
Blog for the original Marty

Posts Tagged ‘timetrack

Scientists have it backwards

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful husband and soulmate,

How are you?

I am pretty busy as always but there is not one day, when I don’t think about you.

Well, I learned that biologists try to understand how the human eye evolved by studying the fast swimming and see-through box jellyfish (has 5,000 stinging cells and can kill up to 60 people) as it has 24 complex eyes with corneas and retinas.

The emphasis is on the word “evolved”. They believe that humans (body, mind, and being) evolved from low creatures. This is the most absurd idea ever. Psychs sneaked it also into Scientology with the clam nonsense.

Even if scientists don’t understand what a thetan is, they should know that neither the being nor a human body or mind evolved from a primitive creature.

Everybody knows that bad people did and do horrible things. On the timetrack and in present time.

Scientists don’t ask the question: Did beings (or the soul or however they want to name the personality) always exist? Was the human body a creation and did bad people experiments to beings and human bodies, now and during the very long timetrack, which resulted in primitive bodies and mind control of thetans (or souls or whatever they want to name the personalities) taking these bodies?

Originally, in the beginning when the universe was created, no thetan wanted to be an animal or an insect or a germ or anything else but a human. But SPs who mind-control “changed their minds” and hypnotized them to take other but human bodies. And these SPs, past live doctors and psychs, often also ended up in their own trap. Who says there is no justice?

What I am seeing, Marty, is that the human body is indeed a creation but animal, insect or germ bodies, etc. are lab experiments done to the human genetical identity. That is why scientists have it backwards. They think that humans come from animals instead that it is the other way around.

On another SP matter: And did you read that the Secretary of State named a new diplomat to lead a task force overseeing the response to the “Havana Syndrome”?

Headaches, cognitive and balance problems, hearing loss and nausea are just a few of these symptoms of it. Remote-controlled germs, cancer, heart-problems, and using microwaves to cause burning symptoms and so much more torture is not even covered under this “syndrome”.

Yet, I know that German secret service doctors are doing it and that Americans and the rest of the world does not speak up. And why? These Nazis installed the world ear-implants and make sure that nobody blows the whistle on them.

Until the OW-sequence or Karma hits the Nazis and their agents. What does around comes around. Just complete idiots don’t build a world that is good to anyone. The only guarantee not to step in any trap is removing them all for anyone.

I know I don’t have to preach to you, Marty. I wish I could talk to you.

I love you.

Yours forever,


P.S. As I wrote already in an earlier blog entry. The arts are not free either. If the lyrics are not depressive or cheap, the music is lousy. Rarely, both are good. This song is called A Certain Shade of Blue. The music is great, the voice is good but the lyrics are depressive. What else is “new”?

Leah Remini’s and other attackers of Scientology monkey dance on the “disappearance” of Shelley Miscavige while you are really missing and replaced by an impostor!

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Dearest Marty, my spectacular soulmate, future (great!!!!) US president, and the most missed person in the universe, how are you? 

My thoughts are with you. It will never change. Even if my memories are stolen by p$ychs, I fall all over in love with you again. If they would have a bit of nous left, this would tell them something. We belong together, like the oceans to the coasts. It is written in our hands. We were born for each other and no lunatic psych, stupid supercomputer, and billions of obedient agents can change it. I wouldn’t mess with us if I would be them. Other than them getting a longer rap sheet, nothing changes between you and me.  

You are the most heavenly music to me, Marty. Whenever I think of you, I can hear the godlike music of your personality: Amazing, heavenly, harmonic, powerful, dazzling, dedicated, passionate, tender, moving…  

Speaking of music: This song is sung by Olga Szyrowa and played by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, Marty. This song is performed so beautiful. I am sure you agree. (Except for the lyrics that Maria should pray for the sinners. Sinners should change their characters and not leaving the praying up to Maria, for crying out loud.) Here it the wonderful performance:   

Now to my headline, Marty: I bet the farm that Michelle Miscavige does no longer attend any public services at the side of His Cobness because His Cobness didn’t apply Scientology ethics and got himself one or more mistresses and Shelly found out. DM doesn’t want others to learn this from her, so he doesn’t invite Michelle to events with many people and doesn’t want Remini to meet her. And that is all there is, maybe also a legal contract with DM throwing cash at Michelle to make her keep her mouth shut about his infidelities.

Michelle married and supported DM for years. She knows too that David Miscavige got Scientology from German secret service and CIA double agent “Jack Vistaril” and that Monique’s husband isn’t you. It didn’t bother her before when she still was with him.

