired also a doppelganger/impostor for David Dwight Eisenhower.

Here is the original:

real ike 

And below is his doppelganger. It is unbelievable how far the authorities go, Marty. The doppelganger was never elected President, yet, after they swept the real Dwight David Eisenhower’s death (I bet it was medical murder in the WH) under the carpet, the impostor was allowed to stay in office as the President of the United States. It is outrageous and a betrayal of all Americans who voted for Ike who defeated before as Commander of the Allied Forces the 3, Reich. For me, it is so easy to figure this out. So, what is the matter with the political and historic analysts, except having German-controlled ear implants that doesn’t allow them to see or publish the facts?  

Looks these two (Nixon on the right side… Ike didn’t even like Nixon!) having a good laugh as to that the original Ike  and properly elected U.S. President was “disposed” of. Little did these fools know that the truth  would come out so many years later. Nixon died suddenly in 1994. In 1990, I knew already that Ike was impostored and started to file FOIA/PA requests and legal cases.  


And yes, also Bin Laden had a doppelganger who was shot by the Navy Seals. The rotten original came away. Below, on the right side, that is not Bin Laden. Some people might say that on the picture on the right he dyed his hair and beard, but I can see a different person on the right side, even if they have their eyes closed. He isn’t good either but he isn’t that driven and ruthless as the real Bin Laden. The Pakistani doctor who wants big cash from the USA as award led the Americans to the wrong man, and I bet he knew that this man was just Bin Laden’s doppelganger. People might ask, who in the hell is so stupid to function as Bin Laden doppelganger? A man desperate in need for cash and a fool who thinks that if the American catch him, he always can explain that he is just a look-a-like. I bet he didn’t dream that they would mow him down unarmed.

And I think the reason why President  Obama didn’t publish the photo of the shot Bin Laden is because he too thinks that he just got the doppelganger. But what kind of justice is that for all those American and other families who suffered by the actions of the real Bin Laden (a secret German agent) who got away just like Hitler?           


Ron said that the truth comes out always. It sure does. The SEGNPMSS does everything to keep the truth from becoming main stream. This also includes David Miscavige paying services to keep my blog down in the search engines, despite he hates the guts of Monique’s husband, the impostor that he once allowed to take over your position in Scientology.

David Miscavige is as little a Scientologist as Monique’s husband or Mike Rinder. I often think if DM wouldn’t have “inherited” Scientology from Ron’s impostor, he would work together with the attackers of Scientology to bring it down. He sure makes a good job bringing Scientology down on the inside including implementing psychiatric equipment on the “SP Rundown”

Many kisses my darling. We will see each other again. Our love is here to stay. 

I love you.

Yours forever,



More of my thoughts on the 1977 FBI raids… (156 FBI agents did what Germany wanted…)

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paper stack

Dearest Marty, my one and only, how are you? My thoughts are with you.

You and I found Scientology again in 1977 despite our memories of being Scientologists and with Ron (the real founder not his impostor “Jack Vistaril”) already before this date was medically erased by German p$ychs. A miracle happened, and we became Scientologists again despite the psychiatric mind-control to forget it or even join those who wants to destroy it. It seems these medical terrorists can run and mind-control  just about anyone but us.    

Whatever the official US justification was to raid the US orgs (Jack Vistaril’s and also Mary Sue’s above the law actions and their Snow White program), I bet the fact that YOU AND ME RETURNED TO SCIENTOLOGY AGAINST ALL ODDS, made Germany, German psychs and the SEGNPMSS rather “uncomfortable“. What if we find photos of our wedding in one of these files in one of these orgs? What if we find other photos revealing who we are in relation to the founder and Scientology? What if we remember? What if we figure that “Jack Vistaril” is the NOT founder and that there were two Scientologies? (The real one, around the real founder Ron, and the fake and altered one on the Apollo and elsewhere around Jack Vistaril and Mary Sue?)

We figured it eventually, even despite the theft of our memories and the raids. I bet a planet full of gold that the Germans used the FBI (and other US agency) to raid the orgs to remove anything in org files that could help us trigger our psychiatric stolen memories to each other. And that THIS is the true reason for the raids.

All photos that I saw in Scientology of Ron in the Munich org were those of the real Ron. We had not one photo of Jack Vistaril in the entire org. As I wrote before, the first photo of the impostor I saw by 1985 in the German Magazine Der Spiegel trying to sell the photos of  “Jack Vistaril”  as those of the real founder. I saw it right away already back then that Ron was impostored by “Jack Vistaril” and that Germany was very interested in that the world falls for it. And it did. You just have to read the blogs and postings of alleged Scientologists. Jack Vistaril’s and DM’s movements really do not produce OTs as these people are as blind as moles. No OT abilities at all, just like the doctor ordered.

In addition, I think that impostor “Jack Vistaril” was very willing to remove files from Scientology already in the 60s or earlier that showed that he is not the founder but fake.  Mary Sue was married to the impostor. No doubt that she used the GO to cover up the illegal activities of her husband and was also interested to “clean out any files” that would convict her or her lawless hubby. The SEGNPMSS puts these people up and has them than busted in order to smear Scientology. 

And the world, the governments, the reporters are all too blind and to SEGNPMSS-controlled to figure this. I am telling you one thing, Marty: what this planet lacks is most of all intelligent and courageous life.   

The huge German raid in 1984 (nearly hundred police men carrying out hundreds of boxes and wasting German tax payers money) were done to find something to use against me (as I was the President of Scientology Germany after Mary Sue’s GO was dissolved). They found nothing that they could use against me as I hadn’t done anything wrong.  So, they fabricated charges which didn’t stand in court. And the raid in 1977 were executed on secret orders by the Germans to remove anything from any org file that we could eventually see that would help us figure out what the German psychs did to us and Scientology.

And we figured it nevertheless. Big fail for the psychs. And their alternative “handling” is not letting us return to Scientology by holding you and by having more and more agents in the orgs denying our right to remove infiltrators and to restore original Scientology.  This plan will fail too. It is Nazi doctors and psychs and their agents against real Scientologists and real OTs. It takes quite a while because they are so many and raving mad, having made subconscious postulates not deserving the better world that we would build for anyone. But we real OTs will win at the end. They have no chance against us but they are too dumb to see. Despite they have access to all our thoughts, they are unable to figure us out. 

Many kisses, my love.

They also thought that they could kill my love to you by having Mosey’s husband impostor you. If these p$ychs would ever have truly loved someone, they would have known that similar or even the same looks don’t replace that  love.  I didn’t fall in love with a body. It is really the character that count. And I can’t see your wonderful character traits in Mosey’s husband nor those wonderful character traits of Ron in “Jack Vistaril”.  

SEGNPMSS psychs think characters don’t count as theirs are nothing worth.

Yours forever,