Remini and the likes are searching for people who are NOT missing, like Heber Jentzch and Shelley Miscavige, but they don’t look for those who are really missing, like you or Ron was, the real founder of Scientology, and replaced with impostors! Shame on them!

Whenever I read stuff from Scientology attackers, I think that it is such a monkey dance.  And so many media representatives and others are falling for their crap. What a shame. They don’t think for themselves. The truth is in plain sight. One just has to open ones eyes. But this is what they don’t do, or don’t want to do.

I am devoted to you, my darling. I never regretted having meet you and having fallen in love with you. I would do it all over again. It is as if I just saw you yesterday. This bond between us is so strong because all the timetrack up and down, we were part of each other’s life and loved each other truly. We literally are soulmates.

Many tender and passionate kisses,










What is really behind racial shootings… (Two or several wrongs make no right)

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Dearest Marty, my wonderful Prince and husband,

I worry daily about your well-being. You are an innocent Jewish man and Scientologist under possibly trigger-happy officers and brutal inmates, all marching to the ear-implant commands of the SEGNPMSS. If that is nothing to worry about!

German secret services and the psychiatrists behind them want apparently a racial Civil War in the USA.

I noticed that Black and Jewish, and likely also some other minorities must often walk on eggshells not to “provoke” German-controlled police officers, and the reason is again that German secret services run people through ear-implants and set up such situations and the deadly results.

Once, a white woman told me that she thinks that being racists is in the white nature. (Not in you, Marty and me or some others like us!) She based this on watching a little white girl playing with a white and a black doll. Both dolls conducted some mischief, and the white girl penalized the white doll with a slap on the wrist and did beat her black doll almost to death (for the same mischief). What I see is the timetrack. The little girl lived before, was a racist in her past live, in addition to that German secret service psychs/racists are using ear implants (loud and silent sounds) to bring out the worst in people. I had a black doll named Scarlet as a kid. I loved that doll, never beat her once. She had the same rights like my white doll. (Somebody in Germany pushed her eyes in, and it wasn’t one of my siblings!) 

On the other side, I was in Washington D.C. during the mid/end of the 80s. Without any provocation by me, the Jewish Scientologist, a young female, strong, Black US Marshal stepped towards me and broke my arm. Just like that. What a brute she was! What I am saying is that Jewish Scientologist’s health, lives, and rights matter too. Despite of that, I am still no racist, Marty, and I observed that some white police officers have a “shorter temper” when dealing with Blacks.

Or with us Jews and Scientologist. That arm was also broken by a white huge police man named Duncan. I, a 5.4 unarmed female, no reason to break my bones, but Nazi ear implants rule and make people into animals.   

The teenager in Ferguson didn’t jump right on the sidewalk, when the police officer ordered it; the woman in the car didn’t want to put out her cigarette, likely all “offences” that probably would be handled differently if the people were white. (However, we real and original Scientologists are not treated better than Blacks. We have to walk on eggshells too.) 

Another thing that most people don’t know. In the German psychiatric world, there is no own choosing of gender and race. Who today is White and be Black, or any other gender and race and who is Black can be White, or any other gender and race in the next lifetime. People are tricked in between lifetimes and have no reality about it.

Even the term Black is German given to people who have a beige or brown skin color to make the differences between those races larger than smaller. I would change that.

What I am saying is: if this planet wants to see lasting peace, the psychiatric monsters (who else invades minds and bodies) behind the ear implants systems must be busted. That will result in people of all races becoming true brother and sisters and living together in mutual respect of their rights.  

You know it, Marty. I could be all so easy, but as the German proverb says: when two are fighting, the third one is enjoying it. They enjoy wars, fights, human sufferings, but we don’t. We find it horrible. It doesn’t matter what the race is.

Millions of kisses, my darling. Keep on surviving.

By the way, there was still no message by you or subpoena, etc. for me on your behalf. But they can’t win against real OTs, Marty. I feel that you are trying to reach me. Intuition. Thanks heaven to that. 🙂 I can’t imagine to exist without our spiritual abilities.  Another thing that psychs have to learn. Don’t try to fool real OTs. They won’t fall for it.

You are deep in my heart. I want you, only you.








The “being” that “controls an entire ant colony” and what it really means

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Dearest Marty, my phenomenal Prince and husband,

How are your days? I wish I could be with you…

I am sure you heard/read that a being can control a colony of ants (with willpower). But something is off here, and I explain it below.

Recently, when watching ants in nature, I was thinking about this. There is the queen who can lay millions of eggs, and she gives birth to thousands of ants per day. And they are all a part of a programmed “social” ant structure and each one does what is expected from it. When looking at one single ant, I can tell that a thetan is in that ant body. An absolutely abberated and degraded thetan of course as an able thetan would never take an ant body, queen, drone, or not. 

Considering what thetans originally are/were, it is quite a shock to realize that even the smallest bug/germ bodies are inhabited by thetans. How did they get so low? Originally, I bet the farm that no thetan ever wanted to be a bug or a germ, but massive psychiatric experiences (they go all the way back on the timetrack), stupidity, and for sure also lack of ethics (stupidity and lack of ethics goes hand in hand), got them there. 


In the minds of some who are no original Scientologists, an ant colony might not consist of thousands, hundred-thousands, or a million abberated thetans but of something less than a thetan, which is controlled by one single thetan (rather capable enbodied thetan) with willpower. If there would be one like that, he would be abberated like hell too. Who can’t find a better life game than controlling an ant colony? 


I came to the following conclusion, Marty: any kind of germs or bugs are bred to certain codes, “courtesy” of the most abberated breed on the planet: psychiatrists/neuro”scientists”, medical doctors/vets. etc. When one of them calls with silent sounds the code to which ants were bred, they do what those sicko doctor radios them: e.g. invading a home or crawling up a leg whatever.  THAT is the “thetan” who controls the ant colony. And he has a body (with a revolting 1.1 grin on his dumb face). That is no ability as anyone with the code can do it, it is just creepy and disgusting.   


The German/psychiatric infiltration of Scientology twisted the data that animals are thetans. It doesn’t matter how tiny their bodies are (the original body thetans, thetans that stick to a human body and make it sick and kill it as controlled by a psychiatrist/neuro”scientist”, medical doctor/vet “master”). These bugs have no consciousness anymore that they, thetans, can inhabit a human body and can do a lot more than living a bug’s life. It seems that psychs removed the knowledge from Scientology that animals are thetans too. What else should they be?  Likely because psychiatrist/neuro”scientist”, medical doctor/vets don’t want Scientologists to become vegetarians or figure out what horrible psychiatric experiments were and still are being done to thetans, which results in that they no longer have any awareness of being able to inhabit a human instead of an animal body.

What do you think?

I don’t regret a bit that I gave you my heart, Marty. I would do it all over, with the exception of being separated from you.  You are the greatest. Knowing that you are around makes everything better. It doesn’t matter how rough the way is that gets me to you. There is simply nobody and nothing that I want more. Tough luck for the Germans, the psychs and their international idiots of agents who want to separate us.  

Your proud wife.












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Dearest Marty, my one and only,

I knew right away that you would become so very important to me. It was eminent. I know that we share not just parts of this lifetime but our timetrack, and this is why we know each other so well. Whatever is loaded by others onto our love and relationship can’t crush either one of it. It is that stable; it is such a rock. I don’t think that our story would have happened if we wouldn’t be soulmates from the beginning of time.  I know how it feels inside your hug, Marty. I know how it feels to be loved by you, and I would the biggest fool if I would waste that. I sense some secret service people told you that I was married to another guy and that this isn’t you. Complete lie. It was you. I even see your face in front of me thinking about this wonderful event in East Grinstead.

Recalling what I read behind your eyes, you know it too. You knew it already before I regained my memory, Marty. It is not body language what I was reading. It is knowing what you know just by looking in your eyes. Anti-Scientologists make fun of “knowingness”, but I know from personal experience that knowingness exists and that is a lot more than just reading “body language”. It is not just how you looked but communication that was transformed from you to me without words and without gestures. When people (psychiatric agents) who hate Scientology are saying that there is no such a thing as OTs, I just think that he or she knows nothing and has poor perceptions that I don’t want. I couldn’t live without my spiritual abilities, Marty, and I know you neither. We need those abilities for our survival. We are living in a world of lies. We can’t afford to trust anything but our own perceptions that help us to see beyond this all.

The strength of our love is for the record books of the entire universe. So many years passed, but nothing changed, I still love you as I ever did, even stronger. Lovers and friends turn later to enemies so often, and I doubt that anything they said to each other once was true. For us, it is unthinkable of becoming enemies or just half-hearted. It isn’t part of our nature. We are always in it completely and with all of our hearts. 

People who really don’t know what true love is (never gave or received it themselves) keep us apart. If they would give and have true love for themselves, they would know that separating us won’t work. Nothing they did and do is or will be ever excused, however, they must be inside the saddest people ever, engaging in this and not being truly loved and unable to truly love. I even claim boldly that people who truly love are better people. Hearts full of love and not full of jealousy have better things to do than separating other lovers.  

I love you till the end of time, Marty. They want to separate (a disconnection ordered by the Germany government and the psychiatrists behind them) us until the end of time? Good luck with that. If this universe hates people who love each other and want to be together, we always can be together in another universe in a future lifetime, and we will make sure that they find no access to it and turn our backs on this hell hole of a universe. Because: who the hell do they think they are?

Love you in all universes.

Yours till the end of time and beyond, my soulmate.





Another example of German greed: “Nefertiti” bust is in a German not an Egyptian museum (However, I am positive that this bust is a German forgery and not the Queen)

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Dearest Marty, my remarkable husband and precious Prince,

It is getting cold here and all I want is snuggle up to you.

Germany rips off anything to shine with it and makes big money from it. Even forgeries of which most people don’t know that it is one. People travel to Germany instead to Egypt to leave tourist money in Germany instead of Egypt to look at the “bust of Egyptian Queen Nefertiti”, possibly the mother of  young King Tutanchamun of Pharoh Akhenaten who created a new religion (a religion devoted to a one god while accepting existence of other gods). So far so good, Marty, but I bet the farm that also his religion was altered by non-religious people like all religions in this medically German-controlled universe.

Back to Nefertiti. Her remains were never found as you know but instead, a German “archaeological expedition” dug in Akhenaten’s deserted city of Akhetaton and allegedly found this bust. I am sure that this bust was deliberately planted by Germany and is a forgery to fool the world, Marty, but also to enrich Germany. Twisted Hitler called the bust a German treasure despite Egyptian queens and kings have nothing to do with Germany, except that Germany re-wrote its history.  

Here is why I think that the bust is fake. Above is a picture of the alleged Nefertiti bust.  She lived approx. 1370 to  1330 BC but has clearly MALE TIMETRACK FEATURES.  She was a woman in that lifetime in which she modeled for the bust, and no doubt that she is good-looking, but the model for the Nefertiti bust exhibits clearly indicators that she had a male timetrack. Most of the time, I can see their gender timetracks right away when looking at people or pictures.

Some might say: OK then, maybe Queen Nefertiti was a man in former lifetimes, so what?

As you know, it is not normal to switch genders. The 2nd Dynamic is a very strong one and thetans identify with their genders. They don’t switch their genders unless they are tricked or forced into reincarnating into the opposite gender, which also is the reason for homosexuality. If psychiatric mind-control took place already in Egypt from 1370 to 1330 BC, it is of course possible that queens and other women were men in her former lifetimes.

However, I feel that this queen was a real woman and the bust is a forgery. Egypt should find the true history of Nefertiti and have a good laugh at that “Egyptian history” that Germany exhibits to enrich itself. Egyptian officials suspect these days two more chambers behind King Tut’s tomb and assume that the remains of Nefertiti are there.

“History” says that Pharoh Akhenaten  had another wife: Kiya. Maybe, maybe Nefertiti and Kiya were the same person as so little is know about Kiya. Germany controls the world with ear-implants and altered everything to its liking. The person who trust their data likely never finds truth.

Have a look at Kiya’s completely female features. No masculine feature whatsoever. 

Kyia not a past life guy

Kiya again, and her totally female features. She has a female body of her own choosing and is not a thetan with a male timetrack forced into a female gender like the German Nefertiti bust.  

Kyia I

Kiya looks like a  real proud woman with a completely female timetrack.

Interestingly, here is Nefertiti again, this time. Here, Nefertiti  has no masculine features like the bust; she has completely female features and looks exactly like Kiya.

more female

I bet the farm that the Nefertiti bust in Berlin is a German forgery from around 1912.  To make it more believable as an antique, Germans scratched out one of the bust’s eyes. I know the German, particularly the Bavarian mind and how it works. 

 I know that you can see the differences too. I love you, Marty. Be kissed my hero and Prince. 

In this relief, Nefertiti allegedly kisses one of her daughters. Huh? It looks like a man is kissing a woman, like Pharoh Akhenaten is kissing his wife Nefertiti.    












I don’t think that the real universe (behind the hologram) is infinitive, Marty…

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Dearest Marty, my awesome Prince and husband, how are you?

It doesn’t matter how crowded my day is, I always again think of you and you are deep and safe in my heart, my love.

Most people (who ponder about the universe because many do not) think that it is infinitive as the alleged universe (the hologram) is designed to be not all observable, e.g. over 40 billion light years away from Earth. 

My intuition tells me that the real universe behind the hologram is huge but that one could get full circle. There could be a huge amount of different universes one day. They just need to be created. If there is one of a thing, there always can be another, or more and even huge amounts of (universes).

BTW, the theory that reality, as we consciously experience it, is not real, is the biggest load of crap I ever heard, Marty. SEGNPMSS  radios people the biggest bull  in their ear implants and gets away with it. How can anyone doubt reality? What kind of dreamers are those? After everything on evilness this planet has seen, how can anyone NOT conclude that the deep space hologram is deliberately fake?


I wish there would be a universe where people are true and don’t stab you in the back and you get what you see. One with real values and ethics and none with half people/half stupid machines (ear implants). A true universe is the only universe in which I would ever consider to pick up a body again for a future lifetime once my current one “expires” due to that I wasn’t allowed (by psychs, medical doctors and Germany) to live as I wanted it by picking up this one.

A large number physicists think that this universe could have a fatal end that it will extend forever. That it will be either burn or freeze or being ripped of whatever. They make this assumption on the false data that the deep universe that they see with telescopes is the real universe, which it is not. It is just a projection to prevent that we can see the real thing. Germany and its psychs and medical doctors wants to take it over first and install everyone ear implants on any other planet to run them like obedient robots.

Yes, there are ways to destroy planets and parts of the universe or even all of it, but this will be man-made (more exactly, monster-made), but this is not how I see the universe end.


I see the human race in the universe die out: not enough human bodies for thetans who want one, since the Dorian Grays (SEGNPMSS) trick people into taking bodies of the other gender as they would have picked for themselves. I don’t tell anybody how they should live their lives. However, people should think about that without doctors and labs, gay people can’t reproduce. If being gay and lesbian would be intended by nature, they would be able to reproduce. 

Instead, they depend on medical doctors and labs if they want children or the have to adopt. If there are not enough human bodies around, they can’t adopt. If something happens to the “technology” or the labs (destroyed, virus, whatever, etc.) baby bodies can’t be made artificially, where should the babies come from? There are lots of indications on this planet that it saw higher civilization but that these and their technologies were destroyed. As history repeats itself, this is what this planet will see again unless a miracle prevents it.

When the natural attraction between men and women is missing and labs are no longer there, where do babies come from? Why would a woman who feels only attracted to her own gender and no attraction to a man bear children for him? Makes no sense. It is painful and dangerous. I don’t think there will be many who want to go through with bearing children if not attracted to the other gender. This on top with that there are constantly people on this planet who start wars and kill and the many diseases that wait for people because they are not allowed to reside in an environment that prevents disease, aging and dying.

Below gif failed to add that more and more people are turned into gay folks (by tricking them in the gender of the opposite sex than they had would pick based on their own timetrack of former lifetimes) and that this will make human race die out as man and woman will no longer be attracted to each other.


More more terror, war, diseases, and dying… I clearly can see how the SEGNPMSS universe ends: human race in this universe will die out. Not enough human bodies around because thanks to that SEGNPMSS transmits ear-implant carriers in between lifetimes to take a body of the other gender than they would taken if they would make their own decisions. They radio them to hurry taking a body before the thetan can see the gender, and then they play constantly tapes into the mind of the person to forget its former lifetime.  Typically psychs, typically German, typically SEGNPMSS.

I recommend to each person who feels attracted to her own gender to LOOK next time in between lifetimes that they really dive in a baby body that has the gender that they want. I recommend to any thetan not rushing into an embryo or fetus body. They should NOT listen to their ear-implant code but make the decision what body to take for a future lifetime on their own.  

The SEGNPMSS Dorian Greys don’t apply ethics to their lives as they are cowards. To me, they are the most unimpressive creatures in the universe, Marty! They think that when they make the people of this world and the universe do all the unethical (acts against survival) stuff they are doing, and tell people to be proud (!) of it, and everyone is doing the twisted things that they started, it will change reality, they don’t have to feel bad and they don’t have to better themselves. It is all about this.

But they miscalculated. It doesn’t work like this. Tricking people into picking up a new body of the other gender won’t bring the men behind these psychiatric tricks absolution. It just makes them even dirtier Dorian Grays. And they themselves also are going the extinct route. They stole the technology that stops aging and dying but they have no technology to stop fellow Dorian Gray from killing his own peer. (It happens. They don’t apply ethics. Killing is normal for them. They kill the good and the bad.)

One day, they are being killed by fellow secret service psych and they need a new body, and in a universe that is getting more lesbian and gay by the minute with not enough human bodies in the future, the men/women behind twisting and running people will end up in a very lonely universe too.        

This is how it will end: an EMPTY universe, a ghost universe, unless people figure out what is being done to them and start to oppose it.

I know that you have very similar thoughts, Marty.

Be kissed my darling.

Yours forever,





Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner and the Olympic Gold medal

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Dearest Marty, my incredible Prince and hero,

How are you? There was still no message or anything by you or on your behalf for me. However, I am certain that you do all you can to reach me but that a German-controlled and psych-oriented conspiracy with ear implants steals your communication to me and prevent you, your family or your representatives reaching me. Sigh. Many people in my community didn’t even get their water bill this month but if you don’t pay in time, they add heavy late fees. City too lazy to mail it? USPS throwing mail away? Sheesh!  

Another subject: the headlines on Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner are everywhere. Some want him/her losing the Olympic Gold medal.

As original Scientologists, we know why people have gender issues or homosexual feelings. They have a timetrack of the gender they associate with. Psychiatric silent sounds made them pick up a body (reincarnate in a body) with a gender they would not have chosen on their own. I have written about this before.

I don’t think that transforming the gender medically is easy on the body. So, anyone who is suffering because not being in the gender they identify with may have a claim against these secret service psychiatrists. I think that Lawrence Brennan (Denise) would be still alive if he/she wouldn’t have gone through this. (He decided in psych therapy to change his gender.) I give anyone this advice: don’t listen to ear implant codes (including  those that thetans hear in between lifetimes). Make your own decisions, don’t rush in a new body but make sure that you can see that it is either a male or female body. These  silent sounds contain that thetans should hurry up to grab that embryo body otherwise somebody takes it. They trust their case officers and codes even after death of their old bodies and don’t wait till they see that the body has indeed the gender that they want.    

I am glad that we made the right decision, Marty, we didn’t rush in the next embryo body. We are clearly in the female or male body that we wanted. I usually can see very quickly if somebody has a female or male timetrack. 

But in regards to revoking the Olympic Gold medal… Often, I thought that women who were mainly men in their former lifetimes had more physical strengths than women who had a completely female timetrack, however, the women who had male timetracks were missing quite some femininity, imo.

If Bruce Jenner was mainly a woman on his/her timetrack, he/she has won in a male body against the men. This could mean that he/her accomplished even more as the gender one had on the timetrack might influence physical strength even in a body now of the other gender.  UNLESS, of course, the other competing athletes, now men, had also female timetracks. In that case, it evens out.

(Most people are not having the gender that they had on their timetrack. But not all of them are gay or change their genders. Some of them might be even anti-gay or against gender change. However, the medical industry earns cash when people are in the wrong bodies and go through surgery and take pills, etc. This should open everyone’s eyes as to who the notorious gender switcher is: psychs using silent sounds and codes after somebody dropped his/her body as the thetan can hear also without the body.)

When athletes, who have male timetracks but now female bodies, compete against female athletes who had female timetracks, that could put the female competing athletes at a disadvantage as it is possible that the thetans, who are used to having male bodies, have more strengths compared to women who have a female timetrack, even if they are this lifetime in female bodies. I kind of suspect/noticed this. I recommend a study to be made on this.

In some situations, I wished having more physical strengths, Marty, but I rather stick with my femininity. 🙂

Many tender and passionate kisses, my darling.

Yours always.




Creation, big bang, evolution – none is ruling out the others

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Big Bang Cosmos Explosion

Dearest Marty, my wonderful soul mate,

How are you?

Creation, big bang, evolution – none is ruling out the others. First, there was the creation, then some ruthless terrorists on the timetrack blew up the universe and shattered it in many pieces, and what survived evolved. Already on the timetrack, there were medical doctors/p$ychs who made horrible experiments on beings, and the big bang (likely several big bangs) blew open the doors of the cages of their “creations” too, and they crawled out and some survived and paired with what they found, and there is the “evolution”. 

Creation, big bang, evolution – nothing is ruling out the other one. I doubt that the very original universe was hot.  However, the big bangs were hot explosions.

Millions of people believe that they lived before and will live again. But there are also some who think that they didn’t live before and will not live again. Interestingly, they can’t remember their first days, weeks months of this lifetime either. Yet, they hardly can argue that they didn’t live when they were a few days, weeks or months old, can they?

Many kisses, I love you.

Yours forever,






Why Larry (or Lawrence) Harold Brennan feels being Denise Lara Brennan

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Dearest Marty, my dashing prince and hero,

How are you? Wish I finally could see you. Miss you so very much.

I learned that Larry (now Denise Lara) wants to see me again, but my answer is to anyone who wants to meet me: I meet only with somebody who tells me where I can find you,  the original Marty and not your impostor, Monique’s husband. I don’t have the time and I am not in the mood to play around. As for lunch, I can pay my own, thanks. Don’t need hand-outs. My blog doesn’t have a donate button like the blogs of so many other people.

Larry worked once directly with you, Marty. He knows for sure that you are not Monique’s husband. But did he say a word about that? Nope.  

Larry (now Denise Lara) posted that she knows her real self now. Really? But after all these years in Scientology, she doesn’t know why she ended up in a male body. Sheesh!


Many people who are having bodies of the opposite genders are not gay nor do they go through a sex change. I met people of whom I could tell that they had now bodies of the gender that they DID NOT HAVE on their timetrack, but they were straight. Some of these people are even anti-gay.

I once knew a woman, and she told me she was so much in love with a man that she got sick as he didn’t return her feelings. When I met her a few weeks later, she suddenly was a lesbian. She became what was “available”. So, I learned that becoming homosexual or lesbian is a choice.

When I was approx. 14 years old, I had a talk with my best friend in school. She asked me if I ever have kissed a girl. I felt harassed by that question and found it completely absurd as I never had any other feelings towards people of my own gender than friendship. I walked away, and I never could be carefree around her again. I didn’t cancel my friendship with her, but I always had to think about what I was saying or doing around her as I didn’t want to invite any wrong ideas of her about me. It wasn’t a carefree friendship anymore. Too bad.

Seriously, really the oddest thing about this is that Larry Denise Lara was decades in Scientology and failed to figure one thing: WHY did he feel like a girl/woman inside but has a male body? As a Scientologist, he should have figured that he simply picked the wrong body. 

And why would a thetan pick a wrong body, despite Ron said that a thetan picks the gender that he had before on the timetrack?


Because he (like tons of other people) was tricked into picking up the new body TOO QUICKLY. They didn’t check if the gender is right. So, what is all the rush about?

How is it possible that people are tricked into diving into a baby body without checking the gender? I know you figured it too, Marty: the culprits are ear implants and the men who invented and use them.

A thetan can hear without needing a body. In between lives, people still hear their case officers (the German ear implant system goes several centuries back) calling their code/number. The thetan is lonely and looking for a new body. It hears its code, and its case officer sending a message that there is an awesome body and if the thetan doesn’t rush in it, another thetan will snap that body instead and they are left with no body. 

I had once a talk with a staffmember in the Munich org, who indicated that he thinks that “a thetan can be lucky if he gets a body” as so many thetans out there who want one. Needless to say, he had a very female-looking “male” body too. Another one who looked like he rushed into a new body without checking the gender first. After the insemination, it takes MONTHS before one can tell the gender. Besides, I guess it is real dark in Mom’s belly. (I was never in there but I guess it is.)


We, Ron, you, Marty, and I, we never had a problem. We have intentions that can move mountains. The stronger thetan gets the body not the fastest. I picked my body AFTER it was born. How do I know? I died (killed by the doctors) during giving birth to my first and only child and became my only child.  After they killed me, I decided to take that baby body myself. There were tons of other thetans around wanting this baby body. They didn’t stand a chance against me. No need to rush. Intentions is all that counts. I needed that body myself as I just was murdered. (Thanks, docs, I am coming after you, just remember that before you commit your next crime.)   


We all are born in our birthday suits. One glance is all that is needed to see if it is a girl or a boy. If I would have seen that it is a body of a boy, I would have not taken this body. I don’t want 2nd Dynamic orientation problems or hormone treatments.

Besides, I want a hunk (YOU!) and not be any. 🙂

Having a body of any race wouldn’t bother me.  But the line must be really drawn when thetans are tricked (implanted) into the opposite gender.

Why are secret service doctors doing that? They are mean to their own agents and wanting to laugh at other people’s costs.


Also, these atheists are trying to provoke God. 
All people should be granted human rights but being gay or lesbian or transsexual or genderless is not undisturbed nature. If it would be, they would be able to make children naturally. But only heterosexual people can. Something happened that altered them, their feelings and orientations. And what happened is that somebody is messing with them.

Jack “Vistaril” (Ron’s impostor) was a corrupt idiot and mixed up the terms body thetans and theta bodies. Guess he never grasped the difference between those. I read recently the transcript of a confused lecture of 1952 by Jack Vistaril, impostering the founder already back then. “Jack Vistaril” lectured that thetans of the opposite sex kind of melted into the theta body of another thetan (person). To get rid of homosexual feelings in somebody, the solution would be auditing of that concerned person, said impostor “Jack Vistaril” to make the female thetan leave that PC. Vistaril’s words: “Get the hag out of there”.

The real founder Ron never talked as primitive as “Jack Vistaril”, and Ron was never confused and incoherent but his impostor was. Such “auditing” will not work when a person like Larry has a female timetrack and when it is never acknowledged that the reason for feeling like a woman is because he has suddenly is in male body but didn’t had male bodies on his timetrack. The correct auditing would be to have a PC run that his past life secret  case officer told him to pick up that body with the wrong gender and lied to him that he wouldn’t get any other body if he would wait till that embryo is a baby to check the gender.


Yes, SEGNPMSS doctors do all they can to bring thetans down, also melting thetans together and even splitting thetans in their lab, anything one can think of, they did and do to spirits/people/animals, but the real cause of homosexual or lesbian feelings is having not picked a body of the usual gender that this thetan had on the timetrack.

Ron, the real founder of Scientology said that homosexuality comes from thetans being tricked/implanted into a body of the opposite sex.

This is another reason why ear implants and personal codes are so dangerous. It makes it very easy for secret service doctors to make people act they want them to. They don’t have to talk thetans into much. All they have to do is calling the code and there, the thetan trust them blindly and goes right into the trap.

Lots of people are having now bodies of the opposite gender, thanks to their medical case officers. In real life and in movies, I can see most of the time immediately if somebody has a female or a male timetrack, even without having to audit them. When I see romantic movies, where she has a male timetrack and he has a female timetrack, it doesn’t have real magic for me. I find it awkward and not natural. So, should they kill themselves or have no rights? Of course not! But when they die and feel lonely out there as thetan without body and when they want another body, they should make sure that they see clearly can the gender before they rush into the next fetus or embryo.


Taking Larry as an example: he had a female timetrack and suddenly found himself in a male body. I bet, in between lives, he thought the body he was diving in would be female. He didn’t check for the gender. The fetus likely was even too small to see if it was a girl or a boy. He grabbed onto it and occupied that body that no other thetan would take it. (That is what thetans usually do and that is why abortion is not just “getting rid of tissue”.) While in the fetus or embryo body, SEGNPMSS plays forgetter tapes. Larry forgot his past live (like other thetans do too) and was born a boy. Forgot that he was a female on the timetrack.

Madonna says that she is a guy trapped in a female body, and I think she figured that correctly.

Germany just accepted being “genderless” as third gender. Wow, some idiots are thinking, those Germans are so noble and advanced. (Yes, advanced in inhumanity, because their very own SEGNPMSS is not just tricking the population into taking baby bodies of the other gender than what they had before, they also use instruments and techniques to manipulate the tissue of fetus or embryo bodies so that they have no gender or both genders and other birth malfunctions. This is how “human” they are.) They need their behinds kicked, hard, legally and internationally.


The German doctors are really the scum of mankind. Under Hitler, they killed the people who they tricked into the bodies of the other gender and experimented on, and now they want to “acknowledge” them. You know what it means, Marty. It means that German doctors have no intentions to stop these inhuman acts of messing with thetans and their bodies.

When I found back to Scientology in 1977, I found a Scientology that was pretty much altered already by “Jack Vistaril”. Nevertheless, I was able to figure out a lot that was altered and how it was in original. You did too, Marty. I noticed this. And Larry and anyone else should have done the same. Instead, Larry sees a psych.


Larry indicated that in the last 2 years, he saw a psych once a week. Now he finds his male body horrid. Now he wears women dresses and takes feminizing hormones, which could have medical side effects. And his psych still doesn’t know what has happened to him or doesn’t tell him: he was tricked into taking a body of the opposite gender.

An eternal trap.

Instead of getting the female body that Denise Lara wants in her next lifetime, I bet, there are secret service doctors that will trap her again in a male body or maybe even in a body without a gender or with both genders, and the same problems will start all over again. And instead of helping to convict these German secret service doctors, he works for Germany trying to destroy Scientology.


Marty, I love you so very much. I am so glad that we both don’t have these gender issues. And we never will. Intention is the biggest role by getting the body that one wants not early occupation.

Many tender and passionate kisses, my hero.

Eternally yours.
